Show telegraphic TALES TERSELY ELY TOLO TOLD 4 A RESUME OF THE WEEKS DOINGS IN THIS AND OTHER COUNTRIES important events event of the past pait seven days reported by wire and prepared for the benefit of tho the busy reader intermountain alter after suffering agonies from burns burn Incel dentally received over seven weeks week ago while building a fire in ill the kitch ea n stove mrs airs lomant Doman tilo lie adamson coakey died at american fork utah aside from a score or more 0 of miners who have left town or secured employment elsewhere in the district it Is IB estimated that all of 0 the striking employed emp loyes of 0 the silver king coalition properties at park city utah who walked out are back at work extermination of predatory animals Is to be one of the principal subjects considered at the convention of 0 the utah state stale Wool growers association to be held at salt lake city january 10 11 and 12 mrs agnes M jones aged ag was found burned to death on the porch of her home in salt lake city it Is thought her clothing caught fire at the kitchen stove while she was pre preparing lunch and that she ran out on the brell seeking help the strike at the property of 0 the silver king coalition mines companas comp anys aro property perty at park city utah ended tuesday of 0 the former employed emp loyes who applied tor for work lohere w ere signed flip aup three persons were vere instantly killed and another probably fatally injured when an automobile in which they were riding was struck on a crossing iby by a denver rio grande freight train in south denver salt lake city showed the largest gain in bank clearings in the month of october over the same month a year ego ago of any city in the west Or egons sunday closing law which has hag been on tile the statutes many years but to enforce which no attempt has been made until a month ago was declared invalid by the state district court at portland DOMESTIC twelve persons were killed and more than one hundred injured beany of them seriously in a tornado which swept through the residence section lot great bend kansas the property loss is estimated at halt a million dollars british laboring men were declared to have been made scapegoats for diplomats and politicians in war scandals and to have accomplished through the war objects tor for which they have striven tor for years in an address by C G ammon before the american federation of labor convention at san francisco the merchants and farmers national bank of cisco texas has closed its doors upon the disappearance of the cashler cashier whose loans with the institution were excessive the nevada completed another of her official trials tuesday by running twenty four hours at a ten knot speed and consuming six pounds less oil per knot than her contract required As part of a plan to equip police nen anen tor for warfare all members of the new york police force have been notified that they will be offered instructions in the handling of rifles thirteen men and one apman were arrested at chicago on charies charges of orderly conduct while hile picketing the implants of tailoring concerns whose employed emp loyes went out on oh strike several weeks ago all of those arrested demanded jury t trials rials the georgia senate has passed a bill prohibiting liquor advertising in any form in georgia and making such advertisement a misdemeanor two hundred and twenty seven persons were killed in chicago by auto inlo im obies biles from december 1 1915 to no 1 f this year according to figures I 1 compiled in coroner hoffmans off office offices icel foil hundred girls employed in the Tol potteries at 0 tied up many of the most important departments depart menta of the different plants by striking tor for ai an advance in they have been prece receiving iving 50 day and deni demanded an ali extraordinary session of the illinois legislature will bo be called tor for november 22 to restore ap proximately approximately in funds of the state and the city of chicago whir which h were tied vp up by a decision of the state supreme court last weeks week the broadway bank a neighborhood institution in the southern part of st louis inith w ath deposits deposit of 0 approximately did not open its doors monday AIon day diamonds and jewelry estimated to be worth between and and united states currency totaling snore more than the property of general francisco villa his brother hip olito villa and their wives has been confiscated at el paso by government agents ho he charge that the jewelry had been smuggled jose orozco forader orcier or iier chief lieutenant of his cousin general pascual orozco and who is a prisoner at el 1 paso has made a complete confession of the alleged plot to restore victoriano huerta to power in mexico it Is said the american steamer zelandia was wai forcibly searched by a party from a a Dri british tiIt cruiser last week while lying in the port of Po progresso gresso mexico the th american consul there reports the cruiser now is lying outside ably waiting to seize the ship in sin an address at chicago at a ban of the national security league william H taft former president of the united states declared himself in favor of military preparedness john gray a patrolman and R R rowers powers deputy state veterinarian fought a pistol duel in the heart feirt ol of the business district of little rock ark and both are in a hospital with w ith very serious bullet wounds sweeping eastward from alberta and saskatchewan one of 0 the we worst sleet of recent years gripped manitoba monday paralyzing all wire com communication muni cation from alberta west and seriously hampering local traffic washington applications of the western railroads tor for a reopening of the advance frol freight rate case have been denied by the interstate ter state commerce commission about seven americans tire are believed to have been lost with the torpedoed italian liner ancona according to a cable to the state department from ambassador page at rome detailed reports on the operations and output of plants manufacturing munitions of war have hane been ordered order ed by secretary mcadoo from internal revenue collectors throughout the country the joint congressional rural credits committee has begun holding dally sessions which will continue antl until perfected bills are arc presented to congress on land and personal credits president wilson finds support in the scriptures for his policy of national defense and in a letter to seth low who wrote the president commending his manhattan club speech quotes verses from the thirty third Abir chapter of ezekiel the nations principal farm crops this year are worth about five and a halt half billion dollars exceeding by more than halt a billion their value in 1914 the previous banner value year in the count rys crop history FOREIGN according to munich papers king peter of serbia though seriously ill insists on remaining at Mitro where the serbian court has been removed although the profits of the krupp works last year amounting to would permit of payment of a 24 per cent dividend the owners will make no extra profits on en account ot of the war the loan of from great britain france and russia to greece has been concluded and the money Is now at the of the hellenic Hel lenio government premier asquith in the house 0 commons shadowed foreshadowed fore the establishment of an anglo french war council in which french and british ministers would sit he expressed the hope that russia and italy would join in the council twenty three men were vere killed ani an fifty mounded in an attack by gunfire from a submarine on the british transport tr ans mercian Afe refan in the mediterranean the mercian escaped and reached port german losses from october 10 to november 2 in dead wounded and missing were according to figures published by the rotterdam courant which presumes these casualties relate to the casualty lists just issued show that ten women nurses of the new zealand nursing service were lost when the transport marquette arquette SI was torpedoed and sunk in the aegean sea last month mme ame catherine whose activities in russia earned her the sobriquet grandmother ot of the russian revolution has obtained ned a mitigation of sentence to life imprisonment in siberia the hawaiian sugar men have broken relations with the american sugar refining company the so called combination of re finers ners according to announcement ann made at honolulu and all the 1916 sugar crop export will be shipped to independent re finers in pennsylvania and ne jersey the conditions under the allies will lay down their ar arms ms are the same now as they were a year ago declared premier asquith in his speech at the guildhall banquet tuesday night in honor ot of the now new lord mayor ot of london A plan for insuring the property of the poor against aircraft was announced in the british house of commons by herbert samuel the postmaster general A payment of 12 cents will insure proper the value of tor for twelve months the chinese government has awarded to george bronson rea an american engineer of brooklyn the grand prize for the best program tor for a national system of 0 railways throughout northern serbia the serbian defense has collapsed and the invaders teutonic and bulgarian now control ille he principal strategic points in that sector an am explosion of firedamp in the coal mine of 0 the kaiser company jat at essen germany caused the death ot of nine miners and the injury 0 of nine others A bucharest dispatch by way of geneva says bays that albanians are preparing to attack the serbians Serb Ser ians blans in the rear at Mo lr and rend read for the first time in history the people 0 of japan and the representatives ot of the people of foreign lands were pre present ent OW tuesday at the coronation at 1 l loto ot of a mikado when yo son fon cz c acceded to the throne of 0 nippon |