Show HAD THE WAITER GUESSING he had never before received just such an order once a short little woman and her tall husband went to a cafe ot of the tha cheaper sort for dinner will you have oysters asked the husband glancing over the bill ot of fare are yes said the little woman as she tried in vain to touch her feet to the tha floor boor and henry I 1 want a hassock henry nodded and as he handed banded his order to the waiter said yes and bring the lady a hassock one hassock 9 asked the waiter with what henry thought more than ordinary interest as he nodded in the affirmative stul still the waiter did not go but brushed the tablecloth with a towel and rearranged the articles on it several times while his face got red then he came around to the husbands side and speaking in a whisper said say mister I 1 been here long and im not on oil t to all these things will the lady have the hassock broiled or f ried fried |