Show wilford day has practically recovered from the fall he sustained a couple of weeks ago and is now about attending to his customary business saturday the gentleman stepped into the times office and paid for a years subscription to this paper for himself and one for his brother thos day who lives in mountain home utah dont forget the next lyceum number comes the latter part of the month BLANKETS well I 1 guess yes where at the equitable coor coop co or op prices from 90 cents to 1250 the woman who buys her roods goods at the nearest store is just as well off and just as happy in life as the friend that is ripping tearing and snorting from one bargain coun counter to another in the department bhore A son of J L sevy of panguitch came to parowan carowan yesterday to receive medical treatment from dr burton he having had the misfortune to cut a deep gash in his left hand while slicing frozen meat with a sharp butcher knife the young man is doing nicely though although a inconvenienced with having his hand bandaged saturday mrs david thorley her son thomas and her mother mrs stenie brown were in town thomas came to receive bounty payment ment on several coyote pelts while his mother and grandmother visited with mr and mrs N E jenson V K of the union portland cement co of ogden was in our city doing business for his company dalley of the firm of M H dalley sons co of cedar passed through parowan carowan yesterday on his way to tn paragonah Para gonah where he will do some surveying ying for the ir reservoir 1 e s company of that place preparatory to proving up on some water fi lines the G A club met at the home of mrs hugh matheson last friday afternoon and held a business meeting the usual number were present and after the completion of the business all enjoyed themselves for a short time in social chat and partaking of a delicious lap luncheon bells famous hawaiians Hawaii ans singers head the program at the hippodrome this week the six honolulu boys easily carry off two honors of the new bill this week several of them are vocalists of merit and their concert singing is unusually good they sing many popular americans airs Spokane washington spokesman review thos F brady of beryl was here monday making final proof on his homestead before county clerk warner mitchail Mit chei cheil mr brady stated that he had bad been quite successful in his farming operations having raised 24 tons of potatoes 1000 ibs of beans besides other produce all by the dry farm method E L dark clark of this city was a caller in the times office monday during a very pleasent chat with the gentleman he expressed himself as well pleased with the establishing of the newspaper in parowan carowan Pa rowan he also took occasion to subscribe for the paper not only for himself but for two friends as well each of whom live out of the he state A for four weeks we have sent out in the neighborhood of sample copies of the times each week we have had many responses from these copies and as a consequence our subscription list is rapidly Rr growing owing hereafter we will send out fewer samples so after this week if you fail to get a copy of the times and are not a subscriber you will know the reason and the next thing parowan carowan needs and one that will pleasa please the housewives honse wives is a continuous electric light and power service at pre present t the city is on a flat arse ra e system and in order to make 4 c a paying pyo proposition position for continuous service the city would have to pass an ordinance placing the town oi on a meter system if this were done it is a foregone conclusion that an every day and night service could be maintained |