Show ELY AND blackhorse COMPANIES boston commercial the ely consolidated copper company its friends point out can no longer be considered only a prospect as a telegram recently from the mine addressed to the company at new york announces that the brilliant shaft is now no w ten feet in sulphide showing good copper the company has just made a deal with the amalgamated nevada mines power company for all the water and electric power needed for smelter and concentrating plant and for all other mining purposes this contract was made by willard F snyder president of the ely consolidated soli dated copper company with H S wooley president of the amalgamated nevada mines power company this means that the ely consolidated will immediately begin to equip its mines and plant with all up to date methods and use electric power the amalgamated nevada mines power company owns a large gold quartz property consisting of sixty claims of 1200 acres and 1000 acres of rich placer also water power of about electric horsepower located in the blackhorse mining district a near neighbor of ely within thirty five miles the company has been financed by the banking house of burnham bennett co boston |