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Show I "Ml. HAD WWWWVWWAWWAAVAAAVWW--V-AVWWW-- . HEART PAINS Critical Caaa of Rheumatism Cured By Dr. Williams Pink Pills. While Mr. W. S. Grinul, of No. 123 East Coates street, Moberly, Mo., was steadily work i hr at his trade in a foundry at that place, lie became the victim of an attack of rheiiumtwm, and his experience is that of thousands who are compelled to work in similar surroundings. lie describes his situation as follows : I had been at work for a long time in a foundry vs here I was exposed to to hurt dampness. First my feet and to swell, then my knees and my shoulder joints began to be affeetod in the same way. Finally I eouhl not walk without gieut diilieulty and suffering and bad to stop work altogether. My appetite was feeble amt 1 grew very pale and weak. 1 began to huvo pains uhout my heart and it fluttered a great deal. I became greatly alarmed about my condition. My mother knew about the Dr. Williams Pink Pills, as they bad given her buck her health when she was nearly wasting to death, and when she found that they were good for rheumatism too, she to give them to me about a mouth after I was nttarked. That was in the eailv part of March, 190!!, and by .Tune they lmd driven away the pains and swelling and luol restored my appetite Httd color. Then I fell strong enough to take up a line of out door work and now, in October, I regard myself as entirely well and I am about to go into a foundry again at St. Louis. Dr, Williams Pink Pills also enr( other diseases springing from impure blood or disordered nerves, such as sciatica, locomotor ataxia, partial aralysis and all forms of weakness ia male or female. They may he had at all druggists or directly from the Dr Williams Medicine Compnny, Sehenec tady, N. Y. A The door are closed, the shutters battened tight. The curtain drawn; the lamps soft flood of gold Around me lies; there Is no touch of cold; No hint of the uproarious mood of night. TempeBt mav walk ther earth and blind the light Of winters frosty stars; unaureoled j The moon may hide within the rack's dun fold I am oblivious; all to me ! bright, For 1 have chosen guewts about my board. Chaucer, who mined no deep In legend's hoard. The gientevt of the Elizabethan throng. Kiats and his comiadcg, from the lyr e host. To Poesy! this our silent toast As we together qimff the wine of song. Clinton Scollard. In Metropolitan. Ancient French Custom. in his Isabel of Bavaria," refers to an ancient privilege which authorized the deputies of the six mer chant bodies to accompany the kings and queens of France upon their entry into Paris from the gate of S. Denis to the palace, followed on this occasion by the representatives of the dif ferent manufacturing bodies clothed to represent the "Beven capital sins,' and. by way of contrast, the seven Christian virtues." How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for eoy ease of ratarrb tliab cmiut be cured bjr Hell CaurrbCure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. We, tbe tmderolKtwd, bate known V. J. Cheney fortbelant IB year, aud believe him perfectly bon and HnnwUlljr orable In all lmsliiraa LrumuMMluh eble to eerry out auy obligation made by hi Arm. Waldino, Kinnan 4 M AKVIN, Wholesale UruKtfl' Toledo, O. Hair Cetarrh Cure U taken Internally, artln of tbe directly upou the hloodand mucous surface system. THHtlmonlala sent free, 1rlco 75 ceutt pel bottle. Bold by ell lnitwtt. Take Hall s Family Fill for constipation. Th Original "Match." Originally a match' was any substance which burned readily and slowly. The bit of hempen rope, steeped In a solution of saltpeter, which the ancient gunner carried in order to discharge his arquebus, was a match." It burned at the rate of about three feet In an hour. slow-burnin- g Everybody get Conference. ready for Spring Heroines. Old and New. Most modern heroines are married women, whereas the nice ones In Shakespeare and In novels before 1890 were almost always unwedded maids. Yon like Beatrice and Portia und, above all things, Rosalind. You do not lose your heart to Lady Macbeth (though a flue figure of a woman) and you do not desire to compete with Othello In the affections of Desdemona. This may be a too nice morality, but to Victorian tastes even widows, In novels at least, come under the ban of the elder Mr. Weller. Nobody but Col. Esmond ever cared for Lady Castlewood and, Dobbin Is alone In his passion for Amelia. London Post. ' Important to Mothers. Sxamtoe carefully every bottle of CASTOR1A, a safe and sure remedy for infants tuul children, und see that it Bears the Signature of la Bee For Over SO Years, Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought. (Copyright, 1906, by Dally Story Pub. Co.) The New Ring and the Old Love. In the old dajs I Dear Richard: would have written dearest," but today another man acquired first mortgage on that title by virtue of placing a diamond ring on a certain finger of what you once called the fairest hand in the world. Why I should choose you a man and a former lover as my confidant, and honor you with the first news of my engagement, I know not. Perhaps it is because of memories which will not down, even though the flashing e)e of bis ring seems to reproach me for not letting the dead past bury its old love. Is this letter treason to him? I do not think he would bo consider it, for I do not ask that he ha told me: you love your former admirers less, if you will love me more." That speech won for him my hand if not my heart. Leonard la not Jealous and in that he is unlike you. Jealousy may he flattering to a womans vanity, hut It lay destructive to her peace of mind. Yet a woman loves with her heart, not with her mind, and where the heart U concerned a woman does not thtuk: she feels. So I sometimes wish that Leonard were less phlegmatic, that he had more blood In his veins and less of ice; that he were more like you! That is treason, and yet my bonds are still too.joung to teach me discretion. Do you know what a temptation a diamond ring is to a woman? But for that I might have waited waited for you. Would you have cared? Rachel waiting for her Jacob gave evidence of no greater patience than mine. Are all New Englanders like John Alden: too bashful to speak for But 1 will not compare themselves? you to John Alden. You have a higher sense of honor than that upjustly-laude- d Puritan, for you would not betray your friend. Perhaps If you were that kind of a man, I would not be writing this letter. Yet in penning this eplstollc echo of Eden, I prove that I am but an erring daughter of Eve. Are you a son of Adam? Tomorrow may tell. Ah, me, I wish the morrow were and yet I dread the mornings dawn. Would I love you more on a pedestal towering to the clouds and unattained, or kneeling at my feet all mine own, but with the dirt of desire on the hands you reach forth to clasp mine? Who can read a womans heart and be sure? Even she herself cannot do that. Can I, then, dare to hope you will understand these heart-throbtrickling through my pen In inky Indiscretions? If you do not understand should one reproach the text book because he does not read its meaning aright? Spare me in your reproaches, for In love the end sanctifies the means. In what on earth have you faith, If not In me? If doubts distress you now, what mean the protestations of the past? I can say no more: my selfishness and my hope grow dumb; my heart brims over with silence. The Deity can invent no greater purgatory than will be mine If you cannot forgive I.ILIA. your II. The Letter Which Reached Him. My Dearest Dick: May I not call you by that sweet old pet name once more, even though a few days must I. s How Pineapples Grow. Most people, said the fruiterer, think pineapples grow on lofty palm trees. They really grow, like pumpkins, on the ground. A pineapple crop looks rather like a thick field of cactus. The fruit lies on the earth and above it rises a tuft of short, stiff Also from leaves. its base great swordlike leaves shoot forth in every direction. Some of these leaves are six feet long. The pineapple, after the date. Is said to be the most profitable fruit to raise. Use the Salt Lake Route to Conference this year. Best from Sanpete, Juab, Utah counties, and the far south. Male and Female Teachers. The highest proportion of male teachers in the United States Is in West Virginia, where they form 50 per cent of the whole. The highest proportion of female teachers Is in Vermont, 90 per cent of the whole. A comparative examination of the standards of West Virginia and Vermont might furnish interesting results. al Salt Lake Route. Low rates foi Conference. Utah's most populai road. Sunday In Heligoland. Sunday in Heligoland begins on Saturday at 6 p. m., when the church bell Is tolled, and continues till the same hour on Sunday. Formerly no vessel could leave port between these hoars. NEW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES, . part payment for Old or broken Disc or Cylinder records taken as New Ones. There is a growing sentiment in this country in favor of medicines of knows It ia but natural that one composition. should have some interest in the compohe or she is expected which sition of that to swallow, whether it be food, drink or medicine. Recognizing this growing FREE TRIAL AND EASY PAYMENTS. The new 190 models of the COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE3 embody all of the latest improvements In the talking machine vorld and are the standard of perfection. ANY OLD MACHINE TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT In exchange for the latest types, and dont forget that A WRITTEN GUARANTEE , Backed by the Largest Tallfing Machine Company in the World (Joes With the Machine. disposition the part of the public, and satisfied that the fullest publicity can only add t on the reputation of his well-earne- d medi- cines, Dr. 11. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., as it has taken time by the forelock, were, and is publishing broadcast a list of all the ingredients entering into his leading medicines, the Golden Medical Discovery the nopular liver invigorator, stomach tome, blood purifier and heart of his "Favorite Prescripregulator; also broken-dowtion" for - weak, nervous and invalid women. This bold and out spoken movement on the part of Dr. Pierce, has, by showing medicines exactly what his are composed of. completely disarmed all harping critics who have heretofore unjustly attacked them. A little pamphlet has been compiled, from the standard medical authorities of all the several scnools of practice, showing the strongest endorsements by leading medical writers of the several ingredients which enter into A copy of this Dr Pierce's medicines. little book is mailed frtt to any one desiring to learn more concerning the valuable, native, medicinal plants which enter Into the composition of Dr. Pierce's medicines. Address Dr. Pierce as above. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are tiny, s granules. They regulate and invigorate Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Bo not beget the pill habit,'' but cure One or two each day for a constipation laxative and regulator, three or four for an active cathartic. Onoc tried alwaya in favor. GIVEN AWAY, in copies of XKfl The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book that sold to the extent of 600.000 copies a few years ago, at $1 50 per copy. Last year we gave away 000 worth of these Invaluable books. This year we shall 50 0iX) worth of give away them. Will you sbaro In this over-worke- COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH Both Phones. S SALT LAKE CITY. SMiissk'taskaaAaaiiSsxskkakA 4AA4AA4AAAAa n, CO., GEN'L. So. Main St. 327-3- 5 8 "well-know- n vir-tues- Durr.as, Want to Know What You Swallow? Do You t wth-t- - Dear Richard. elapse before the law will confer upon me the right to own you before the world.? that first word My dearest claims you mine, the second tells you that you are still the dearest of all ren to me. I am hysterical, silly, delirious with Joy to know that I may soon give myself to you. The fact that I am married and its accompanying man I had quite forgotten. May God forgive me; you already have, for if I err, it is because of you, of my love for you. Whether Leo',a'-- forgives me does not d ) matter; nothing matters now so long as we two love and may begin to live I am dating this letter the first time in three years, for since we parted there have been no dates in my life; nothing but a blank, a blank only you can help the future to fill and make pregnant with promise. In a few days my bonds will be broken. Leonard preferred a separation, but has consented not to oppose my application for a divorce, which already has been made. There is to be no scandal; the utmost secrecy is to be observed. The judge has even rashly promised to keep the case out sugar-coate- d CHOICE OP ROUTES. nnn l; benefit ? If AND TOURIST SLEEPERS FROM OGDEN OR SALT LAKH , TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE bo, Bend only 21 stamps to cover cost one-ce- PULLMAN THROUGH gaTii of mailing only for book tn stlfl paper coi ers, or 31 stamps Address Br. for cloth-bounK. V. Pierce Buffalo. N. Y. "it , lAwasiiin iB85sar,i iirmiT!T3 Free Reclining Chair Cars. Dining Car Service a la carte on all through trains. For Fold era, Illustrated Booklets, etc., CARS OP a ca t address British Columbia Rivals Oregon. British Columbia promises to become a dangerous rival of Oregon as g an region. During last season 600,000 trees were planted. L A. BENTON, O. A. P. Dl BALT LAKE CITY, UTAH apple-growin- Shake Into Your Shoes a powder. It cures painAllens Foot-Easful, smarting, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. Its the greatest comfort discovery of tbe age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Trial package JTREE. Address A. S. Olmsted,, Le Roy, N. Y. Civil and Religious Marriages. To day marriage is a civil contract as well as Protestant The United States and countries. France, since the revolution, freely is recognize this fact. Marriage legally binding, if performed according to the laws of the land, without any intervention of the church.' This result was Inevitable because of the personal and property rights involved which belonged properly to the of the state. The church, both Catholic and Protestant, retains hcfwever. Its ancient of privileges ceremonial over Its members, and this accords with popular prejudice, which likes to regard marriage as a sacrament, and which sees tbe advantage of giving the ceremony the greatest possiblb publicity and solemn sanction. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. in Catholic jurl-dictio- n never needed you so much as now. of the newspapers. When the law severs the old bonds, it will tie another nuptial knot as soon as you wish. With you as my lord and master, bondage would be sweet I have been a wife In no more than name. Since Leonard found me crying over your letter on our wedding night, we have lived our separate lives, meeting only at dinner and in society. Oh, Dick, why did Fate and Uncle Sam fall to deliver my former message to you? Doubtless it Is now in the Dead Letter office, that cemetery of buried hopes. I have come to be thankful that, like the writer, my letter went astray. I would not have you say In the coming years, as did the first occupant of Eden, The woman Your fall but arouses tempted me. the mother instinct: I long to kiss away your hurt as did my own parent In the days before you came to be the embodiment of my Ideal. My demigod, yet son of Adam, you shall no longer sue at my feet. Let me look levelly Into your eyes; together we will rise to sunlit heights and "forget the shadows lurking in the valleys of our past. Edith tells me you will return home Sunday, I hunger for a sight of you. For two years you have kept away your absence was hard to bear, but perhaps it was as well: I could not have remained true to the man the world called my husband had you been nearby. True? Have I been true to him? Alas! my thoughts have been traitor, for none belonged to him. 1 wronged him In that I had no love to give him. In aught else, God is my judge. Be you merciful and together we will atone for the past, not In sorrowing penance, but in joyous living. Dare I come to see you at your home and so defy conventions and your mother? For you I dare all things, even to laying my heart bare, even to tearing away a woman's most sacred attribute, her modesty, and showing myself to you with soul naked but unashamed. You need not forbid me. I shall come. Your sister loves me, as you know, only less than she loves her brother. Yet I do not need eves her as an advocate. Let your own heart plead for me and I do not fear its judgment. I never needed you so much as now. I am weary; fold me away from the world in your arms. Let us forget,' in the dawning of a better day, the hideous dream of those missing years. I am overwrought, nervous; the sudden drip of salty tears has blinded my eyes and the page is a blur before me. I know not whether my pen is loyal to my heart. But you you understand when I only hint at what 1 dare not give a voice. There are some things so sacred that to reduce them 1 to words would be desecration. await you. Once before I said come," and you heeded not. This time I know you will obey, for this message will reach you. Heaven and all Its angeli will see It safely,, to its journeys end. Your love, My love, from LILIA. I Esplanade" and "Boulevard. and boulevard" Both "esplanade Th are military terms by origin. original boulevard was a bulwark oi horizontal part of the rampart and as esplanade was originally the glacli or slope of the counterscarp of a for tlfled place. A writer 200 years ago noted that the word boulevard was now chiefly taken for the void space between the glacis of a citadel and the first houses of a town. Hence its extension to other void spaces The old suitable for promenading. was defined by French "esplanade Cotgrave as a planing, leveling, evening of ways, from Latin "explanare," to smooth or flatten out, whence the English words explain' and explanation. GRAND 44 4-- 4 4--4 44 4-- 4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44palatlal yestlbuled Trains leave Salt Lake City 8:30 p. m. dally. 44 TO LIVE. Is Always tne Best. Six months ago I would have laughed at the idea that there could be anything better for a table beverage than coffee, WTites an Ohio womnow I laugh to know there Is. an Since childhood I drank coffee as freely as any other member of the family. The result was & puny, sickly girl, and as I grew Into womanhood I did not gain In health, but was afflicted with heart trouble, a weak and disordered stomach, wrecked nerves j and a general breaking down, till last j winter, at the age of 38 I seemed to be on the verge of consumption. My friends greeted me with How bad you look! What a terrible color! and this was not very comforting. The doctors and patent medicines did me absolutely no good. I was i thoroughly discouraged. , Then I gave up coffee and com- - j menced Postum Food Coffee. At first I didnt like It, but after a few trials and following the directions exactly. ltNi was grand. It was refreshing and In a couple of weeks I satisfying. noticed a great change. I became stronger, my brain grew clearer, I was not troubled with forgetfulness as In coffee times, my power of endurance was more than doubled. The heart trouble and Indigestion disappeared and my nerves became steady and strong. I began to take an interest in and things about me. Housework g became a pleasure. My friends have marveled at the change and when they inquire what brought it about, I answer Postum Food Cof--. fee, and nothing else in the world. Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. . There's a reason. Read the little book. The Road to Wellvilie," in I ' skgs. servatlon. Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist Dining Car. 44 44 4 Ob-- 4 and" 44 4 FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. Ask nearest agent for Information on Pacific Coast Excursions, or write to J. L. Moore, Disk Pas. Agent, San Pedro, Los Angeles ft Salt 4. , 1 4 Lake R. R., Salt Lake City. 44 4444444444444444444444444444444 44 4.4444444444444444444444444444444444 THE DOCTORS WHO CURE PATASDU Non J I i DR. . J. SHORES. and throat Ntnr0ui Dlsoajpos, Liver Diseases, Bladder Kidney Trouble Heart Diseases, Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, Piles. Fla Female tula and Rectal Disease Ch route Diseases of WoComplaint men and Children, Rickets, Spinal Trouble Skin Disease Deafness, Asthma, Bronchial and Lunf Troubles. Rheumatism. Hay Fever, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Bye and Ear Diseases, Goitre (or biff neck), V&rloooel Lost Manhood, etc., Blood Disease Private Diseases, Scrofula, and all forme of Nervous and Chronic Disease (that are curable) We cure the liquor habit tn 1 days or no pay. OUR MOTTO: low fe quick cur mild and palnlees treatment. and , Dr O. W. SHORES. pna or by lottw free to 11. CU or writ. ia Consultation Do not impair btctiu. you 1It at a distant. r V. U C 3 DV MAII Dl from th city. Dm, Shorn' new system of maka It aasy to get export advlc. and traatmont at bom. HOMS TREATMENT a Their new aymptora blank cover every aymptom of dlaeas which enable them to for you, and what your caas and tall you what your troubl. la. what can b done aymptora llat and th coat of the cur will be WRITE If you cannot call, for their new treatment or aet, Whether you take taka advantage of the FREE EXAMINATION. tbe advloe co.ro you nothing. Hn u rii a ct dlag-no- Pay When Cured' home-makin- I 44 44 44 44 f-- f the Last Laugh And TO CALIFORNIA 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 WE CANT PUBLISH OCR CURES IN PRIVATE DISEASES Because It would betray confidence. Hence are hare to prove our skill in this elans of troubles tn another way. This la our plant office borne, I t a. bit Pleev.se m.) Evening T We cure you first and then ask a REASONABLE FEE when yon are cured. You can depend upon our word, thousands of patients have Indorsed ua NOW WE WANT TO CURE TOU with tbe distinct understanding that w will not demand a FES until we cure yon. This applies t lost Manhood, Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrhoea. Varicocele Disease of the Prostate Gland. Unnatural Loaees, Gonorrhoea Gleet. Stricture, eto.. Contagious Blood Rollon and all WEAKNESSES of men. Consultation and adrica fra. to t; Sunday and Holidays. 11 a m. to u So. Main at. Salt Lake City, Utah. mention this paper. |