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Show HOSPITALS CROWDED TOO LATE DN THE PATIENTS WOMEN OF That Occurred to Broken Down, Like Many Anather Woman, with Exhausting Kidney Procrastinating Individual. Senator Frye a as wont to tell this Troubles. Thought , Howard of Lewislira. Plnkfcams Advice Saves Many one on From tbis Sad and Costly Experience. ton, Me., explaining that in the early . 15. 1 It is a sad but certain fact that veryanyear in- brings crease in the numberof operations performed Upon women in our hospitals. More than three- fourths of the snow-whi- te on those lying beds are women and girls who are awaiting or recovering from operations made necessary by neglect. Every one of these patients had plenty of warning In that bearing down feeling, pain at the left or right of the abdomen, nervous exhaustion, pain in the small of the back, pelvic catarrh, dizziness, flatulency, displacements or irregularities. All of these symptoms patients are Indications of an unhealthy of con- days of his business career his fondness for sleep was almost the cause of his undoing. It was Howard's invariable rule to take another wink" after being called in the morning, and almost as invariably did he arrive at business from thirty minutes to one hour late. On sundry occasions he was known to stay out with "the boys," and on one particular occasion was induced to partake of the grape Juice to such an extent that his companions decided to play a very practical joke on him, by placing him in an undertaker's shop to sleep in a casket. . In the early dawn Mr. Howard awoke, stretched and sat up. In horror he beheld the empty caskets about him, and in a fleeting' second his past career passed before his mental vision, till, raising his hands aloft, he exclaimed, while beads of perspiration stood on his ghastly brow: For the last time too late too late, for the dition the female organs, and if not heeded the trouble may make headway until the penalty has to be paid by a dangerous operation, and a lifetime of resurrection." Impaired usefulness at best, while In many cases the results are fatal. ARTIST NOT FOND OF LABOR Miss Luella Adams, of Seattle, 'Wash., writes: Turner Pasted on a Picture the Print Dear Mrs. Pinkham j About two years ago I was a great sufferer from a severe female trouble, pains and headaches. The doctor prescribed for me and finally told me that 1 had a tumor and must undergo an operation if I wanted to get well I felt that this was my death warrant, but I spent hundreds of dollars for medical help, but the tumor kept growing. Fortunately I corresponded with an aunt in the N'ow England States, and she advised me to take Lydia E. Finkhams Vegetable Compound, as it was said to cure tumors. I did so and immediately began to improve in health, and 1 was entirely cured, the tumor disappearing entirely, without an operation. I wish every suffering woman would try this great preparation. Just as surely as Miss Adams was cured of the troubles enumerated in her letter, just so surely will Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound cure other women who suffer from female troubles, inflammation, kidney troubles, nervous excitability or ner' vous prostration. Mrs. Pinkham invites all young women who are ill to write her for free advice. ' She is daughter-in-laof Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-fiv- e years has been advising sick women free of charge. Address, Lynn, Mass. w WET WEATHER perpop h dovble of a Vase He Wanted. On one of Mr. Edward Morans visits to London he made a careful study of Turner. Childe They stopped In front of Harold's Pilgrimage, and Mr. Moran, after examining the canvas closely, made the startling assertion that the vase to the right was not a part of the picture, but was pasted on it. Mr. Warnham laughed the idea to scorn and said It was absurd. Mr. Moran persisted that he was right and wagered a dinner and a bottle of wine that he could prove it if he were given the opportunity. The wager was accepted. The picture was taken down, the glass was removed, and, to the astonishment of the keeper, Mr. Moran raised the edge of the paper, over which, surely enough, the vase had been painted. Evidently, to save himself the trouble of drawing the object. Turner had cut the vase out of some print, skillfully hiding the point of juncture. New York Herald. When you buy Use Less CLOTHINO you want complete protection and long service. (hestrength of other brands. I0IOMS These and many other good points are combined in TOWER'S FISH Used In Parts of West Virgtnia. . Last summer some persons from the Mrs. A. Taylor, of Wharton, N. J-- . North were spending a month in the says: 1 had kidney trouble in Its mountains of West Virginia in a log most painful and severe form, and the cabin on the mountainside. One morn1 went ing, as they sat on the porch admiring through now seems to the views, a little mountain girl in have been almost un- short blue calico dress and bright pink sunbonnet bounced round the side of bearable. I had back aches, pains In the the cabin. side and loins, dizzy Howdy!" she said. Mammy wants to know if you-al- l dont want a poke spells and hot, fever ish headaches. There of snapples this mohning. A what? the Northerners asked. In were bearing down pains, and the kidney amazement. A poke of snapples, sissy repeatsecretions passed too frequently and with a ed. Then, evidently overcome with shyness, she darted through the unburning sensation. They showed derbrush before the newcomers could I became discouraged, weak, languid and depressed, so sick and decide whether or not they wanted a poke of snapples. weak that I could not keep up. As The expression got into the sysdoctors did not cure me I decided to tems of the visitors, until curlosijy and with Doan's Pills, Kidney try such success that my troubles were made one of them take her way to the all gone after using eight boxes, and little farmhouse. I will take a poke of snapples, my strength, ambition and general please, she said, fearing fll the while health is fine. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. the mountain woman would laugh in her face or think her an escaped lunaFoster Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. torture sed-Imen- Most Expensive Thermometer, The most expensive thermometer ts in use at the Johns Hopkins university in the United States. It Is valued at $10,000, and is an absolutely perfect instrument The gradua-- . tions on the glass are so fine that it is necessary to use a microscope to read them. NO REST NIGHT , OR DAY, With Irritating Skin Humor Hair Began to Fall Out Wonderful Result from Cuticura Remedies. About the latter part of July my whole body began to itch. I did not take much notice of it at first, but it began to get worse all the time, and then I began to get uneasy and tried all kinds of baths and other remedies that were recommended for skin humors; but I became worse all the time. My hair began to fall out and my scalp itched all the time. Especially at night, just as soon as I would get in bed and get warm, my whole body would begin to Itch and my finger nails would keep it irritated, and it' was not long before I could not rest night or day. A friend asked me to try the Cuticura Remedies, and ,1 did, and the first application helped me wonderfully. For about four weeks I would take a hot bath every night and then apply the Cuticura Ointment to my whole body; and I kept getting better, and by the time I used four boxes of Cuticura I was entirely cured, and my hair stopped falling out. D. E. Blankenship, 319 N. Del. St., Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 27, 1905. - 8RANQ ' PENSIONS Estate! Wont You Just Try A CAN OF- - Hewletts 3 Crown Pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder At our expense? If you dont like it Many Children are Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders forCbildren, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Childrens Home, New York, cure Feverishness, Head-- f ache, Stomach Troubles, Teething- DisColds and Break Worms. up orders, Destroy At all Druggists ,25c. Sample mailed FREE Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y, Our Improved Emerson. Hitch your wagon to a star; but if you expect the star to do all the pulling you may get stuck in the mud. Spring I Time to cleanse tne system and purify the blood. Take Garfield Tea, Nature's perfect axative- it is the best mood purifier mown It cures sick headache, regulates tomach and bowels, the 1 ver, oend for sample. Garfield Tea Co., Brook-Y. N. n, - s, L For Your Family and Your Horse The Best Antiseptic Known. Bostons Fondness for Beans. More money is spent each year in Boston in buying baked beans than wouid buy the largest battleship in the United States navy. TRY IT FOR Rheumatism, Strains, If you go to Conference be sure and use the Salt Lake Route. Sprains, Swellings and Enlargements. An Alarming Blunder. A young lady living In Paris recent- ly visited her sister's family and left them in perfect health. The next day a letter arrived from the Bichat HosPrice, 25c., 50c. and $1.00. pital announcing her death at that institution, and caused deep grief among Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, aer relatives, who thought she had ' 615 Albany St., Boston, Mass. net with a fatal accident. That evening, however, the supposed deceased appeared at the house safe and sound, it appears that she had been under PRICE. 25 Cts. reatment at the hospital some time ffro CURE THE GRIP igo, and l er name, through an error, vas given to another patient, who IS GUARANTEED TO CURE itibsequemly died. GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE M3 NEURALGIA. Everybody get ready for Spring I.OrlpIne to . dealer who won't Onaranteo HAS NO Efi'JAL FOR HEAJWHE Csll lor Jour H04EI BACK. IF IT BUVT CFK. Conference. It. iiw- "fl-i,-- ,!, J H.Xliemer, JZ. HanuiMturtr.gprtniileid, Ho. Birds Benefit the World. If the world were birdless, a naturalist declares man could not inhabit HALL'S CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDY it after nine years time, in spite of all the sprays and poisons that coulo BALt BY ALL OBUBOISTB FON TH I MOUTH. THHOAT. KEVER FAILS- - FOR be manufactured for the destruction BAN ARAL AMO ITORIImmmi TOMACH AND lOWIL.... of insects. The insects aDd slugs Sait Loko City, Utah. Nslden-Judso- a would simply eat all the orchards and Drug Co., Gsneral Agents. crops in that time. mmsfe f. I., PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more good brighter and faster colon than any ether dye. One 10c nachage colon all fibers. toy garment without rigpirg apart Write lor tree booklet How to Oye, Bleacfe and Mix Color. They dye in cod water better than any other dye. Yob Can DICTATES OF CONSCIENCE Very Old English Mistake Made by Pedagogues. j, To maintain, as is apparently held OILED CLOTHING by many schoolmasters, that bodily You cant afford exercise is itself recuperative after to biy any other "mental effort, so that a boy who has F. D. Chemical Co., Fort Dodge, la. been exhausted by study can be reAJTOWC4 CO OObTOM USA. stored to his pristine mental vigor NEW LAWS TOWIH CANADIAN CO LV TORONTO CAJ SENT FREE. by a paper chase or by compulsory Writs Natbaa Biokford, S14 J 8k, W sshlngtoa, D, 0. running, or by any other form of seIf afflicted with vere and sustained bodily exertion, sore eyes use Thompsons Eye Water LEGAL ADVICE seems to the London hospital to 'toe Mail Hfcl.Law Bureau. People s lusuiute. Chicago When Answering Advertisements the very extremity of physiological Kindly Mention This Paper. Ignorance and of practical unwisdom. W. N.U., Salt Lake-N- o, 12. 1900 It is like lighting a candle at its lower end to make amends for Its consumption at the top." Kills Prairie Don and Goph ere of all kind. Endorsed bj fctrtteK x periinental Stations, 1,400 tablets prepaldfortl.25, Warranted. Katlclde Tablets 25e. Ask druggist or send direct- - Booklet free, OF THE MOUNTAINEERS. BY Horrible UUSSITY COULD NOT KEEP UP. LAST DAY. dye MONROE ORUO CO., Unionvillo, Msaovrf Nothing Gen. Gordon Went Unarmed Through War in China. , In some reminiscences of Sir Frederick St. John, a diplomatist who knocks out disables liko and lumbago and Sciatica served his country (England) well, we Nothing reaches the trouble as quickly as have the facts which prompted Gen. Gordon to carry no weapon but a cane when leading the imperial troops during the struggle. When acting in conjunction with , the Chinese general. San-kor Nankin Foochow, against either Gordon received a message from the rebel leaders offering submission if their lives were guaranteed. Having obtained the consent of the Chinese commander, Je agreed. The town surrendered, and the three rebel chiefs He, appeared before seeing that tfcey had not shaved their heads in sign of submission, had them decapitated on the spot. Whereupon, Known the world over as exasperated beyond control by such treachery, Gordon armed himself with a revolver, and was hastening to the nd general's tent with the intention of 3 chastising him in the most summary manner for his breach of faith, when Price, 2 So. and SOo. suddenly he paused, and coming, on tic. reflection, to the conclusion that his IfltXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTXXXXXXXM But very gravely the woman disapcontemplated act was simple murder, peared. and soon returned, handing he threw away his weapon and regisTricks of Autograph Hunters. the caller a bag of string beans. The tered a vow that, so long as he reSome autograph hunters tricks art beans, which snap in the fingers are mained In China, he would never revealed in the Connoisseur. Georg called snapples by the mountainagain carry any weapon more formid Eliot was taken in by a lady who eneers; and poke, which is a good old able than a cane." listed her sympathy in fictitious social word for bag that has survived from work. Another wrote to Ruskin a the Shakespearean Mrs. Wlnalowk Sooth In Syrop. English of the letter of supplication which touching For children teething, softens tbs gums, reduce Youth's Comearly English settlers. elicited no reply. She wrote again In fiammauou, tliaja pain, cure w Lad cullu, 26o a buttle. panions. a tone of almost piteous entreaty, but still silence. Then she adopted Discrimination Necessary. Race Discrimination. another name and address, became The man who always takes a womFrench-ItaliaA small coasting an at her word is bound some day the bogus secretary of an Imaginary steamer was proceeding on its way. to make an awful blunder. Somerart club for young students In a provThe passengers were of various incial town, and Invited Mr. Ruskin ville Journal. nationalities American, English, to come down and deliver an address. French, Italian and one large German. Everybody get ready for Spring The simple-mindeauthor wrote back Most of the male passengers were v Conference. a long, delightful letter, asktng to b gathered in the smoking room, when excused from giving an address unRemoving Ink Stains from Book. the steward appeared at the door and til the club bad madq some progress, lnlc To remove stains from a book but with a bow announced: Dinner, it is Imparting much admirable coundissolve a small quantity of oxalic se?ye! useful rules of guidance, and sel acid In warpi vpter. Wet the stain The English and American continwith this mfxture, - ' A Real Temperance Worker gent arose and started toward, the The saloon. who If you go to Conference be sure and dining steward, seeing Grin Jones, dispensed liquor that his announcement had not been use the Salt Lake Route. in addition to running his hotel at Mesunderstood by all, continued: Rumney, N. H., was compelled by the Collector of Dwarfs. town officials to slop selling liquor sieurs, eest servi! and as a portion of the passengers still remained seatIV of and close up, but not without his incollected Philip Spain King ed: II pranzo e servlto! dwarfs, and many diminutive speci- forming temperance workers that he The French and Italians followed mens of humanity were sent him on was doing more for the cause than his birthdays. the English and Americans, leaving others, as the people then drinking at his house were drinking half wathe large German in solitary state. F8E TT1E FAMOUS ter, and that if he ran another year B Gott in hlmmel! he muttered hunRed Croes Ball Blue. Large puck are would be paying for liquor and Is it dot no Geritaanmans gets cents. The ltuss Company, South Bend, Ind. they grily. all water. drinking somedings to eat on dis boat, neln? French Jinricksha. Harper's Weekly. In the French city of Beauvhls a World Haj Excess of Men. There is on excess of men in ths small vehicle, built with two wheels Green Flame. y and drawn by a man or boy, is In world. In America this Is greatest, Give the turquoise to betrothed ones common use. It is called a vinaiwhile In Europe there are more womtrue! 'Tin the deep of the zenith blue; en than nten, and In the commercial grette. But slake my hearts desire centers of Western Europe the proWith ihe liquid tlame of eitierald fire! DONT FORGET Ball portion of women Is Increasing, caused Red Blue.onlv Cross axe A large 'Tis the glimmer of salt waves pad 6 cent. The Kuna Company, South lieud, tail. for work by the greater facilities And the shimmer of young leaves in which women find In cities. spring; Domestic Service In Olden Days. With light and love awaking Mental was originally applied only Wakes the glitter of the emerald ring! to domestic servants to show that And the diamond's sparkling light Give to fame and beauty bright! they were "lntra moenia, or between But slake my mind s desire walls, as distinguished from the apWith the rippling flame of emerald fire! prentice, so called from the French TIs the green of the storm sign gleaming "apprendre, to learn. Until the eighThrough the gold In lowering skies, teenth century all single men between 'Tis the couch where April lies 12 years old and CO, and all married In the iris of the Jonquil eyes. ones under 30, and all single women And the blood-re- d ruby wine between 12 and 40, not having any Give to dame of ancient line! visible livelihood, were compellable by But to quench ill thought accurst, An to slake sweet souls athirst. two justices to go Into service. But Give the glimmer of the March's stars at a still earlier date the domestic glancing. servant seems generally to have been And the shimmer of the dragon flies' 1 some relation to the family, showing wing! With life and love advancing, that service had no contemptible of Flash! Fountains eternal spring! Pall Mall Gazette. meaning in those days, and explaining, perhaps, why so often in old books Compliment from the Heart. and plays the ladys maid or the valet If there is one place more than anis referred to as their master's or other where the term lady. carries mistress lady or gentleman. mighty little weight it is over on the If you go to Conference be sure and East Side of Manhattan. The qualities that are naturally associated with this use the Salt Lake Route. This is the time of the year to fix up designation in less congested sections your tableware. Our lines are complete Great Desire of Humankind. of the city are recognized readily and prices more reasonable than ever. "There is in mans nature a secret enough, but the term Itself is held in Inclination and motion toward love Established contempt. This, at least, Is the opinof others, which, if it be not spent ion of a settlement worker who has spent several years years on the East upon som one or a few, does naturThe most sincere compliment Side. ally spread Itself toward many, said I ever received, she says, was at a Lord Bacon three centuries ago. The meeting of working girls where, when remark might be applied with good reason to the unmarried woman, who one of the audience referred to me as MAIN SI within the last half century has be'a lady, the chairman indignantly recome a Salt Lake world. Utah. in the Cltv, moving power plied: " Mrs. L is no lady.v She lss von .made at are being Experiments of us. New York Times. Montreaux, France, with a new electric searchlight of 39,000,000 candle-powe- r His Friends Were Few. that will project rays fifiV & Mose Porter was the name of a miles. W. L. Douglas 4.00 Cilt Edge Line witness appearing in the Wood concannot be equalled at any price. Uncle Allen. case election from St. tested Louis, said Alien Ur.de No," Sparks, according to the story told by Col. dont tke any stock In these flying Bill Zevelly of the Indian territmachines. Too many men have made ory. of themselves at least, that's What is your nationality? asked angels charitable supposition by trying the Chairman Olmsted. to learn to fly. , Half black and half white, answered Porter. Ever Hear of Scotty" and His "What do you do for a living? Ride? "J jes' Jog aiound St. Louis. The story, briefly told, is this: WalWere any of your friends present ter Scott, the Death Valley gold miner, when you made this affidavit? asked made the trip from Los Angeles to Mr. Olmsted. on a special Chicago, last summer " 'Deed, Mr. Committee, I aio't got train over the Santa Fe in less than a single frien in St. Louis, and I's 45 hours. That whirlwind train cost him more than $6,0U0. It was the dead suah I aint got none here. fastest long distance run over mountains and plains ever made on any Force of Habit. demonstrated That new prison warden they ap- American railway.that Itthe Santa Fe dispute beyond a not was was he? success, pointed track, equipment and employees are of "A dead failure. You see, his prethe dependable kind. Probably you Vf. L. DOUGLAS MA NFS SELLS MORE MFNS,$3.SO SHOES THAN ANY OTHER vious business was against him. wouldnt care to ride so fast. You pre- MANUFACTURER IN THE WORLD, How was that? fer the luxury of our three trains from 1 fj nnn REWARD to anyone who can Everyw-herI to 9 UUiiO He ran a laundry, you know, and Utah and Colorado dispiove tins statement. If I could take you into mv three large factorle when he tried to run the prison he did East and Southwest. at Brockton, Mas., and show you the infinite Ask me for ticket rates and litera- care with which it on his old familiar lines." every pairof shoe is made, you ture. would realize why W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes In what way? cost more to make, why they hold their shape, C. F. WARREN. He began by mangling his accounts fit better, wear longer, and are of greater G. A., A. T. & S. F. Ry. Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe. and then Ironed all tue convicts. 411 Dooiv Block. Salt I ake City, Utah. W. L. Doagaa Strong Mada Shoes to r Hon, $2. SO. $2.00. Boy a School Dream Shooa, $2. SO,$2,$1.75,$1.BO A Hero. Chinese and Japanese Buttons. iiMih ha. in W.L.Duug-la- s CAUTION. I saved Hh'Kd. T.ike no substitute. None gennino that girls life once, and To day the buttons worn by the Chihis htn.e ami price stamped on bottom. nese and Japanese on their wonder- without she doesnt appear a bit gratefifl. Fast Color Eyelets used ; they writ not wear e How did you save her life? for Illustrate) i'at.ilog. ful costumes are the most highly orL. W. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mau. "She said shed die if she had to namented and the most valuable from an artistic standpoint of any in US9 marry me and I refrained from urging When Answering Advertisements her." I throughout the world. Kindly Mention This Paper. Tai-plu- g jin-sin- St. Jacobs Oil The Master Cure for Pains Aches n - Its Silver Time W. L. Douglas 3 SHOES, 3 1 Record-Breakin- g f brassy-Writ- |