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Show Oili u.as y ' I jjrjsiiAEr vxrrsMSiLr Sait Lai H Aa r 6tig- v - Vol. I. Nb. 28. Marysvale, Utah, Saturday, March 3,1, J906. DEAR. DEADER! Will You Assist the Business Men of ! SaJt Ltvke City in Utah? Help to Build up ATE R i,' J LAKE CITY! UTAH DEALER! a GREATER DON'T USE Imported Goods Unless, Bought From THIS IS THE WAY TO BUILD UP A UTAH. List of Bnsiness Houses, You fail to find What is Wanted, Wait until Our Next Issue, and Perhaps You Will Find( It There? v C3 The best cCrroniALs. I1 Salt Lake, Route. A Manager S. M. Levy ot the Annie Laurie went to Salt Lake this week. station to Kimberly is blocked above the Red The road from Sevier GENERAL CONFERENCE. Narrows by a slide, which has made i annual Confer- - jt impossible for several days to get no of the Church of Jesus Christ of teams anf wagons through. The seventy-sixt- h EVERYBODY j HINT TO THE INVESTOR. iSalt Lake Real Estate is the safest, surest and best tiling to buy in'llio Whole wide west. 'It Is cheap, too far cheaper than it should be, considering resources, geographical location, rapidly developing tributary region. cMmate and the attractions of Salt Like. The country around about is fa)' ahead of Salt Lake, Salt Lake must and will catch up. and while it Is catching up is when values will double and good, money be made. u n BOOST ft 5 A. Richter, i J 4 REAL ESTATE; 8 V A Latter-daREAL ESTATE- 19 West F'"t south Saints will Convene at thei St., , Salt Lake City. The late heavy snowfalls in this reTabernacle, Salt Lake City, April 6, u M'1 "urB n MU mo A m. full of 19 if a. attendance 1946. at you want a homo J gion, followed by unprecedented se i fficwrrs and members is requested. J J 3 p'U,- I,'01" (,ro,,n 700 np- For 30 days a brand vere rainstorms, have rendered the light pressed brick residence on E JOSEPH F. SMITH. roads in such condition as to greatly Second South. $6,250. J JOHN R. WINDER. , of ore from this 8 i the retard marketing 2 RICHTER, 19 West First South St., Phones 641. ANTHON H. LUND,' point. fx First Presidency. A slide above the Franklin tunnel on Mr. Tibbuls is confident that both the north side of Cottonwood caiiyon a NEWS ITEMS CLIPPED FROMTHfc the Frisco Contact and the Lulu groups Milford Times. few days ago crushed in the engine will develop into magnificent Wanted 10 men In each State to travel mines, I The retention of Frank D. Hobbs as and blacksmith rooms at the mouth of 142 ACRE FARM the developments upon the latter be- post bigiwi, ailvertlee mid leuve siiuhiIu! the Times. in is If it it tools had and tunnel. the The Office happens Land engine Lake Salt of the of our goods. Salary $75 per Register of interest and ing special encouragemonth; J.()0 is what was expected of President been moved across the hill to the Gold $10,500. per day for expeiisen. Royal Supply r0 Ralph Baijey was a Milford visito ment at present. located Big Cottonwood, 6' room Roosevelt and splendidly did he fill Development companys ground and last W. Dept. week. two A great story brick bouse, barns. 5 horses, pressure escaped injury, the expectation. 9 Despite the inclimency of the weathK magnificent harness, 3 wagons, mowers, rakes to bear to secure a difwas Btel of Cedar were in er, whose wife and Atkins David th$ engraving Mining company, towij Hagermun pasa, the moat famous etc. 15 head cows, 85 acres alfalfa, 30 ferent result; Utahs two senators at The mountains are covered with the last week. property adjoins P. B. McKeons mountain pass In Colorado, has been Is. acres grain. Gttn peach treeB, 40 apple in Washington threw the weight of their deepest snows at this time of the year is Star mines, district, sued the Colorado Midland railway. trees, official influence against Mr. Hobbs since they have been prospected, and strawberries, raspberries, blackAbe Fotheringhaus is building on pushing tile work preparatory to a 1 his by 26x411 inches and la engraving berries, A first class water , busy season of mine development. and in favor of E. D. R. Thompson, the possibilities for other slides, some Main street. suitable for right 68 it win be snt hours per week. to any addressframing, on receipt of J rents these efforts, which have usually been of which may be serious and disasin Address . so h a Meeks are favorable. trous, nnd Lynch Heavy quite George Hutchings and wife successful, being supplemented by VL Ua a u J K: pSf8PD8'' president jBf. -r Allas hawk, and drifts reed but a start' 4s ;ot,TH BeaVCri much' of representation and insist .,4.. In T Southern Copper company, f Salt Lake City, Utah. allies hereabouts precipitate big slides in many places. as ther Senators ver. Lake district, reports conditions Wanted: Id men hi each state to M. Brandt Er.gkle and wife were Ii could procure and forward; but a litthe mine in splendid shnpe. At the travel, post signs, advertise at - - 'M and leave The Gold Mountain country, both town last week. tle quiet thougty none the less effecbottom the shaft is in talc to a width samples of onr goods. THOMAS REAL ESTATE CO. $75.00 was Salary the Marysvale and Kimberly sections, tive work in the right direction of six feet, which carries copper, gold, per month. $3.00 per nay for ex- Homes on Installment Plan a Spe-- . John Carter of Greensville was s carried on in the right way and at has been visited by numerous silver load. and penses. Royal cialty. to our Supply Co., Dept. W., burg. this winter more than'has ever visitor the right time, having in view the corWhy pay from $7.50 to $25.00 In Atlas Block, Chicago. to and of one been the known case, Besides before. the rect presentation rent per month-ovbThe Southern Copper company, a you can buy a Vine Evans was down from the Mos these was added the powerful influ- which almost resulted in thedeath of cow Wanted. District Managers to post home at the same rate of me? of Michigan operators combination mine week. last and Henry Loney at the. old Dalton mill in Hitchcock ence of Secretary harms and homes for sale or trade. that was rounded up by J. M. Rey- signs, advertise and distribute samCommissioner Richards, the result be- Bullion canyon, William Niel and partHorses, Buggies, Etc., Bought or Allen Hedges and wife are spending nolds to operate a group of claims out ples. Salary $18.00 weekly, $3.00 per will the take are who that'Mr. the Southern ner, working Thompson . ing a few days in Milford. of Milford, In Beaver county, several day for expenses.' Stale Exchanged. and age to coterie the of Deer head designed Boy property at Room 8 OMeara Block. place which the in a fair way to make present months is Ideal employment. Shear ago, a of creek, had a very close call to being No. 63 V4 W. Second South Street. edge Mr. Hobbs Into, because Patriarch Richard Bentley is very a big mine of its property. Co., 39 Randolph St., Chicago.. Salt Lake City. ill at his home in St. George, prevalent belief that it was soon to swept away in a slide. .His While the Sacramento mine is genIt is a perfectly safe be abolished. death is hourly expected. The Hecla proiip, upon which active and On the 19th inst., at about 10 p. m., considered only from the viewerally proposition that when an old Union work will soon commence,. consists o' a snowslide occurred just above the MEEKS & LYNCH, more particularly a crippled Hyrum "Davis of Minnesot is work five claims situated about three miles point of a mercury producer, the production of this metal, while forming 315 A 316 Atlas Block; soldier who has acceptably filled a Dalton mill in Bullion canyon, wreck- ing at the Old Hickory mine. a j the old with cave northeast of, mine, takes ing the mill cottage, in which was a great source of revenue to the comSalt Lake City, Utah. place and wants to keep it, itschemrecord output of $750,000 In gold, up Vacant lots, modern is not the only means whereby pany, more than politica.or political homes Superintendent Furgeson of the Bradshaw sleeping Henry Loney, the mill careof canyon, ten miles east the company provides the sharehold- business Investments. of Marysvale. Moscow was a visitor last week. ers to dislodge hiih so long, at least, taker and an Milford. mine ore in The Hecla the ers with generous dividends.1 General as Theodore Roosevelt is President, Mr. Loney was pinned down by the Dr. G. H. Money to Loan. Fennemore returned from consists of gold, silver and lead, gold Manaeer (. R. Both wen returned Nineteen years in Real Estate Busiand if there has been any different ac- fallen house and snow and was not from predominating. an inspection of the property Satur- ness In Salt Lake Citv. tion taken or even though of by him rescued until next morning, and when Salt Lake City Wednesday morning. and stated that the day, it was because he was not properly in- found was near death from cold, his Superintendent Ingalls and wife of Samuel New house gives out the in- was shipping cyanides management feet and hands being badly frozen, but formed as to the situation. every two were In town last week. formation that conditions at the Cactus weeks. The congratulations of this paper he is now doing well. There is an im- the Hickory W. J. HALLORAN, denot to While he did him. to pleasing go, out cheerfully and abundantlywas mense fall of snow in the hills and apTom Gillins, Job Cartridge and Less! sire to go Into details until he has reBe sure and use the pioneer line, our little say That more Real the register. Estate and Loans. parently coining. ter Carter were In towfi the other day. ceived further information, yet he has Salt Lake Route, when going to Con- Telephone 823. for him all along is not a matter of Established 1887. Beaver in are mine ference somethis county decidedly is year. 14 Wr. Third South Street, always much concern, but it A CASE FOR Milford is nothing but a mud hole the assurance from those in of charge your Salt Lake City, Utah. thing to feel good over when nowadays, on account of the recent the property that the present week had $350.00 buys very choice Main St. side has not only won, but deserved If the following from the Deseret storms. American Plan, $1.25 to $2.50. witnessed some important developLots. to win. There is not a trace of ill will News be correct, then Mr. Riddle of ments. past - regarding Mr. Escalante should be arrested on the existent, or 50c the of Bert Skinner, European Plan, up. proprietor thp they charge of murder: Thompson or his supporters; Beaver stage line, was a Milford vison an was time There exciting quite HOTEL HALLS. have done well enohgh and we are GEO. M. McCONAUGHY, Escalante, Garfield County, March itor the other day. Thursday evening when George Atof glad they did no better for themselves 2d. In the recent announcement M. RIDDLE,' Manager. S. Club the saloon and side. kins other for Eagle the raught Real Estate and Loans. ,or 1 worse the death of Alva Phelps Pratt of this Orrin Puffer, Silas Cox, Harri fire. All the town turned out, but to Corner Third South and State place it was stated that deceased was Hedges are bailed1 Lake Salt could. to save w'hat no effect, only Investment, Securities, Trades and Streets, hauling hay they City, Utah. injured in an accident about two years south of Caliente. Business Chances. Ind. Phone 1101, Smithsons place would have been to his demise, conveying the previous 41 West Second So. St., ftburned to ashes only for the good .. idea that he died from the effects of Crimshaw and Charley Peter- work of the men and boys. The damSalt Lake City, Utah. ' ? that accident.' The News correspond- senRay ORDER OF US. , passed .through Milford from Salt age done will reach well into thou'Vn t ? HUM ent claims, that such is not the fact. on dollars. to Lake of their Beaver. sands way City Mr. from recovered the Injuries Pratt METAL MARKET. Nice homes on easy payments, of the accident referred to and worked The series of washouts on the Salt CHEAP RATES TO MEXICO. Goods delivered at your home at 'Cheap lots any part of city. Farm 1904 summer of the and 64 21: during spring Silver, Wednesday, loans. Salt Lake prices. On Lake Route will tie up ore shipments for Isaac J. Riddle of Escalante. lead. $5:25: copper, 18. from Nevada camps west of Modena a to Dee. settleDaily until April 7th, the Colorado while ; 13, get Silver, 65 trjing Thursday, 22: C. J. bowman, . Try our Mail Order Department and Midland wil sell tickets Salt Lake ment from Mr. Riddle for liis sum- Sor a week or more. $5.35; copper, 18 cents. be satisfied. north all and Room of Mexico to points 5, Eagle Blk., Riddle became City Friday, 23: Silver, 65; lead, $3.35; mers work. Mr. Yesterday morning T. M. Blair was thereof for $44.60. Through sleeping and with a sheet iron Sait Lake City, Utah, copper, 18. Hardware Groceries, Goods, Dry measure (it having a? heavy brought to St. George from the Apex car to Denver. Beautiful illustrated lead, Saturday, 24: Silver, C5 wooden boitom in it) he striick Alva mine. He was crushed last Thursday books on Mexico and it3 people free. Everything. $5.35; copper, 18. L. H. Harding, General Agent, BARNES GROCERY CO., cents; Pratt with it full in the face, knocking by falling rock. The doctor says he -is Write Lake Mondav, 26 Silver, 65i HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO. Salt not, on City, for further Informahurt. his seriously and him breast 18 down, jumped cents. lead, $5.35; copper, best the assures line This 143 tion. West you North First and his head him until Street, Y face, 65 27 beating cents; Silver, Tuesday, In St. George for severali nays. bV servlpe. and scenery. breast were badly beaten and bruised. Homes lead, $3.35; copper, for rent and sale. Lowest SALT LAKE CITY. From that- beating he never 'covered, ginning on the llth,"faTEnelS' but on business A big fight for Conference able to do any worlri Friday sev.eral inches of snow fell. The prices. Easiest terms., 251 Main St'., Salt Lake Route. Low rates for and was never Although he went to Salt Lake City fruit trees in full bloom and covered is on In Sanpete county. The pioneer Conference. ' Salt Lake City. UTAH PHOTO BUTTON CO. during the summer of 1905 to get med- with snow made a beautiful sight. 4 line Is working harff for traffic. ical treatment, he gradually grew CONFERENCE RATES. H. N. Winter, Manager. in 'J worse, until death relieved him of his of The above facts and suffering. great Campaign, Society, Advertising SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. For the annual conference, L. D. S., the Photo Buttons to order. have been proved by eviat Salt Lake City, April 6th to 9th, in- dencebeating in the district in court from size kind of We or copy any Now is the time to invest. A rapid given clusive, and the Ladies Relief So- Panguitch, November, 1905, where Mr. picture return same uninjured. Pho- advance is certain. Choice building Some of tlie reasons why you should ciety, April th, the usual rates are tos on. Cuff Buttons, Brooches, Pins, lots all parts of city, $100 to $500, Riddle was tried for upon the trade with us : authorized to Salt Lake City and re- person of Alva Pratt battery and found guilty trust traveling $12.50 cash, $7.50 per month, 7 per TiOckets, etc. Why turn by the Denver and Rio Grande. by the jury'. We ask only live and let live prices, with your choice photos cent. strangers of north all and points From Ogden when permanent residents guarantee and give live and let live terms. Alva Phelps Pratt was a 6on of the HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO., Salt Lake, April 5th to 8th, inclusive, late Apostle and Juliette Orson Pratt satisfaction? 78 West 2d So. SL correct proofs Absolutely guarantee final limit 12th. All points, Murray Cabinet Photos, Statnp Photos, PhoPhelps Pratt, and Vas highly respectimitano and handle and to Silver City, inclusive, also Bing- ed measurements, He to Buttons. 49 Main street, Salt Lake. by the people of Escalante. ham, Park City and Heber branches, leaves a "wife and lour children, two . tions. We have all kinds of investments in P. O. Box 1301. Telephone to inclusive .limited to 8th. April 4th bereal estate and we write ail kinds of trade. oldest the two with sons and liberal (the etc., reducing, Enlarging, copying, daughters Always all othes From April 12th. 1906. any kind or size of picture in photo, insurance. ing a boy of 14 years) to mourn his RIEGER & LIND LEY, points, April 4th to April 8th, inclu- death. crayon, sepia, pastel, oil, etc- - Finest Merchants. YOUNG & YOUNGS, to 15th, except limited April TbcHVhiskey sive, grades consistent with price.. Every Cisand Mack Fruita, Grand Junction, anhouses Lake five Salt The work of play grade absolutely permanent-w- ill General Insurance, RealEstate and co will sell April 4th only, limited to nounce not fade.- Frames and framing. Blk- - Salt great attractions during ConLoans, 202 Whitinghai April 15th, going trip limited to date ference 'week. All sizes and grade-- made up to order. Lake City, Utah, jnr' Tel. 1077. of sale ; . , y Salt J Lake! , A- - u - 1 t - t? t M - . rt 1 1 . a- - , snow-slide- - en old-tim- " ? , 1 - 4 l . .t ;,v vimi, fcws Items j , ITT-I.- 1, , half-bush- 1 1-- 4 . - . - m 967-k- 3 t |