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Show i Free Press - Wednesday, Sept 7, 1988-Pa- 10 ge Volleyball to begin at Park City Thursday IT Thursday and Park City's tennis team will visit Lehi and then the Pioneers tennis today team will play at Spnngville on Thursday. . V,SA Play Review By MARCELLA WALKER Children do not a good honeymoon make! This is a truism in any case, but when you combine children who do not want a new father, a mother who is not a disciplinarian, a mother-in-lawho is in favor of the new husband, and a new father who is determined to bring the family together, it makes for quite a humorous story. This is the story of "Five On A Honeymoon," a comedy now playing at Valley Center Playhouse in Lindon. Chris and Connie meet at a conference, fall in love, and get married. Connie is the mother of three children. Chris is willing to take on this responsibility but he has a hard time reaching his goal. An enjoyable comedy, this play features characters who are quite unique. In fact, when the kids get to whining and carrying on and wanting their own way, it sounds a lot like home. Almost stealing the spotlight from the adults in this play are Debbie, played by Brittany Wells, and Buddy, played by Brett Gen- i Js. J j- 1 S r X '"V' "' w'" M J i,SA WW 'V lJV tsA WN ii4 n fcSA fi w vA ,. ML. i. N y & I tt JfSK8' ' i& WJ.K " l J TmkW " Z i VI ' MWS 5fc. 1 .jLi "iJS .JS J SWfeVi. Si- - ISA ISA 4 I MSA VISA VISA VISA fiVt Iflfr t yl ?L 4. 1 , sJ'S,'',! 11 e ' I n liiWiWWWW. nu toj uu uinuvMiiiiiiutiuinuuu WlMIMVMIMdUUVKMIMHu "W llW llw US I iI I lK ' j1s . v.S For those few who do not have our debit card and would like one in your purse or wallet, visit the bank today or call us at Please hurry while the card is still free to our qualified checking account customers. 756-768- 1. We care about you Prices Effective mm t iSA litis Bank of American Fork American Fork, Alpine Old Home Holland Dutch Ice Cream Buttermilk Bread 3 xh 89 ) I I S RiDe Cantalouoe fS f) 4k member FDIC Ren-stro- ( ISA Thank you for the kind comments you have given us about our new Visa debit card. We have received many hundreds of comments and are pleased that you like the beautiful design and the terrific features of our new card. They should get an "A" for their performance. However, Brittany is leaving the cast to move to California and the part will now be played by Diana Weaver. There should be some special kind of award for ingenuity and master ad libbing. During the performance on Monday night, the vacuum cleaner did not stick to the script, and fell apart during a scene. Robert Defendi, as Johnny Barker, added some lines of his own about the broken vacuum which were better than m any of the comedy lines in the play. TaShera Lindsay played the part of Nedra, the teenage daughter, the night I attended. She was a convincing spoiled brat, although it would have been nice to see some real tears when she is remorseful near the end of the play. Grant Draper, who plays Chris, always does a commendable job and seems so relaxed and at ease. A very lovely Toni Youngreen played the children's mother, and her costumes were an event in themselves. Other members of the cast played their parts well and added humor to the story. Other cast members include Candy Woodcox, Nicole Lindsay, Michael Christiansen, John Dave Hansen, Joseph C. Sorensen, Reva Higgens, Lucille Brown, Michelle Gentry, Cynthia Sorensen, and Lisa Jones. September MSA USA ISA Thank You try. 7-1- MSA USA VISA ISA mi JKtKJ .IS SsWfr 1,- IS jSyMam Kraft Squeezeable Ice Cream Toppings. . gallon I . 4.29 Lynn Wilson 59 Flour Tortillas Coke Products Coke, Tab, Sprite and other flavors. 6 pack cans 1.65 Old Home Clover Club i Potato Chips 1.69 lb. pkg All flavors, True Value 79 Bathroom Tissue Kix Cereal 9 oz Brach's x Candy e Cat Food 4 lbs 4.25 Mrs. Butterworth's Syrup Ripe Cantaloupe ib 20( Fresh Carrots 4 lbs.99( Ripe Bananas Y.oU 36 oz. 9.99 Detergent 40 lbs Aim Toothpaste 8.2 oz. .4.47 1 1 f head ... 79 gallon 89' Sweet Rolls Meadow Gold or Viva Cottage Cheese 59 24 oz 4.25 Blade-cu- Holland Dutch Ice Creams 4.09 de Pot Roast t run I Hi-- C Drinks 95 1Q lb. uu oucea Slab Bacon U.09 46 oz. t Pot Roast tl de n-id- J,Vv. lUri' ib. 4.19 Hindquarter Turkey Roast IV 89 Buttermilk Bread. Old Home gallon.... Blade-cu- Pride Laundry Punch JULU 25 ib 1.39 95 oz iii Meadow Gold Fresh Cauliflower lb. Drinks 46 Hi-- C No-nam- Pick-a-Mi- 4.59 r i 1 ib 45 Sliced Slab Bacon ib Link Sausage ib Mozzarella Cheese 4.09 4.19 ib.. .4.59 Hormel Pepperoni Stick or sliced .....98 |