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Show Free Press - Wednesday, Sept. 7. Jennifer Hadfield, Martin K. Smith to exchange vows I lllliiif Is V illi: F" ' VlliV :s:v mmmm I Todd Kirkham, Christina Florez Todd Kirkham to claim Christina Florez as bride Todd Kirkham and Christina Florez have chosen to wed Sept. 9 at the Garden Park Ward in Salt Lake City. The bride-to-b- e is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Florez of Salt Lake City. The prospective groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Kirkham, Lehi. A rehearsal dinner will be hosted by the groom's parents at the Lion House. The newlyweds will be honored at a reception that same evening from 6 to 8:30 at the Garden Park Ward, 1150 Yale Avenue (1080 So.), Salt Lake City. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. Attending the bride will be Becky Walshe, matron of honor, and formed by Darin Kirkham, with Judd Kirkham serving as an usher. bearers will be Joshua Ring Kirkham and Spencer Starley. showers for the bride were hosted by Diane Florez and Becky Walshe, Trish Everett and the groom's sisters. The bride-to-b- e is a graduate of Olympus High School and is now attending the University of Utah as a senior, majoring in consumer economics. She is employed at Valley Bank and Trust. The prospective groom is a graduate of Lehi High School and is a graduate of the University of Utah with a major in economics. He is currently employed with Valley Bank and Trust at the South Valley Melanie office. The couple will make their first home in Sandy. , Kirkham, Jennifer Kirkham and Anilee Kirkham. Best man duties will be per- - Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hadfield, American Fork, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Jennifer, to Martin K. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith C. Smith, American Fork. The couple will exchange vows in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on Sept. 8. A reception will honor the newlyweds that same evening from 6:30 to 8:30 at the home of the bride's parents, 198 N. 200 West, American Fork. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. Attending the bride will be Elizabeth Hadfield and Heidi Haws. Best man duties will be performed by Michael Smith, with Matthew Smith, Greg Hadfield and DnviH Haws serving as groomsmen. The bride-to-b- e is a graduate of American Fork High School. She is Salt Lake currently attending Community College, where she will graduate in December with a degree in nursing. The prospective groom is also a graduate of American Fork High School. He is a graduate of Utah Valley Community College with an associate degree in Robotics and Automated Systems. He is presently at National Semiemployed conductor in West Jordan in Technology. He sered an LDS mission to the New York City, Spanish-speakin- g Mission. The couple will make their first home in Alpine. t r V m. w y r k milium. rW m ?i i' m Martin K. Smith, Jennifer Hadfield Primary polling places, sample ballot, instructions State of Utah) County of Utah) ss I, William F. Huish, Utah County Clerk, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a correct facimile ballot for the Primary Election to be held on Sept. 13, 1988, which ballot shows the names of all candidates eligible for election. Only names of those candidates applicable will be on the respective ballots in the various districts throughout Utah County. In witness thereto, I hereunder set my hand and seal this 29th day of August, 1988. William F. Huish Utah County Clerk PRIMARY ELECTION BALLOT UTAH COUNTY, UTAH SEPTEMBER 13, 1988 Paget Page 2 REPUBLICAN PARTY September 13, 1988 Utah County ComuvCWi DtfTftJCT INSTRUCTIONS To vole the Utah Primary Ballot you MUST first select your choice ol on political party, shown below, and vote it. (Punch the position next to the desired party). 1TATI MMMOITATHI Mtnacr 21 DONALD R. (DON) LEBARON 23 BRYCE 25 T L VALENTINE 27 MICHAEL N. STANSFIELD 2 DON R. STRONG 31 JOHN Now that you have selected and voted the Republican party choice turn to pink colored page and vote ONLY lor the candidates ol the Republican party plus the Nonpartisan candidates on white page. D. MCEUEN h mo REPUBLICAN PARTY 9 STATE NEPWCNTATTVt CMTNCT MO U (VM Now that you have selected and voted, the Democratic parly choice turn to green colored page and vote ONLY lor the candidates ol the Democratic party plus the n candidates on while page. Gordon Turner GREGORY B. HADLEY M NO. M On) DEMOCRATIC PARTY W Page 4 Forma returns from Calif, mission Utah County Page 3 September 13, 1988 DEMOCRATIC PARTY Gordon D. Turner, son of Carl and Glenna Turner of Lehi, re- Utah County - September 13, 1988 JAY LIECHTY 60 RULON R. GARFIELD 62 LEttOM PL0THOW 64 CHARLES 66 STATE iOAPO Of toucAnoN u., Gordon D. Turner CRAIG S.OLIVER 44 ROBERT 46 oismcrNO.s vt State Hospital Summer party The Utah Slate Hospital will holds its Annual Summer Party Thursday. Sept. 15. at 6:30 p.m. at the Castle Park. The park is located on the hill east of the administration building on Utah Stale Hospital grounds. All current employees, retired employees and their families are invited to attend. The party will honor all those employees who have received in centive awards and service awards during the past year. The hospital "Employee ol the Year" will also he honored. A special picnic menu is planned. SMITH DRUG CO. And Your Health 24 J7 H. STEWART r Ona) Cedar Lehi 1 Lehi 2 Lehi 3 Lehi 4 Lehi 5 Lehi 6 Lehi 7 W. STRINGHAM N. LEE CRABB 68 Foiling Places for the 19H8 Primary Belva Chamberlain residence Meadow Elementary Lehi Elementary Sego Lily Elementary Memorial Building Alpine Fireplace Furnaces Sego Lily Elementary Elsie Ozancin Residence Fort-Fairfie- Hwy. 73-1- 1 756-356- 550 E. 900 N. 10482 N. 8000 W. VOTER INSTRUCTIONS 9 Craig Thon ALPINE CENTER for Relief from Mental Health and Human Services Allergy Symptoms LCSW 120 1220 N. American E., Suite 11 Fork, Utah 84003 756-366- 4 Becoming a More Effective Person At the end of the day do you feel that you are merely crossing another day off on the calendar or do you feel a sense of satisfaction with what you have accomplished? Are you always swimming upstream to meet the demands of your days or actively-movincloser to goals you have set for yourself? Being an ef- fective person does not necessarily mean grand accomplishments; it does mean feeling in control of your life. Here are some thoughts on increasing your effectiveness. Realize the extent to which your life is formed by your choices, not circumstance. Accepting bad things as "fate" is a choice we make. Take greater responsibility for your moods, happiness does not depend only on how others treat us. but how much we let ourselves react to the provocations of others and the ups and downs of daily life. Act on your own values, interests and preferences as much us possible, instead of acting out of a desire to please others. Allergic reactions can be so mild that they are hardly noticed or so severe that they become life threatening. Reactions can occur from exposure to things that we eat (milk, eggs, strawberries), inhale (molds, dust, plant pollen, feathers), ingest (some antibiotics), or contact (poison ivy, cosmetics, household detergents). Substances that penetrate the skin such as insect venom may also cause allergic reactions. These substances, which are called allergens, cause the release of histamine and other chemicals in the body. Allergic symptoms often include a swollen, itchy, if M STEP 1. USING BOTH HANDS, slide the ballot card all the way into the Vote Recorder. STEP 3. TO VOTE, hold the punch stylus straight up and push down through card for each of your choices. DO NOT USE PEN OR PENCIL. runny, or stopped up nose; tearing, red, swollen eyes; and, sometimes, coughing, wheezing, and sneezing. Allergy relief begins with the avoidance of known allergens. I' ' ' I V"''"" ff "i''' Iff,! I"'" 2','J- "7 'W', Nonprescription medicines for allergy include the antihistamines and decongestants. Antihistamines, which block the effect of histamine, help reduce swelling and itching. They are usually more effective if taken before exposure to allergens. Decongestants cause a shrinkage of swollen nasal passages. Topical nasal decongestants (nose drops and. sprays) should be used no longer than three or four days to avoid the possible occurrence of rebound congestion. STEP 2. Be sure the two holes at the top of the card fit over the TWO RED PINS on the recorder. Published In the Lehi Free Press Sept. 7, 1988. Center 176 S. 500 W. 651 N. Center 550 E. 900 N. 57 N. Center 782 W. State W. Main Am. Fork Donald Dixon Pae 5 y , ply WW Pre-nupti- missionary news cently returned from the California San Jose Spanish Speaking Mission. He will speak in a Sacrament service on Sunday, Sept. 11 at 11 a.m. in the Lehi Seventh Ward, 1095 N. 300 West. Family and friends are invited to attend. 1 STEP 4. After voting, slide the card out of the VOTE RECORDER and place it under the flap in the write-i- n envelope. If you make a mistake, ask for another ballot. |