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Show Free Press - Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1988 Page t:S- - ft. I" m- -- ;: L ? ; 4 - ' ' ' T p. s .w:- .. V 6 ". t - jj 1 1 ' I Don M. and Barbara Fowles Fouies to observe 40th anniversary on September 8 The children of Don M. and Barbara Fowles will honor their parents at a family gathering on Thursday, Sepi. 8 in recognition of their 40th wedding anniversary. The event represents quite a milestone since Don has suffered with severe heartproblemsfor over 10 years. Don and Barbara request no gifts but would enjoy a card, letter, or phone call at their home in Yuma, Ariz. Don and Barbara were married Sept. 8, 1948 in Pleasant Grove. After their marriage they lived briefly in Lehi and later in LaSal, but with those exceptions they lived in Pleasant Grove until 1985 when they moved to Yuma, Ariz. Don was born and raised in Pleasant Grove. He worked throughout his youth for his father in the logging business. Later, he worked various jobs including forestry and heavy equipment operations and then started a career at Geneva Steel. He achieved the management position of Senior Melter in the . Open Hearth Division where he worked until he suffered a massive Wade D. Ashby, Ranae Watkins Ranae Watkins, Wade D. Ashby to wed Wade D. Ashby and Ranae Watkins will exchange vows Sept. 8 at the Officer's Club at Camp Williams. A reception will be held in their honor the same evening from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Officer's Club. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. Ranae is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raman D. Watkins of Lehi and Wade is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Ashby of Springville. Bridesmaids will include Jeana Garcia, Valyn Olsen, Maggie Cardon, Peggy Watkins, Rae Ann Yocom, Kae Lynn Nostrom and Kami Ashley. Thayne Weight and Jeff Stulce will attend the groom as best men, and serving as ushers will be Mark Watkins, Rodney Olsen, Michael Garcia, John Nostrom and Bruce Mrs'. W.D. Watkins, grandparents of the couple. Ranae graduated from Lehi High School and LDS Seminary. In high school, she participated in FHA and in the marching band. She is currently attending Utah Valley Community College where she is studying to be a microcomputer applications secretary. She also graduated with honors from the June Marais School of Travel as a travel consultant. The prospective groom is a graduate of Springville High School, where he was active in the FFA. He also rode with the Hobble Creek Riding Club. Active in scouting, he attained the Eagle rank. He attended Utah State University and Utah Valley Community College. He is currently employed with Tarft Sprinkler Company. The couple will make their first home in Spanish Fork. Yocom. Special guests at the wedding will be Mrs. Georgia Carter and Mr. and Free heart attack on Jan. 2, 1977. Though just 48 years old at the time, the severity of his heart at- tack left him permanently disabled andhe took a medical retirement in October, 1977. He served in various church and civic positions including Explorer Scout .leader, .neighborhood com- - . missioner, captain of the Pleasant Grove Auxiliary Police and President of the Timp Marina Boat Club. Barbara was born, raised and educated in Lehi. She has served in various callings in the LDS church including Guide Patrol leader and MIA Secretary. She has devoted her life to the service of others, particularly her husband, and is solely credited with Don livinglong enough to celebrate this 40th pre-retireme- nt social security meeting file a claim, and other important topics. In addition, information will be provided on nutrition and health and leisure time activities. The meeting is designed for area residents age 55 and older. The meeting will be limited to 40 people, for reservations. so call Admission is free. Anyone nearing retirement will want to attend a meeting at the West Clark Auditorium (above lab) of the Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. The meeting will be held Thursday, Sept. 15, at 7:30 p.m. A social security representative will discuss requirements for benefits, how to nt m Ml (rWZ parp our regular retail prices (SPECIAL TAGGED ITEMS REDUCED AS MUCH AS 70 U U - OFF) ' ' I Includes fabrics only. Tags MUST remain attached to bolt to allow discount over 40. Does NOT include Upholstery, Fur, Vinyl or Special Reduced Items listed below. I J LJ KJ J mm ssm sm &smm to Solid color. Full bolls. F r "INTERLOCK-KNIT- S SusgSd'tetail to W.98 yd. I ' BElT1NG EUSTIC White. Black. Red. Nav,. As available. Suggested retail to 11.49 yd. d- 60" wide 3" wide PRINTED KNITS R0BEVEL0UR 7 Full bolts. Suggested retail to $4.98 yd. Full bolts. Suggested 60" wide retail to $4.98 yd. 60" wide Carol FELT YARDAGE retail to $4.98 yd. Full bolts. Suggested Mil and sSoQ Jichard SB r A A FEATURE fICE ii CAPADES TICKET STUB IS FOR FREE FAIR AOMISSIONI o1 13 DAZZLING PERFORMANCES MOP" Thurt. Sepl8 - Sept 250 4 10 8ua.Sqtf.ll Wed. Sept. 14 Wnn'."' Thun.Septl5 Frl. Sept Sun-Se- 18 T0 1 .1 Jumbw of llckiu dlrid 532-545- 1 wd prlct tnclou PyOl SEPt 18 )stv SUPER f K0YL MORNING MATINEE HssdSCI t - SAVER NIGHT FAMILY NIGHT pt DISCOUNT INFO. CALL FOR GROUP jpaops - ?5rt Ttmpli Sill Irti City. UT 64101. Wooaitnd Miiis U THE SALT PALACE All seats hall price (no further discounts) V- -' 60" yd 90" wide All seals $4. $6 and S7 (no further discounts) Adults $2 off with Hardee's coupon performances "IGHT FOR INFORMATION CALL 363-763- 1 or n fTTircrc McCall Simplicity Buttenck Limit 5 patterns per customer - S3 off regular prices with Smith's store coupon AND PHONE CHARGES service charge (VisaMastercard oClOO cenSMtvAoMtiUL'Cei$nQ fX :30PM imiSu 'JE" 18 Sept 17 Sat SJ "JJJ ice TICKETS: S7. S9 and $10: $2 discount for juniors 16 and under and seniors 62 and ' over for regularly priced performances. On sale at the Salt Palace and all Smith locations. Limited number of VIP Ice seats available at $13 (no discounts). MJJJ Mon-Sep- x White 40 Denier. R.o.t. Suggested retail to $3.98 yd SKATING J THURSDAY, SEPT. 8 - SUNDAY, Sat- NYLON TRICOT each 45" yd. sj' NOW GOOD s,flo2 45" wide 060. 6 oz. crib size. Suggested retail to $2.49 each THOSE LOVEABLE , - BONDED BATT wmm .J Vd- Designer lengths. Suggested retail to $3 98 yd 72" wide mm y UNBLEACHED MUSLIN TOLL-FRE- E 1 - - |