Show ear Riot as Brokers HoW Hold Fist Fight at Stock Exchange tAmN HALTS HAlT I A 1 I MEN i ir r r IN FRAY aller iller Orders Order K Belligerents From Floor Governors to Fix Fix Penalty Y f for r Conduct Monday i G over the details detail r of a sale W. W II n. Child and Armr Ar Ar- mr IDt lur Thomas two prominent mem- mem phs rs of the Salt Lake Stock and fining dining Exchange threw that in in- Il into an uproar yesterday then ihen they attempted to settle their dif dif- in a fist fight upon the floor the the midst of a busy session With trading at its heaviest brokers broker crOWded the floor in frantic efforts effort close dose deals for stock at first paid l tl le attention to what seemed a a disagreement but they soon i ed the difference of opinion was more than small moment I Ji Jimas homas mas and Child engaged in aled at a lore t ted led d argument over a transaction Iyer ver the rail raU According to rs Thomas res resented a remark made hild who struck Thomas on the Iv and nd knocked him to the floor ear riot resulted from the blow lr deserted the rail and rushed the scene of the fight fi ht Many of th the i who crowded the room ran rano o the floor in an endeavor to sepa sepa- he ho men Finally the t tw two o brokers re e parted Apparently calmed they r released But immediately immediatelY- they bed again at each other Several kers endeavored again to separate i e en but received blows their orts c ter ler W W. H. H frantically pt at pon Tion his desk with the gavel for forn n a Ji but without success Brokers din ant over the proceedings sug- sug id that the police be called but fore ore a call can could be made for the then Ricers fibers n rs the men were definitely sepa- sepa ted ed c b by the combined efforts of five fire the brokers deeding l both men were were- later led TO m m the exchange Child received aSodY a ody SodY nose and Thomas an abrasion the forehead in the fight as It eras las several minutes before the ex- ex ange could be called to order Upon e return of the members to the floor ilk Jl J announced t At t ta a meeting of the board of KOV- KOV DO ao a 1 to be held helt Immediately after js is call I will recommend that both n en engaged aged In the proceedings you youve the heaviest ye ve y Just seen be given e and the limit of suspension that It possible for them to have Mr omas and Mr Child must now leave floor portly b after the call an endeavor to call can a meeting of the thear ther ar r IiI of governors but enough did not l tend end nd to make a quorum Another Dieting ung eting has been called for o'clock day morning to determine the pun- pun I. I ment ent to be given the men and if y if shan shall continue to be suspended W conducting business on the cx- cx m I ange Brokers generally expressed them- them Ives highly indignant over the ocr oc- oc lv ves s as r ence The proceedings were tided landed as t disgraceful and many rein re-ln r ln favor of long suspensions for fore fors e s 1 |