Show I THEY HIT COOL 1000 WITH THE ANANIAS CLUB CLUBBy By Inter International News Service CHICAGO Aug 25 in water tank towns Is not always ways eo so dull and as some baseball fans may believe Take I Tex Jones' Jones word for fOT It Tex used to cavort In the tall sticks of ot the Southwest and Tie lIe tells tella a a. tank town yarn in which the tank I plays an important role The Th ball park parI was laid out ont along the ra railroad road tracks in a Texas town where I played with an independent nt I team one day says Jones Tones and we fe were having a hot old game of ball You Know the reputations those Texans have for hitting that old apple into the next county Well VeIl there were several boys bos In Inthis Inthis inthis this game who could certainly kiss that tha t ball and along about the say sev seventh Inning one of em by the name nam of came to bat baL There was wasa a big water tank in deep center centerfield centerfield centerfield field just across a double track and about this time a switcher r came up to take on water and opened up the tank Watkins smashed a long fly flyover flyover flyover over the center fielders fielder's head and right Into the tank it went It happened that the fielder was playing playing playIng play- play Ing clear back to the tr tracks ks and It also happened that he was a good swimmer When he saw lIaw what happened he climbed the ladder ladder lad lad- der del to the top of the tank which was one of those open topped af affairs affairs affairs af- af fairs and dove down for the ball When he came up with It Watkins was rounding second and taking his time to it He did ld not see the shortstop go way vay out into center and he lie e didn't see the fielder throw the ball to him from on top the tank Result was that WatkIns was thrown out at the plate and because the ball hadn't touched the the town I ground umpire thought the play was fair enough L. L I I |