Show our low 1 amig MUM I 1 I 1 began to td arrive bathe on I 1 the I 1 and ance bibee ohp ahti n lave contin continued I 1 vied to come in almost jd ait toily ily the fi assistance tar furnished froni from tile the settle settlements inq I 1 I 1 I 1 and the tavo favorable rable weather will probably 1 enable a the companies coni pallies to roach reach ber ON encountering any severe storms borms ft torms to fiose 1 who are re between weber abid G garfen aren rl avers and bd especially aonie I 1 who may be still bacci woul I 1 dido ulel ess b be highly plea pleased and tand I 1 benefi teA hy anet ting soro dof of their relatives and d friends with P 61 I 1 ad a few fresh animals to help them out of of 0 the ro foagh tie end of a tedi tedious journey 1 1 I 1 as having no hired fredane news i ws hunters being too buy to hunt it all ou nelves anal I 1 captains of companies bjes neglecting t to oreja r report owr arrival ane in I 1 I 1 C I 1 their com company puny and the condition and whereabouts of our oar real cofty OW wt we oa ban only y state from incidental elder job smith and nd company a arrived r abed on oil 46 ate ad lhiva and camped A aped near the jordan bridge h 86 thaiA A PF Pj Fields I 1 allds and ud jol lys lya coela companies ales have nave conom chae fa i if the Capt I 1 I 1 iltis I 1 would report it at GD governor vernor youngs office after their k arrival wat aa keep traci of t the yearly influx 1101 I 1 and they could learn at once wh a ro manyi many I 1 if not ilot I 1 alt all their company would find employ employment I 1 m i eu and shelter shatter tho the coining I 1 winter I 1 |