Show mr ETer editha system I 1 written expressly or the hiis tiis a li mr meredith li in his roost most 80 solemnly emphatic manner anner tri mt it is a fact aint our our present system e I 1 a of education la is I 1 littia inore acceptable that than a farce A certin routhe ix followed jo ill tlc alc room for aber bertain tui autri bey of hours a of Gme ertain text bo boor k asked and ao answered and thedlus the thed d lys work is 18 0 tre I 1 et e I 1 Theeb the bild lild JId returns to its home as aa ignorant I 1 f f wry lhing I 1 ll 11 else of tile hot of facts relating lt to al suba acts within the hounds of creation prea tion sag aw when hen he fie entend ibe the door where tn in is is professedly ini parted it is i a tact that thai if the li hearts arts and en energies Orgies of leaders I 1 were but 6 upon upon their eni em pIny ment we should see a antos inott wonderful ad in the development ot our children ell chi ildren idren g s they would inave se scarcely arcely emerged fro from e childhood h before w we e behold them issuing i ng fryn ann college and se Benu uary prepared pip pie pared to i ac tact t their h r parton part on lifes a tage stage instead of af creeping creeping i inzie f forth when their days were e half nt and i the vigor ot aoah departed beside the allotted how bow many genia g ems h avow iw many bits of prote arbth the ahe ilir how foially facts in itt natural history in in meteorology in in biography might al ig ht be woven into the he labor of 1 a single day I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 there is one thing thia kIrs mrs meredith he said glancing ig at his wife I 1 4 I 1 feel that thai our julia agha 19 4 sadly neglected and I 1 shall devote this evening to i 0 ag I 1 le r some gell general exal I 1 certainly shall th the 1 I 1 thought as all though 1 h she had beald ka the certainly shall sit all before milso julia a 4 b bright chuld of eight yeats years was at the th 6 I 1 time to t 6 receive e the threatened lesson from tb man of wisdom I 1 Q julia ia he beglin 11 shall farat g give tv e you a i brief account lle count of the Creati cheh hah I 1 trust you vill be able I 1 to 0 report to id morrow mc arow can you tell ell me a what wo we call the distance ti J aroun dhe earthy dilisi could not the ferenc julia it lehme let me hear you pra bunce cunce a few words 1 I perceive an indistinctness hip popo apua talus you si air r it is a pachy dermatas der matus ani animal jual somewhat what elephant aleph nt boti saw a aw an elephant atthe at tb I 1 earn caravan I 1 va n caravans ate are often destroyed wh le 0 crossing rossil ig the african dari when ahen they aie are aut to ell I 1 tha t diey viey ey fill fall upon their faces in the sand el else at they would b ba over whelmed whelm ed be careful about conlo widing axe dilno n with the edw inokai sta rm which we have birve in thus this country t t ir I 1 must alain ahe differ eee you ainor that during lour oar equinoctial we have ave very irh lwiws so that the ole trees b bend eft d before I 1 it and if there was arty fruit fruition up uon on t I 1 hem it bould bof I 1 quick lybe lodged d gronna gron nd by the way w fihn rid call the balliu falling X of that the theearta eaic the attraction of gr gravitation arlthon arl tion of cohesion holds he Ji articles of a A baay is am insL arim I 1 there arenci species of wood the oak oai is I 1 one of the jin in america Auie ricA I 1 one at hartford fla iford acquired acquire 4 J great celebrity chiy during the war of I 1 the he he becan san important paper pape cas hid in ii Us its hollow inmei I 1 aphis war was b two america Ar and agid En england allind the king ing of pathe tile latter would v ouid have competed coin compe belled Hed us to pay hea heavy vy duties on stamped paper n u 4 to ao do ott ion abife things tou should be a alti the tit e h history iry of aper in ancient times it was nade from TUI ail plant pail papyrus I 1 alry t Y va cujow yu 1 i ai jow w i is in africia africa I 1 is a graild 1 J I 1 blunty he are bealhen and mothers others in ejier often throw chiow cheif babes to th crobo crocodiles diles infect the livers the alieh het is greater than it is here beca jise egypt is nearer I 1 he be equator batis the th jays ariy riy a atom fi am th tha sun aud light also indeed on account of dlo lumi I 1 affy they have night six mouths moh this long langne in ne N e region whre the abe blives these a ate are re a rude jojoe people eole F iving ju io huts of of i blabs of cef I 1 I 1 1 keidi iafe Is ac e d 1 I a fahid if the cintr 1 i in the should auld freeze ice would be 64 bromme laa 1 1 AH tbt I 1 say siy tt to yop ye ahoua ahou should 4 b be care carefully llull as 0 T t way may bave leavea a ular apar i I 1 ehg oi I 1 tir after hafe I 1 with a awill well stor dnn i you yla ivil walto I 1 I 1 ditth rt w V 11 arvied hab the world orid 1 1 in e d d thi the first leloh and mr M bere futh looker lo 10 le with it as a self f WT UT uee afi a il 1 I aitor q ad a rf if c conscious of 4 f inerio ag i beir heir ampro nation ballon litile julias julians I 1 losolis lo aistro sotis 6 yes hid had g row dun D with ale sleepiness deplae all and d sti ire ai I 1 I 1 that ie ier MIA waa a the ap appearance of f J h her er p eursery ry maid abor more I 1 wel weldone dome e I 1 I 1 awaited with considerable cuTlo sity and d ira palance pa lince the ixer exercises cibes of V I 1 I 1 xi orning it was as I 1 at anticipated I 1 atter prizes coula pot W be more chool thool th ool ehly JuT jumbled bled ihan aan th h ideas which ch the had re the night bea before ignatich profusion I 1 in anset to her interrogator the ci fe relice of everything meant tile the creation 16 hippopotamus ws as a 4 caravan I 1 wn and the was something that put its face in the s ii in achen hen the clep Baat blew over tile the desert T ai trw cioll of gravitation was waa what the I 1 illi wind shock out of the trees and treat tb the eat ita t eion 1 of r cohesion po hesion w was hid hd in a hollow tree at the recollection of what WILB waa colff her L out beyst wab limite fl to tc the tact fact that lt ua fiks ole ae hilme 0 of the and that they aitoro V of f I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 T L I 1 1 stabs olic ofick which tit tide was wa nothing more than fruzen frozen cedr in a barrel poor floor tiling thing her papa had caused her to circumnavigate cum navigate thi oblate sh erint too rapi rapidly oly slip lind had sten st en the torrid tempe temperate pate and arctic zones tones atene at one glance 1 had just withdrawn her gf anze ze ir iroku n m tj alie i p animal kingdom when hen truths presented and bewilder me fae A t ensued I 1 I 1 mr meredith was nonplused nonplus ed he had iwo woven in the general information too vehemently c changing 11 agn the subject it as s often ate as a bee chati changes cres its honey honey sipped flower without beina thorough ona simple topic his laudable resolve to 1 supply I the deficiencies in school education by an ait ev evening enting orill drill at bome were thereafter based upon the prin sipie one thing at a time for the young AGM AraN xii jand and tile the old too until it is i mastered or di 11 1 1 poked of for tho time ft en |