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Show ( "r ! I i tb TheEighfs pf Women of Zion, .and' the Eights of the Women of all Nations. ' ' .:; 'ill ' - f; Good " 7 Friday, BT HAXSAH T. KIUQ. Great God! beard 'at thou th$t sod, wild In HeavenV thy dwelling place5 kbSve ? Were all the archives of thy bosoiri' cry - b'&d, ' ; ? t y "- - ! ' spirit passed,' and took Its destined course, And Ileaven' appeared as though it'had n6t heard. The ' i : ! . ; ; earth took up the awful, wondrous wail, And rent the rocks and "shook ttaraqueous ball; And darkness threw o'erall it dismal veil, And spread o'er earth its universal pall. was a cause that silence reigned in Heav'n, ' (As whea in mortal sorrow5 one is ixiwed) When God heard not then Heahren iteelf Nras mute, And awfot siletice was the speaking word. There Grand, sublime, stupendous is the scene No mortal mind can fully realize We bow beforii Itj lth Our heart's' best tears, -- the 'sacrifice ! And worship silently , 'J ' ' let us humbly take, the subject home? We pray but oft our prayers seem all unheard We think our Father has "forsaken" us Now lis not according 01Iis word ! ! j wait,: and wakh, full oft Hhe answer comes la fdrai andf placer wd Hevr dream to meet it; But ' t astonisnmenti-o- ! peopie.? ipusviz " feire-we- lL Of 180 miles. fieavf 'aIwnlf"oihg up the Lake, sothat almost every passenger and some of the hands iiafui ing the, the.-wkrter- of attending the,s;hool in Kirtlanup with:(J 4835(ind 6, my farrprg&k, Propliet'sliEgstagaiir Gospej in the tfl-StiW.- femily Parity. one; in , ; . ; 'xiiy tie,, enjoyment. Tis was $6 o altbapjyjroj-r- i ( f ; t 7 was absent j0nearlyf. five ;!monjhs,.r preached "much md, b'aptizej thirty; ..yisited many ofhis friends in Vermont, and thelj3ta& he , ; ; New)fXo.,; Thi mission, which.he' .gives,' a account of3;Very interesting hut too. lengthy of 40 publish in.the J3th I. arrived : Exponent; however, I. wil),a at Sacketts Harbor, whereX , , m Io t-- ,77. the three acres, I ftM.uoouou look round fore !e had'' hardly 'a chance to blowed k call and about that U'me the horn ... V started back to hu house, re orsald one ord to meppear; ?6 Th4 next Sabbath ZfdFfmnM. l ; t; fj .,v-Viv-'i- J fnr fwpntv-fiv- e - miles distance 1wfort been ,dOAe ( , many jears of their children" in their firgft f child ., Man ctifpr named Judith Mervin. who ' ld,Hheecbhdwas died when 'ten months William flenry I beihg, the 'third chiW an ;, mv mother ever bore. lier fnnrtTT WM'RMwell'HebefVwhb died when five' mnn ths bid this' was previous to their hearine of Mormonism I can distinctly remember the' ':' little graveyard betwee'i Mendbn' aM;jidor,' wprAhpv'wftre buried, aid alsb of bur visit-- , ' in the city of ing at" my uncle Obuld Murray's attehdinff'" TnoK&tranA"6t Sunday School. in' three weeka'.'"' My parents' were then T&ptiife after joming that cTbu with the Jvvenasting uospei. ThlliwttfUtffi'lnciJclft 'will no doubt remma otners ox luvir cuuui cumuou. ' " well as mistakes which 'underwent timely cor--' : . , , , , - woman die5f she berng'very feeblp when she came on board; but we reac hed our destination without accident, and arrived in .Kirtland ' ' .V Oct. 2nd." last mother's of yisi .to The mption my ,( ' Victor recalls many seenes of .'.'my childhood and impresiQns. whicji '!still .ycjjpv pleasant ,( Muruncle yVilliam niche in my My ray and their sister LucretiaCapbelJ were' and(i:.( living in Victor, Vshe had hut' one son.' died and husband herself with' who daughter J 'ago: .parent .had buried two ' -- Aiter; . were very sick; many jvere i'gh'il,iand',one , , ' ! , , . The, 'passengers were chiefly Swiss Erajgrants. After sitting and hearing them some time, the Spirit of the Lord came u pom me, and I was enabled to preach to them in their own language,' they seemed much pleased and" treated, us kindly . We had a very PittsFrom there my father journeyed thence from all he night; burgh where stayed went in a steamer to bt. Albans, Vermont, ana visited friends and relatives in Sheldon and "Bafcfersneld. and traveled through various parts of his native State. He says, "I visited Wrights tettlement on the top of the. Green. Mountam, wnere some were ueuevfug, icacu once to eight or nine bore testimony to the truth of the Ciospel. 1 met rmer ooion ros-d- i of Pnttcwlam flftfir an absence of about five weeks I returned to Ogdensburg,met the preth- ren wnom l,naa oapiizea anu mey xejuiucu au When I ot to the house of Broth er TTpinfln Chanin. he was errindini? his scythe,,' and fixing his cradle to commence cutting his to him if he would furnish rkOQf I rnmnnsed iiuwk me a tow frock and pantaloons to put on, and a rake, I wouia go mw wc.uwu auu bind all he could cut, he declared there was t man livme" could do it: .says I 'never mind; me to do Brother'hapin, its.nearly 'as easy for after the it as to say it. The next morning com- dew had passed off we went into the AT whMt which he said had ' Seres ys three Heman, we n cup aown ma f , i , WHITNEY. CONTINUED. me i , 0$we-gatchi- e, . LIFE INCIDENTS. BY HELEN , Co of ail thy faithfu1! 6m, That they maj' yee,' inffkhbw and' comprehend " oa Thy4 tVUliiin:,ha'tsoever' form It comes.' eyes1 Priest, ana Oliver Simons" an' Elder to watch over the( Church; Father Joseph Smith and John Smith left us, the,. Church; haying made contributions for them at my request. I then went to Black Lake, preached, and Baptized one; then preached at Pottsdam, and baptized another, I returned to the township of called the Church together at Ogdens-burg- h which numbered 25, and bid them I left theCIiurch rejoichig in the liord, and many around believing the testimony. From thence I pnrau.myouTney'yir,. Ontario county, where I met Vilate, my wife, who was visiting her friends ano connections, and I tarried a few days witih'.thein. From, thence we pursued our journey to "Buffalo. Here a Magistrate came forward and paid five; dollars for our passage to' Fairport, a distance' and others w$e also healed of their infirmities. Sister Davis' husband was considered a staunch universalisthe was convinced and baptized." ed Father of Mercies! take the blinding scales ; , get "lama Sabachthani ! " the agonizing cry Of God's own Son, oft has been Bat wait, the ebon pall will be withdrawn, And God and Heaven fill the glorious scene , ; AO pro- claimed ihis occurrence unknown to me. I tarrieJ for several days in those, regions Dreach-- . ing and baptizing. August ..25tb whilcf we were assembled for a meeting bur hearts were filled with, joy at the arrival of Joseph Smith Sen., the Patriarch" and his .brother' John Smith who. were on a mission to bless the churches in the Eastern States.' Monday 29th, we ordained IjevrChapin a , r And5thank)tha Edrdfle would aoitefni ' ' We live to see and know wo were not' wise, m' to $t&ru v 8o imperatively !asking What then seem'd, oh! the desire bronr eyes, Without which we would scarcely care to live ! Bjit time withdrew the veil, and then we saw Just dust and ashes where we deem'd Was life; The silent ear we thought was turned to us Was love, that saved our souls frbrn woe and strife ' FVWorlhe , that country, r for. brother Chapin ,( had . ! feel . :!:!'!' Lawrence County, New, York, and from thence I. passed on about three miles, from the village, where I was stopped by a shower ol rain, which drew me into the honse of Mr.;Chapiu; for shelter, and after making known my calling the people desiring a' meetmg, called in their ; neighbors, where preached to them. for about an hour many stayed until midnight, and be fore I was up the next morning they called upon me, requesting I should preack again that day in the School House, which I did, and at night I was again thronged with those who were eager to hear. The second morning they likewise called on me and would not let me go until they knew the truth of my testimony, for by this time the country round was in an uproar of excitement. On the fourth morning I was called out of bed and baptized ; three. I remained seven days preachiug the Gospel of the kingdom of heaven and baptized and confirmed seven. The promise was fulfilled for those Who believed spoke ifl tongues and the sick Were healed; ia woman named Davis had been confined to her bed for five years, not able to do anything during that time, and scarcely abl& to sit up, who was given up to die by the doctors. I baptized and confirmed her a member: of the Church, and at the same time prayed for; ier and rebuked the disease and commanded it to depart from her, in the name of Jesus Christ; she began. to amend from that verv hour and in less . than one week she was performing Jier usualihQUselioW duties, walked I : 5 And deathly silent every voice of fore 1 -i m :; ' death-crfor the came, Jt eeemed to be bo And "It is finished " was the last sad word; We! . , LAMA SABACHTHANI. f , Salt lake city,, UTAirai 'ivissi. " '!""'!; ' Yol. .9. But ' u in,, One" "morning while Uncle Brigham Young and hii'two daughters were living with U3, the ; oldest one and my Dromer. u uuap to meet;' that ' we fotlr'shoilld go up to to Uncle ' arflnha 'knd wife! 'who' was sister ' Briham, as they were that day coming down Yicr to I&mddrfon" their ViW flWfiTnvself were feent Kfrtland ; Little 'tb 'ask -- Mas per-- ''', |