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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 174 1 : ' Israel against the Syrians, and the King of the Syrians sent a great host to Dotham to fetch him, ana they compassed the city. When the servant of the prophet saw them he asked him, "How shall we do?" And he answered, "Fear not; for they that be with us are more than they that be with them." And Elisha prayed the Lord to open bis servant's eyes, which He did, and the young man saw "the mountain was full of horses and chariots of Are round about Elisha;" thus we see he was protected by spiritual power, which could not, without supreme assistance, be viewed by mortal eyes. Another instance is recorded in Isaiah, 37th chap., 36th verse. "Then the angel of the Lord went forth, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and four score and five thousand; and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses." Possessing the same priesthood held by these ancient prophets, we are en titled to and enjoy the "beholding (and protection) of angels and ministering spirits. The following is from the history of Joseph Smith in the Millennial Star, Vol. 15, No. 30. Elder Roger Orton saw a mighty angel riding upon a horse of fire, with a flaming sword in his hand, followed by five others, encircle the house, and protect the Saints, even the Lord's anointed, from the power of Satan and a host of evil spirits, which were striving to disturb the Saints. Relative to the hearing from the dead, in Isaiah, the 8th Chan., we rend th fnllnwfna? "Should not a people seek unto their God for the living to the dead?" This must be the gift of God, "the beholding of angels and ministering Sister Clarissa A. Morgan, President, Celestia Durfee and Sabrina Howard, Counsel6r8,Agatha M. Baxter, Secretary, Mary E. Colby, Assistant Sec'y, Emma Broadhead, Treasurer. We have 6 teachers, 29 members, enrolled, we are doing very well under the circumstances, hold our we had a testimony meetings every fast-dayjcall from Sisters E. R. Snow and B. Wr Smith, on or about the first of October last, they gave us some good instructions, may God preserve them long on the earth for our good. We raised 53 bus. of wheat 5 bus. and 19 lbs. of oats. We held our annual meeting on the 5 th of Jan., 1831: there were present Bishop Jensen, of Salina, and Sister Jensen, President of Relief Society Salina. We had a very good time; the officers were sustained. We donated 40 dollars in quilts and other articles to Manti Temple. We have a Mutual Improvement Association, a Primary and a Sunday School, all in good running order and doing a good work.z We read the Exponent and pray for its success. Ever praying for the welfare of all our Sisters and for the prosperity of all righteous undertaking r, your sister in the ; -- Gospel, springville. Editor Exponent: The Anniversary meeting of the Y. L. M. I. A., of Springville convened in the meeting house Mar. 15 1881, Pres. Caroline Whiting presiding. After the usual exercises of singing, prayer and calling the roll, minutes of the last anniversary meeting, Constitution and By-laof the Association were read by Sec'y., followed by reading of programme in observance of which several speeches, songs, recitations, Bible and Book of Mormon, exercises were given in a lively and interesting manner. Statistical and) Financial reports from the different departments, were read and accepted. Officers of the Association witbr-thwere the .2nd exception and 5th, counselors, who had previously resigned, and in whose stead others were chosen to act. Closing remarks by Bishop Wm. Bringhurst urging the sisters to be energetic and diligent in their labors and spoke highly of the marked improvement, manifested during the last year. Meeting closed with singing and prayer. The annual meeting, together with the Y. L. M. I. A. party which came off the following evening has effected more unison and interest amongst the members. With best wishes for the success of the Improvement Associations of Zion. We remain, Caroline Whiting, Pres. Clara Snow, Cor., Sec'y. 'Trajer is the soul's sincere desire, ws Uttered or unexpressed, The motion of a hidden fire That trembles In the breast." Prayer! what a great and important weight rests upon that word ! how prayerful we all to be I our Savior told his disciples toought pray without ceasing, lest they fall into temptation. Aiwlon.anatlyi, occasion, he told them when yvvy prajrou, mey snouia pray, "tmr Jbatner whicTi art fn hea veuihallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Therefore we see how necessary it is to pray; and we as Latter-da- y Saints do know that the Lord does hear our prayers, and when we pray, let us not forget to pray for the Holy Priesthood and for all the leading authorities of this Church and kingdom, and for the mighty work that we are engaged in. we are told that the prayer of the faithful availeth therefore if we pray unitedly the Lord is much; bound to hear our prayers. Then let us be faithful, and watchful, and often times found upon our knees in secret prayer, let us try to live our re-jigjun, w seep uie raiwi ana ao our duty; let us draw near unto the Lord that we may obtain the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us In all things. Let us not miss the glory that we have started out for, that we may be ready and have our lamps trimmed and burning when the cry goes forth,"Behold the Bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet rr-ekct-ed Frances B. Hart. Parliamentary Election in the Isle of Women's Vote. Man.The The first tested election in the Islo of Man for members of the new House of Keys took place In Acre There were polling booths Sheading in the villages of Andreas, Bride, and and in the town of Ramsey. There was four can- dJdatxa far fhroA and Cowell, nominated by the Chunitiand Wesley an party, and Mr. It, Teare, the nominee of the extreme Nonconformist. There was much excitement during the day. Party colours Were freely displayed and business was suspended. Tho first vote was recorded by one of the women. The result was declared to-da- y. Lez-Ayr- e, newly-enfranchis- ed about 5 SO, a follows: Farrant; 333; Cowell. 328; Martin, 295, Teare, 155. Manchester Guard, ion. . R. S. REPORTS. Aurora, Sevier County, Utah, March 15th, 1881. of er a pkce Kelief Society on the ninth oforganized into January, 1880. i e -- Alma, West Weber, March 10, 1881. Sf8!? Baxter, Sec'y. REPORTS. AN ESSAY ON PRAYER. , M. R. S., Y. L. M. I. A. AND PRIMARY spirits" spoken of in the Book of Mormon. Ann Fellows. him." Agatha Minutes of Meeting of the Primary Association of the Bear Lake Stake, met in Conference with the Relief Societies, March 7th, 1881, in the St. Charles Meeting House, at 2 P. M. Meeting called to order by President Annie Laker singing by the Choir, "Praise Ye The Lord," prayer by Bishop J. Hunt, singing. Roll called, Statistical and Financial reports were read. Verbaljreports were given by the presidents of the various Associations, showing there is a great amount of good being done in these organizations. President Annie Laker gave general good instructions to the presidents and officers of the associations, also to the parents of the children. Counseled the parents to encourage their children to be punctual in their attending meetings, and the necessity of training them in honesty before God, and to remove all prejudice of an. evil nature from their minds. The remainder of the afternoon was occupied by the Relief Societies. Con- ference adjourned for six months. Annie Laker, President. Elizabeth Pugmire, ( Counselor. Elizabeth; Hunt. j Susanna A. Booth, Sec'y. Statistical and tinahcial report of the Primary Associations of the Bear like Stake for six months ending Feb. 14 1881. Stastical: 29; members', 899; total officers and Of-ficer- members, 928; meetings held, 243; average attendance, 405. Financial: On hand at date of last report, cash, $ 0. 75; property, $37. 11; receipts in cash $51. 60; property, 817.62; wheat, 24 bushels and 30 pounds, $14.70. Disbursements: emigration cash, $1.00 book cash, $19.95; temple temple cash, $16.00; property $12. 44; on hand cash, $16.90; property 37. 13; books, 19. 95; wheat 24 bushels and 20 pounds, 14. 70. Susanna Booth, Sec'y. The report of the Primary Association of Hyrum City, Cache Co. Utah. Organized by Bishop O. N. Lirjenquist, with Miss L. Pres. and 49 names enrolled, on March Snell-grov- 15, 1879. e, Reorganized Oct. 2, 1879, with Mjs. Wilson President, and members increased Lucy to 131. Our meetings are held Saturday afternoons, have held 50 meetings. On Tuesday March 15, 1881, we held our Annual meeting, Mrs. Lucy Wilscln presiding. Singing by the children "The7 day dawn is breaking, prayer by Coun. James Unaworth pinging "We thank thee O God &c. After which the following report was read. Received in donation , $405. wheat gleaned 4 bus. 41 lbs; we have made and paid to the Logan Temple 1 quilt, at $5 00; paid for rewards of merit $1 20, and for a Record Book, 95 cts; wheat in Relief Society granary. 4 bush. and"'41 lbs. Made a surprise party for sick girl, and presented her with a dress worth $2. Report accepted after which Sister C. Liljnquist Pres. of the Relief Society and other sisters spoke very encouragingly to the children, and exhorted them to be good and kind, obedient to &c ..Bra. J. Ussworth spoke, on. t Jesus blessing little children, "for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven likened fec. The elected. Mrs. following officers were-th- en Lucy Wilson President, Ingre Tellefsen, and Emma Liljenqnist Counselors; and Rebecca Nielsen Secretary; and Mrs. Alice Unsworth, Cor. Sec'y., and Nancy Anderson Treasurer. President Lucy Wilson said there would be an entertainment given in the meeting house the same evening, by the children of the Primary Association. Benediction by Brother H. Thorsen. Entertainment bv the Primary Association, Hyrum, Utah, Selections from Book of Mormon, repeating 12 verses from Christ's Sermon on the Mount, also the 10 Commandments, dialogues, songs, quartettes, &c, all of which was enjoved very much by all present, the little folks doing remarkably well. Our meeting house being pretty well filled, all went away feeling that they had been well paid in attending the little folks first entertainment by the Primary. Proceeds from sale of Tickets, at 5 and 10 cents each, $14. 58 to go for the benefit of said Association. Lucy Wilson President, heir-parent- s, , Alice Unsworth Cor. Sec'y. BIPROVEMENT. A FEW THINGS WE SHOULD IMPROVE IN. Address written for and read before tb T. L. M. L A. of the First Ward, Salt Lake City, March 29, 1SSL In the first place what is improvemen t ? My dictionary tells me it is advancement or progress from good to better;: and I should say from bad to good was also an improvement. We are organized into an Improvement Association. What are we to improve in ? Not alone in, bearing .our testimonies io the truth, though we should strive to have a firm, strong |