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Show wo Ha'n"S exIp OS'S N modern ': prophets, concerning the people of Zion here upon the earth in these last days. So, dear readers, let us, with all our mind and might, do all we can to help roll on the work of the Almighty, that He has established in these last days. We should never speak one word against any principle that the Lord has revealed to us through his prophets, for his children to be governed by, and we should do all in pur power to raise our children, to be honorable, honest and upright irkrt and women in the kingdom; of our Heavenly Father, and do unto others as we would have others do unto us, and 'never, no, never, try to tear down our brethren and sisters to ;build ourselves upj if we dorT fear that sooner or later we will falL others.: May into the pit that we ever be careful to look well to our own instead of our neighbors, is the sincere prayer of your sister in the Gospel of be partakers of her plagues, and yet we bring the vanities of Babvlon into Zion, and prac- tise her' follies in tlie city of the Saints. .'If I'.' were recjuirea w vvmi out uue ui me uuusl one which is alarming sins in this city deceitfuT'm its influences, rhost demoralizing in " its efiecte upofi the female character, it'1 Would be the: love of display and the blind submission to the 'dictates of fashion on the part of those who, fty Dirtli Or' profession, outfit to claim a place" ak daughters of the King 'of kiifa& .White 6p6n vice sends its thousands to 'perdition these' fashionable and favored indulgences draw '6fT tens of thousands from the ,wayg of life aid' salvation. They sear 'the- - conscience, of ' encrust ike feou ljvith a worldliness, distracpie.anctTiopsl from every high and holy object, and make the poor, be--' dizened creature a worshipper of self, a rival of the peacocks. "The king's daughter is all glorious within," said the wise man. She needs no jewel upon hand or brow, no pearls or costly array to prove her royal lineage. The attributes of her kingly nature shine with added lustre as she stoops to perform acts of mercy and goodness to even the meanest of her Father's subjects, and before the radiance of"" her triple crown of purity, love and fidelity, the diamonds of a monarch's diadem would 'pale their ineffectual fires." Let us then, my sisters, as women of Zion, daughters of the King of kings, dedicate ourselves and all we have to the service of our God, that His Tempi q may arise in its glory. Following the example or the Jewish women of old, jnay we freely offer even our most cherished articles of personal adornment to be used for higher and holier purposes, and as the prophet foretold that in the latter days there Bhould be written even upon the bells of ' the horses "Holiness to the Lord," so may we, as women 01 the true Israel, consecrate even our glasses io ine iuosi nign. to-da- Ellen y, B. short-comin- 1 1- - : the " '' "" Lake -City and vicytr obe found LARGEST and W$e$. PPE RS , O'Ui ; . Yaif Ordcn an &4iett0!L BCTT, 1241 TO THEIR HEW STOBEHflS. i CALL AND --A EXAMINE tSr Fall and Wiiiter Goods. 3D .A. "V I X) A. CT 126 ri r :.h n MES, TINNER, CAS, WATER & STEAM FITTER. 1ST Agent for RCMSETS oefebratod LIFT and FORCE PUMPS it Pumps Repaired' on sbortnadou. Orders from the wvaUtf, pgroin)t piied H Sato bake City. t3T Addrtey David Jamu, Box 906,joa WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS,' GROCERIES, GIA83 & AGRICULTURAL QUEENS WARE, IMPLEMENTS, Eto. , f - " "T AT TEASDEIi'S SALT LAKE CITY Special Departments lor Gent's Clothing and Carpets, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Dry Goods, Shawls an Domestk Groceries, Flard-wa- re and Shoves. n rr .ifjif- .n,.-.- , DRIED FRUITS OF ALL CLASSES WANTED. ? CUTLElt, Afent for the - Constitution Bianicets! ' " ' " Brown White Yarns, Colored ;Tarns, Cassimers, Tweeds, ji Flannels,. Shawls,,, LInseys, ; . Battlne:, Wool Batting-- - Brooms, fL; Washboards, , , , . BrngheajiEtc.Etc i D1NWOODEV, H.V T - . Old PJJQVO WOOLEN .MILLS, Bnlldlnc alw lOiTE MADE Jeans, uti WaXJS6XXM XMt -, r r r I f rrrr.'f arrHL DKALKH B Dr ' 'ft,t 1 . OFFICE Up S tain, in Old ComHtuttm Budding. East of Post Office, South RESIDENCE ' Six Blocks tkto - l ,. i ,. 1 1 Of street"" pygpodaj study has been iri ven to Obstetrioe, Diseased of Women, and DISEASES of. (he EYE ant EAR. : L . ... ... . -...i .'..,,..- --- II r- Ji, OT.OOEf: AIImeLARGE M4 Tmnkji for 8a by Honif ROMANIA B. PRATT, Xlxyiistlbi.ii. vn.cl Sitrgbou. ' .'' Of ', St, Old CamUtutkm BvMinj. ;r, . ' RESIDENCE on South Temple Street, between 9th and i i .. to Obrtetrice, Diseases of Children andDtoftMrt of Vte TU WAT, HEART an? LV&GS. ' nAVTS in the REMOVED g? 10th EAst Streets , Special attention given ' . F. AUERBAOH & BRO; IPliysIoian and Surgeon. OFFICE on Main ' j&.x'ziifa whl find "the jlm SHOliS ELLEN ' B. FERGUSON, spbiie 75, .:' , mmo wTTiissu' mvwm 77, .. & 1 r:::i.''? ) SALT First South Street, .' LAKEA .7 ',-,- riTff :mU :' CITJ, , . TOU SEEN THE HEW VICTOR SEWING HACHIIIE? If not you ibould do eo at oiioe, and examine the New Ideas InSewln Machine Construction. The New Maohlne Is elegUBt inaDpctraoce and admirable in operation, run :"" verv easily and without Any noise and confusion; although the rate of jpBfids.vrery hiirtL Its and Helft.il and abseuoe of ipdngf atid cojrs, renden i threading thattle, tt both sfrapla and durable. t3" Be sure to see It, for ita"' reueral advantages will iasi you fij friend,. :;r,': Belf-settir- , L " away. ' i i EST SELECTED STOCK Of J ; SLI BOOTS , .'iti Ufeo, full and &y rabl'llnei, best brands A single stone: From a running brook slew the giant Goliath, and millions of noble men since that time have died from a single stone in the bladder, which Warner'a Safe Kidney and Liver Cure would have dissolved and carried . . Of Salt Cynthia Ann Jolley. , (: , - ( i t ' , Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children as sijecial-ltle- s. ... . fault-findin- . 1 i . - , the.pphecieajfem :. i i j f OmCK and RisuKarcx over Contributor Office, north of Z.C.M.Ii and fate of the child was the work of the mother." Largefy this is true, though hot in a sense to exclude the influence of the father, especially in the case of boys.The child is often left to the mother's care. A double duty is her's, to that which God gave is added that which man shifted upon her, and with her rests the whole work of preparing her child for the grave encounters of life. In how many homes does a mother's intercourse with her children alternate between caressing indulIn how many gence and pettish are the bodies pampered and dressed, children reduced to mere ornaments to gratify paternal vanity, while the affections are thwarted, and alLtheijghest1 jvossibilities of the mind either uncuured"oT'' refi'lse.tntlhopir 'arid' boy--v hood pass, the old home is left, and- the new begun away from old scenes and associations, restrained no longer, but altogether free, still you trace childhood influences. When your boy steps into the street he opens all the doors of his home; he carries out a photograph of his parents to be seen of their neighbors.. When the little girl goes into the next house she canies the domestic newspaper abroad. Dear reader, is your domestic newspaper-readableHaymakertown Va. Ex. !i Mrs. S. D, Rice. . . UK PHYSICIAN AND SURCEONn h It was Napoleon who said,.that the character -- Wccan -- featbera, Pljwhesf)Ki)vtandiRJbbonlntte latest ff ; shades and strjlpeg. , .Country Dealers, please .Ladles' Hair Work iti all Its branches Wood WorXtQuaranlud! :jVo HOME INFLUENCE. . i ' Flowerffi lH!l! ':,!ITi" gs peace. . nowp.r. . or Ferguson. . -- NEKYv.,The Jateet and most stylish modes at Hani and nets, ItStraw, Felt and Velvet "Abo; a 43be selectiotTln r . rtA micrhtv Desires the liadlW Salt Lake and those tb City, to call at her Fhaw Rooms and see, her New vteltlny Stock C MIJLLI-- -- We, the people of Mt. Carmel, feel that we were highly blessed by having a visit from our beloved sisters, Eliza R. Snow Smith, Zina J). Young and Minerva Snow. Although their visit was short, we highly appreciated it; I think we would be very ungrateful if we could feel otherwise, for they siireiy seem to have the same spirit and influence that our beloved Prophet and Seer Joseph Smith had, and that his Apostles have. Their hearts were full of love and their lips flowed with good counsel for the sisters ' and .ineir children", whom they have been called to organize into Primary Associations. They organized a Primary Association in our .little settlement, for whicH we feel thankful. ,. "We .all,- both old and young, loved the meek and charitable spirit thev manifested whUe jhere. We have read and heard very much of these sisters and the good they were ' doing,, through the power ana will pi" our Heavenly .Father, and by the counsel and authority of; his Holy Priesthood, that He has di-- -, placed here on the earth to lead, guide and rect his children here; ; and if;, we Btrictly,: hearken to their counsels it will prove a great blessing to i, both here and hereafter. Since I wrote the above my husbanp!, Henry B. M. Jolley has returned home from a short , mission" to the Southern States, feeling well , both; fn body and mini and full of the spirit of hU. mission;; seven of his relatives have come home with him, and thfre are rainy more in that country that seem to believe every principle of life and salvation that the Elders of Is raeLteach Jthm, tli rough the Spirit and power of our HeavenIvTiratber.; 'This work will roll o-r- P ALA&EidF FASHION, m:17 EAST TEliPLE JST; ? : s OUR VISIT. nn with i ' 176 see.. ffaJ I f HACH1NE .CO., CHICAGO, TOpXQ BEOS. 'Aq, Bolt LaU CVy. ILL Cf?ECIAL 7 ATTENTION PAID O to Flllinfl- and Preserving the H NatWal teeth. Extracted. .FxiB& lw ti&fW Y fiWooe tooth to a FuDBot, la the . f - Teeth--Carefall-y f s'.'.Vvi..,.. . V1CT0R.5EW(KS " ,FnCE: - . i 7J ,. b fn Rifit BAJII CT.a; Ik T4mm c.wi ns-- rn 1 ClMMM n t ) t, .- OPPOTE'SALrUUHUU i , ' |