Show Davis County Health Center Gets Go GoAh Ahead Ah ad Signal Signa An allowance of Tuesday wa made by the federal works agency for completion of the par par- partially partially partially I constructed Kaysville city I hall haIl and its conversion into a 3 health center for Davis county Dr D. D Keith Barnes Darnes deputy state health he director was informed by United States Senator Elbert D. D Thomas of Utah The allotment covers the entire cost of the pro pro- Dr Barnes Darnes who also received a 3 telegram advising of the allowance said application for the funds was made last summer because of a 3 greatly increased health program caused by the heavy influx of work workers ers and families in the war plant area of north Davis county He explained that the building started as a E P A project consists of a foundation sub-flooring sub and i framework and will be an excellent site sit for a 3 much needed health cen- cen center center ter in that it will vill be fairly close to the defense area At present the Davis county health department of which he is the head is housed in crowded quarters in iii the court house at Farmington where they have been forced to carry an augmented health program Plans for a new center include quarters for treatment of venereal diseases maternal and child hy hy- hygiene hygiene hy- hy hygiene I I giene examining and waiting rooms an enlarged office space for forthe forthe forthe the personnel and if possible a small auditorium for conducting public health schools Immunizations given for small small- smallpox smallpox smallpox pox in 1942 totaled while immunizations were given for typhoid fever and the majority of the named above were received by of war plants in north Davis county Dr Barnes Darnes said The health project has the back back- backing backing backing ing of the United States public health department and the build build- building building building ing is located on U S highway No 91 91 in the heart of the business section section sec see tion of the city The Department of Agriculture plans to plant acres in jn eight midwestern and southern states to castor beans tl U is estimated this acreage will produce pounds of beans Seeds may be se secured se- se secured secured cured the Triple A. A Grow Grow- Growers ers may sell their beans to the Commodity Credit Corporation next fall faU at six cents a pound for beans beaus in hull that shell 70 per cent Caster oil is essential in war indus indus- tries An elderly woman was as caught washing her clothes in the large bird bath just off the thc capitol plaza at Harrisburg Harrisburg- Pa Ii J t r II i |