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Show Citizen. Press, Review - Wed.. Sept 20. 1989 - Page 16 BSD Deadline Mon., 7:00 p.m. TVVIDEO FUEL, COAL, AND REPAIR WOOD HELP II Pioneet I( ElectronicsVl SCOUT TROOP. no II VWs. Stereos FOR SALE FOR SALE SUPPLIES BY OWNER LOTS AND ACREAGE AF DUPLEX, dean, always rented, good $63,500. neighborhood. Owner agent SIX PRIME Good SUPER crib, shelves, TVs, toys, school clothes, guitar, skis. All in good condition. Friday and Samoyed mix. N. 8:00 5 00. 994 Saturday. Murdock. PG. (Go east on 1100 North, turn right after canal ) AKC anytime. Service on TVs. ' PETS AND limbs II Fast, Professional II OUR lodgepole pine Call or stumps. MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE AND GARAGE SALE. ADORABLE VCR. TYPEWRITER North. AF. REPAIR, TYPING SUPER SALE. AND TYPEWRITER ADDING MACHINE rental and Sherwood's Office Supply. repair THREE FAMILY GARAGE crib shelves, TV's. VCR. toys school clothes, guitar, skis. All in good condition. Friday and N. 8 994 Saturday. cuts, SMITH CORONA budget offers brand new electronics. With f lull line correction memory. Auto centering, relocate, return, FREE Excellent FREE kids GLASS. IBM NOOK. word processing. Resumes, term papers, teports. letters, proofreading and of manuscripts. editing Reasonable rates. Call Norma Pernod MEMOS Plexi. doors, windows, small miscellaneous. appliances. Giveaway prices at 68 W. Main. AF. at east Repair. windows, TO and WordPerfect transcription, training service Typing (letters, histories, business documents, letter quality resumes, etc.). printing transcription from tapes, printing from your disk. Karen. Satisfaction guaranteed. or . GIFTS, CRAFTS NEEDED ITEMS CRAFT for new . portable or $425. Highland. many extras. Programmable sofa and two matching condition-i- n Free used. HIGH QUALITY Formica and HOSPITAL ALPINE couch, two matching swivel rockers, coffee table. $150. reproductions. PRODUCE order. Excellent to" e custom-mad- and prices 20" MOVING MUST SELL HORSES. Hunted and packed TWO Call quality. BIKES, on 13'xl5'plus-$4- BIKE-$4- ALPINE for sale. pick. Also pears: APPLES MILKING GOAT for sale. Boy's 3, PASTURE or corral 8,000 ' dish. Excellent condition. $895. Call 756 5461,. , ' Buy WANT TO BUY winch, with bumper. Excellent for FOR SALE CLEANER. or ALPINE dome tweeters, the beautiful gardens of vegetables and flowers. SEE GROWN. ORGANICALLY Call POISONS. 920- order early. Get your First come first served. Call Chad. TOMATOES 6000 North 10665 sale. . AND CANTELOPE for West. . Highland. Kent TOMATOES. $750-offe- North 6400 West. several shares of irrigation water. 10585 Day, Highland. mornings evenings. for small truckbed. 73'x61'. $100. Call SHELL (TOP) beautiful formal satin dresses. $150 for both. Size 9 and size GREAT DEAL! Two SEWING MACHINES, brand new: $139 (Due to school districts reduced purchasing allowances). Also available a few "TEACHERS MODEL" machines with Free-ar- including overlock. they last $169. (List $479) 20yr. guarantee. Also a few sergers available. Check, credit cards. 10 Tandy printer, cable, word insoftware and processing Also course. computer after 4 p.m. STEREO WALNUT radio. In very good condition- - $35. Two gold twin bed covers with matching bolsters, turn a bed into for the set. Man's a couch-$2- 5 gray suit, size three-piec- e rack-$1- 40"x48"-$20- cover, . LARGE LEHI Tn DUPLEX American Fork. fridge, stove, full pets. $335. Carpet drapes, basement. No PG MUST or 371-206- 9 6130 W. 9600 N motel kitchenettes, apartments, Apartments-$225-mon- th rooms. plus utilities. Refundable deposit. complex. No lease, $40 FREE. CALL ME. Best hostess program around. I'll show you how you can get $200 worth of Iree: home decor, toys, decorations, clothes and much more. Call and book your Lloyd's party now. Get your Christmas gifts for FREE. Call Elaine. 756 0174. ORDER NOW! FOOTWEAR THOMAS ELECTRIC ORGAN. Very p.m. Closed 756 0180. ATHLETES HOUSEWIVES, DANCERS. I sell AND WOOD BEST flow Have taking your professionally cleaned after 500 756 6345 ap chimney Call John Teachers Newcomb Sears player. sewing OFFER: record CHIMNEY MOUNTAIN pomt.ments. Call welcome. inquiries Bob or Steve or Barbara. ft. total, No Wathen-buil- MUSICAL v: BEDROOMS SALE. Top locally. Call immediately. PL. GROVE stove. $425 month plus you pay all utilities Available now No animals and please. Call John Jolley. home in Am.Fork. Main. $4,000. $3ia 3 - bdrm. Wilson Realty 405 E. State, American Fork Robinson r it 8 track tape player, machine. phone desk. Also dance shoes: tap. ballet, ballroom, character and Best prices. See it AF ia;z oxfords. from City Hall. Apollo across and bench. No smokers or pets. stub-in- s on the BEAUTY. White brick rambler, over 2800 ft. finished. Four bedrooms, 3 garage plus baths, two fireplaces, two-ca- r extra garage and shop, .4 acre. Only $88,500. HIGHLAND ACRE LEHI BUILDING rights, utilities in road in LOT. Animal fiont of lot. Great setting. Only $15,000. WANTED TO RENT club lake TNI CITY, ATHLETIC bership. family $39 50 month payments Karen. 7688129 mem Excellent over Call ; area. Loves fixup. 756 1 180. $49,500. 10mUS-YEM4- grand piano. Beautifully restored. instrument Excellent ind in756 7574. vestment. $6.500-offer- . ELECT 376-887- or 3 756-359- 1 Have you ever wondered how most homes listed for sale just "sit there" on the market and nothing happens? While others sell almost as fast as the signs go up. Believe me. there are very logical and easy to understand reasons for this. I'd love to share them wilh :,- ': three out. of lour of my ' sales occurred within 30 days after being listed. This year, it is my goal to improve upon that record. These listings sold at "TOP" market values. (References are available upon request ). If your home is currently listed for sale with an agent, this is not a solicitation for your business. However, if you are in the market for an agent, I'd love to show you what we can do. Give me a call and you'll see and easy selling your home can be! ti.purjng-1988,4ieanl- how-quic- room, 3 NEW room, energy Kurt's Auto Wrecking sells used parts for all makes and J - models and they also buy wrecked or junked vehicles. "We've run a classified ad with Newtah News Group for BDRM., creative utility efficient Pulse 90 professionally 1778 N. 1200 W PL GROVE. Beautiful 2 bdrm., bath. 2500 ft. spotless 3 riandscaped for Call home, lot. magnificent 15 acres of DRIVE. development property. cellent location. Many lots on 100 TO E. mmmmmmm&A-ximm- ; showing. ridge.. Orem. Kurt Bryant Kurt's Auto Wrecking 1075 W. Main, American Fork 756-587- tcrts Commtrcial. over three years and we continue to get regular calls each week. "Classifieds are an inexpensive way to advertise consistently and they bring an excellent return on -- 8 7 Kurt Bryant needs 2 or 3 yard work EXCELLENT PROPERTY. and COMMERCIAL 800 S. State St. acre. Busy corner, location. restoration ideal retail in South Center with sq.ft. 20 SPACE. AF. 7 rrn Issue FRFF! HOME, needed, on 600 bathroom, carpet. AC. lighted parking. $180 month Call Jack 756 6459. 2 bdrm., .ort. beautiful shop, garage, animal yard, irrtj, CMter, 276Ti65 Listings nptnenct at 385 Mam. American Fork. 12x16 756 with 8 x8' W CITIZEN PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW LEHI FREE PRESS NO. UTAH CO. SHOPPER needed. No necessary. CiN STORAGE UNITS FOR RENT , , cdcci roimp) $39,900 West 3411.7683129. iu more ACRE, ' rights. STORAGE UNITS HALF P.O. tzx 1 59 17. Ln, :ric:n Fcrk. fUh 8O03 (801) J and get up to 1V1 ground. $90,000 pay three issues for v Utah Register. Home built 1898 by John Hafen, one-of- residence, one acre of LINDON you I Historical RENTALS Street. 1 (oVSkcanhowXN RON ICCONSOtE condition. Must sell to pay tuition. Book value $1235. iskini $800 OBO. 768 4050 or Oonni 768 9146 after 4 Flawless Salesman Certified Real Estate Appraiser Graduate Realtors Institute Century 21 Top Producers Club Senior Member Nat'l. Assoc. of Real Estate Appraisers Member, Realtors National Marketing Institute PRICE REnilCED! SPRINGVILLE OFFICE good shape. $500ofler. 768 4020. ORGAN, Dollar "We get calls every week" bdmr., 895 W. 1160 with FHA terms, financing or seller will carry contract with reasonable down. 3 easy $1S,OO0acre. tab UPRIGHT PIANO, SHOWPIECE teg M - ElESULTS brick Geneva Rd.) zoned CM. condition, $750. Call EMERSON & . SHARP. COMMERCIAL chestration AF. black-hol- e i PALISADE AM.FORK FAMILY WITH PETS Gulbransen upright piano. Sounds great. 756 3455. with Highest windshields and glass. We help with insurance deductibles. 68 W. six sq.ft. t $69,500. decorated. bedroom older home to rent. ORGAN At 1300 S. (otlrampto PIANO. MLWnN loads, low tedat. pine prices Enter to win tree wood drawing Free delivery large hag kindling Call 224 0368. FOR HOME MOBILE Crestline in Provo. 12x68. you. RAMBLER. LARGE LEHI LOT, 310 acre, Shelton Estates. All lot. Great location and views. Only $12,900. rambler, 2 bath, central air, large yard, irrigation water, one owner clean, home. INSTRUMENTS CONN GENERAL AND with lowest prices. Guaranteed quality. Just a word about our classifieds... furnace, smokers, drinkers, or pets. $200deposit. Marvin References. Cartwright. or home R&W Realty Daylight hours. Honest American Fork deli or small parking, newer brick American Fork. ull brick, garage and carport, fireplace. Fridge, washer and dryer all stay. Only $43,500. TWO PRIME PROPERTIES family rambler. Km high FUEL, COAL, AND . from Pure Natural Melaleuca Australia. Several times as effective as Aloe vera. Distributor Oil PIANO energy formula K yuu are tired all the time call LeGene at the AF Apollo. 756 7427. Daylight hours. CLEANING . Try condition. Pretty registered Arabian mare. Both reasonable-768-378- 7. Hoppers competition! Footwear. 91 Fast 100 North. AF. ROCKY OPPORTUNITY. 1920 sq. PI. Grove. (innrt below am.-- 756-348- 2 brand. Assume $60 payments. See first KANGAROOS, W.GEAR, $15-2quality footwear. Many styles. 10 3.000 RENT: Ex- juice per bushel Hours: main floor, family room on finished basement, two-ca- r garage, 540 acre. $69,500. North 300 East. AF. BEAUTIFUL sale. $100. PROBLEMS? GLASS JOHN'S ATTENTION HOME SELLERS! ..4 BEAUTIFUL cCj&i., beautiful retirement tP.ie. professionally decorated. 336 E. 300 S. HOME. AF 12' Scarlett and (mobile phone) building. Lots of equipment optional. Only $58,500. Lake. PL GROVE pets. Maple Hills. Ask for Bud Holland, manager no 785 FENCING. USED 1169. Kalyn, Highland Sweet table grapes are now ready. Juice grapes are extra large 4 extra sweet from mature vines tor more Sunday. Monday. .. ithree bedroom home on two acre! Good horse pasture with creek, surface well. $68.000. 768 4024. N., SEE HOMES FOR RENT WANTED: SKIN CATALOG. Spices, casings, grinders, stutters more. much and Sausage Equipment and Supply, Box 1030, Three Forks. MT 59752. 756-145- 2 Highland water BEDROOM TWO washer-drye- r AC. apartment. hookups, cable ready. Absolutely no smoking; sorry no pets. 768-- ' 4777. brick FREE SAUSAGE SUPPLY VINEYARDS OVER PAYMENTS, Call Home: BUSINESS in Sin City. Ski 5. MADAME ALEXANDER Free delivery! 40R-$2- 0. Antique gold fireplace folding glass for 756-481- BUILDING Bear Anxious to sell. Please contact ;, '; learf Pullem at? 'further details, t ... bedroom, with CONSOLE . or CARTWRIGHT 7563591 GREAT V MARVIN Office: restaurant. Overlooking PROVO DARK BEAUTIFUL junk cars. Kurt's Auto Wrecking, 1075 W Main, American Fork. SOLD! III. stitches, COD, layaway. MODEL RADIO SHACK COMPUTER, books. $400. Call While THOMSON Ask tor Marvin at: Robinson and Wilson Realty home. Large NICE m 21. is home, tile roof, 398 West 400 OR FOR RENT Our $5995. Call structional Size TOMATOES. in Fosgate midrange. MTX speaker system, two coustic amps. NO John Pulley. North. East 700 American Fork. CANNING SHARES. MEMBERSHIP. WORLD for Selling MISCELLANEOUS West. Lehi. AND WATER APARTMENTS CAMPER 8250 North 8730 COME LEHI and buy SELL USED PARTS WE hometown company. Call the home team Ontu OLDER BRICK Mike POUND Warren PRESSURE sale. home. Five NICE, rent. Todd or AUTO WRECKING have. we ' idieilUC LUIILIUI I custom this year than pick. Call U AND TOMATOES, CUCUMBERS two baths, landscaped yard, garden spot. See at 137 West 450 North. American Fork. after 4 p.m. - EXERCISE 5. WE NEED good BUILT IN 1906. Two story restored. Very sound structure, original woodwork. Very liveable. $49,900. Will carry contract with substantial down. Call quick or it's gone. AFFORDABLE HIGHLAND HORSE PROPERTY. 2500 plus sq. ft. Brick rambler on one acre wbarn. Needs TLC but priced to sell. Call before you miss out, only $66,900. HOME. LOT. or excellent AF, BEAUTIFUL MAGIC MILL III, 0. lor one horse. Lehi area. cooking. Picked or IN utility room, fenced yard, garden spot. $37,000. See at 341 West 100 North, Lehi. Shown by apafter 5 pointment only, Jeannie. and weekends,;68-4406- , 0. Remote WANTED: green, 1UST in money and specialize condition. APPLES. Great for INTOSH 0. BMX-$4- 0. GM $50 Call Edna Hardy, WANTED: (picked). MAC slag. ,15 UNIDEN Lehi $7-- yards-$9- Becky, CARPET, hardly bushel. Call a girl's-$3- Adult each. GENTLE both. Horses and pick. Fifteen yards-$5- 0. WATER SHARES 5 HOME condition, large lot close to school, church, and town. to or $35.500. see. AF TV, VIDEO flr 768-381-9 Lehi No TOPSOIL. 13.5 Ready-mad- e NOT HOMES, make a science out of woodburning bedrooms, two baths, large family fruit trees, room, large yard, irrigation. $49,900,756-9251- . L METAL and accessories for sale. Barbie, baby doll or antique Melodie Westbury 768-88- down; North. Eight X HOUSES. We well, ALPINE TOPSOIL FREE DELIVERY. or bandsaw. Cap. 8.5 inches inches. $775. BUILD WE Russ Thornton MOUNTAIN Geneva N JONATHAN POOL DOLL CLOTHES evenings. LIVESTOCK picked-$- East 15 Shop. order too small or too large. $600,785-1416- . APPLES, Gun WHEELCHAIRS, Call supplies. Office 46 W. Main, Lehi contemporary. Steal at $109,000! TRADE home. lot. for and bore other ; BEDS, I private, water, ? front and tops with oak trim. Adjustable Cortron shelves. Three sec'tions-2- 1 feet total. Very nice. Paid $1800-aski- FARM-GARDE- WORK 10. New head, does not run. saving you clean residential or acreage in the Lehi area. Sales are up and inventory is down. Now is the time to sell. No other real estate company has been involved in more sales in $200. loveseat. Asking Blue AF TOPSOIL-GRAVE- commodes, oxygen, other hospital NEW for sofa CUSTOM-BUIL- irons. F 78" DATSUN , PARTING-OUT- REPAIR is back HELP! STARTER ; 24x48x12-$4817- matching drapes, curtains, rods and accessories. Asking $400. $300,785-1416- . COUNTERS. 7 CLUBS, short block. Chevy ENGINE, consider carrying contract with right party. 60 North improved NEW ON MARKET. AF sizes, 100 financing, free color brochure. Call Adjustable $500-selli- ng GOLF SLATE-TO- doors, fasteners. ; 30x48x12-54812- FURNISHINGS VELVET Like new. keys. Paid . two screw barrier, contract. $550. Call TABLE. 24x36x12-54120- Excellent chairs. front room, never CASIO CASH REGISTER. Bantam Main. register, projector screen, rowing machine, vapor carry Call Brick. Owner will animals. and REPAIR DO sighting. six. exercycle. HOME $9,900--tot- FOR SALE plus bag 756 9558. woods, WE new BUILDINGS: HOME. OLDER '72 Ford OUT ton WINDSHIELDS SCULPTURED SUPPLIES display. of 785 2471, ask for Garth. TAKE SPORTING GOODS Anne chairs-s- et Hurricane. Ut. (801) 63M973. R4W. WE ARE YOUR ONLY $150-pair- . BUSINESS EQUIP. & available. Mike Delivery Larson. DISHWASHER, CHICKS MEN'S PING Queen Will combined. Call $2,500. of cash antique , built-in- room STEEL WHIRLPOOL CITY. Asking LEHI Roosters for sale 3 RUG, PARTING 4000 JUST REDUCED $10,000, home on 1 square foot Tudor-styl- e acre in north PG. Call Sherry barns, GUINEA or in Florida 379 West 300 South. Lehi. Call your own lot. Terms. 10 minutes to St. George. Brochures available. P.O. Bolx 96. Own Lake. Quail 7852674 ex- number.) evenings. NEW 756-766- 9 NATL dining great. PARK POULTRY vacation properties. Receive $2 on all inquiries! Call Resorts Resale today. Sue 73 x61'. $100. 200 West. AF. $46.900. FOR SALE RESORTEX acres, SELECTION SHELL Bluff Estates next to Lava BY OWNER player, metal desk, wood desk, desk chair. 9 h.p. gas generator. 6 volt engine. 1700-wa- WORLD-WID- UTAH ADULT MOBILE PARI LOTS WITH ANIMAL RIGHTS. TWO small truckbed. (TOP) for SOUTHERN quality, energy efficient homes. bids Taylor Free computerized or 756 7433. Homes, evenings. store opening Oct. 1. Specialty items also accepted. clothing Contact Kathy. (If not there, leave name and phone ALFALFA. Runs n hoist, press. All items new or cellent condition. APPLIANCES GE. cleaner, fixtures, lighting exercycle. marble vanity top. ORIENTAL SET. vacuum buys: with by 7 p.m. Mondays REASONABLE HALFWAY WHEELCHAIRS, BEDS, commodes, oxygen other hospital supplies. Call 756 5712 or truck-be- MANUSCRIPTS. Professional ANY OFFER NEIGHBORHOOD. 3.000 sq.ft. completely Five large bedrooms, finished. double (amity room, oversized fenced garage, large yard. $80.000. PARTS AUTO-TRUC- K FOR SALE CONDOMINIUMS Call MISCELLANEOUS LEHI two acres in city limits, includes city water hookup and well permit. For more information, , CEDAR FORT, Over Place your ad by phone. BOSCH Breadmakei Grain grinder $50 each fully in valley, improved. choice location. Will finance. 1050 East 950 North. PG.78W628. , LOTS, view BUY GREAT mix Good BUILDING Best pet 768 9436 Great r anytime! FOR RENT HOSPITAL LAB. GOLDEN MISCELLANEOUS Litter box with kids trained. 756 1592 foreign language keys. $169! List much more. Co. guarantee. Check, credit cards. COD. layaway. Free delivery. Calico KITTENS. REAL ESTATE on nice AF starter home Three bedroom, great location, large lot woodstove. many extras. $38.500. GREAT PUPS. Excellent LAB bloodlines. 756 6601 WORD PROCESSING GRANNY'S YELLOW STORAGE FORK $25; 9 x15 $35; 12 x30' 32 West 100 North. 756 15 $54 7370. school to Due TYPEWRITERS: Murdock. PG. (Go East on 1100 North turn right after canal.) storm, mirrors, screens used good AMERICAN 6 with SPITZ purebred, puppies. $30 each 768 3292 and baby items. Car seats. Great low low and Friday prices Saturday. 9 00 3:00 575 East 670 1 White, ADORABLE YARD SALE. Craft Zenith & Sharp 3751636. PUPPIES. FREE kids YARD SALES Authorized RCA. STORAGE UNITS Deadline Mon.f 7:00 p.m. 756-766- 9 a y |