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Show Free Press Wednesday, September 20, 1989 - Page 6 John and Elma Locke-Dav- is -- I Fugal to serve mission in Hawaii nuptials announced John and Elma Fugal will be honored at a missionary farewell on Sunday, Sept. 24, at 2: 15 p.m. in the Lindon First Ward, 25 N. Main, well. The Fugals have been called to serve in the Hawaii Temple Visitors Center of the Hawaii Honolulu mezKmmmKO&as milium iwiii mil i mmiw m i bw X" , (P y0 Michellena Locke and Dennis have chosen to wed September 23 in South Jordan. is the daughter of The bride-to-b- e Michael and Nancy Locke of Lehi. The prospective groom is the son of LeRoy and Bernice Davis of Salt Lake City. The newlyweds will be honored at a reception that same evening from 7 to 10 at the White House Reception Center, 10575 So. Redwood Road, South Jordan. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. The Fugals entered the Mission Training Center today but will be returning home for their farewell on Sunday. All friends and relatives are invited to attend the fare- LDS Mission. The couple just returned in 1988 from serving in the England Leeds Mission for the Church. John said that this new assignment will be a busy one as there are a lot of visitors at the Hawaiian Temple Visitors Center. John taught in the LDS Church Education System for 40 years, 20 , -- Davis Lindon. Elma and John Fugal . r i i I I I i v I Michelline Locke and Dennis Davis v t v i II I I If II D years as a seminary teacher in Pleasant Grove, Lehi and American Fork, and 20 years as a member of the Religion Department at w BYU. He and Elma have been the directors of many tours to Israel over the years while he was affiliated Tony J. Lott with BYU. returns mMymmmm from Minn. Mission I MS Elder Tony J. Lott, son of Robert and Kathleen Lott, has recently returned from serving in the Minnesota, Minneapolis IDS Mission. lip He will speak in sacrament service Sunday, Sept. 24, at 9 a.m. in the Lehi 9th Ward Chapel, 465 E. 300 North. OUR REGULAR RETAIL PRICES He will continue his education at the University of Utah. Does not include ,1. Tony Lott Larry D. Dyer Welcome home for Brian Hardy Elder Brian Hardy, , son of Ray and Margie Hardy, Lehi, has recently returned front 'Serving' in the Japan, Okayama LDS Mission. He will speak in a se .rament service Sunday, Sept. 24, at 9 a.m. in the Lehi 13th Ward Chapel, 200 N. Center. friends and relatives cordially invited to attend. All are mm. Off Larry Dyer accepts call to California RHODE Elder Larry Devin Dyer has been called to serve a mission for the LDS; Church in the Arcadia, Calif. ' Mission. He will speak in sacrament service Sunday, Sept. 24, at 9 a.m. in the Pleasant Stake Center. ; An open house will be held for Elder Dyer at the home of Rue and Mary Nielsen, 2124 N. 600 West, Pleasant Grove, after church servGrove-Mani- Elder Dyer will enter the Missionary Training Center Sept. 27. The Dyer family has recently moved to Boulder City, Nev. SA4I1I1 DRUG CC. 10 a.m. Activities will consist of a program at the school and a picnic and visiting at the park. Everyone is asked to bring their own lunch. Families, friends and all other interested people are invited. Progress is being made toward renovation of the school. New shingles, windows and aceiling are in place. Planned for the near future are interior plastering, heating equipment and electricity. Masonry repairs have also been done. AIP01UL A 756-742- 7 across from City Hall in Am. Fork Undisputed world's best spring floor. GOODBYE at Apollo 1. Hall - SHINSPLINTS. 2. Spacious 100 ft. workout area. Never cramped. 3. Air conditioned and well ventilated. Never stuffy. sound system, great music. 4. Best built-i5. 3 tiered, high visibility instructor area. 6. Spacious lobby and three stall restrooms. 7. $20month unlimited or $2 each. First time free. 8. Water fountain in workout area. 9. Several sessions. Choose Low or NO impact. 10. Free membership in Apollo Health & Wealth Club. Newsletter, weekly meetings, guest lectures, family fitness parties, etc. n -- VALUABLE COUPON , J A And Your Health 24 POLAR FLEECE W. Main Am. Fork Full rolls. Suggested EYELET YARDAGE retail to $8.98 yd. White embroidered. Full bolts. ' Suggested retail to $5.98 yd. 756-356- 9 J Ci up, lhomt yd. 60" wide Pressure Sores: PreventionTreatment Almost half of all nursing home patients suffer with pressure sores or "bed sores." Individuals who are bedridden or confined to wheelchairs often develop such sores. Pressure sores are thought to occur as a result of lost body fat, immobility, and the loss of blood circulation to areas lying over bones (e.g., hips) where there is much pressure against the skin. Prevention is still the best approach to dealing with pressure 45" wide BULK LACE TRIM ALREADY REDUCED REMNANTS Values to $1.49 yd. S PC3 yd. Sizes and colors as available SURE LOCK VELCR0 Suggested PRE-WASHE- retail to $3.00 yd. DENIM D Full bolts. Suggested retail to $4.98 yd. Carefully turning the sores. patient to a different body position every two hours is essential. Other preventative measures include the use of ripple mattresses, watcrbeds, yd. V wide pads, or oihcr d devices that help distribute body weight over a large area. Treatment of pressure sores may include use of: yd. 60" wide white KNIT COLLARS QUEEN SIZE BONDED BATT Suggested retail to $1.69 each Suggested retail to $8.98 each : topical cleansing and debriding agents DAI I A AEDMIirC each . Hrvhbv Hinvwiw antibacterial solutions such as First time free with coupon. Starts in October povidonc-iodin- c i 2 lb., 90" x 108" Sizes and colors as available ; dressings containing hydro LOW IMPACT: Daily, Mon. thru Fri., 6 a.m. or at 6:30 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. 9:30 a.m. or NO IMPACT: 10:30a.m. Comfy Mon.-Wed-F- i., lunros Iff of Brian Hardv Sept. 23 will be a special day for all former students of the Fairfield District School. They will be together for a 50th reunion. Activities start at the Stagecoach Inn at or vinyl la ices. Fairfield School reunion upholstery, fur - and Mello Breathing, Stretching, Movement, etc. For people who are Old, Fat, Lame, Stiff, Tired, Depressed, Pregnant, Healing or Worse. FUN! philic polymers for moisture ab- sorption oral vitaminsminerals (e.g., vitamin C, zinc) to aid in tissue repair. i$m Qi t (ofjOt)O motti -- "'JO "jO U'llD'UHl' ' |