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Show llLMUtllli: rttllfS. We have given our reader a tkelch of tbt' "Joacplitte" movement to wreat from the poaxvalon of the "Hedrlck. Ili"theland In Independenci, Ml-tourl, Ml-tourl, kuownajthe Teuiplolot. The d(Ortment of the men re( rreentlng Ihe "Jocbllrf, "during the Invratlga-tton Invratlga-tton here, waa i-ulto In keeping with lhealteinttootiat Iroru that land lic peoj la who bought and ald for It and have held It Irom fifteen to twenty yeara. Wo uow give tome purtkulara of a imall trick by which the aecl aeek Ing to "Jump" the land thought to gain n mean advantage over the owner. own-er. The detalla ware furnlahed by realdtntaof Independence knowing to the facta related! Int!ieyearl,eo,orbotittbatt!me, a ne w Uuilar wa j adopte.1 bylheClly of Indapendeiice, under which a certain number of t-lllrena roull petition tbo City Council and obtain an order for aide aalkatu bo built In front ol property, wbethor the ownere Wanted It or not. In accordance with thla protlalon, a able-Ttalk able-Ttalk waa qtilrlly petitioned lor ant ordered built on one elde of the Tcinplo lot. Tha ownora of tbo iroporty were not even notified and knew nothing of It until tha material waa on tho ground aud tho walk partly laid. .V lax, bill waa iMuedegnlnU the pmperty, to (ay for Ibla aldewalk, reeogulalug Mauiea V, IM.Vclrf, lil.linp i.f Jbe Heorganlinl Church of Je.ui Curl-il of Uiter-day Hjlnta truatoo In truat for thnt church,1 aa owner of thla properly. 'V aldewalk vk thon nnlcred bn Teuinla atreet, and before Ihe Ui bill waa male out, Ihoprealdlng oMi-er of tho 'Church of Chrlal,' or "lledrlckltea" dleoovere.1 tb error In thollr.l tax bill, and notlrlel the abatrart firm thai they had obtained a drcreo ef the court appointing UlinirJ lull, their Illabop, aa Irnateo In trul for the "Church of ChrUt," wbkb church waa tkoUneflcUry and owner of tho properly, prop-erly, and that be muat fiiruUti a correct abalracttotht clerk wboao duty It waa to make out tbo ni bill Tha decreo of thn olrcult court waa then nlod for record In tho itiunty recorder' ofllce. That night, all the loner llghla In the Ite-lrlekltomeetJng'boiiaoon the lempto lot were lirokan ont and other ilamngo dune.Tbe rcportara nftho Kaneae Cltyofnr ua I Jimntal wrote ftonaatlonal nrllclea and repmanted that there waa war among Ihe Mormon at Independence, ami that the "Jo-ephllea" had deelroycd property lielunglng to Hie "lledrlckltea." Till waa copied In Juirt by the Aeaoclated l'roiw reportor. anl telegraphed from Maine to California. Ttealor of iho ilally preaa dlfpatcbe will uo doubt re-member re-member tho llom. The atteutlon of tbo inemNra nf tho Ilmrginlzod Church wr by IhU Incident cnlled to the fact that Ibe leader or that ehurch bal been mUrepreaoutlng toe Ineta In regard to th ownerahlp of the Temple lot, nnd at tlio April conference onl, an eiplanatlou a aikelfor. Thla called forth the atalement that lha ltuorganlziHl Chunh lull Ihe title, but thu'llcdrlekllr' bad Kaialon of tho properly, that there wa a don 1 on the tide which ooiil I eanlly ba removed, and tha alilirch would get pnaoeaatoo of that properly ua It dl 1 tho Klrllan 1 Temple. The coidereneo promptly Inatrucled tlio blkhoj rlototake tbo uoceaanry atop to t move tlio iloiid from the title to tho property In Independence. In accordance accord-ance with that Inatrnoilon anil wa com-mencid com-mencid In the IT. H lllatrlot Court id Itauea City III Scptomber, 1 :)!." If It had not been for Ihe ylgtlance ofthellidrlcklti, rreelleut, the trick by which the "Jo. 1 lllle" lllahop (,n dravored to apptar olllclally aa Ihe owner olthe lemplolut a trmleefor hi tect, wuuld havu prevailed and an aarauco of title lu Ihe land would hue bein made, The "Jotephltia" gained pomcmIoii of the lClrtland Teiule by a bold elroke and Ucau.o thottiltwint byuelault, tho Chinch In Utah not making tin appiaranct. lu Ihocate, Huccee In that Inatancoha t mlioldentd the "Joc hlte" ha lera to lake iti to grab the Teiujle ground In I udi penitence, to whlcn they have no more uisral right thau ti the private ru.rly of any iltlzen of Mlmiurl. The Intrlualo r,..i,t value of tho landta not much, lut It hlelurlo aud proipecllvu worth I great In view ol nt Incident and future expectation lu couuectlon with that eacrcd t, which I the centre of at trarllon for mauy (boutaiid bf Latter-day Latter-day Balnt. |