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Show RUSSIAN JEWS lTOlillillrtl from Pai.lng I lirctigli Uirmaiiy, by an Imperial lltiree. CXIktS OHOT DOWN WHIIC CM-DCAVOniNQ CM-DCAVOniNQ TO PASS. lour Hundred Tliim.iml llrbrcwi AiiiIjik lo Uaie the Cux't Homliiiiiita. n Telagrsnh to Ike Nkwa.l Aiiu,r Tin: ji.wx. The lieritint, I tnt.er.e laattra n lser- llKi-.Lls-, Match Si. Tbo Ilirslau OiH'Mc ublllbea the text of an tin-la. tin-la. rial d.-crre prohibiting; the ..liig nf lluaalau Jet, a through Oilman), fhe dvciue la very vigorous. A It ia lniiatu!o tn make the decree known throughout IluMtla, thousand, of Jews, Ignorant of thu ) roblblllou, are certain lo nrilve nt Ihu frelitlrr, Wlnre, as they will behkllad, and will not be pormlt-ttd pormlt-ttd lo prccicd farther, It will be Inline. slblo tu provide accomoilatloua far them. A fiw cana have already occurred, oc-curred, where Jews, ulidvavorlug to let Into thu ci'iititty, tlespilo the watu-itig watu-itig lbe rriilved, had been ibot down while attempting to a.a Hie frontier guarcs. The coiumlltiw, which have I run formed for the pur-pose pur-pose uf providing relief for these Ull. loiluiialu Ptot'lu. ray that euormuus numbers of Jowa nru seeking toicaio from ltiialaii tyranny and t rseeutlon, and nro realy to emigrate whenever an otportnnliy olfera. riieojiumltlee, after a cartful atutly of the rubjict, rallmalothat iHi.tmi) Jeers ato trying to have Hub, la. ' 1 1 1.1. A.XII HlItlAIIII. A lirhate aa llinluiiularnli... Ilralilt. Ilot, lluratlou. Ni.w IIavkn, Conn., March S3. Yale and Harvard tonight, represented represent-ed by three men each, debated the question na to whether nrnotlmml-Mtatlon nrnotlmml-Mtatlon fcht uld la, realrit'ted. Harvard I'HAtholiegntlvoaml Yale the lllllin-alive. lllllin-alive. Adlallnitulahitl gtoupoccupiid the latlorm, limludlng Henalor Uutnla lr lilatm, Uovernor Ilulkeley and ex-Mlnliter ex-Mlnliter I'heluu. C'hauncey M. Do-w Do-w resided, and lu calling tbo leathering to orJareali): "I feel lint It la both an honer aud u privilege lo reside at thla achate, Ihavonlsoa teusailon that tbe iwsitloii Is free from Ibe terlls thill unci the refenuata regalta or the umpliu at a ball match." Mr. Depew raid! "It Is the nilsfoltune, and ha leen, ol a university caieer, that for a tpiatler of a tentury do-bate do-bate haa fallen Into abeyance." When Hie atudinta I.ad concluded, con-cluded, Mr. Dcpaw said that fie thought the audience would agree with Mm that the di bate ha J been admirably ad-mirably conducted. The average had hem much higher than ladl.nlajid In Congrrra on Hie silver ouesilon, and couducn! with Infinitely moro de corilm. (Laughter.) "Harvard haa t resented rows of tlctr, aud Yale has nocked them down with ttatlillcs. The delate baa demonstrated how easy It la to make both sldia right. I fell, In listening to my friends from Yale, that au lmaraabe barrier shuuld be lluraei'lately l reeled against the Hood of Imiuigriuts, but, when I heard Harvard, 1 fell that all tho ofllcea not now held by foreigners should I oat once tutiied over tolbeul." (Laughter,) Mr. Iiew ikwed with a riory about a cnae argued byhluisulf and a Harvurd gmtlvnian Ufore a Juallco ot Ihe (cace nt l'ecka IHU ears nio. The usllee, aiimmlngup, aid: "When I luard couasel for plain, tiff, I fell that liu waa light, and I was suto that counsel for delilidaut waa right when 1 heard him; ut.it now I don't know which la right, Tho court la adjourned aine die.1 A Writlcl Axnlnal lllaa lloplilna. 10uom, March 23. The suit of Mis. Daisy Hopklusairalnst llev. Mr. Wallla, proprleliir of Trinity Hall, CaiiibrlJge, for IWOO damagea for falsa hn rlsonment, In counuctlou with her arrest on tbo iharge of "walking the streets with university men," una itincludod today with a verJIct against Ml, a Hopkins. The verdict la a great sun risu to her friends, who always le llevctl her Htu blameless. The caso wlllbeaipoalcd. ritteubrra nml ilea. a. Hunt IN, March S3. The papers ray warm Itlbutra to Count Von Kukn-lurg, Kukn-lurg, Iho now iirialdent to the Prussian council, and l)r. Von Hone, inlnlsler of eccleslaattcal illlalrs. Though they exirena thetnsslvea confident ot the ability ot Luleiibergand llosso to satisfactorily sat-isfactorily perform the now duties de-vollugiipon de-vollugiipon Iheni, the paptra plainly abowadeubtaa to tbe eOiral!ou of the imperial chancellorahlp from the I'luiil.n pnmlcrshlp loving satlsfao-lor).l lleeiulliffllte Wile Inrilrree. Privril, West Australia, March S3. Hwumtou, or Denning, tho wile niiir-ili'tt-r, wua takou from hereto Melbourne Mel-bourne lodoy, tinder protection of a strong escort, and I o waa kept cloaily confined, during the voyage. Ho con-tlnueito con-tlnueito iroclalm Ida innocence. Nri.leiieeil fur lliel. I'AIIIK, March 23. Tho trial of II mil I'.Qcbefoil for libeling the public prosecutor n suited In a verdict of guilty, without extonuallng clrcum-stand clrcum-stand s. il-ihclort waa sentenced lo Aear'aluHilaouuieut, and Del Pierrt, publisher ot the J.1 MranUatni Ibjchifotfa parer, to Ivvo mnuilu, while each waa lined .IUOU frauca. llochefoil'a acuteiicu la the maxlmutu 1 euolty tor tho ofi use. |