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Show STAvlJiKUI.NO (UIIKD. 1'ri.iiilnMil f1llrrnaolalt l.alcl nilorjc I'rof. Ilu JI mil'. JUthwI. Halt I. am: City, March Itlli, 1SK. Mr. UuMont haa ei lalnetl to ua lila method ol correcting inipedlme&le ol eeih, and In our reencu dvmon-atrated dvmon-atrated Ita tfllcucy In the cure of a piiil who ttammered l.adly. Krom what we have learned of Mr DuMji.l'a ajalelii of cure, and Ida remarkable ajicreeallilhecaju mentloueil, we are confldeni that any itifon who atam-mera atam-mera or al .tlera can l-o tured under lila care and Inalriittlnu. Job. h. ItiritAiiiia, f. I). ciib. r uiuj) m.u. halt i.aki. c in, Matih lUlh, ISM. Mr. DuMont lias termltted me to watch the regress of lila IrLatlneut of stammering In cae or one of the woral victims uf that mlfurtun that I have ever atm. Ido rut Imitate lo say that I have hov-r aren n belter llluttralloii or aiiiTemful treatment. Huch explanation aa I have lieeu given 1.1 Mr. UuMont'a method ahowall til beslmple, natural and bated on care. lul I'liyalologlial ilu.ly. I am hearllly Klad he lalo remain In thla coniinu. nllyfora llmo engaged In Ihla work or relieving a condition which nnet serhualy llllcrrerea with the happiness and tucveea orthoae whom It alUlcts, J. K MllUPAVUII, Ku I. Halt I,ake Public Hchooli. All Inttrcaied ahoiildnpply at once lo Mr. DuMonl'a l'arlora ill and M lha Oillen hotel. d Mlaa Maude l'ratl le pripareil to traclivoial and Inalrumenlal mualo. Addreaa 11) wi at North Temple at reel. dcodllw lremau Who llle lettr. Many of our moat beautiful and ao-Compllkhed ao-Compllkhed ladlea die before they have reached the prime of life. Of thoae who live to middle ne only one In two hundred are sound; the other ono bun' dred and iilnety.ulne are auflfrera, Why la It; Heir-neglecC The ahat. tared health can be restored; the home made happy, and your life lengthened If you commence at once, "S.cte liuiW uavo been uied for SO yeara In the private practice of one of Ihe moat eminent physicians or l'srls, and the lollowlng diseases and their dlitns-lng symnioms yield to thtm like mule: Ulceration, Congestion and lalllrg or the Wrmli, Ovarian Tllninra, Dropsy of the Womb, Hear li.lt Down I'alua, Rupture at Child-llrtliant Child-llrtliant Mlacarrlaata. One jiackage ef 'Itoae Iluda" will -make a new KoinauoMou. ( l.euooiiheo or Whites aro generally cured by ono application) I rice per acliage(ocmoulh'a trralmtut) tl M rent by mall post paid, aacurely packed Tin Lnvrjii'iTK HrtoiHO t'O, 39 W.ihlo.-tju Ht., Jloatau, Mau. ill,1 L IlileneMireexiliillr leealeil, 'I have Juit recoxejeil tmma sao on I atlaca ot thu i rlu I his year," say s Mr, Jaa. O. Joins, uhllher V1 Ihe UaiUr, Menla, ri.v "lnthelaltir case I uied Chamlvrlalii'a Cough llenn.lv, nij. I I think wllh cnnaldera blesuciets.cnlyUllul III U.I a llltle over twu iln)s, against ten daya for Ihe flnt attack, Therecond attack I am fatlafled would have leu equally aatal aa the flrat hut for Ihe uae of thla reuiidy, aa I had to goto led In alout six houre alter being Sitnirk with ll, while In tbu flrat rue I waa able to attend to buslines about to dtslefore gelling Mown.'"!.!) cent lollies for sale lo Z. C. M. I, Diug De t, .li TryourChmfhi, I, I'likleC... lt.. lilts -,)U-T Blnlilin.l, (lunch an.i HUlr, Our i'runlry As It la our Craintrj As It Hlwull lit. tll. 1TI fil. I'rliei llllj ienN ,. r act first lour tit roit) inns, JJIII ler Ind coilea H. ill i mall i ii ie ipt of i rice. Ad (Ires' 111 -i kit Mm ii, Hall Lake fill. datl "Saw Ytetlilnslim I'ann , I'enpls Ale lint alow about lalilug hold of a new thing, ir the article haa merit. A Uw moniha ago David llytrs, or that llaie, I. unlit hi drat slock of ( hamlirlaln'a Cough Remedy, He has toll It all ami ordered more 11 (S)ll "It hue given thelmt ol lail.r.ic Hon. I litvuuarriiuicd every Utile and have ,n t hud i ne rune bvili." Ml cunt and Sl.no Iwltle for sale by A. V. M. I. Drug Dipt. da "August Floer" Tlie Hon. J. W. I'cnnltnore Is the Sheriff of Kent Co., Del., and litci at Doxcr, the County Scat anil Capital Cap-ital of the State TIic sheriff Is a geiitlcmm fift-nlnc jcjis oi f.t, and this n iut he ruya "I line " used your August I lower for scv-"eral scv-"eral J com In my fairllyatnlformy "on n use, and found it docs me "more good than nny other remedy. ' " I htie been trouble I with what I "call Sick Headache Apalncomcs " In the Inck part of my head first, " and tlien soon n geueml luadnclie "until I become sick and vomit. " At limca, loo, I huve a fullness " after eatinj, a preswitc after catiu a "at the pit of the stomach, and " sourness, wllcn food seemed to riser "uplnmythroitaiiduiouth When "I feel this coming on If I tike n " little August 1 loner it relieves " mc and is the beJ remedy I Imc "ccr tnl.cn for IL For Oils reason "I tVc it aud rceorumend it to " others ns a great tuncdy for Dj-s-"pepsla, &.C " d) G. G GREEN, Sole Ihoufuturrr, Uowllinn, New Jeraey, V. S. A. ne.ll Kln WodrslreUiaay tonur cllltens that for yeara we have la en selling Driving's Dr-iving's Tsew Dlacnvery ror ci hMimii lion, l)r Klngaew Life I'llls, lluck len'a Arnica Halve an I I liclrlc Hitter, Hit-ter, and have neverhnndleJ rnn.-llei thst Ml aa well, or that haveglveu wall unlveraal aill-fai-lli.n. WeUo not Imltalo toguarilee theinivery lime, and we etand realy to refund the pur-chaae pur-chaae rice If eatlatarlory reaulia do not follow their uae. These remedies have won their great popuLirliy turely on their merlta. A. O. Hmltn & Co., drugglita. 1 luirllnalwn Iteelr. Wllkt going J.a-taeknt the popular route, Ihe lliirllngtiili. Two dally via. little trains from Denver with dining and chair caraar.d I'iiIIiumi alccicrsat-lachid, alccicrsat-lachid, lor Lhhago, 1'eulla, Ht. Doul, Kanaav City, HI. Joee li, Atchleon anJ all point ea.L lnl.il l-aellle I ir.ir.l-l. Male, an Arenanl or I oiirrcenre, The Union I'acllo railway will rell eicuialoutlckeletortilt LnkeCltyand return from all station as lar eaat aa ltawllna, north in far aa lleavtr Ciin-you, Ciin-you, Irum stations on the Oregon Hliort l.lne and from all stations In Utah at exceedingly low ralei, ou ace. unt of the Hlxly second Annual Conference. I'rnm all points south nf I'rovo llckilawlllkvrold from March slat lu A III 0; from all atatlona north of Ogdcu from April I to prll, janl from all other stfttlon rom April " to A 111 0 Inclusive, All tloketa will U. good forreturn till A ril li riirlala nred In IS nlnnlea. Mr. J. H. Hlurtevaiil, idllor of the Wauj aixt (Wis.) Jutt, aiji. "I.xit night t 'lianitrlain'a Tain Halm cured my ulfeof neuralgia of the lace and tooth In il'teen mlnutis. Wu would not U. without It." M cent bottle for aulebyZ. CM. I.DrugDct. da Try curHv-eetl'Icklea HVUPkkleL'o. The tlah (llre.o.) Xaraeiy Ceiii.auy Hu unloved Ita ctllce to Its liur-lirka liur-lirka In Hugar House Ward. Take Ihe llapld TracaltHlreut Care marked "Calder'a 1'ark, I'ureat Dale, or lllh I Jiit Htrtet." l'oat Onicc, Sugar, Utah. UA, ' A .! lnvesluirnl Is one which Is guaranteed to brine you ruitlafaclory reaulta, or in caao of failure a return of rairchaao pries. On thl safe plan yen cau I uy from our alvertle.r driigglit a Utile of Dr. King's New Dbcoveryfor Ooiuump. tlon. It la guaranteed to Irlojsrollef In every case, wheu uied tot any af. recllon or Throat, Luncs or Clieit, such a Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Ilrourhitls, Asthma, Whoot lng Cough, Croup, etc., itc. It I pleasant and artai!i. u tsite, terfict-lyafe,anu terfict-lyafe,anu cau alwaya be depended i!1'0,"; .Tf"1 to1""" Um ' A. C. Hnilth A Co'a tf rug store. 1 UMTEI) STATES GL1SS CO., HisLricTcases or line Crystal an.l (olored I. Ism Talis Varc, I ar Uioils, Jar., Jjtinpi, elr. 1011, BTRLET, S. .1 J-ITTSUVM, PA. fvr isli Sr Z.C. Ml. salMeri frmrmllf W UKUESEItf. " Ittiso rrooME iolc pHOPRiarn 1 f H.tn.11 U,Nli .. I tttkow pnW Vff1 U lumiiti rrnll.Nhntl ..! OrvsW Mfnlt.1 irvraAHti nt.ribei,( IimI nwi adl !( pnra SirSUt,m "frn.iu.. ai uAjtTui cimiininUiinx. twTncs, wooldcb. S i ? OMAHA, NCP SALTY.LAKEt. STEAM DTE WDBKS IIIOS. Mrlthl.VlK, l'roprlttor, Lr.dles' Clothes Clraaod and Dyed. Gents' Clotlics CloanoJ, Dyed and Bopairctl. tXAiiiKiu ciiismi itrhiifcoriw, 1 IMIIeeiiiKnMlleaSerlnrr.US W Ileal kunll, Hirevl W01W1 I , Weil Tarn. 1 .lasiraal,i.riiu l.raala I na yai 1 bit, nu Like tut. fMintTAKms. MtTJllliniO, an. Jitfepg E. TBjIof, Honcir Dndoruker ol Ulai. Ur HtetftttJ' HCwtrt4 COFFINS AND CASKETS. rail Liu. arionlnlnealshlnaa keel c.,...llir en t.an.1 iVIrpleasead Til frnpk Cnlfrt eeelaf llf tllr4. It 'las tireien a I la Uie.r SIQrsl Leadl. Uoa v l&al aura eaa se OPEN DAYANO NIOHT. r::::iti fo. m e. First sont&. Ua aad a M f blrn tut el Tacatr. riiiruoAt . ra Joseph William Taylor f1TJII.' LlilJlfQ UKOERTAKER Ali'D EMBALMER, 1 Crry tha gttt uJ itwl CMf f tf COFFINS, .-. 0 SKETS, I "And Undertskeri' Good In Utah. WMn ll ;4 J U T aiara.r. K.tm,U i-rta Uwtr than era arae rmj la llok. Jll TUrtftitt rr MftiHSlrt Pputbt Itmt. orrici At wiimooMs xrnn cloud. No. .21 and 23 WEST TIMPLE STRLtr. f.O. bei 03 m, XlltplWa MI. Home ComfortEaBges IIJH .SO IQIALIOII FAHIL CS, IIOTELSr" zminihg camps, etc. Tlir vMrjuxtir mjdk or SMALCIIABLE ., 1RDH .. AHD STEEL. Over 2X0,00 In Actual Use Catt nrj rramtn (Aim al 4-UTAH-ej;. MMRIAEM SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. gRlGHTON.sJTilH. Graefenberg P8LLS. Thoy euro Hoarlncho, DIN Ilousnoss.Livor Complaint find Indlgostlon. No Rrlp-Inc Rrlp-Inc or nausoa. Tlioso PILLS Tono up tho systom and rostoro hoalth to those Buffering Buf-fering from gonoral dnbll-Ityantinorvouanoss. dnbll-Ityantinorvouanoss. Sold by all druBBlats. 25c. par box. Best for Women.- GUEFEHBEHB SnTiLIGBi Cnrai nil forms of remain comjililutfl, wuilcntas, nur-Touneim nur-Touneim imil fituenil debility, dold by till tlriiKslsts. X. C. M. L, Drug Uiul. WUIuila 1st. ANOTHER CHANGE ill l'rlees tit EOc. Carpets now 40c. 75c. Carpets for - 60c. GLOVES. $1 Blacl: Kids fcr-50c. $1.50 White Kids, 75c. UD1ES' mi PERC1LE WAISTS. S1.25 Grade now - SI. SI Waists for - 75c. MUX'S SUITS. SG.00 Reduced to $4.00. $11.00 Suits to $0.00. Men's Stiff Hats. Ni:w AND Nonuv. $2.00, prico now $1.50. $1.00 Felt Hats for 60c. BOll FIDE REDUCTIONS AT mm. rrjrM Thomson sSsTaylorSpiceCo., linportrra aad slasataelarers sf tsa Finest Spicus FlinVORlNC EXTRACTS "0l TO THE rnior. rroprlttors of lha ramoua Uaad of RED V QUOSH V lA'E. Michigan Avonuo, Cor. Lnko, oniQAao. iJJ Jjg, j E as-ai x s UA i CD i!31 1 1 CJl. 0k -. I "5 'gl i 5 fsffiS DownWHhHIfhrncaa. mg TH SEWIN6 MACHINE eaJUIpcaigXj-K' al? iftjrfJA saaaiaaawaeMiiaralliaa Vl' caniss MAU 6S, CsHaa Sitt u cirr. CALWtNILWIIfBllY. LACIER BCEn, ALE AND POnTED, niisl.aaleaud llelall a. c$ rjiTj rmsT iovtu mtkzit. fStarforseMls Pollshod or Bluod. Hit Utm eld by z. o. Iff. I. rr vtr 15 y.irt, Tr-j ar thi nl NalU Msitl. .dgvaris.tMd to lra Utltn tt tturtction. Will faql., m Bbo lBirtbta any otl.tr UMIOH HORSETNAlL CO., Chicago, 111. IKT re tin it l a n, i euro kiucn iiuui F.AUBRBAGH&BRQ. GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL ' imil raw m m Commencing Monday, March 21st, 1892. Wo offer you Cnrmrmts nt loss prlco thnn tho Matorlal to mako thorn would cost you. Tlion why tako tho troubto to mako thorn. At loc. each. At GOc. caoli. .K. iM " o""' ' ,, Tills Lino ol UuJerwrar Is rr Eli. Children's raiitaleti, ncii Be iwrately rnaile anil flnlihe.1. ,nJ "i", .''""'"i "c''- - JJ" wouU sell eliewhere lor SI.OO Lames' Drawers, each.. too quw, Lailfea' Arron. earli.M.....R..M.,.MlD Laill.sUor.elOovera.tadi 15c t 75e. CIU'Il. At 'ail, rncll. We how in till line gwnuihs'l tr,, ii -ill.. tilLII. actual eauo worth 51.23. C'tillilrt nt White haln-ook Dus.ri. ( lillilre!i'(!olore-l OlDliaiil IJreeK.. l"m- SI.OO I.a lira' tfn.lfte,,, InfaBfaCimirloHllpa. In ill alalia. Win. aai.no, L'hll lrena HlDirhamAi runs. a...... ji .. . .. . l,aulM'NI.!itl,uea,(.ambrlo Hurtled iVn'... i' """'"".'"eil UJI' NiRht IW, I.ace and im- In . " HI.. . brolilery Trlmmeif l.'oi- Hl.r.O l.nllra' Uoilar, l.nllra1 Ctitnilae, l.nitrol.Ifrj and Inallstjrlra. Viih H'J.VS.T I.ace Trimraeit. -.... . . . ,. . Ladlpa' Ilrawtrs, r.iulrolJrry ncd I Jte .I "'. ,7 ' if ''"7. """'nrsii Trlmmad. Inallsljlm. V iim rtu.r.o, Ladln'C'omtCoTera.l.iulroliltryand I'm- MU.no In ilea Ouilaraaar Lace Trimmed, ' In all styles. n iIII.imi, it Only Threa 1'teces of one Kind to tt Cuntomcr a Do not fill to Impact our line of novatlv Garment! In CAPES. NCWMARKCT BOX COATS, RitFCRS AND BLAZERS at 30 yr cent Cheanar than Eliewhrre. We have lua Imported Samole Oarmenti that kq oflsr at 30 par Cant below value UOO Sample Healers at S3 00, J7.50, $10.00 and 112.10 each. In lha latest cula, north. In actual value, SO par cant mors. DRESS GOOES DEPARTMENT, ""r1,' Bllli 0lniw , Ur, TlieAttracllouslntlieHlIk and llresa rSte.i aid Jle'a t l'aaarneulerle.al..rj Oooda Dipartmatita for tnla wcik are: Li,p ,t n. , rJ ""' M Iscea Illack Batln ItUaJsmcf .00 Colored AJ pliqucJ lrliumiuuaCJanj oo terra Illack aod Colored Ton- $1.14. Ktca- If) 'demist I.icnJli)E.........,.(0o to TSa TSplsci a Colored Hiinha. Ill Hire Olni... . WaloiXlS iJ Idrcra rlatln Marveleill. li Illack -Nallbiad rrlinmlnira.Ioo toSOo J5 lilicee lllsrk flroa drain Hllk . .1171 l.il... r...i .l. .1 r.K .u i TLUiaaiiiiikaadiaiaao atiioi Another Grist Sale of Embrolderlaa rieEamdaaUiialtiC'lilorillk at .i ,. ,, , Thla Week. American Ctielllaa, ii Inches Jo llamlnirir Lrubroldeiln for. Co srlde . E0 loo llaiobur-Knibrolderleafor.-... 7d I'rench Challlre aL.., M '-a llamburr, I- mbroldrrlea for.IOo lOOlleceaallwool famelalle. 7J Mc llainburK:mbrolderlrfor......lo M..l.iiW..-i.tnl.it.iira i tl 3'o llanburir l.mt rolJcrlea for..lo 60 Inili colored inifjorteU lirond- 40o Hamburg l-mbrolderles for....Jo rlotli, lorlose.... 1.00 &3 llsnituri; Kail roldi rise for .le Ttiispio4ibsrs bias laid slim 451) doian colored-bordered Handler- An eleicaul sMaMsitmaant t l.ti tWtt, s,0 d(1I iiteranr.a..satS.7S,i,llOIRO 50l) uoien colored bordered scalloiij Weareshowluit tl.e latest itiii Ones! Handkerchiefs elo each. ' lluoof ovelly I)re;a tlooili, 1rencU jw doten plain white scalloid aid L'reraps. Wblii Cords, Ilidford Cords, licin.tltched erabroldarled llanJ. Camel Hair Weaves, elo. lerelilefi, rrnular .rlce SOcJ sjclal price 2?o each. - 7Sc Children's Cashmere lists, Ma TPIt1UINr: ntPlllTiirST rl.OO Children's Hurah Hilk HaU o.)u iKIUSlrllia UtfAlllfltM. 73o Children's HuraliBIILlImb. llovJs LJagent New llreaa Tilmnilma; 40oiach. Msunlltcent Aaaorluient, Latest 1'arls SI.O'l Children's Hmeu Hllk I'.mb. Noralllrs, t.utlrely Xew. Hoods, 6O0 lacli. r.EW SPRINQ WASH GOODS. Ths prettiest tacrloa ever producad lll be on sslo this tteeK. Othsra may hsve ss eeasp, but we doubt II. Sas cur Immtnia stock. X". .TJIClul-OII xs DUO. BANKRUPT SALE WIMi CONTINOK JUrJT INCLUDINO SATUKDAY, - - MARCH 20th. t" In the rernalnlnii time offered to all clajsoa of purchasers to avail themtilves of an opportunity to procure absolJtely nocoua'y Ihloga, wo say emrliallcslly, staking our rtr utatlou frr veracity aa recognliedln the business community, that there la a Genuine llargaln In ever; article arti-cle laced ou aale. Keep this fact upiairmoat In your mind; Thla stock lsMjrHIIi:i.K.VOUN, It Is not afire sale; It Is bona fide BANK-11U1T BANK-11U1T HM.i: of new goods tut recently urcbaiGd by the dclunct llrm of Kins .V Vsukee, This sale lnoludrs line MimToviyiirai, i c3-HAiqnii'2iw.K,Ei, I j AND I All Kinds of COOKIffl UTENSILS. ' All kinds of I'.ullders' ftud Laborers' Tools, Uardcn Inllcmrnli, I-awn llotrers, the famous Liberia" Itofrlnorator and Ibe uurivalled "V, hlte Mountain" Ice Cream 1'nviur. The line of TA11I.1. and l'OOKr.T CUri.KIlV fs well aaaorted and practically unbroken. A few of the Well known 'New Lyman" Gasoline Btove yet unsold. IU( stock of Kails, all litre. IUmember, thla sale Is lu 4VX,ri IIOIjiMES TiT-.OOXv.ti E. G. COFFIN HARDWARE CD, |