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Show WOMEN AND HOME. H THE INFLUENCE THAT CHlLOFlCN'S Hj AMUSEMENTS MAVC UPON T&CM. H aj.ihare tt ljrrl. Children-- How H Kata Ikt J Wioka- V Uui.tau nf UI le- H lpr 1 InHaeiaee What Maine. Uka, H n Men Matter or I nt treat l Ilia 1 air. M 'IK itlia ftitUor the rhlMren, It U H th fault of their ...other "anlil uhrlKlit jH wji an lit othir tlay In a llwrtual'm w B hiiirnHw.lilitlAMircA, Chlhlrennal H aiatly w tt enjoy Miopia rtilorialmiKtit, H ji wa they will fltnl dlvpnilnn ItiHliupla H lojs. If fxtrQiiU wuiibl mcwnLfl tb Juct fl atwI ml fi oil thilr tnttes by too aebetou M At rna wlo 1m WAltlinl lho npci H in k ii(il lojrntaiuirlliw rutipM vrllll H m Imtim, fr VfiiinKfolkN wIMuii'IitiiMn.l H )a null -utijt wni DOLtHiti (tlncn B nlwtll we ntivlt ilrvivforlli tunny In ) an mrdiara i I On inotlirr lol I liow Ur tlilM, iv4 Jtt H fivr wai InviUil IojI larty iI h clillil jilt H lire t). lms n -rf li.rt Iwintt T ti 10, rhlch M tftiiurr.f ninl ridiMlloiialollHwiWhma H clilldi n v-ru 111 ll.cbril.lt of -ili to bvl H rt 7 lui' ti ai nil -o lun thry lil lru H nlttn 11 l ujintlioiitdiiittlllforia luvun twfc 4,irti rbcn rMldrrn of ! (If i lent I-" i InUUtl tu to olIikL, H dnn it ritbir mora lwrililil atlll H ah 1 it if nr(iu.Ut( nl with rmttinmi wtwt H tt Ui rtt aila ImIm ! c ram Kraiul ) I withwii tuiiUruiuuiKutefururunu H J fio-.rntiiiiiu I H ill -. i uk ' Mil 1 it romnn Willi oil jH fn I I lii. on tluftiitijartoiisirlrtij H K 1 ult rtywiiU ' Iti wrwnitrroin H it illiv it tutl lKsMatlwrnliii4liliii; H KU Tor u-li cliillmilumtlir) ttruu;i. M 1 iii mi a titli AlrU wIkmi clii- H f ml ill 1 II in luil nt M-ynilwn, wLo H (jtciLllI'- rx! Mini 1 thiiMrniull winter " H Tli up ri m trli I tomukcittrlyilatio- H n k (tint bit ramlllliauiIwtilrr.iUlm H i ttitt hilln n ii w wrnt tu Afternoon dnncli -rlifKil ul fix, a ml thia tlirro wai 1 Hi Dlfftioi. j.Ui. nirtitli(rr.iiiM H (1 llua i) t uitn fctronj; tpp'IHon H frmi olio Lii u nrr til) lm In r on n tdtm M on .t Hie rtalntil tbai lb WAt far H I-1 f r cLI1 In ii t lnrn to i!an ittui; H tn t injayit In ttia wunfr w ay tlicy did 1 Uycf miklnl lliati tuunltuntll they H -tibld r Atidrnr ncn It wan liaj pj- H ex r with notliutiulitof ilmtfirUnu H 0 tnav n new mucUuti tuM;m,wbo H toul 1 in c. bin nt;nti tlmt U rhlldmi woulJ JH dm ii t y lAtrtl kin ItrgnrnntcftiMii, H aiid nuill 1 not i'mw to think of It In itnj H atirrwAft It would Wnvttpln UiarlLtt M dlrvvll m lire Vlyn KH, M t itticr and fanlM (Ml Irrn. B 1 liv known inuro tban una nouian wl n H timed Ajjalnit a auit bnnuwi Iiia4ioI jB matned to Acau ( r, nnd mMi ' I 1iao l( tc-vitliJiloi bu wife ruu look alter Mm H Mioiitb Id wine cima tbo wtf waa mt Inn nt, tliouBbtlt mtn n tflddy fflrl, ya the inoti i ra kc 1 1 th-ir ud awI t vu tcjcncvtnln ptidi lnrItiiMlin thrnon'-J tlsttrl trni u undrr hl wifi a tnaiiAiicfi.piit M 1 inmTttltiHrwbj"0)oiuiitiuajTllduiiah( M tu- 4 li Iii;lk)M iDTAlld, toailiwl to bT i jib formally in mtli), Imi lorwl lrr to i k Inrhuim withtIiiuilnonlrthAtln bcr alii ird life tW might Uw tha fc'tUwj tflt riuotbcr'aprvAinrc Wio oiTcrM Itr an in r and tuimnrrlil brother u r(j1 union dtvAtnu Ii jrhftcy niheydcilivd All nt j trrtVMl won to to wab Uirm nud m tin m diirlu.x fotnu of Ur lone ly I ura Tbo luutlirr tt Kwl. iiiimjIHOi roin-n wn 1 1 to k that the ruuld i vrr Uato r Irortit bntnncu nrcoutit ct tho tic lvs o-l In tbo icrarPTiml. tho itiv of lnr b iu I ad Imolwn.l nn 1 luibyl J low blltxlt Whm a fulIntKA of ;y ho mla) t Iiao t-iVrn Into litr onirti-1 dxnsbUri lifel Mliat n Uuidclal lijflucnt-J him liiU'M ruTB ben nin hrr little crand latiRbtcr, lii oftn wan nlmoht drpitvitl of a inMlier i enrol N Imt V peaceful, nil wr TnllnaitwfortmrruIlluriltuRlitrrtiuoni ntillta litnutcalicr irMiiniiiiliclit bald lul llitni nro not n few mother Lu r nnlt tbo i uly rhlld left At borne to ncnu tlxm onayfrqiu illr uiarrlml Iwu and ilitiicliunr. T1U U natural, tut honlt not bo iM-inttttil lo tit yds o otbir cblldt ui cftliclrricthu. UliadimtitUthlnKforAinotlier nt nil time to do all that 1 rJM and imtmrihl for each of bcr clilldn n, It reiulre a vast Awonnt of atndy uol nt llnp a natty bnhl earrliltoof pemon! lit -t Imt ptrtftfml IvTHul' Hliould tt kiipprtHd,Aiul It aboul 1 to loiUd at ai much iicilli from vm It I (-Mil MMduul alnmliwlnt -JloU.o-ku per. I How TCala 1 11 1 lookfl. WhUaltlitniolhutMlf.Kato riald las 1 iotaUtt In'WuhJiMton Knr.nnciilly It H iiUi trno thnt fclt tklpii about lho countrr i urfunlhAtshoU)y toanhl Uito a rul Iont of either rtin f mnclano, Chicoso or :Nr Vtrk low women limn lu iw I prlvll.'ufil to injoy the frienUilpvof ui I MAuy f Aiuoua mvn nnd w nmeti. t o U olio i IioliDiirwwlha lortefuliieMcf lu rcwii 1 pcrknuAlltyoii etry niio wllh whom it9 ' tiM-Akt, Wio h a eUir, ImMrinuU ' oartnliigl fnfnk in aimer nnd mi Inti r- xutfMtloi) iKtt court Mitly ntbrr tunjii a end U alio dT4 not II ho a iroii aho iunkrabim iiudiitAiul it without tfl In J nfTtiuw. If fun u bUteiiiriit l nnde in Iter I fiance thnt ahe doe not I ndt r alio hat )n hmltancy In fJinkliU ktiuivulitr oiru Illlon. et Mho d ka tt If tit audi it Nulrt, ( unuUtriulYo way thnt uo uitu can Hud feult ultlibar In Addition to Ulun n clecr a-4 ftwrll ta -rller.abelanlaotiimtUntatudMttiif tho lratm hto nppcnrel on tho fttnge onre hi I Zhewlork at I'eff Wofllnuton I Ullovo ffto wta npt n auaM. but aho continue to Kttily iliunvlc worka. nnd ahr UcotmU rrwX oho of tho itllt s rltrra on tbodranit tJi thU country Ooo tldnn y jnttly In ber IrfMur In btr luwaimperwotk l llntito I Dnowa whAt i.l,o la rltln,; aUm t Hha hu rnvelrl nil mrr Aueiim urn) 1 uropa Wun Unie. iu,d ulnt Lou frWndl) ttimi k.Mi tku nrwit pubtto iitcn of tottt cotitl Wut Wn ApcAntici MNi VoA la aticrt ot atun u.'UniktrKlrltnannliidliii Her ' i to Ik Mil1 INid Jltf titcjlifiiji tltl imawitli inMU 'pnw Kho Ima a firm uth.oul tj-etat nm to pim-truta lUu V very lienrta of IIioh; alKAit ber iur hair, I a uta cra fall 8rart (ully over li r f rr Jim I In a -si pbt hnt(t bbt. it oin of tbo . t-Hi w initn jf Aken 1 liv t er It u n--1 ' Jo-hflptrrtontuluNewlorlc Mall and Lxprvai A Unman of UI.1eirAl Innnent. KaUi I.)nlM Mgnln, tbo author In t woman of grmt rrrMtllltynf AfroniplUh inrtita. Mie U btt kiynvn to tbo world a n klndrritAMner of nn ptlotml ability aim! aa tho ft under of tbo llrtt klmlervartrn i f Hnu I rAnclMCo, which now haa flfty-alx klnderKarU'nBXboiili, The.portAof them aclioulif baid Inplretl tlinllar tfTorts In .Taiwan, AUMtfAlla, NrW ZmUrcX, UntWl Ct'lumhlA Ami tba rUn-lwtth UlatnK Tim r lory of ' l'AU-y" M "The Ulrd a Cliriav him Carol" wrra nrllten and aold to rain Momy lr the. klti(Umiteti work In whlrli Mr. AMrkIa W4 an Atiltely Inureaivl, on I thrw M or li attnlnrd ktith tpu)arJty tlmt thty wetenubkly followed by other MpiAlly atlre4fut Moro ber marrlajm Mr a. Wljsln btl Khtn up uacblnu and dero(cl ber Hire H v, rltlim to rrodinit b r Ixtoka, lf-tunon In liublloiiiHltomnatr.otwblrti nbo la trry limit Hlmlaal triKlf jln oX'Uitit role for atnulnit, aud a cowiiowri iihIIImi foe lerfAtotlte wnn ami ibildren'a aoiifri. Mto la a woman of winning molality And n trt farorii lnautluy New Vote buD' . ml lTntntn Ilk In Men. omen Ilko botieniy of pnriMi aiv! trm alteration Thty bkt a man who l In terejtiel lo their liewilrnfeMw who rail tflw an opinion on the lit a ml who la propel ly Indlsnant nt anyortiHo written ngalnH women Tl.i y llkb am, who like I hem. wltodoMn't worn i Uit lr (ipliilmts wtolir-llera wtolir-llera In their Kvl tarte who baj nrtin-ilcnro nrtin-ilcnro in thtm. mul who Ut or nil, known Hint the lute I rOiruVd IKitelildin They llko n man who mu to atroiiR At n llm whin trouble cnM- anl )et, If onn l mnotifiAivt tlml tan Imttirfi tip a aIhm Willi anantountt r.diirtlderntluii tlutt Ua nn ntal aixI 1 1') hal brwt r up 1 1 ey like a man who li uiaaU r ut th alttifttlcm-that I whuliai brnlnatnouicb tntolpa wontai Irella tviiitLUlhalM't lliiiitf tn i!o umlir tbo clrvumatamea, nnd who hits wit ottmifih to rrallkf, wlit-tt one of the fairer x la llichtly MnhUn-n, tlmt rMiAhm li mra Miwrrtnl tlmuAtl tl a nrffumtiula the notld l.aclnuif;, Ijiirrw lieeul Il. Vlallota at Notre Dnme tnthudral mAy freriiently ar n awl fand, blvk rtot (inuu kullni ui mmi of tbu em titer nlum almortod In ber trlrf Iw tbntt forty ymr ajw ho was idolled by tbo propluHlio tod iy will not allow hinfiown a bit of laiilwliliiu their rauntry Cneia Miiof herlrtuuty, )A Inter auil aculptom fouiflitfurtbeprUileue of limnorlallxlng ber t harma uf fn e Ati 1 fltiure lorthhtuuman who pli.hte.1 ber IroUi wlib Napoloon III, Mirrnudd ly thedla idtitrliwof tbetmplrv, nmkltbpAtklnnf jewel and the apkudortrf rnurt unrntctilr, while tto mil of Aitlllery tlrtiwnol the chime cf tabiliitf tolla the l)m.hft of foata I bulMlntC tbn bortM tint tbu Ircntb pwemuicbt will no; nllow J.n-freulo J.n-freulo to Irtilld for herwelt near Men torn, where aba bupte ti apniwl lur (hlllU, Mitlnnl old age ntiionw 'hi poupti over which aha oucu niRActl 1'arli UiUr, llilllren'a Table Mtnner. OneitfthellrhtleaaunaorAtbill At the tahloahniild to toUko ll'jnld t.oitlr-ly i frtnalhvkMeof tboapnun. Iblt duea mt, Mvin to to an rahy AcromplUbmrnt, JuJic Inw (nfix tbo amall ttumtor of peroiiA who (MiMM-ilt Anttheraliuuld totu keep Ue lMtbiMNt.htieAtInitMlllt,toavoiltbH diAurwublsitoUethat wwutiluiea aooom pjiukt tl o nttlon. 11 rend to to eaten wIUi auup or milk aboul 1 to laJd at tbo Irtt of thoptut and br&krn with one hand only. Meit muil to fin I y rut aud eaten kluwly. Vtft tablu fowl rrqulreaeven tnorv loiatJ ration thiu meat, ot It mutt to thoroughly HdxM with tbo mtllva to hturo prupir ill-Ktatlun. ill-Ktatlun. 1th britrr to help rhll frrit to amall nuantUln ncd to rrptoiUh I ho plate than IoicIto ttai birjio a portion nt onre bentbereIAilDchKMduUketoAnrAnl cloof f.K.loulyn mouthful r ttto atould to BU en nt nrirt time -HluUtb It. fc'cotll lDldUMlonioJounial A rinrr lenia) Der.ll. I. Pr Olffa Ji'eyruanii la the fcfrl jlutiecr detitut of our metropolis bhe la the tlnitfibTrr of Chita Jstyumnn, for muiy )cnra prumlDrnt lo tho work fornuimui tultra&e Ur Qlja wbutiAltidirJidiid aoinolrruuelto. atill lit her tnenile urI tinted aa a Cornell "ca-cd," nn 1 Imiurdlate ly after rutrred the lVnnylfiu U IKiitat tutleil' wtonoo aho cnjit at thi expire tlun of Iter term, with ndlplotimund flying, color, UtMt up In practice In New ork. btothlnkadenilrtry an ailmlrnble flibl ft r women a work, nnd epenk gratefully cf the cuVMlal wclunnt nn I fiMJuumtrt-mrnt fche receUvd from tbu I auiNof tnnny 1 1 hor iintcullne couiNrtltti, Her ihtau pro feiou la on a vrhl h rxcu'Pta the rai tltloner from lnutli if tbo pb)aluil fatlitue tliatlvattaiiurruur woricri in tiivkia dntt Held of lucdidna -Now Vuik Adtir ttor The WdI.L or toioen. VlU U or i-liuh waUU may bo a tlitunultylti nn udult wnmau, It uuy to Jtutly doubled nliellirtlio tt-liult MiI.t ifNctnn do Medltl U not aotnowhat too liruolotoln roiH rtlon vtlthtl e flituroof tl a v crnea American woman It la chnr Aitorlttloof ttonieu fcf tboblsbeU t)pao( tho ludo-r uropenu race to Ijitb wide blp hud iitiruw muUU, In other race tho hi pa are uarrowtr m lie wnlit lartnr. Tho Atuerkau tuinjn apieara, In conie quumoi't ber larite lip lueaburwueut, tu have a amalkr unt tluui abu nilmdly ha, 'lo tto mnUIIwl macullnt rye n Klrl-itltA walitof 5J or ta tnchtamiy Mem tobavo a wnipUU flsurr.wben hi nil Sty her lueuauiemvnt U tty tiearlr what It should Ui to a.ttlity tliu critical Judgment iif an nrtlator ber family pUrl ilaik-liluloUIhltt Droratleii fir 1 nuaUn YTAinem Vru-tlA baa Merat dworallonn for worn rn IhooldeetUlhoOrder of lho Hnnn, foiindel In UIO, Allowed to hpo durlntf I lie I Icfermnt hm a ml rov l rtl I n 1 13. Tito Order of IduIm, iiointtl after 1'ruatla mottotutlful tnietn, MMfounlM InlSII by 1 ruderlik Wllllnui III It docorailoti f lho Hot clau la lwn lo women for luerlUtrlon arrtlco In nurdrjg tbu woundvd Infnr, cf thoeeimtl cUi towomau du. I hibUixheil for phltinthroplc work iteiirml II IhoLntwtif Merit wna luaUtitleil by l'miieior WUUatn I on II f.rtleth 14 rtl. Ony m n munition of tlo htmA Mtf antrlflM which tho women of (lermuiiT fduwedfor the aoldlcra In tho lattwm ' bpirlftliuwlnltft r women AlMtwrroMnick iu ItfMI and 1;i-1 -Vicuna Utter. ioiilallt)ii oi i until. i iuia. Tho liicnuui In omui(lou of tho liiku ihjiU ttulicatoi thu groat In cniuwjllint inurtt follow, iioctfarily, in tho lutlmw t( tho luken nnd nlbo of tlio mil way- trilmti to thtw rtuOjla han liKTeufxl from almnfc 13,000 in mo to L'JS.OoO in 1S30, Clovtland from 17,000 in JSG0 to 80 J,-tm J,-tm in lbJO, Uiuiipi from :K)0OOin 1830 ta 1,100 000 in 1800-wliIld Do-tiolt Do-tiolt nnil lIlhTOMkoo exhibit n ro iiiulti1luiumil'liiii Iniwth, tho furiuf r havlnR Iiicivobttl fiom UU,J 10 toi!03,o70lntho lwt ten jrnn nnd iL Litter frwn 113,537 to -Ol.ica. C CV-nojreraluflcnlutiD. |