Show HALL BALL REJUVENATED of This Structure ture Last Evening a Not Notable Notable able Event FIRST PRESIDENCY AS HOSTS glide t nil j With Ith hair d b hp Seers r of time Ume 11 and 1 struggle oyes e robbed bb d or of the th lutr lutrI I and of nt the I kl 11 In d dare ot of the lei tint rat or of III the old place a kand ot of th It at the nIt old Hall and n In thought word and d deed tM the scenes ot of a half ego AltO Prom Irom the walle all Io look donl ot of well rm cl g sal 1 covered tRO mn men who hd had al ai ale e lit In the ot of It pea event and nd had 14 11 In rat marah at and lt which mark d the Of uch auch rant as 11 oid hI give time to Every very It of th the Letter day church hurch with Ith men who whore were re In Ile were there In portrait and rem NOm euce the memorable nn Th The began with an n old time lima f Parly rl In lower halt ball hero long of oC tables blight wIth flowed and ferns prink Ilk data pota of oC blooming hY w inthe and um Interspersed alth viands viand to o chon and n that they were In a part pari ot of the d Afterward Iii la the hap hall cam am the from In a talt by hILda and u Into a drawing mom Then earn m mth th the on the hardwood tier I tr laid lak to 10 supplant Ih the i planks from froll native canYOn trees t p II dA days of old Ft Feet grown ron weary with steps Ip of ca cars re worn rn day ays flung ort oft time a sat an out w rn shoe hoe and nd tripped with old time sprightliness through the lively Il n ot of Jays Ja Then came th thI the I In all to their homes hom with tm the blee log I of th the lord Tile the of oC the memorable en which f reopened Hull lIall the j d WA wee picturesque and mot most Inter and I Is below helow The reopening lit of Ih the old Social flail nn ml State el beet t last lut w a place placed ce cef d f wholesome tor lor the t lAt w waa made notAble by bythe the of many veteran pioneers and members ot of t their r families who gathered d In glad d response It to tM the extended to them by the II Ant rat V presidency Alden or of tM the Church I The old building II ha been renovated but not materially changed It l Is as it and safe e now as AI when Bret built and I another monument u ment ot of the thorough man manner of con construction which all public 1111 crested created under FIRST HOSTS The Th brat It presidency we were the hosts of the ocea and ami their aids ald dna Ana L Smith Susie Y Oat Oates Ann D 11 and other lad ladles ot of the Ih committee ot of the on OItI dd Among th tho gue guests w were aU all the mean Ift lr 11 of the tho quorum of oC hO how In 1 lh h city It RI alto tram it 11 John JohnT T lIlno Mir 11 Margaret Clawson Pa 11 Patriarch John Smith George Romney A Milton w Emmeline IS B Wells U Bishop hop hopI I harles W J Druid U Ile President Nephi L JIP i ent W Young Y Taylor and otter moor ot of the Church with their elves 1 and daughter The company commenced gathering III et an early euly bur mur u as of y yore ro 8 6 p m mand and all 1111 were soon en engaged saeed In Ing reminiscences dances dance and meetings ot of 1 which have taken laken place In the Jail hall during the tho man many years year Intervening ante It its In III 1162 Four Ion long tuble plentifully rov lath lIh tempting woe 1101 III hl the theloa basement loa lm nt and at 7 p m th the guests uta were PI seated ted A t was wal asked by Pr President Lund and the and aull elaborate dinner clever clver coop cooks laid prepared re Al and fair waitresses rl d was II thoroughly enjoyed the tha compan adjourned to th III assembly room where Uw the follow tollow rile na improMptu pro 1 was 11 rendered I 1 l I math acting a airmen W Th by II f Smith NIHil tM n God mo es III bl a Wit way Smith l 11 rut r iii brief briel statement thenn the r nn u ness of the olal Hall when It t was AI flat t and nd erected It was to 10 the then need fr for H a recreation hail blI for all manner manlier of oC nI such uch as Saint Int III t ht properly enjoy enJo rule wre r made In regard to dance Hound dancing w was not permitted and 11 proper decorum on all w wl n I upon H He to the f t a that Went Brigham lou loue Young Il ivr e C Kimball Daniel IL II Well and prominent men whom h he named h IU lItI in III the dames II tills III hail Jt it hll has b burn en used for rol a variety vaI of OC and nd It ham liI ow been renovated with the aile intention r f again making IU It a piece fur th this hl to Io 00 and enjoy Jo as 0 In 01 tI times and win now be r J far tor tNt that purpose TION Thus Th orr r w use then of r f rd d b by Charles W A Mur a member 1 r the committee said that hn the fret tnt met they were wel Il by President Youn Young that he h them to t a fun tun hall hII Thu Th al Iker sagy t d j with tile the and told about hou 1 h ot the II Itt Ia g tb lb tn thu Juri juriY di nun lion lit of Judd St 1 Clair Juan T Caine aI ot of h his rhal in III alt JAM ate City In 1100 at al the time thine the th lIo erlei lal hall ball wa wed Aral t opened 1 d and told I or of hl hi the DeNt Deseret as 10 tile lbs cat J III ba lbs ball K He gate II HII I I u In early 1 In Sall alt 1 poke k I rity II and eel 11 nt id 11 a in III to permitting hut p nd ploy ilia to o be presented U Ii h 08 that tha Jato he ilia hi family I In II Cut and lid IU is eldest son to borl than I President u po of 01 having own I H Hiram p B on the tau la is a theatrical te In Haura abort t HI Hiram B Bit it w am t lb 1011 youngest 01 old mars mati of 01 N I r 1 t President HIRAM O H OL W N tI JI 11 0 TAW Ma alUag that t to turn Smith lile Ike roP M be III tin t of hey kg Ur urged the semis to hl engage in 11 fit sf a per kind I anti hili In III so d It n r wee to draw their lr mindo too tee much on their trial He H Int a number numb r of facts early 1 In With which h he ly and Id he may maw INo be III as the eldest living theatrical manager In the United t nr 1 rge Romney who to worked all e a carpenter and builder on 01 the th rial hall hail PrIMed at It II being belne ropen reopened fer r It Iti H Ha r President Youngs upon II th the t decorum on t the pelt part of oC those who h wre wr permitted to enter ter till the Nall Mrs 4 Margaret I 1 If revs a description of nl 10 porn of nf her early so en the chI of tile the Social fall lIan lIand President d Johe It i Winder Wider referred I Ithe to tous the us many u uses that the vela Hall 1111 ha han has n put to In the pest t anti and the ho hope that for tor the lb It II will be regarded es AI a 11 to the theIre service Ire ot of th the Lord and Ad HI people Re He warmly commended mend the presiding blah blab and nd the deters who hv hay worked a 10 faithfully In Ih the building and for Cor thell lIun In making In It 10 to lIvel bond band WM warn thin nail upon and the company In good cotillion dancing until 1110 p nl m President Wind r wh whose age I Is II M years ear took en an active part In the dance as did also 1110 nearly nu of oC th the others athera present nt At Hber J 3 Ont Grunt and Hyrum M Smith Mn sang hymn wa by Hider J John Henry Smith |