Show POOR SCHOLARSHIP OF FRATERNITY MEN Palo Alto OILI J b ea lid h trl chapter eter house hous at the Ibe uni university rall be pre presided over oer by a house housemother mother a ha the rule nale suggested for tor tion by tb the b by David Starr Jordon of Stanford In Uw Ue campaign he be has ha In III Inaugurated td to r raise th Ib of C the members or of the secret societies Th The Innovation In fraternity societies h hl is suggested l In 10 a letter IMler to 10 the Ih various or Just sent nl out by Dr Jordan Joroan The Tb letter calls calle attention to tn Ih the scholarship 0 of men In 11 eral ral and the adoption of u e of rule by the fraternities I to this evil evO T Ti I societies at al the U un 01 si are asked to tale state their vi viM views n na M a rule which limits their held for tor f se securing curing DC new members to men n who ho hR hay 1 the o nl th the al allege 1 I lege at the unit oI of at laet IC terms fork ork |