Show j I WANTS CONGRESS TO BUY MARSHAL MANUSCRIPTS u Feb 10 lt un tt 1 or of Kentucky ta is making an ef at Port 11 to In have hae Cong acquire for tor the theor b rat or the Con library A Fare 1 collection ot of mau booM h nn once belonged to Chief Justice John Included In theme works a book the tt ilc lit I n to the army from fromm m II hose when It on Ial I common to be Ine by byr r preparatory to bl I v America until It w waa fl b by n a m troop III I h also Include an n army anny or of troops under the Immediate or of Gen Washington antI and hi f Ju tIe diary while st MI tai 11 agent ot of the United States l France In 1788 The diary comprises I ot of all papers sent ent to the state department by bt Mr ar and nd ot of the letters tn In France These 1 are the property ot of Mrs l Marshall Hanly Hanl ot or Louis vu il Ky R a great granddaughter ol of 1 hi r Justine Marshall MUlhall The order h k and nd the arm army register ero pre sn ond rd by Mrs Mn Washington to Jud Judge l Washington and Judge Jude Mr Bennett has ball recently i i t i dud It a bill appropriating fr r tile the acquisition tit of the It I is no now In the hands handa ot of th this house houlle on nn the library |