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Show GREEN RIVER DISPATCH GREEN RIVER DISPATCH LOCAL AND By HELEN SPALDING, Mg EDITOR at second claia matter Entered 20, 1907, Feb.-uar- Qreen River, Utah. Every Thursday. Subscription $2.00 Per Annum In Advance. 'Advertising Rates made known on Application to this Office. Telephones, No. 2 and 74-4 KEmefcXSxf UTAH SlATEJg or iws ASSKIATION -- SOMEWHERE IN UTAH Jos. Magarrell was a visitor in Monticello, Utah last week, look- ing over the San Juan country.' Mrs. C. 0. Moons went Helper on Monday to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Forrest Lewis. Mrs. G. E. Lopaz left the first of the week for Grand Junction to make a brief visit with relatives. 0. K. Anderson and family left -- yesterday for Glenwood Springs, to enjoy a vacation of several weeks. Fine clothes catch little fish and buy few W, S. Notice For Publication PERSONAL John Jones. went to Moab yesterday on business. A1 Dayis returned this morning from points m the east where he has been visiting. Geo. Franz is a visitor in Grand and San Juan counties this week on business. s Work shoes at money saving prices at Square Deal Store, adv Miss Hulda Forseman has accepted a position as clerk at the W. F. AsimuS store. at the post office at GREEN RIVER, UTAH COAL ENTRY (Sec. 2347 R. S.) . havent a Spend your evenings enjoying good music If you musical instrument in your home let us sefl you a PATHEPHONL line of Records for all makes We carry a full and of machines, Patbe, Columbia and Victor Records. Harry M. Henderson, of Wattis, Archie D. McRae, of Sego, and William Darke, of Salt Lake City State of Utah, has this day filed in this office Application to purchase, Serial No. 024165, under the provisions of section 2347, U. S. Revised Statutes, the Lots 1 and 2, NEJSW, NWJSEi, EJ NWi, SiNEJ, of Section 21, Wagon Making Township 20 South, Range 20 fipnwal BbrlisrniHiing East, Salt Lake Meridian. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands deWILL DO THE BEST WORK EOR YOU scribed, or desiring to object for any reason to the entry thereof Repaiins by applicant, should file their Woodworking affidavits of protest in this office period of during the thirty-da- y followimmediately publication of issue the first printed ing this notice, otherwise the application may be allowed. Broadway Drug Store Our Acetylene Welder NELS T. PETERSON MIDLAND HOTEL Gould B. Blakely, Register, A Bilious Attack. NOTICE 10 WATER LSEILS. ; When you have a bilious attack State Engineers Office, your liver fails to perform its functions. You become constipated. The Salt Lake City, Utah food you eat ferments in your sto, July 10, 1919. mach instead of digesting. This inNotice is hereby given that flames the stomach and causes nausea, Peter Barboglio, of Price, Utah vomiting and a terrible headache. Take three of Chamberlains Tablets. has made application in accordThey will tone up your liver, clean out your stomach and you will soon ance with the requirements of be as well as ever. They only cost the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917 a quarter, (Adv.) as amended the Session Laws by S. MUSIC! . at Salt Lake City Land Utah. June 25, 1919. Notice is hereby given that! Office W. G. McConnell was a visitor of Utah, 1919, to appropiate on Monday at Huntington, at(.005) of a second-foo- t of water from Cave Spring, of the a Emery tending meeting Dernourg is everlastingly nt It h in Said spring is school board. County. Emery says that If anybody wants peace he county a situated at point S. 16 degrees can ask Germany for terms. Germany E. E. Johnston returned TuesE. . 5 not Is minutes from the v that Inspired will sign 30,624 peace day from the Seamount ranch of a nnd Justice spirit itllty, corner of northwest by Imparl. Township where lit has been enjoying a reconc!i:MlIon.H Tlie noble and mag26 South, Range 14 East, San to for-g- brief vacation. nanimous Germans are Rafael Oil Field Survey, being in nnd be the allies nnd A. The the aijd j Yar.nigans regular Section 32. The water will be reconciled, enys Philadelphia Record. ball team enjoy a hotly contested used at the Bpring by means of Furthermore, Germany will sign no which does not contain a game of ball nearly every even- a sump or pond tram January 1 treaty of nations In which Germany ing. The regulars are sure get-in- g to December 31, inclusive, of league Is admitted with full rights, and will some good practice. each year, for stock watering only consent to disarmament when The folks purposes. This application is desenjoyed young other members of the league disarm." Who won this wpr, anyway? jolly dance at the Metropole ignated in the State Engineers Hotel last night. The Green office as No. 8059. coushis has All protests against the grantdeprived George Xing River Orchestra furnished the ins who shied with tlie kaiser of their music. ing of said application stating MODERN AND ACCOMODATING Short Orders For Breakfast and Supper Regular Dinners served promptly and neatly ROOMS $1.00 AND UP 75c MILDRED FLEMING, PROP. , REBUILD GERMAN CHARACTER. What the world Is now IooRIuk to see Is whether there Is any real regret In the UeniiHU states fur what has been done. So long us the llolien-sollcrseemed to be carrying victory on their banners, so long even ss It seemed as If a draw struggle might be looked for, the German people stood liehlnd the rulers who have now Red the country. By visiting the anger of defeat upon the heads of those whom they once followed, and whose worst acts they were willing to Indorse and condone, the German people cannot escape the effects of their own wrongdoings Their expression of regret will have to be ns public d ns their support of and the doctrhie of kullur before they esn be received back Into the family of nations Behind them lies a (lesppr-atpast, s past strewn with murder, with desolation and with breach of faith. It will be years before a German can be received In friendship In countries outside Ills own. He will come face to face, at every turn, with the evidences of his countrys conduct. says Christian Science Monitor. The task of the world will he not merely restoring the material damage done liy Germany, but rehabilitating the German character In tlie face of mankind. whole-hearte- e We often see In the newspapers pictures of prominent women with closely set Ups indicating great propulsive This Is not an encouraging power. sign. It does not suggest the true power of a woman. She Is not built for clash and thump and lunge ; rather for refluence nnd ebb. which Is evidence of gentility and conciliation, which are tlie surest winners In life's bloodless strife. One feels like parting the closely pressed lips, but when be confronts the exuberant labials he Is sure to how down nnd surrender, So, dear says Ohio State Journal. ladies, when you get your picture taken In aid of some noble cnne please put n smile on those Ups, for that truly represents a beautiful mission. Don't Imitate a man nnd try to look fierce; but Imitate a real worn,in. to whom the world really belongs. When you smile It Is yours for the asking; when you frown, farewell and good-b- ft t British peerages nnd titles. Tlie Idea Miss Celestine Moons and her of fighting with the Germans and enjoying the privileges of the British brother, Cleon, were visitors in bleu of fair play, was too much for It. Helper over Sunday u3 the guests The royal carriers of wnter on both their sister, Mrs. Forrest of shoulders might have excited some reLewis. spect for their consistency If they hnd resigned their titles without waiting Miss Valeria Earnhardt, who to hnve them taken nwny. last year waB principal of the notice. G. F. McGonagle, Green schools who River and State Engineer, The French Academy of Fine Arts several here for' to the taught Date first years, of a sent government has petition publication July 17, suggesting that the best work of has accepted the principulship at 1919. Date of completion of French artists should be taken from Ferron for the Coming term. lication Aug. 14, 1919. Germany us Indemnity for the art Mrs. Rosa Bedier and Mrs. . J. wilfully destroyed lit the war. If tlie P. vandalnot Is view fimonscn, left hurriedly on NOTH E TO WATER USERS. moral appreciated ism Is to he made expensive to those Monday for Seattle, iu lesponse State Engineers Office, Indulging In It. t a telegram announcing .the Salt Lake City, Utah, sudden death of their son and July 10, 1919 laws for the protection The brother of that city. work splendidly everywhere of anti-do- g sheep they are In force until they result In . Millaid Drake who for the has the death of somelsidy's dog. Then has been with the firm theres the mischief to pny. Somehow past year of Folsom & Drake has ieft the society has a wuy of forgiving a dog can firm and will .go into business who kills a sheep, but no farmer ever forgive a man who kills his dog. for himself. Mr. Folsom will conVienna scientist says the climate of the world is chnnghig at such a rate llml 7J500 years lienee the fashions of Kdcn will come back, and that men nnd women Hre gradually undergoing physical changes that will pre-ieA for tropical existence. Spasmodic Sermon. Rome women buy silk stocking so for they will have something to show their money. Imlii'iiniiolis Slur. Patronize home Industry Why Send Your Laundry Away. We ;an do your laundry in half the time it takes to send it away, and much cheaper than you can do it for yourself. Why not rid yourself of the worry and dread of Monday for the sake of a mere bit. ROUGH DRY 45c per doz. Flat work all ironed. FINISHED 75c perdozen. Stiff collars a specialty. All Work Called For and Delivered Green River Steam Laundry . the reasons therefor, must be made by affidavit in duplicate, accompanied with a fee of $2.50, and filed in this office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this FRED PLEASANTS. PROP. made application in accord- tinue to run the Livery and Feed business. The Beat Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on over the seat of pain is often more effectual for a lame back than a plaster and does not cost anything like as much. (Adv.) J. 1 Powers, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Margaret, small ponds from January left last Saturday for Colorado Springs, to be gone for several weeks visiting with relatives. Mrs. Carrie Hammers and son James of Melvin la., were visitors the latter part of last week with her cousins Mrs. Walter Boston and John Byers of this city. They left Monday for points in the west, A. D. Hinrichsen left yesterday for Spanish Fork, where he will join Mrs. Hinriclisen and visit at the home of her parents for a few days before returning. Mr.Hmricesen'made the trip in his Chrivolet car which he purchased recently from the Midland Garage. 1 No. 8061. of the publication of this notice. G. F. McGONAGLE. State Engineer. publication Aug. 14, 1919. onomy lids, parawax etc. - Livery and Dray Hay, Grain and Coal STOCKMENS HEADQUARTERS and |