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Show "Ss&r GHN VOLUME XI1L RIVER OISPATC GREEN RIVER, UTAH, NUMBER 29 M BUYS ENTIRE INTEREST IN RIVER GARAGE GREEN Which Kind Do can be made to look well fust to sell; or that a working man buys them because he knows they serve best,' look best, and are most economical; which kind MISCREANTS do MELON We have everything that the working man needs in overalls, coveralls suits, gloves, shoes and hats. Our Goods is of the highest quality and ' . .we sell at thd most moderate prices. i j Beebe and Sons At i recent meeting of the Emery county Bchool board held in Hu itington, it" was voted to make some much needed repairs on tht . school building in thiB city. Recording to a recent report at the State Architect, the heating plant here is in a bad condition. He states in his report that heating plant known could heat this building in its preset t unfinished condition. He reports also that the ventilation of th4 building is- - poor. It i$' the plan of the board to finish up the two rooms, upstairs and tp repair the air flues and do some overhauling to the healing RlilN BIG PATCH Miscreants of the worat char- -' acter, raided on Tuesday night the fine big watermelon patch of Joe Chido, and cut or plugged over 50 of the finest and largest melons in the field. The loss will be considerable to Mr. Chido, as they were nearly ready for mar- ket and melons are selling this season for 5c per lb. City authorities, if there are any, should take some step to protect the property of citizens of this community, and should do all in their rower to apprehend and punish such destroyers of property. H AY THAT SATISFY THE APPETITE Of the School. you want? , GOOD THINGS TO EAT Coutfty Superintendent Makes Makes Visit In Interest . they can be made to give so much satisfaction Metropole Hotel JOE MODE BOMS Draper last week became sole proprietor of the Green River Garage, buying out the interest of his partner, H. B. Johnston. The Green River Garage was established and opened for business the first of March of this year and Mr. Draper who is an expert mechanic and a thorough business man has contributed much to its growth and success. Mr. Johnston has not made known what his plans for the future will be. planti I For good, wholesome, substantial meals try our regular dinners. We also serve short orders at all hours. Sunday family dinners a specialty. Lunches put up. MRS. T. R. FLEMING A J. Washburn, county superintendent of schools was here this Zeek in the interest of the Green River school. All of the teaching force has not yet been secured for the High School, Mr. Washburn stated, but he hopes to have the positions filled with- in the next few weeks. The faculty so far is composed of the following, although their grades have Hot yet been assigned; W. G. jfcConnell Principal; Miss Aria Mahariy, Miss Marguerite Jones, Miss Carrie Bennett Mrs. W. H. Herrick and Mrs. J. N. Power $ Dining Room Furniture A nice stylish dining room reflects hospitality and good taste. Attractive furnishings make the meals more enjoyable. Complete Suites or Separate Pieces , CARL BARBER jBnab tatr lank - $50,000.00 & PROFITS. .. Style the Gravity, G. A. Gibbons returned last Saturday .from a motor trip thru Cure for Dysentery. Idaho and northern Utah. He was accompanied on his return While I was in Ashland, Kansas, by Mrs. Chas. Blackburn and a gentleman overheard me speeking daughter, Miss Blanche. Geo. of Chambrlains Colic and Diarrhoea Rich was with Mr. Gibbons dur- Remedy, writes William Whitelaw, He told me ir. of Des Moines, Iowa. ing the trip. detail of what it had done for his fam- UTAH MOAB Sometimes a nice rich buffet or a fancy china closet or a handy serving table adds just the touch you need. We can also supply complete dining room sets in any finish desired. ae CAPITAL SURPLUS 20, 000, 00 $350,000.00 RESOURCES, OVER . PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS 4 Tour Account Solicit PROP. ! C. L. Peas of Denver, in the Reclamation service of the U. S. was in this city last week to look over the proposed project in this vicinity and make a report concerning same. He was taken over the veliey and out on Vh'. going home late Wedthe'desert by R. T. Edwards. nesday night, Weldon Lane stepped in a couple of traps that had been placed along the Gravity Miss Ruth Aiman of Manhattan, Kan., arrived last Saturday ditch, north of W. A. Morgans from the coast where she is place by Mr. Morgan, catching visiting and is the guest of hei a foot in each trap. The incident aunt Mrs. W. J. Kerby of this was rather painful fora short Mr. Lane was soon city. Miss Aiman has been teach-- . time, but 10 himself, The extricate ing Domestic Science in Arizona had for coyot- s been set traps for the past year. along a foot path which follows and $2.00 Per Annum In Advance TO BE DONE ON S. H. You Want? JlOTHES AUGUST, 14 1919 THURSDAY, and Stability at Pleasing Prices THE BEN BOLT HARDWARE STORE ily, but more especially his daughter who was lying at the point of death j with a violent attack of dysentery, and had been given up by the family j physician. Some of his neighbors ad- - j vised him to give Chamberlains Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy, which he did, and fully believes that by doing so saved the life of his child. He stated that he had also used this remedy himself with equally gratifying re- have suits." (Adv.) . Mrs. Belle Waddell and La Rt-tleft this morn ing in their car for Salt L:ike Oily. Mrs. Waddell expects to make her home in that city for dau-igiite- a j the present. Time. Time I n iiiyxtrr) mu- Ilvlili-i- future, that vr thing of li In mi.-s-j ivlth h ivp a ;nsi vp iniii certain lhal it is i"ii nil eternal iiintlntiicxs pn-nall that line taken place umni i We want this, this in the highest sense of the term, to be a BanK a of Service to it's friends. in- - al- Ininn-n-ie- , n illicit In ivliteh tnmiiiTim xave :n M- i- ephemeral mind nl iiian. i linlisrjisrnlxlv Knim able front yestcilay ami tml ii The Double Garden," by Maurice Maeterlinck. Strengthening Timber. in English sclent ists, According electricity punned through timber when freshly cgt uiiikes It more rcsimnnt tigninst decay nnd fungous growth To Improve Your Digestion. j i i a rtn:nl nunc in lixi'ir m-l r, A telegram was received Inst 'Wednesday stating that Ilerry Blake, son of the editor, had leached C:uvp Merritt, N. I. lie has been with the army of occupation in Germany sincj the armistice was signed. San Juan Record Aug. 6th. W. D. Thompson returned on Tuesday from Huntington where he has been for the past t v. o weeks in the interest of the Green Kiver school. A met :.!ng of the school board took place on Tuesday. For years my digestion was so poor that I could only eat the lightest foods. I tried everything that I Mrs. Henry Besler and hr e heard of to get relief, but not until about a year ago when I saw Cham-- - sons of Manhattan, Kan. arrivrd berlains Tablets advertised and got Wednesday night from C.-:-i a bottle of them did I find the right and are visiting at t! e treatment. Since taking them my di is fine." Mrs. Blanche Bow- home of her brother, B. .1. .Si lij gestion ers, Indiana, Pa. (Adv.) man of this city. Saturday Speddl at Square Deal Saturday tt?p Store. Swift White Soap 6c per bar 13 bars for $1.00 at Square Deal or $5.75 per box of 100 bars. adv. Store. adv. Spedal-Palmoli- i iTTi.'i. ve UTO SUPPLIES AIM to carry in stock all the supplies you are likely to need. And we know our prices are lower than you would oftentimes pay if you sent away. Besides, we save you the high express charges you have to pay on small orders. WE For All Makes o Cars We carry a large line of high quality tires in all the popular sizes. And you can always be sure of getting good, live, fresh goods when buying here. Spark plugs, dry cells, horns, lamps and all standard supplies at prices that please. MIDLAND m GARAGE .Lt.izrv |