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Show GREEN RIVER DISPATCH, GREEN RIVER, UTAH If Yoo Mini Where Kaiser Will Be Imprisoned During His Trial in London t Mtdlcini You Should Beyond the atael and the Are Gleam the old dealre. War baa not taken wondar away, Mora poignant where Ita lightnings play The appeal of Beauty lonely cry! I aha 11 go on dreaming till I die. town. lahed I nee wind-bur- n And roada that ahine acroaa the down; A duak of foreat and a line Of light that ailvara tha design ; Alwaya the shadowed and tha bright A halo for tha blackest night! Inlands where I have never been; The rainbow toppling down tha grass Of tilted sees that rake a ahlp; The molten lava streams that Blip From fiery crater-rlm- a and fill Tha dark with rose and daffodil; mountain-hid and Lakes, spiritual; The undiscovered waterfall Like a white feather through tha tNaa Tha undiscovered bird in these Binging, alwaya alone, alone. The lovely voice of tha unknown. This la Romance chameleon-cla- d That called me when I was a lad, Tlwt calls me now te follow well Through blighted Picardy to hell, Through hell to some eluaive bliss Of new adventure after this; To follow without asking why; Bo you trill know. If I must die Upon this last and strangest quest; It did not differ from the rest In simple wonder dark and bright A halo for the darkest night; And freedom like the unknown bird Was a wild voice I fought to heart These words, to you, my very dear. coin-brig- ht Beyond the steel and the fire Gleams tha old desire. Grace Haiard Conkllng. In the Atlantia. Immigration Loss Blamed Hna tho Boot Hava you ever atapped to itiaoa why la that ao many product that ore advertiaed, oil ot once drop out of eight and are aoon forgotten? The reaaoa la plain the article did not fulfill the promiaei of the manufacturer. Thi appliea more particularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that haa real curative value almost Bella itaelf, a like an endleaa chain system the remedy ii recommended by thoee who have been benefited, .to thoae who nre in need of it. A prominent druggiat aaya "Take for a Swamp-Rooexample Dr. Kilmer1 preparation I have told for many year and never heaitata to recommend, for in ahnoet every caae it ah owe excellent remit, aa many of my customer teatify. No other kidney remedy hoc ao large a aale. According to iworn atatementa and verified teatimony of thonaanda who have need the preparation, the luccem of Dr. la due to the fact, Kilmer! Swamp-Roo- t ao many people claim, that it fulfill every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailment; correct urithe uric nary trouble and neutralise acid which cause rheumatism. Yon may receive a sample bottle of Sweirp-Rno-t by Pencil Post. Addnaa Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y, and enclose ten crate; 1no mention thia paper. Large and medium aiae bottles for sale at all drug tore. Adv. it t, . at Let George Do It. Liixfiihy play golf?'' By proxy, lie send the cuddle over e the course, while lie site on the Boston Kveuiug veranda. "How diM-- a duli-hous- For Present Shortage of Labor in United States Transcript. Tha famous Tower of London, where tho allies intend imprisoning fho Gorman kaiser and other war criminals during thair expected trials in London. If every soldier were back on hla Tho tower is made up of many buildings. old Job the country would still be 4.000,000 short of Its normal number of workers due to the loss of Immigration Vegetables of the Home the last four years; If Industry does Garden Said to Possess TEACHING THE net develop some means to Medicinal Properties n quickly this - CHICKS ercomlng shuriage it will be TO ROOST lously handlcnpiicd In adjusting Itself Watercress la an excellent blood to new conditions, say officials of tha United Ktate training service of tha Where a large number of chicks are purifier. Lettuce hns a soothing effect on tbe department of lalmr. Lelng raised In one brooder house dif- nerves and Is excellent to sufferers They point out that tbe country has ficulty la often experienced In prevent- from Insomnia. gone without Its normal supply of birds from the at ing piling np night Tomatoes are good for a torpid peace-tim- e commodities for years and after the beat la removed, and cansing liver, but should be avoided by gouty now It must replenish freely. Furserious losses, says T. 8. Townsley of the University of Missouri college of people. la a fine nerve tonic ; onlona thermore Europe has lout millions of Celery men arid tens of billions of property To prevent this over- also agriculture. are a tonic for the nerves. In the devastated regions must be birds the should be crowding taught Spinach hns great aperient quali- made good.' It Is urged that to meet to roost as early as possible. If roosts ties, and la far better than medicine this extraordinary situation the workan made out of 1 by strips to sufferers from constipation. ers In factories and shops must be placed 12 to 15 inches from the floor, Beet root is fattening and good assisted by increasing their skill and to can tbe blrda go to easily be taught who want to put on flesh. Interest In their work. The estimatroost. If tbe chicks do not go up on tbe people the same virtues ed shortage in this country of 700,-00-0 roost of their own accord they should aa Parsnips possess sarsaparilla. bouses is cited as showing how be gently placed on the roosts after Cranberries correct the liver. far the nation Ib behind normal producdark for one or two nights until they Asparagus stimulates the kidneys. tion. get the roosting habit. Bananas nre beneficial to sufferers Training courses in the industrial Look Out for Mites. This season of from chest complaints. plants, conducted at the employers the year a constant lookout should be Celery contains sulphur and helps to expense, are advocated as one of the kept by all poultry keepers for mltea ward off rheumatism. practical means of patting Industry in the bouses and coops. A mite la very Honey Is a good substitute for pod on a normal footing,. More than 850 amall ' and difficult to see unless spe- liver olL firms have already Instituted courses cial search la made. They appear as miThe Juice of a lemon la excellent nute, gray or reddish specks. When sore throat. It should not be swal- of this sort and according to reports received by the training service, have present in large numbers, the mites lowed, but used as a gargle. In 'better production and rebenefited reMites of dust. have the appearance Carrots are excellent for gont duced turnover. The workers on the produce very rapidly and an a gnat other hand have Increased their skill source of annoyance to the bens when amiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiu and broadened their knowledge of their present in large numbers. The mites trades. live by racking blood from the hens. A FEW SMILES A severe attack of mites will cause the hens to lose flesh and stop laying, and Slllllllimilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllln Plan to Make Safe Grade wlll qftentlmes produce death. To get Crossings and Curves for Diplomacy. rid of mites the houses must he carealone Vehicles and Occupants Traveling fully cleaned and then pointed or boss? this trip, A materlnl. with repellent sprayed said the Pullman To abolish the danger of grade heavy spraying with coal oil followed crossings without abolishing the crossin two or three days by giving the George," ing, is the object of the road commisroosts and surrounding boards a thorreplied the little sioner of one of the Southern states. ough painting with crude oil will clean man. "But why He suggests a atrip of road running np the mltea and keep the bouses free do you call me for about ICO yards alongside tbe railfor several months. This treatment boss? The last way track and Joined to the highway should be applied twice yearly to all time I waa on by a broad curve, well banked, so that aa a houses precautionary poultry your train you a driver, on approaching the tracks measure against mites. called me chief. and suddenly becoming aware of an Tea boss; but oncoming train, could swerve to the Quaint Remedies of Past your wife was right and avoid a smash. Produced From Weeds Now with you then, and I had a suspicion Another road Improvement has been Most Common in the Field she would feel hurt to hear me call put Into effect In some parts of California where the roads climb sterp you boss." At the sharp hills In long e In Philadelphia, says the s meet where the angles Troubles. Professional remsome quaint Philadelphia Ledger, circles been of have road cut large "Whatever became of that patient edies were need. so that a car comThus we find pokeherrles used to of yours you were telling me about outride the angle, ing down the mountains at high speed make plaster for a cancer. Grapevine last fail 7" can awing around the circle and pronow a "Oh, hes tonic. a thats was used got for hair complaint up on Its downward path without ceed me a great deal of trouble. To produce a sweat, tea was made giving the danger of making a sharp turn. "Indeed! What is It? from magnolia leaves. The berry of makes "Its about the amount of my bill. A car coming np the mountain avoids this plant was supposed to cure cona similar swing uround and thus sumption. the strain on Its steering gear Involved Her Only Chance. For toothache the bayberry root In making a turn at an acute angle .was an accepted remedy. Berries of "Poor old Miss when lta engine la already strained to stiffen the cedar tree were supposed Skinnay goes to to the uttermost. the spine. A purge was mode of alder every blessed buds or of elderberries. , rummage sale. Goldem od, the mullein plant and I wonder what uneven tbe lowly burdock were laid she's looking for. SHORT AND SNAPPY der tribute to various maladies. It is "Perhaps she was weed common that hard to find a expects to find It takes a man of wisdom to husrejected by the eighteenth century a cast-of- f utilize half he knows. band. pharmacopoeia. , Tbe grandmother of all the PhiladelFortunate la the girl who phia quacks waa a beldame by the Hobbledehoy. knows more than to look pretty. name of Sibylla Masters, who 200 years "See that fellow yonder marking ago made a fortune by the patent and time? He must be a returned soldier. A sure sign that you don't sale of Tuscarora rice to consump"No, he isnt That Is Billings. He's know much la to think that yon tion. a grant ladies' man nud he Is practicknow It a!. It was nothing more or less, appar- ing to keep In step with the girls who Indian from made than hominy skirts. narrow ently, wear A genius Is usually eccentric, corn. an eccentric person isnt nechut mill water a Iler husband put np Accommodations. Appropriate essarily a genius. somewhere near the city 'to make it. "By gnrry, there is no room in thin She waa an Innocent practitioner country for them infernal boisherikl If you are convinced that the compared with certain modern profit- sternly declared the landlord of the world la growing worse every eers. Palace Hotel at Peeweecnddyhump. your dny takes something "Well, I don't know, replied a weary liver. Production me to seems that It Oleomargarine looking guest. Shows a Marked Increase Incarceration In the room I occupied in this hotel last night would be none Tuberculosis in France. The production of oleomargarine In too bad for them. as times la three the United States Twenty-fiv- e thousand French solWorse Than War. great now aa four yean ago. This Is died of tuberculosis during tha Ton matter? diers What's the Corpora! person three per than pounds less when' you were war and 120,000 men were exempted whereas In Denmark 46 pounds Is con- look more scared than from service because of the disease. It sumed per person each year. The Nor- bucking the Hlndenbnrg line. Tm getting ready to go In- wo a said In the senate during a discusHolPrivate the 88 pounds, wegians average on a hill to establish tuberculo landers 20 pounds and the Englishmen side to ask the boss to my old Job sion ala sanitariums. back. life. nine pounds. to . to I riz-zsg- a. old-tim- zig-zag- 1 to 8hgve With Cuticura Soap And double your razor efficiency as well aa promote skin purity, skin comfort and akin health. Ko mug, no no germs, no waste, no slimy Irritation even when shaved twice dally. One soap for all uses shaving, bathing and shampooing. Adv. Something Different ore Operatic robbers und stnle. "True." We ought to have something new." Yep; might liuve Juxx banditti." Louisville Courier-Journa- l. BAYER CROSS .ON GENUINE ASPIRIN Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be genuine must be marked with the safety Bayer Cross. Alwaya buy an unbroken Bayer package which contains proper directions to safely relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache. Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores larger packages also. Aspirin la the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetle-acldestc- r of Ballcyllcadd. Adv. Lucky Foot. How was the show lust night, old man? Miserable ! My foot went to sleep and I envied it. Nothing to Show for It. Mr. Jones returned home llie oilier My dear," evening In flue spirits. said he io his wife, ihls afternoon I dosed tiie (bill for the new house. I l'lol the title exuinlned, and found It dear. The examination cost Acid-Stoma- ch me u hundred dollars, hut If peopls who ere billon ere treated Now, isnt that a lierfw-- t sliuine!" to local symptoms they seldom gei All that cording exclaimed Ids young wife. Whatever relief In very much better. Trace billow temporary. money wasted!" Cai toons Magazine. mm to Iilietmuelly enure and remove the muss sad she chunree ure that tlie patient will remain el rone and healthy. Doctor itay the! more than 19 dleeamrs ren be traced to an ItlilouMieHe ie one of them. Indigestion, heartburn, belrhlmst nottr stomach, bloat and gas am other sign of BATON the marvelous modem stomach remedy, brings quick relief fnmi these atoRierh mluerles which lend to a tony train of ailments that make life miserable Mrs. If not corrected. BATON1C literally absorbs and carries From Dropsy a Surprise. away the excena acid. Mules the stomach BILIOUSNESS Caused by Friends Gave Her Up I, Hoffmans Recovery She Used strong, Doans. "I was In dreadful shape," eaye Mr. W. B. Hoffman, .(80 Oakley Ave., Hammond, 111. There waa a sickening pain acroaa the email of my hack and when I etooped over, knife-tik- e twinge nearly drove me wild. 1 had large puff under my eye anil my body bloated badly all over. My feet were ewollen to twice their natural size and the skin looked ahiny. When I prew-eit down, it left s dent then and I knew I wa bad off with dropsy. Mra.Haffaaa My f r i e n d a didnt think I would live very long. I doctored with three different physician and they didn't help me and I waa discouraged. Nobody know tlie torture I went through. "I decided to try Doant Kidney Pille. I uaed three boxe and I waa cured. I felt fine. Aa the swelling went doom, my appetite picked up anil 1 was aoon perfectly healthy. My color came back and people aaiil I looked a well aa ever. Doan't Kidney Pfllt aaved my life. cool and comfortable. Helps diges- tion; Improves the appetite and yon Hies get full strength from your food. Thousands say that IATONIO is the moat effective Rtomarh remedy In the world. It Ie the help YOU need. Try It on our guarantee. At all druggist SO cents for a big box. Only (Tor YSDR X rEvery Woman Wants' ANTISEPTICTPOWDER FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Diaaotvod to water for doaefcoa atop pahrto eotarth, ulceration and hflua. attorn. Racoanaaaadod Ity Lydia E. Pink ham Med. Co, for tea jaws A healing wonder for aaul catarrh, sore throat mod eorooyao. Economical. Sworn to before me, MABEL T. BHERBY. Gal Deaafla Notary Public. at Aar Star SOc a Bra DOAN'S VREV FOSTEMULBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. Texas Oil Oldest entab. broker In Fort Worth. Kef. any bank hero. Knw Weekly Market Letter published each ftafurday. Gives detail nil oil development In Texas Oil Field. Write for fro copy to Ben U Kmlth A Son. ius Club Bldg.. Ft. Worth, Tex. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 1L |