Show HAPPENINGS I Rasmus Miller an Old Resi Res p f dent Manti Dec Dee S Rasmus Miller lIlUer an aged ag d pan man n of this city died at his home th thi week ek after an illness IInes of only It a tew few da s Mr lr tr Miller WAS born in Jutland Denmark May 21 1 1832 being b ng now in his year He came to Utah Uth from hl his hla native land about 1 locating Hole now North Ogden where he worked work d on the Union Pacific railway M a in its extension to Utah In Heg J ho married and settled in Manti 1 I nU where he has bas lived JI l for thirty years ears v At Al the organization of the Presbyterian church ch in this city in ISIS 1875 deceased to gather with his wife united with It al ah retained that faith until death His wife was taken from him about sevein sey n years ago at which time she dl died d Deceased Dec ased has bal been b n a faithful rinzer er of curfew in III this city for many man years y as ap and nd was a highly citizen of oC this city Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church yesterday afternoon many relatives and friends were present to listen to words of consolation given Iven by the Manti Ma tI pastor Rev G v Martin Oo On Jd Wee iee c 17 1 1 Clarence P the son bon of Paul M I J I ien en of oC this city died at nt the tho home of his hl grandparents nd arents Mr and Mrs Soren Sor h p petersen Beter etersen en Last March the mother m O ther of oC this th child lid passed away and nd the little boy ha lut since that time beep bean a reat comfort to te tot t ie 0 be bereaved bereave aved father Funeral services r were w re held in the Assembly hall haJI yesterday esterday r r afternoon The he Ladles Ladies Literary club of this city intend giving a g grand ball ban In our libuse on the eve of the th A baby bab girl was yesterday morning torn bori to Mr and nd Mrs Frank FrankM M 1 Harmon aniso to Mr and Mrs Ezra Billings a ad daughter d this week |