Show SANTA CLAUS GLAUS Will WUl knit In the window sweaters Mon Monday day Tuesday and Wednesday a nicer present than n a sweater knit by dear old Santa Claus He will wUl give 33 38 per off on on sweaters garments underwear und shawls sh skirts hosiery gloves and all knit goods At the West Western Western ern era Knitting company West South Temple t IS Free For Three TIree Days Da s Only One beautiful I piece pl ce of ot Rozane Rosalie Art ware with each piano purchased from Cartensen Anson Temple of Music South Main street II Grand Maccabee Maccabe ball bali at Christen sens new hall haIl on Christmas eve Tickets 1 I II s Correct Headwear We are acknowledged the leaders In Inthis Inthis inthis this line Our reputation r has been made macic by famous Miller Warburton and Den Denny Denny ny fly makes BROWN TERRY WOODRUFF CO 1 6 II w Christmas Eve Ball iven by V R H RK K O 0 T M 11 at Chris new hall bali Tickets 1 i Grand Maccabee ball at Christen sens new hall hail on Christmas s eve Tickets 1 FEMALE HELP HELPA N N X X V X A WOMAN of or 25 23 or over for general housework 76 West Vest Fifth Fi th South 22 EXPENSES p POUNDS ii REDUCED s I I I LOO I O I WITH ORDER D 20 Is Ibs Sugar for Soo I WITH ORDER Sugar alone 17 lbs Ibs for tor LOO Big bargains this week Sugar has advanced in price a number of times during this month If It you want the best besl goods at the th lowest possible prices you Jou will always find them th m at Hulls HuUs Good Christmas din dinner dinner ner ncr in reach r ach of all aU Our prices so low it so Three sacks fine Table Salt lOc Eagle brand Condensed Milk can Three Wheat Flakes Two Three pk Gloss Starch box bo Gloss Starch t c One quart jar Best Clover Heney SIc Best BC t Mocha and Java Coffee Cortee famous fatUous for f its flavor regular Ib lb Teas Ib SOc Best Tea Tear In the market Ib lb Thc nc Best cleaned Currants lOc Best Beat seeded Raisins lOc Best Citron and d Lemon Peel Genuine Horse Radish bottle l c Two cans lb Pork and Two lbs Ibs Ib Ginger Snaps NoneSuch Mince Meat M t Tender Sweet Corn can lOc Four lbs Ibs best Jaan Jatan Rice Rico Full line Une best extracts Good Brooms each can French Soups Three Soda We Wc Nine bars good Laundry Soap Ten lbs Ibs Sal Soda c Full line of nuts Nice Christmas candies candles from lOc lOo Ib lb up Correspondingly C orr low prices on I everything In our store I G 0 W IV HULL CO I Wholesale and Retail 10 East second South Phone Moil Mall orders a specialty Merry MerFY Christmas Are you yo going east e st on the tle Burlington If I so you have a areal real holi boll holiday holiday day treat in store for you Over 8 miles of good goodr railroad r In eleven great states of the west No ISTo doubt but that the Burlington reaches the very points you want wa t to visit sleeper to Omaha and Chicago Chi ngo leaves Salt lake City p m daily I R F I General l Agent g 2 Jit f SeCt S 0 fi Sj r r LAET CITY IJ 5 Cut Glass always aWa lw pleases ases Why not take advantage d nt e of the he special bargains shown in Crockery Crocker department Scott Strevell S tr evell Hd Co Second Se ond floor take elevator Free For Three Days Only One beautiful piece of Rozane Art ware with each piano viano purchased from Cartensen Anson Temple of Music South Main street T THE SIEGEL CLOTHING USEfUL AND PRACTICAL HOLIDAY GIFTS Just Now N w Our Display Is at Its Best Smoking Jackets ets Bath Robes Neckwear Suspenders Hosiery Mens and Boys Sweaters Gloves Handkerchiefs etc etcA etcA A Jl Complete C Line of Swell Mufflers to 3 A wonderful display of Holiday Neckwear all styles and kinds English squares square Ascots Tacks leeks and club ties I to i I Holiday HO Suspenders put up one pair In a box ox sold and silver slIver plated buckles buckle I to Mens Me in great variety var et I SOc to Complete Comp ete lines of plain and fancy Hosiery to 2 Stylish Holiday Noli day Suits and Overcoats II I I Mens stylish Overcoats fine Vi Yi I cunas Kerseys and Meltons 1000 to 1650 1680 I Finer Overcoats made of the est Vicunas patent beavers and 1 lined throughout with Skinners best silk linings or heavy 0 4 Italian serge 2000 to Mens perfect fitting Suits handsome W Worsteds Tweeds and Cheviots hand made collars buttonholes and hand padded shoulders cut in the very v ry new est styles I ART 1280 1230 to 1300 I Mens lIens finest Suits made of ot the cost Best liest Worsteds and Vicunas High Art f or Atterbury System well known wn I as the finest clothing W 1 in existence I I 16 1630 to 2800 2300 The Thc Siegel Clothing Co 61 63 and 65 Main Street I Open Evenings Until Christmas a I tI t aa PAN N For the last ten tea years I 1 had been a great at sufferer suffer r from dyspepsia sia sin headache and kidney trouble doctoring constantly I 1 thought I 1 would try the use of Tab Tah ules and I must say I r would wo d rec ree recommend nd them to any one on on on ac account account account count of the great good they have done me t At Druggists f The package Is enough for tor an ordinary occasion on The family 1 bottle 60 00 cents contains a supply I for tor a year yearB yearB B Everything must go All Lea LeaA LeaA goods at greatly A reduced prices Also fine ne suit suitcases suitcases cases trunks R I etc We must un on unload unload load G HULBERT I BROS N 1 S Main St StI L I S Dont J let that poor family next tw door do S cold e over e Christmas It wont be a very merry day for tor them un us less comfortable That good coal coar will fix them Bamberger L The Han flan n n on St The advertising S contest closes ran Jan I I Until J Jan n 1st Only ALL APPLYiNG TO DRS SHORES SHORES THE REMAiNING DAYS OP OF DECEMBER WiTH SALT LAS LAKES LEADING SPECIALISTS DURING WILL BE CATARRH OR AY TREA UNTIL CURED CUBED FOR FOB THE CHRONiC DISEASE LOW FEE ITE OP OF A MONTH ALL MEDICINE FREE I This Thi s is Your Opportunity 3 J IF YOU ARE DEAF IF YOU ARE A CATARRH PAYS FOR FOB ONE MONTHS TREATMENT IN ANY OP OF ITS COMPlICATED FORMS b BEGIN YOUR TREATMENT AT ONCE COME COIffE TODAY ALL MEDICINES CINE INCLUDED FREE P PROVIDED YOU DRS SHORES REGULAR A MONTE TREATMENT COME ANY DAY THIS WEEK AND D YOU GET THIS LOW RATE IS TO DEAL A DEATH BLOW FOR DRS SHORES PURPOSE N IN TO FAKE FAXE QUACK SPECIALiSTS AND TO PROVE TO THE PUBLIC CONCERNS AND OF DRS SHORES TREATMENT IS SUPERIOR SALT LAKE AND VICINITY THAT THE I TO I ALL OTHERS ALLARE iNVITED Why Sufferers from Catarrh and Chroni The Treatment Diseases Dise ases Should Consult Drs Shores F j i That a Cures I BECAUSE DRS SHORES ARE BETTER II I PIED FlED 1 P 2 TO I DIAGNOSE YOUR CASE CORRECTLY I I 5 b TREAT AT YOU PROPERLY WITH LESS EXPERIMENT 3 pai ING AND Ao FOR LESS MONEY EY THAN ANY AY OTHER DOC DOe TORS AND BECAUSE DRS DR SHORES OFFER MORE 7 PROOF IN FACT THE ONLY O Y PROOF OF THEIR II Th J I ij SKILL r BY SHOWING YOU CURED PATIENTS THAT YOU YOUCAN CAN J r SEE AND A D TALK WITH i 11 i Drs Shores i are BETTER QUALIFIED for the r f reason 1 that tha they the areto are to start with Regular Graduates d in hi Medi I J cine Because se they are arc sensible logical progressive Phy 1 I 2 and nd devote their ENTIRE TIME TillE AND TALENT I I to one specialty CATARRH AND CHRONIC DISEASES I i Drs Shores do LESS EXPERIMENTING for the reason that they have PASSED THE T EXPERIMENTAL I STAGE having treated personally over cases and seeing the actions of drugs dru gs and treatments in every varie vane ty and stage of Chronic diseases they KNOW WHAT I I EFFECT EACH MEDICINE HAS and dont have to ex cx X I penmen as does the doctor of limited practice and less lessI experience I j Drs Shores TREAT FOR LESS MONEY on the thc I same ame principle that the Street Cars charge you less fare I I than a private carriage Drs Shores Shore are THE PEOPLES I DOCTORS they have the trade of the West and a very I I I I I small profit on each case Is sufficient Drs Shores buy I tl I I II n 1 more drugs at wholesale each year than any 10 doctors rs to In the State and save you the drug store iiIi percentage I i ti t Drs Shores OFFER MORE PROOF OF SKILL be I d E cause they DO CURE Hundreds of ot P your friends and I c neighbors say Drs Shores cured them THESE ARE I I M J I FLESH AND A BLOOD PEOPLE YOU CAN SEE THEM I l 1 AND LEARN LEAR THE TRUTH FOR YOURSELF THE AN T p THEN THE IS People should consult Drs Shores Shor s be L 1 cause if Is safer cheaper eh caver and surer of or results than any d other Doctor or system has ever been and the people themselves furnish the Proof Poof DANGER DAN A aT ER T SIGNALS a 1 y Of O 0 the Eor Do you ou tare tay rumbling in the towels Catarrh C extends e ends from Nm the throat shag along the tho I These Thee are arc the tb aCTeD seren simple Aches and nd Pains Are the Danger ia tubes Into the eats ear canting partial a or disease tl 1 of liter Un If U you hare haye any an or O ill rf d complete deafness f a Quickly tb cured f little lAid co cost t thea seek see Drs ShotS Shore now S OW W and ac be cures CIll 52 Signals That You Are Sick ick add a d 07 br Dra Store Obee famous w Need Treatment la your J Of the trie Stomach Do yon ears ear discharger discharge r Read Rend U 1 the wax wr drying iv is jeer our am ears ara ears Catarrh of af c the Stomach is b usually caused hT 4 the symptoms oret OYet carefully Do yea yoa bear near letter better ime me day than thaI others othes J mucus which drops dews dowa from fre tt tbs tha ml Bark tho th S feel III and send T Ia head bead and at y them tiled to firS Drs eIlI or bring your bearing irons when alien yes yoa hare bave a ld throat at night nl ht Quickly cured cared at little W Chores hores and soil they will tell you yon OU Dont DOD t neglect n leet this ills oatS cost t by Drs Dr Shores Sho famous treatment ran 70 c un can be cured cared yuan fREE OF or CHARGE reparably your year tearing ii 11 Ir it 1 Is there y destroyed Drs Ore S o can Sn cure TOIL yoa nausea Do 00 yoa belch up gaT The e lead Head es and nfl Throat roa A Art An you yen constipated I Is jg 1 ton your sour tongue e This T ia farm of Is nest inett co 1 In two tiro fays cc 7 by I taking cold cola and by bi b oye Do you yen bloat bleat bl t up after from rom neglected cold quickly cured with Ute U t tt rue kidneys In f rod tie od Is tare co cot tant Dt tad bad taste ta tD tie the meatS the colt Oi cost by I Drs famous treatment peton affect all U organs Now N is ii the tIme to be W 1 permanently eared cured Bra Drs your noe stopped opt Quickly cured wits wit muo coat cott t by Dra Drs Sharer Shie Shores are curing carin hundreds hundred Dos Does P your discharge J 1 famous treatment t every week li Is your nose sore and aed tender Do your moor oar hands and f met t Str 7 Is 12 1 there pale pain In la front of ci head bead Is It noticed mo at Symptom of o Diseases ell of o the serves Kerres Dc l I you ou haw hank bw to clear clest the tie Is there pain gaIn la 1 t r snail small cf et e tb dJ 0 ck The majority of ot diseases are Ire caused Do Da your threat dry is Si tile the Has the perspiration a bad had odor eden 0 1 2 by po in the blood Potion Poison circulating c la is th tb yoU yoa sleep flU open Is there under uDder the tS eys blood harasses the brain and sad nefYn nerr Too TOIl cn can b be and aad 4 earS easily cured cure to Into to complications LOW dont 3 it t It run ran Do you 1011 hare bAY to t set gel et up often otten at 11 f m ta as a these theas th follow I Is 18 ther therl a 1 In Ia urice adrie ur JU II Jt let left Do Vo yow yOU set giddy The r Tubes Tube Dout Dont neglect Ie three these alga Ien and rieb Is j your our mind cd dull deli Disease you Cure cern It Jt sow now Are An you easily dared When catarrh c o 01 the head besS or throat 13 III i neglected Do you yon hare uve headache t tAre Sr er r wrongfully trailed It extends dOD dean tb tile wind Are Me Je you yon rainy easily excited pip Into late the lb bro tubes tu and after a ThIla Liver DIle e Do p roc hands banda tremble the lungs lu Quietly Quickly cured eared The It I affected by T with little liti e cost poisons p i lOr r Doss Does your TOW heart beart flutter by b Drs Dra Shores Shares famous tending from the stomach treatment Into bite the ducts duet of f th Are you yea easily Irritated dl nye Hare you eu a cough Un Quickly jJ ruled cured with little cost coat by tIT Dt DD Are Do you soa take Is cold J t Shores Shore famous treatment you OU a Jr H g ue T yon 7 pain In the side Do you get dizzy J t Do o your year muscles twitch t 11 I Is Do you raise l materials t Have UV you coH tOIa feet your temper Irritable Do yoa TOU o spit i cp UP litre cheesy ebee lumps line s Do lo you feel miserable Suffer from sleeplessness Do no you cc feel esl you OU on are tr growIng weak Do yuu TUU ret get et tired tl easy euyl Are you TOU easily frightened Dont risk neglecting these wari ln stop tos tie the e Do you yon tare baTe hot bot flushes 1 Do your sleep oat not refresh Sot dIme Is a e before It 1 t k the lbs lungs lump MAr Ax re your year spirits low Do you yea suffer sutter from neuralgia 1 at st t Use I D Do you yea J hay har ba dreams theams WE TREAT AND AD CURS CURE A MONTH Catarrh and Stomach Troubles Nervous and Troubles Rectal Heart Diseases Diseases Diseases of the Diseases Stomach Kidney and Bowels Diseases Piles ladder Bladder BY MAIL Rickets S SpInal Troubles female Skin Complaints Diseases ts Dean Diseases of Women anH aS Chi No Deafness Troubles hl In the JR First ss Asthma B Bronchial one deprived of the benefits bench of ot wv Hysteria Eye Ee pd Ear Diseases Goitre Stages or BI Rheumatism Hay Fever Drs rs Shores offer 0 er of or free r services be because C Blood Diseases Private Diseases Scrofula Big Neck La Grippe Lost Man cause of ot living at a distance from the and all forma of Nervous and Diseases that Chronic Chrome office The are r curable CONSULTATION FREE same wonderful and uni CALL OR WRITE form fo success attending the treatment nt of lof Drs Shores in their office Is in found In Drs rs Shores Sh ores 6 Shores hores Sh S ores symptom their HOME BY blank MAIL TREATMENT they are By able the use OF to of PA a nose cases and prescribe for them th m and ami EXPERT EXP ERT SPECIALISTS ALl i S i S by their reports keep a close watch ratch upon them Patients living in Lyon l yon BI pc 11 56 6 W 2nd 2 n dS South ou tL II Salt Lake La 0 ke City C elfy try Shares may nay skill enjoy as the well benefits as those of in Drs Dra the HOUR Week city Write to for blank and 1 aYs 9 a mt J m to 8 p take advantage this and koU s a M to 1 noon m Sundays of special offer fan free to all |