Show CURE FOR consumption the dispatches from new york announcing noun cing a new element in the treatment of consumption are of great interest says the denver now although not as yet giving any positive results the new food or medicine whichever it may be regarded Is the juice of vegetables secured by a system of crushing and grinding and uncooked about two ounces of this is given the patient three or lour times a day between january 11 and june 30 eleven patients were cured ano were receiving this food whereas during the entire preceding year but thirteen were cured under same treatment except this juice this would look as it an important new factor in diet had been discovered this vegetable juice is not a distinct treatment but Is an addition to the regular methods employed by dr john F russell of the new york postgraduate post graduate hospital dispensary tor the treatment of tuberculosis tho general treatment is a form of the stuffing method but with special care lest the system be clogged with waste matter tho trouble with this treatment Is that the stomach and system quickly give way dr russell avoids this by his selection of foods and tho freo use of cathartics tho food is largely bread butter and milk to this be now adds the raw juice of all the common kinds of vegetables in the tables given milk is asod at the rate of two and a halt to five quarts daily with no other form of food when the larger quantities aro used and only bread and butter in any case |