Show TELLS A A T V H WATTIS RETURNS FROM NEW YORK work on western pacific has already been started of lake is route arom mondays standard W H wattis manager of the utah company returned yesterday from new york where he was a connection with the contract for the building of the western pacific railroad when seen last evening by a mr wattis expressed himself as pleased at his success and in aebly to a question as to when the work would begin he said it has already commenced he bobo wed this remark up by ex apt by this he meant the corn t ot he preliminary arrangements the starting of their plans of organization etc other members of the company mr wattis went over the situation last discussing the many they will perfectly ar tanga tha most details before the beginning of tha actual work so that when they do begin they will start good and hard As to tha location where the first work will be started mr stated that this be decided upon by the railroad engineers under whose directions the work hlll be don he would not state the tane ta ne in which the work was to be and said that work on the project krould undoubtedly begin in several places at the same time there is nothing to indicate that the road will go iBy whre but over around te south end 0 the lak and it is fact that the made calls tor the construction of a line of railroad from salt lake to the nevada stale line a distance of lay miles as one division the work been let in divisions which were grouped by tha department in the con tract awarded the construction company ot these divisions were inclined iwed all or which were con tenuous from fhe salvada state line to oroville jt begins east of the foot hills of sarras ras gong through the sierras down feather river canon quite a number of tunnels and some orthea heaviest rock work fills and cuts ever handled by the engineer mr wattis stated several days before the contract was awarded to his company otheir bid was conceded to be the most 11 around satisfactory one of those the matter vas belated on aticous ati coun of dealing with eastern men ato were not familiar with the financial standing ot the con compana compa nv or their work in constructing railroads heretofore an investigation was made before the con bract was awarded mr wattis said hat there were many contractors in new york and most all of them took occasion to congratulate him upon out in long hard fought contest mr wattis came direct from new york to ogden and says that he came sa contact with some ludicrous incidents one of was an article that appeared in one of the eastern papers the reporter endeavored to biye B of the utah construction company and said that the same was organized by brigham young in 1867 for the purpose 0 building the union pacific railroad |