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Show MILLARD COUNTY CHIIONICLE Delta, Utah. Thurs. Nov. 21, 1957. n3 Va istisi 2x 6x16 Mo. 1 FIR S110 M 51.75 ea. KLLE FINLIHSOW Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dutson spent five days last week visiting with their children Lois, Arjene, Dene and their families in Salt Lake City and Gene and his family fam-ily in Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lambright of Nevada visited In Leamington and Lynndyl this week. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Neilsen and Mrs. Welby Lovell drove to Salina Wednesday, to attend the funeral of the Morley boy, killed in a gun accident. Government Veterinary Staples had a meeting with Leamington cattlemen cattle-men Wednesday night to arrange for checking the range cattle for Bucelosis. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nielson and Tena Gay drove Into Salt Lake 8 ft. STEP LADDERS at $7.00 4 foot Ladders $3.25 SPECIAL PAIHTS New Velour Flat Wall Enamel all colors only $4.55 per Gal. Also New Wonder Fleck new speckled paints that apply over all types of paint No Spray Gun needed Covers 450 feet per gallon LATEST OUT IN PAINTS come in and see it applied SCREEN GLASS 48" and 36" at 50c per Linf t. 35" Clear Heavy Gauge Plastic for Storm Windows 25c per Linft. ASPHALT ROOFIIIG 215pd.-S1U5Sq. FINEST UPHOLSTERED ruriwu the year, have your old upholstered furniture recovered and restvled. At TWITCHELL Upholstery, men with long years of experience experi-ence will give those pieces the same process as their new furniture receives. These pieces will be made into the very latest designs, and at little over half the cost of new. Also Custom Built Furniture and the finest in floor coverings. Terms if desired. Free estimates, esti-mates, pick-up and delivery. CALL or WHITE: TWITCHELL UPHOLSTERY 732 No. Main Cedar City Representative in area each week to ten days. and Ogden for tho weekend. Kenneth Ken-neth will attend the Golden Spike stock show. Grant Nielson and Eill Mclntyre are also attending the stock show in Ogden. Mrs. Walker Finllnson and Mrs. Glen Harder drove to Spanish Fork Thursday. The Leamington Ward Relief Society Bazaar was a big success. The dinner of turkey and all the trimmings was delicious and was served to a large crowd. The children child-ren were entertained in the basement base-ment with games while the auction was going on. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hanson and children spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradfield. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Nielson went to Milford Sunday moming to welcome a new granddaughter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rowley Larsen. Gordon and Barbara Nielson went to Salt Lake to shop Monday. Klee Finlinson, Lorna Mclntyre and children went to Provo Monday to shop. Mr., and Mr?. Cutler Henrie and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson attended the Relief Society Bazaar and supper. Fred Finlinson and son David srent the weekend at the J. T. Finlinson home. Wanda Nielson went to Salt Lake Sunday afternoon to take Inez and ToAnn back to work. They were home for the weekend. Sunday night meeting was very interesting. Talks were given by Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jones and their missionary son, Bryant. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Jones sang "Teach Me To Pray", Nancy Nielson gave a piano so'o. Mrs. Eva Dutson went to Salt Lake Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barton and daughter visited at the Rulon Dutson'sN over the weekend Mrs. Gladys Montoga and children- and Mrs. Joy Bennett and daughter were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Overson, last week. Mrs. Overson's father, Mr. W. II. Johnson and sister-in-law, Mrs. Eldon Johnson visited with them Friday. Mrs. Maggie Bradfield returned home from California last Friday, after six weeks with folks there. Sutfiorlaud MRS. DORA BOS2 (News of last week) Mr. and Mrs. Dean Thalman spent the weekend with their parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Amon Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Judd and small daughter visited with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Brumley. They returned to their home in Nevada on Sunday and Joe Brumley Brum-ley came in from Nevada on Sunday Sun-day to spend the night with the Brumleys. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Taylor and family returned to their home in California after having spent a week visiting in this area with their many friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Auer Jensen and family of Provo, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wind and family of Wend-over Wend-over were visitors of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wind. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Morgan entertained enter-tained at a turkey dinner on Saturday Sat-urday Nov. 9 in observance of their 22nd wedding anniversary. They had as guests Bishop and Mrs. Max Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Tippetts, Mr. R. C. Wineyard, Beverly Ann Morgan, Mr. Norris Bidgood and Miss Linda Mae Ca-hoon. Ca-hoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson returned re-turned to their home in Sutherland last week to stay for the remain ing part of the winter, They report there's no place like home and we are all very happy to have them back with us. Mis. K.iuda Jac5:soa spent a few days in Salt Lake visiting with her daughter. Mrs. Ann Dalton spent the weekend week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cutler Henrie. Dr. Bubige spent the pheasant holiday with the Bert Johnsons. (This week) , LeuWanna and her. husband visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bunker, also there to visit on Saturday were Betty and her husband. They all attended the wedding at Hinckley for their niece Miss Peterson. . Miss Arva Johnson from the BYU spent the weekend with her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson. Mr. Dean Mackleprang and his mother are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clemont Bennett and family. ' The Relief Society Bazaar was a very enjoyable occasion as usual with many loyely articles and luscious lusc-ious food for those in attendance. There was also a good program to climax the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ishmael Tippetts visited in Sutherland with their children Mr. and Mrs. Reid Tippetts and Mr. and Mrs. Heber Tippetts, and their families. The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Moody experienced surgery sur-gery at the LDS hospital in Fillmore Fill-more last week. The reports are very good towards her recovery and we extend our wishes for the The Scout Banquet was a huge success and the program that followed fol-lowed it was greatly enjoyed "by a large audience. The pictures that weee shown by the visitor from the Fish and Game department and his story of them was really, outstanding. out-standing. We hope we can have other programs like this often. Resistol "SELF- CONFORMING" Hats OUR TOYS ARE COMING IN! They Surely Look Good end they're PRICED RIGHT 1 ' 1 So" fo BOX ELDER COUIITY . . . Market-basket of Utah Best Way Budget Payments Store Hours 8:00 - 5:00 MON. - SAT. MAT Na 47-OF-W STOCKMAN, JR.: SVj-inch crown, 3-inch brim, Vs-inch bound edge, 3-cord 3-cord band with tie bow. Shown with deep Montana crease. Becnnnina Dec. 1. 1957 cseees; :::: l.:,i..;i ti.ii i iimm WimiMii i i- H.i-.ing1 liTiniml mwam-m "" MminTi urn S3 MIT I WITH I cavMia WE STOCK GRADE STAMPED LUMBER Vzi ftjissst phi- . . . m txdusm tmct M oar nor. Comtroctloa loan lot new homt. Remodeling nd reptlf loans for home and farm structures. ARE YOU FULLY INSURED????? If your Home or Business property was completely complet-ely destroyed by Fire would your present insurance insur-ance take care of the loss? We will be glad to make a complete survey and analysis of your preesent insurances coverages. Call us today tomorrow may be too late CENTRAL UTAH INSURANCE COMPANY First Security Bank Building Delta, Utah Ferrin Lovell Otis Walch Marvin H. Stewart Agents Telephone 2231 "REMEMBER IF YOU'RE NOT FULLY INSURED IT'S NOT ENOUGH1" Favored with fertile soils and an ideal climate, Box Elder County, in Utah's northwest corner, is one of the state's greatest agricultural areas. Annual farm income exceeds $21 million, and the county's sheep, wheat, fruit, sugar beet3, vegetables, poultry, and dairy products are nationally famous. The area is also well known for its major sugar factory, canneries, can-neries, and flour mills. Brigham City, county seat of Box Elder County, boasts the largest Indian school in the world. And to the west of the city is the world's largest bird shelter, the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. The United States Brewers Foundation salutes this county of commercial and agricultural opportunities, where it constantly encourages the maintenance of clean, wholesome conditions wherever beer and ale are sold. BEER and ALE... 4S L OASIS Hi! everybody. Here I am in Salt Lake City. Never can tell what is going to happen next. I left in such a hurry I didn't get this news written, but thought maybe I could get it back down there in time anyway. any-way. Some of these items came too late for last week's paper. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanworth and daughter Margaret and granddaughters, granddaug-hters, Carma Lynn and Margaret Ann Stewart, made a trip to Salt Lake a week ago last Friday and returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. DeLoy Stewart and sons, Steven and Dickie, went to Provo, last Saturday and came home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Memmott and son Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Memmott, from Salt Lake, were down for the pheasant hunt and also visited with Mrs. Mem-mott's Mem-mott's sister, Ella Christensen. same. The report of Mrs. Cora Larsen's recent illness saddens the many friends in this area and we want the family to know all send their heartiest wishes and faith for her speedy recovery. Mrs. Virginia Robinson and little son from Provo, visited In Sutherland Suther-land with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Rose and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hepworth. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Twitchell from Orem spent the weekend also at the Heber Roses here and with his sisters, Mrs. Frances Bohn and Mrs. Cecil Beck-stead, Beck-stead, of Delta. Mrs. Charles Jensen reported a visit recently of a Mr. Ralph King, a former resident of this area. She said that he resided out the Wood- row way and many people were acquainted with him. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Moody and Karen spent the weekend in Salt Lake City. Gordon Moody came on Sunday to visit his family Mr. and Mrs. Thurmon Moody and baby Evelyn, and Mrs. Leslie Pace, mother of Mrs Moody, made a trip to Salt Lake on Saturday returning re-turning Saturday evening. Little Daniel Johnson is gradually on the improve for which everyone is very grateful. It will be a happy occasion when he is able to run about with his twin brother again. Those from our Ward, who attended atten-ded the Road Show in Spanish Fork Saturday night wero Jackaiid Lo- , u.'inni.chhv and their sons, Dale and Steven, Mrs. Alfred Stan- worth, Ila Stanworth, Eveiyn weoo and Paul Ludwig. The program In sacrament meeting meet-ing was given by returned missionary, miss-ionary, Elder Douglas Nile Jensen from Provo. His father, Carlos Jensen Jen-sen gave the opening prayer. His mrthir cave ft talk and his sister, Carolyn, played a piano selection. Elder Jensen, Elder uary nupcr, Oak City, who also filled a mission in Japan, and Brother Mamoru Ogata, a member of the church from Japan, who is attending the BYU, sang a trio in Japanese. Elder Jensen told of some of his experiences ex-periences in the mission field. The closing prayer was by Mamoru Ogata. Mrs. Jensen is a sister to Mrs. Leo Day, 6-PIECE HOUSEHOLD ISH SET AN ASSORTMENT Of BRUSHES USED EVERY DAY IN MERY HOME! if DURAIII STYRSNI ftRlSTltt if IKSHTWEI8HT COlORFUl if EASY TO USt-iASY TO CLEAN if SANITARYSEALED M CELLOPHANE QUALITY MARKET Step Injke Right Direction! WITH THE "(Dautbf maid' 'Stool-ladder ITEM-0F-TKE-MGHT1I A STEP LADDER AND KITCHEN STOOL ALL IN ONEl Rubber Sfeps and Seat ti..j.. V . ' - jTuroy '1 Comfortable ' J , s "Si 9 J' B I , All Steel Construction Easily Supports Up To 1,000 Lbs. Non-Stid Rubber Feet For Safe Climbing Folds Quickly and Compactly For Easy Storage Choic of Threa Beautiful Colors Red, Yellow, White YOU'LL FIND 1,000 USES FOR ITI SPECIAL Ld Reg. $5.95 Value- r DC LTO'S 3 , iylinsieapolis-Pwioiiii New 5 Star Diesel Tractors 50 Horsepower Class Ampli-Torc 10 Speeds 3 Valve I1YD Control System 3 Point Hitch Heavy Duty Power Steering Independent PT0 Plows nn wiJ-lvJ Two 7ay Mouldboard Hew "TV" 66 Heavy Duty adjustable 12, 14 or 16 inch quipment Co. Phone 1125 BJione Delta, Utah |