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Show MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE Delta. Utah, Thuis. Mot. 21, 1557. di:si:im:t MRS. ARPRILLA SCOW Mrs. Mae Cropper spent Monday and Tuesday of last week in Salt Lake City. The Deseret Rook Club met on Wednesday evening at the home of Arprilla Scow. Luncheon was served after which one high rook was played. Members present were Barbara Conk, Jackie Black, Lucille Lu-cille Sampson, Ila Stanworth, De-loras De-loras Ogden, Mae Cropper, Evah Dewsnup, Mae Cahoon, Bessie Webb, Fern Crafts, Carol Warnick, Dora Black and Arprilla Scow. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Erickson and sons from Murray, spent the weekend week-end at Deseret visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Erickson and Mrs. Millie Dewsnup. Mrs. Myrtle Western spent the past week in Salt Lake City visiting visit-ing with her sons, Harold and family, fam-ily, and Grant. The Deseret Relief Society held their annual Bazaar Friday evening dinner was served from 6 to 7:30 and then a short program was given after which the articles were sold. A large crowd was in attendance and I am sure every one present had a good time. The Deseret Scouts, under the supervision of Scoutmaster Douglas Doug-las Torrens went to Blackrock on Saturday to pass off some of their Markmanship merit badges. The boys all had a very enjoyable day in spite of the snow storm. The scouts are Darrel Scow, Gill Dutson, Phil Christensen, Johnny Western, Jay Webb, Francis Cropper and Steven Rowley. , Students home from college over the weekend to visit with their folks were Gary Dutson from Provo, June Dutson from Ephraim and Paul Dewsnup from Salt Lake City. MRS. VENICE DAVIS (Received too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Delano Church and some friends from Salt Lake City visited with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shields and family over the weekend. week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Boyle, from Salt Lake City, visited with their brothers, Rom, Rod, Curt, Bus Shields, and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Shields, Ann and Joyce, made a trip Sunday to Cedar City to visit with their daughter and sister, Nola Shields. Mrs. Polly Schear and son, Rodney Rod-ney Schear and wife from Ogden, visited with her sister, Henrietta Bartien and family, over the weekend. week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Boothe had their children home for the pheasant hunt over the weekend. Here were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bendixon, Larry, Jim, Dee, Lee, and a group of their friends from Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Elden .Shurtz, Mr. and Mrs. Kent Shurtz and family, Bishop and Mrs. Cecil Warner left Monday for Salt Lake City where they will spend several days visiting visit-ing with their son Jay and family. At sacrament meeting Sunday Ralph Erickson was released as a member of the Bishopric and Newell New-ell Knight was sustained as a member of the Deseret Bishopric. Congratulations to Newell. The program in sacrament meeting meet-ing was under the direction of High Councilman O. L. Dutson. The talks were given by Blanche Crafts and Brother Dutson. Musical numbers num-bers were furnished by Wanda Beckwith and Deonna Black. Mr. and Mrs. Verdon J. Davis spent the weekend in Salt Lake City visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Workman. 'ficv hoMemakets love ' rr r P$F ri a I ij m ft 1 i You'll like our quick delivery service when you order Standard Heating Oil. And your house will stay cleaner longer, because Standard Heating Oil burns clean . ; . every drop turns to pure heat! You're sure of heat with our automatic delivery plan. We keep your tank filled automatically throughout the heating season. You'll save on fuel bills because Standard Heating Oil gives you more heat for your money. Call your tfQUseivormer for information on any Standard Oil Company of California product. L. H. (Speed) RIDING Phone 4552 : Delta, Utah STANDARD KEATIKG OILS FOR EXTRA VIDEE SEATS There's "three ta a row" comfort in Studebaker's roomier interiors. Tak the entire family for a guest-drive guest-drive today I (D Studebaker-Packard VAN'S MOTOR SUPPLY DELTA, UTAH y IT LI I If Iff IT EhloutheS-Bourbon uou can stay with! r v - i KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 5 FRXF CUNMORE DISTILLERIES CO, tOUISVlUi. KY. from Salt Lake City, visited over the weekend with thflr parents, Bishop and Mrs. Frelen Shurtz. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Moss from Salt Lake City visited with Bi&iiop and Mrs. Frelen Shurtz, also with Mr. and Mrs. Jay Shurtz. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shurtz and family from Granger visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jay Shurtz and for the pheasant hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Jensen from Salt. Lake City visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jensen.- Ken Boothe and small daughter, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Call Boothe. They have a new 1aby girl, making another granddaughter granddaugh-ter for Mr. and Mrs. Cal Boothe. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Terry and family from Grantsville', visited their mother, Tressa Jenson and brother, Rex Jenson. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Hansen from Salt Lake City, visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Memmott, over the weekend. Carl Oliver from Provo B.Y.U., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Oliver. We are happy to congratulate all who took part in our road show. We all went to Fillmore for the final show Thursday night. The Relief Society Bazaar and turkey supper was a great success. The program "Around the World" given by Barrbara Shurtz and Faye j Clark was a very good and de- ug.mui one, enjoyed by a large crowd. Sunday night the program was given by High Councilman Evan Gardner. His talk was very inspirational inspir-ational and enjoyed toy all present We hope he will come again soon. Mr. and Mrs, Jay Garcia and family from Tooele, visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark, over the weekend and the pheasant season. (This week) Carl Oliver and Christen Mathews from the BYU at Provo, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorin OJiver, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jenson and family made a trip to Salt Lake City over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Losee and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Losee made a trip to Salt Lake City during the week. Mrs. Cal Boothe returned Saturday Satur-day from Salt Lake City, after spending a week looking after the new granddaughter and mother, the new daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boothe. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shields on their new baby girl. Mother and baby doing fine. They are now at home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and family have moved to Salt Lake City where he is employed. Sunday night the program was Ass't County Agent CORNER FALL INVADERS As the autumn air grows cooler, insects that ordinarily live outdoors may decide they prefer to share the warmth of your home. Clover mites, boxelder bugs, elm leaf beetles, beet-les, lady bugs, crickets, millipedes, and some other insects may enter the house through cracks in or given by the Bishopric. Talks were given by Eugene Losee, Joyce Shields, Bertha Perkins and Ccsy Shields. A song by June Losee, Elaine Losee and Arlene Perkins, accompanied by Virginia Jensen. A good crowd attended. Mrs. George Abbott made a trip to Salt Lake City during the week. Bishop and Mrs. Frelen Shurtz made a trip to Provo Monday for a visit with her mother, Molinda Spencer. around doors and windows, seeking a safe p'ace to hlbe: nr.to for the winter. Except for crickets, which sometimes chew fabrics, these in sects are not harmful and will not damage food, furnishings or clothing. cloth-ing. Yet they may be annoying and unpleasant. An insecticide barrier Is one way to keep insects out. For this purpose pur-pose mix 12 tablespoons (2 ounces) of 50 percent DDT wettable powder in 1 gallon of water, and sprinkle or spray it on a 10 foot strip around the outside of the house. Or use a mixture of 2 tablespoons of 57 percent per-cent malathion emulsifiable liquid (see label on package) in 1 gallon of water. Dusts containing 5 per-ofwater. per-ofwater. Dusts containing 5 percent per-cent DDT or malathion also are effective as barriers. They should be applied at a rate of 1 pound per 1,000 square feet. Insecticides also are your best weapon if the insects have come indoors. Household sprays containing contain-ing pyethrum are quick-killing but need repeated applications because h ey don't leave long-lasting trace that can continue to kill these pests. Applying sprays contalnln lindane, chlordane or dieldrin to small areas where Insects have been spotted gives slower but longer long-er lasting riddance. Whatever Insecticide In-secticide you choose, be sure to read all directions on the package and follow them carefully. Most of these products are toxic to man and animals if not applied properly. proper-ly. Marvin J. Ogden Ass't County Agent Mr. and Mrs. Walter John Lisol- cki visited in Delta Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeVer McClellan. They were on their way to Duluth, Minn., where they will make a home since Mr. Liseickl was released from the service, at Nellis AFB, Las Vegas, Nev. Mrs. Liseicki is the former Marva Mc Clellan, and was married to Mr. Liseicki in August in Minnesota. SENSATIONAL YEAR-END SALE on NEW and USED t Farm Equipment i TTi h1 ftf ff ri w p , w BRAND NEW CASE EQUIPMENT Look ahead and save big money! To make room for 1958 shipments and get set for 1958 business, we are slashing prices on tractors and machines, both new and used. We are boosting trade-in allowances higher than ever before. Beat higher 1958 prices get both a big trade-in and a bargain price take up to four crop years for the later payments. No interest or carrying charge before next work season. Don't delay come in before these bargains are snapped up get the deal of your life. an auei : -'-V H6Ci DELTA, UTAH "1 V .V: vty -I v V 1 ' f v , A I- " A V V ' r v k x A ..,: V S it-"' Kentucky great bourbon in a gift bottle ...gift wrapped for you at no extra cost. IF YOU CAN GIVE A BETTER BOURBON... GIVE IT! KtMUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 6 YEARS OLD . 86 PROOF C ANCIENT AGE OIST. CO., FRANKFORT, KY. Z3 1 Vj any injaf hr Here's the motor oil that saves gasoline; saves motor oil; saves engin 3 V 3U 4 o a u ). - v T o i SUPER PERMALUSE, the all-w.oth.r motor oil, con tav. you up to 2 extra gallons from a tankful of sasolin because it reduces gas wasting friction drag and prevent power stealing combustion chamber deposits. SUPER PERMALUBE seals in power and seals out waste. You can get up to 88 more miles with SUPER PERMALUBE than with the grades it replaces. AVAILABLE !fl 48 STATES for smooth surging pow.r .hang. to SUPER PERMALUBE motor eil end Ms y X n n r"-""i y m p u (s (2) q&Z 1 I 7 high octane X, Sasolino v's.: ... I i.jtXJfc-'- Give your car thj cert it deserves at UT0CO dealers where you ejfRsct more end yow get it! i - "- |