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Show MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE Delta, Utah. Thurs. Nor. 21. 1957. The Millard County Chronicle Published Every Thursday at Delta, Utah By CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY , Athena B. Cook and Wanda Beckwith owners Athena B. Cook .-. Editor Wanda Beckwith Business Manager Entered as Second Class matter at the Postoflice at Delta, Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. For Sale HOME OWNERS Don't buy any type space heating equipment or fuel until you see the amazing new ECON-O-MATIC stoker fired space heater. Cimpletely self contained and wired. All you do is plug it in and connect to chimney. MORRIS SUPPLY CO., Hinckley, Utah, phone 3305. 11:28 FOR SALE: Overstuffed set of couch and chair, maroon color, In good condition. Call 322J1. li;28 Gentlemen: Shop Now for New Fall Suits, Fall Sport Coats, Fall Top Coats, Fall Car Coats, New For Fall 1957, Buy now at D. Stevens Co. Gents. Dept. Just placed in our stocks Xmas selection of Arrow Shirts, Arrow Ties, Arrow Handkerchiefs. Make your Gift selection now. D. Stevens Co. Gents. Dept. Select Toys, Dolls, Gifts for Xmas. Use our Lay-A-Way Plan. Buy now at D. Stevens Co. Hdwe. Dept. Buy Woolen Fabrics: $2.98. $3.49 and $3.98 a yd. 60 inches wide. New for Fall 1957 at D. Stevens Co. Dry Goods Dept. SPECIAL SALE: Ladies Dresses $5.00 each. D. Stevens Co. Ladies Dept. BUY cotton fabrics now. Printed Flannels, Dark Flannels, Percales, Broadcloth, at 39c a yard. D. Stevens Co. Dry Goods Dept. NOW HANDLING BROWNING Coal. at Grant Church & Son Lbr. yard. Available in 3 grades, lump, nut and stack. Order now. E. Eugene Gardner, Delta. 1215 SPECIAL: THE LATEST IN SPUTNIK Ear Rings now at Service Drug, Delta. 12!5 "Never used anything like it for dandruff" say users of Sanidyne. Baker Pharmacy. "NEVER used anything like it," say users of Blue Lustre for cleaning clean-ing carpet. Workman's Furniture. For llvni APTS. FOR EENT: Partly furnished. Jacobs Apts., ph 3413, or call at 215 S. 4th West, Delta. 9J12TF FOR RENT: 2 bedroom lurnishel house in Delta. Water furnished. Jacobs Apts. Ph 3113. 9,19TF FOR RENT: one bedroom modern house, good location. Furnished, or unfurnished. See Jim Nickle, Delta, ph 1021. 9J12TF FOR RENT: 2 bedroom modern house, good location; partly furnished. furn-ished. See Jim Nickle, Ph 1021. 10 10TF FOR RENT OR SALE: Modern 2- bedroom house in Delta. See Hale Jeffery. Delta, ph 33-1J2. 1H2S . Wa sited WANT TO BUY a used 16" bicycle. Have a 26" boys bicycle, will trade for it if you wish. See Mrs. Lyle Bunker, Thone 2281. 11121 MEN NEEDED: Volunteer labor needed to help complete work On the TV installation. Contact Bill Bishop or Max Bennett. Dr. A. K. Tronrud, D. C Chiropractor 4057 South State Murray, Utah will be In Delta every' Thursday, from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. to help ynu in room 4 of HOTEL SOUTHERN 32iseeI!atiMtis .. , .jgg ANYONE INTERESTED in leasing or operating the Delta Cafe, please contact R. K. Jenks, 1783 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, ph EMpire 3-1636. 11.128 IF YOU DON'T DRINK Why Help Pay for the Accidents of Those Who Do?" For your automobile Insurance In-surance see Clarence C. Hogan, Lynndyl, Utah, agent, Preferred Risk Mutual Insurance Co. 9-6 TF CAR MATS, front and rear ,n beautiful colors to match your car Red, Yellow, Blue, Tan, Turquoise, Grey,, White, Green. Delta Auto Supply, Delta, Utah. TF PROTO TOOLS- Guaranteed indefinitely. indef-initely. Your first cost is your last. Delta Auto Supply. TF SEE our MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE machinery for good buys. Done Equipment Co.. Ph. 1125 TF RE-CORE YOUH BAD RADIATOR so you do't hurt your engine. Use INHIBITOR to save your Re-Core. Bill's Radiator Shop, Delta. 920TF "Ires Balancsd while you wait KELLY SERVICE 205 West Main, Delta. 1-31-57 TF BATTERIES FOR CARS - TRUCKS: Starting at $10.95. Fully guaranteed. guarante-ed. We have sold over two thousand. thou-sand. Our batteries last from two to four years. Delta Auto Supply. 3I28TF MACKS 13 Auto radiator rust inhibitor and water pump lubri cant. Guaranteed to keep your radiator crystal clear for one year or your money bank. Delta Auto Supply. 3I28TF SHALER RIZLONE Guaranteed to keep your engine running better or your money back. Delta Auto Supply. 3I28TF WE WILL SHIP HOGS every other Wednesday, Nov. 13 and 27, etc. DELTA LIVESTOCK CO. TF MACHINE and CARRIAGE BOLTS: all sizes. One lot of odd sizes, 13 discount Delta Auto Supply. 3J28TF ATTENTION PORK RAISERS: Have your fUHK completely processed. Lard rendered and placed in 2 lb cartons. Hams, aeon and shoulder meat properly smoked and cured. Call 2811, or contace D. Stevens & Co., Meat Dept., or Dean Talbot, Hinckley, Utah. 9',26TF EXPERT SEAMSTRESS: will do all kinds of sewing. Wedding dresses a specialty. See Mrs. J. E. Smith, south apt. at 69 North 2nd West, Delta. Ph 3802. 10..10TF Lost and Foisnd E3 LOST. SINCE PHEASANT SEASON. Bird Dog, brown and white pointer. If you know of his whereabouts, please leave word at Quality Market, Mar-ket, Delta. LEGAL HOTICE Probate and Guardianship Notices. No-tices. Consult Clerk of District Court, or respective signers for information. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah October 9. 1957 Notice is hereby given that Glynn Colin Bennion, of Vernon, Utah, who, on May 20, 1953, made Desert Entry Application, No. Utah 07054, for W4, Section 33. Township Town-ship US., Range 8W., Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of In tention to make Final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Mrs. Jacque Bell, Notary Public, at Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 3rd day of December, 1957. Claimant names as witnesses: Wesley H. Peterson, of Salt Lake City, Utah. LaWanna Peterson, of Salt Lake City, Utah. George Bennion, of Delta, Utah. Owen Bennion, of Orem, Utah. Ernest E. House, Manager. First Publication Oct. 24, 1957 Final Publication Nov. 21, 1957 SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR MILLARD COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH PHIL NIELSON and WILHELMINA NIELSON, his wife Plaintiffs -vs- J. F. GRABER and MRS. J. F. GRABER, his wife, whose true and correct name lis otherwise unknown; un-known; H. B. PROUT and MARY ANN PROUT, sometimes known as Mary A. Prout, his wife, PRESTON NIBLEY and MRS. PRESTON NIB-LEY, NIB-LEY, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; un-known; HENRY C HUNTER and MRS. HENRY C. HUNTER, his wife, whose true and correct name Is otherwise unknown; VIVIAN FERN HUNTER; J. H. HEDGES and MRS. J. H. HEDGES, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; MILLARD COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NUMBER FOUR; M. M. STEELE, JR. and MRS. M. M. STEELE, JR., his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; JANE LA FEVRE; MELVILLE IRRIGATION COMPANY: the heirs, creditors, devisees, lega tees and personal representatives of the personal Defendants who might be deceased; the stockhold ers, creditors, assigns and successors success-ors in interest of any of the above named corporate Defendants that might have ceased to exist; and all named or other persons unknown un-known claiming any right, title, estate thereon or interest in the real property described dn the complaint adverse to the Plaintiffs' ownership or any cloud upon the title thereto. Defendants THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon ELDON A. ELIASON, Attorney for Plaintiffs, whose address is Delta, Utah an answer to the complaint within 20 days after service of this summons sum-mons upon you. If you fail so to do, judgment by default will be taken against you for relief de manded in said complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court, and a copy of which Is hereto annexed and herewith served ser-ved upon you. This action is brought to quiet title In the Plaintiffs Plain-tiffs to certain real property described des-cribed as follows: Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 in Block 32, Lynndyl Townsite, as amended. All of Lots 29 and 30 in Block 31, Lynndyl Townsite, as amended. amen-ded. All of Acreage Tracts Nos. 95, 96, 114, 115, 116, 117 and 118, Lynndyl Townsite, as amended, situated In the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, and the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 15 South, Range 5 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridan. The South of Lot 3, Block 31, Plat "A", Delta Townsite. Dated this the 6th day of Nov ember, A. D., 1957. ELDON A. ELIASON, Attorney for Plaintiffs, Delta, Utah Plaintiffs' Address: Lynndyl, Utah First Publication Nov. 14, 1957 Final Publication Dec. 5. 1957. LYNNDYL M3S. MARY JOiiriCON BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF UTAH Case No. 4519 NOTICE OF HEARING In the Matter of the Application of HAROIJ) A. SPENCER for a Certi ficate of Convenience and Necessity to operate as a common motor carrier of property in Intrastate commerce. Notice is hereby given that the above-entitled application of Harold Har-old A. Spencer will be heard before the Public Service Commission of Utah at Its office, 310 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah, onWedn.sdoY. the 27th day of November. 1957. commencing at 10:00 o'clock am. This is an application for a certificate certi-ficate of convenience and necessity to operate as a common motor car rier of ores, ore concentrates and fluxing materials over Irreeular routes from and to all points within with-in a 175-mile radius of Delta. Millard County, Utah. On return movements applicant proposes to transport the following commodities: Mine supplies to the mines from which the ore is being hauled. By Order of the Commission. Dated at Salt Lake City. Utah, this 13th day of November, 1957. C R. Openshaw, Jr. Secretary First Publication Nov. 21. 1957 Final Publication Nov. 28, 1957. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Creathouse and three children were over here from Price for the weekend with the Fred Creathouse family. Mr. and Mrs. Eill Simpson and children came up from Yermo, Cal., for the weekend. Primary preparation meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Nola Creathouse. Mrs. Creathouse Is the teacher trainer leader and gave the lesson to the ten ladles present Refreshments were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jacobs and children drove down from Stockton and brought Miss Ellen Overson home. The Jacobs family spent the day with Mrs. Mina Overson. Friday, Fri-day, Miss Ellen Overson left to return to San Francisco, where she will resume her work. Wayne Overson writes that he Is now settled In the army routine. Mrs. Ila Overson and daughter, Ila Mae, spent several days visiting visit-ing In Salt Lake with Loretta Riding Rid-ing and family. Mrs. Lucille Overson visited In Salt Lake with her daughter, Ar-lene Ar-lene and family. Two grandsons returned home with her Wednesday for a stay here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hogan, Mrs. Eleanor Nielson and Mrs. Rhea Whatcott were over to Manti for the day Friday. Mrs. Whatcott has received a call to serve a two year mission at the temple, so, while there got an apartment and made all arrangements to begin her mission, December 1. Mr. and Mrs. Abegglen and Mr. J. A. Banks, were also at the temple Friday evening. Mrs. Mary Johnson arrived home Saturday after several days' visit In Long Beach with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Greatwood and son, Charles, and in Los Angeles with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson drove down from Salt Lake Saturday Satur-day and brought Mr. and Mrs. Pete Johnson, who have been visiting for the past three weeks in Idaho Falls, Ida., with their daughter, Muriel and family. Norman and Leda visited at the Llle Johnson home Sunday afternoon on their return to the city. Sunday, the family of Mrs. Annie Johnson, a long time resident of our town, but who has been living tn Lynwood, Calif., for the past few years, were honoring her with an open house on her 84th birthday. Mrs. Johnson Is very well at this time and able to keep her own home. Wednesday evening the Garden Cluo held a meeting at the church. Mrs. Eleanor Nielson was In charge and Mrs. Helen Baker was guest speaker. She talked on how to raise and care for African Violets. Miss Shirley Sheriff spent the weekend In Abraham with the Alva Young family. Her father, Mr. Guy Sheriff visited in Provo for the two days. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Eatough and daughters drove to Salt Lake and spent the weekend with Marilyn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hayes, Sr., and Dlan. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jones visited Mrs. Jones' parents in Salt Lake and Dale's parents in Payson over the weekend. J. A. Banks and grandson, Rex, spent Saturday In Salt Lake City shopping and visiting Miss Gladys Banks. ; Mr. and Mrs. Curt Johnson and George left Wednesday for Los Angeles to attend the wedding of their daughter, JoAnn, to Mr. John Niewinskl. JoAnn has been employ ed for the past several months at Title Loan & Security Investment Co. while Mr. Niewinskl Is stationed at the U.S.N.A.D.&C. in San Diego. The young couple plan on making their home In San Diego for the present. Curt and Lucille also visited with her sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benson. The Johnsons returned home Sunday. SPECIAL! COMBINATION OFFER! NYLON BASTER AND STAINLESS STKl MEAT LIFTER REGULAR $1.85 J JUST IN TIM! FOR HOLIDAY COOKIXYI Basltr hat graduated tube Full l-ounct.plui capacity. Lifter has heat-resistant plastic plas-tic handle can lift up to IS pounds, QUALITY MARKET Mrs. Rhea Whatcott left to visit her son Darold and family in Salt Lake, Monday. 5'ie will also go lo Logan and visit Mr. and Mrs. John Whatcott before her return the last of the week. Sunday evening Ward conference was held with all members of the Stake presidency In attendance. A large crowd attended and enjoyed the words of wisdom and advice give by the sipskers. The Singing lOihe;.; sang t.ie las: S3.jj. Miss Eloise Bassett, ellementary education major at BYU, is In Delta for six weeks for teacher training at Delta Elementary school, with Princ. Gertrude Western. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bassett. WE'LL DEMONSTRATE... Come see Studebaker-Packaxd'i ell-new Hawk-insDlred itvlin See America's lowest-priced, full-eiied ear, the Scotsman . . . the famous Htwks ... the all-new Pack-erds! Pack-erds! Then guest-drive the one that euite you best. Do it-today ill StudebaJcer-Pacliard VAN'S MOTOR SUPPLY If B A A. "OUT WHSP.S THE WEST BEGINS..." ( i r Somebody b dut for 0 lurprntl You'll bt surprlttd loo, but pleasantly to, when yew the, beautiful new boott that Hyert designed for their 74th Anniversary. Anni-versary. Come in and try on a pair ef these fine boots today. THE DELMART 0jE YOU Bgi s - Who ever heard of anything so foolish? fool-ish? That's what you're probably saying. Yet thousands of farmers do that very thing every year ... by operating sluggish tractors. Authoritative tests at the University of Nebraska Ne-braska proved that every tract or loses power during a year's time ... as much as 20 per cent in some tractors. This means increased 1- -i i inn ' mini ii i. -'r m i i ii n i " costs for extra fuel . . . extra work . . . longer hours in the field. Our skilled mechanics can put your tractor trac-tor back in top condition for fuel- and work-saving performance next season. Trained in John Deere servicing methods, our mechanics know what to do and how to do it . . . quickly, efficiently. This means quality service at the lowest possible cost. Right now ... while we're not rushed, is an excellent time to have your tractor tuned up . . . reconditioned, if necessary. Stop by the next time you're in town and let's talk over your service needs! Farmers' Supply Company Delta, Utah lastes so ncn . . . swallows so smoo I ,s J - . .V X 5 1 ? A 5 Ii .... ni II I II.IIJ mm ouiuiorj Tin." . i i;! 'Hen, .V"". if I The finest Hosts and Hostesses Serve rui n n n i nn n 3 B2 i KEffTUCKY BOURBON AT ITS BEST j5K ...TRULY AMERICAN WHISKEY 'J"i HILL HILL C0- LOUISVILLE. KY.. DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CO.. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 85 PROOF Each drop of this fine Kentucky whiskey goes down so gently ... so smoothly. Always ask for Hill and Hill by the bottle . |