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Show literary Guild Reports RZceiSngs The Literary Guild met Monday evening, Oct. 28, at the home of Carla Risenmay. An excellent review of the book, "The Power And The Prize", by Howard Swiggett, was given by Laura Lyman. j Ice cream and cake were served to Pat Shields, Elaine Allred, Marie ( Merrell Joye Bennion, Bonnie Max- ' field, Shirley Theobald, Joyce Searle, Pearl Hawley, Laura Lyman, Carla Risenmay, Norma Evans, ! Margaret Turner, Luana Warner, ' members; Betty Day, Grace Oens'by, Lillie Dunn and Roma Horlacher, i guests. I Pat Shields was elected as our new president The next regular meeting will be held Nov. 25, at the home of Elaine Allred. The review will be given by Joyce Searle. .-x..-.v'.-;V:- t.... : Mr. and Mrs. Arden Allen, of Oakland, Calif., were in Salt Lake City during the week to meet their son Joe, on his return from two and a half years in Finland, where he ftlled an LDS mission. On their way home they visited in Delta with Mr. Allen's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ray S. Bishop. The Caress that brings you Beauty Desert FlWeR HAND and BODY LOTION with the heart of Lanolin mum mi 1.00 I tlu tSK 1 Ti ramarkabla naw lotIn that both toftanf and font your iktn. Utt Dasart Flower Hand and Bad lotion off rr rati after arary bath. YaH foal your iktn respond Ilka flowar welcoming rain. And you'll bo ddlghtfully canto1 with th frto porfumo f DMrt Flowor. Service Drug Greeted Friends at Reception Nov. 14 Miss Karen Gae Petersen became the bride of Mr. Ace F. Henriksen Jr. In rites solemnized November 14 in the "Manti LDS Temple, with President Anderson officiating. Mr. and M.s. Wayne B. Petersen, of Hinckley, are parents of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Henriksen, of Ee'l flower, Calif., are parents of the 'bridegroom. The bridal pair greeted guests at a reception in the Hinckley recreation recrea-tion hall Saturday evening. The bride was lovely in a gown of white taffeta and Chantilly lace, ;tylert with fitted bodice, long sleeves tapering to lily points over 'he wrists, a Jeweled sweetheart nc-ckline, and bouffant tiered skirt which swept to a chapel train. Her fingertip veil of sheer illusion was caught to a pillbox of iridescents, sequins and seed pearls. She carried car-ried an orchid, encircled by white carnations. The mother of the bride was gowned in blue, and wore a corsage of pink and white carnations. The "bridegroom's brother, Raymond Ray-mond Henriksen, and his sister, Mrs. Bonnie Baker, were in the eceiving line for his parents, who were unable to attend. Mrs. Baker vore a blue gown, and pink and white corsage. In ballerina length gowns, and carrying nosegays of orchid and white chrysanthemums were the MISS SHIRLEY BOWMAN, ENGAGED TO BE WED Early Winter Wedding Is Planned The engagement and approaching approach-ing marriage of Miss Shirley Bowman, Bow-man, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Earl Bowman, of Rexburg, Idaho, and Wilford Bruce Hilton, son of Mrs. Vera S. Hilton and the late Wilford B. Hilton, of Delta, is announced. iMiss Bowman is presently head of the Women's Physical Education Department at Dixie Junior College in St. George, Utah. She has taught for the past several years at Delta High School, following her graduation gradu-ation from Utah State University. In Logan. The bride-to-toe has attended SALE! FINE COTTON QUILT PIECES I li. Je S IIS. $14- LBS $9 50 Mabt wuM, attract!, warn patchwork patch-work OMltt Ipraoas, apron, cushion! or Ota. Latest ttuwun ttavtnr prints. Cotarraf anortaiot. Waskabia. 1& quirt ariasti ftLL Oraar a. Send remit-taaca remit-taaca ptm deliver Satisfaction er wot MfaaaM. NATIONAL FABRICS OX WIS UNO, NEVADA Weber College and was graduated from Ogden High School. Mr. Hilton is a graduate student at Brigham Young University at Provo. As an undergraduate at BYU he served as president of Blue Key national honorary fraternity and editor of the Banyan. He spent two years in the Armed Forces and filled a New England mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. An early winter wedding is planned. Mr. end Mrs. Sherman Little ware Delta visitors during the past week, and took home their young sons, Guy and Mark, who had spent the week with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fera Little. While the boys were here Sherman and Donna moved into a new home in Orem, and then came to Delta for the pheasant hunt. Kir. end r'rs. Oliver Harris from Pocatello, Idaho, spent last Wednesday Wed-nesday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Don T. Bishop. The Harris' were missionaries with the Bishops in California Mr. Harris being music dhector of the Southern California mission. LIVE BETTER... with &Cm(& Givo EVERYBODY a break this Christmasl Civ electrical gift and spread cheer all year, with Reddy's labor-saving, comfort-giving appliances appli-ances that add to much to good living liv-ing at such low cost. Folks really appreciate a gift that lasts ... so give 'em what they ward I GIFTS Get out your list NOW and see how easy it is to match up a nam with an electrical gft. Then . . . shop through the stores, choose the appliance you like . . . end wrap up a package of real Christmas giving giv-ing for those lucky people. f Your Electric SorrorH Tellurldo Power Company bridal attendants, Miss Annette Petersen, maid of honor, Mrs. Lula Marie Henriksen, matron of honor, Mrs. MayJean Damron, Mrs. Edith Rose Schlappi and Mrs. LeuWanna Beagley. LaMont Henriksen performed duties of best man for his brother. Greg and Mark Petersen, young brothers of the bride, were in the receiving line. Mrs. Myrna Jensen was In charge of the 'bride's book. Bryan Petersen, brother of the bride, was master of ceremonies for the program, of invocation by Raymond Henriksen, vocal solos by Mrs. Francis McKay, accompanied by Lula Marie Henriksen; reading, Kclda Memmott; dance, Annette Petersen; vocal solo, LaVoy Tolbert, accompanied by Mrs. Ruth Talbot; toast to the "bridal couple, Margaret Jensen; vocal solo, Lula Marie Henriksen, accompanied by Roma Ekins. The young couple made responses, respon-ses, cut the wedding .cake, and danced the bridal waltz. Benediction Benedic-tion was by William Bunker, grandfather grand-father of the bride. Ushers were Kent Schlappi, Boyd Seagley, Gerald Damron and Nels Petersen. The newly weds honeymooned in Salt Lake City, and will make their home in Provo, where both will continue their studies at Brig- Itriilgcites Club Is Entertained Mrs. Charlotte Morrison was hostess host-ess to the Bridgettes at their meeting meet-ing Thursday night. Present were Pearl Topham, Lo-rayne Lo-rayne Van, Dorothy Damron, Beulah Bassett, Barbara Ashby, Norma Waddingham, Kathryn Humphries, Patty Dalton, Phyllis Munster and Marilyn Bishop, members, and Gloria Walker and Marge Moody, guests. At the bridge table score awards were made to Mrs. Ashby, Mrs. Van and Mrs. Topham. ham Young University, Mr. Henriksen Henrik-sen has fulfilled an LDS Southern States mission and served a tour of duty with the U. S. Armed Forces. He was stationed in Korea with the Medical Corps. MILLABD COUNTY CHRONICLE Delta Utah. Tfcurs. Not. 21. 1357. Auxiliary Unit 09 Reports 3Iectings Auxiliary Unit 89 met at the home of Amelia Cole on Oct. 28. The time was spent preparing the TB letters containing the Christmas Seals. We will appreciate your support sup-port on this project. On Veterans' Day, Nov 11, the American Legion Unit 89 and the Auxiliary and their partners held a dinner, catered by Hatch's City Cafe. A lovely turkey dinner with all '.he trimmings was served to 54 people. The program consisted of two vocal solos by Mrs. Long, two numbers num-bers by the teachers quartet, Mr. Long, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Dunn and Mr. Ladd Black, and a very fine address by Thorpe Waddingham. v ,r-:; A ' , i . f .. , ' ', i .. . V ..... ' . t . . -; " , S - Ay. 'r -J MR. AND MRS. ACE HENRIKSEN. JR., .".rr: WED NOVEMBER 14. ( ' registers glamour It - m B ly All sues wrSI $10.93 For dress... or casual your choice of black and grey or brown and beige tweed in 228 or 188 heels... and of course. match! "Si T1r ft 1 1 i : i 1 1 : i c . . AMD THAINSECS T DEPOSITOEIS i m m 3 0 Hi. a ytsr BANK INTEREST ON SAVINGS PAS 9 At this Thanksgiving time, wc express sincere sin-cere thanks to all our depositors. When you put money in your account in this bank (and we hope you do so regularly) you help yourself and this community, too. Most of the money we loan here to individuals, indivi-duals, agriculture and industry are your deposits along with those of your neighbors and friends. By keeping this money in circulation cir-culation here, this community prospers. First Se.u.-ity Bonk of Utah, N.A. Mfber Federal Depoiit Insuronca Corporation |