Show 0 ST DOMESTIC SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Conducted II liy Mrs air Alice Kirk Birk Meals 1 for Children I all Know that children la pass pas 25 W WK through different periods of ot growth and desires Foods ago ci changed tange l accordingly ln ly So it would bo ho Quito quite difficult in n n. short article to specify hell helpful ful meals mals for school chil children dron dren of ot nil all ages ases so we wIn wilt only con con- elder tl lh those oso se today tollay front from 6 G to 9 years At this age nb the they ar are growing fast and ancl need food to support them with ct energy for Cor they are arc in constant motion ollon to supply h heat hoit at to the thA bod body and to build buIll buildup up Ip tho the tI tissues suel which make imke for tor now growth If Ir tho the school chool children are aio thin and tired moat most of the time limo the they probably probably ably do not have enough food tool of the tissue building building- kind lelnd and If the they are fat tal and stupid they mn may not have enough food tood of this kind ind and nave O too much sweet and starchy starch food tood Plenty Pent of af fruit CF eggs S bread brea and butter and milk are ore valuable sources source of or nourishment nourish ment for growing Browing- children Tho Th meals for tor children should bo be boneither neither heavy nor light lIs Tho The stomach should never be overloaded o loaded so that dl ell ell- Ge Is difficult then children go 0 to school Immediately after a meal and the tho brain will wll be able to work worl Train children reu to eat cat slowly chewing e ct every mouthful Have HavA them rise a It little lit little little lit lit- tle earlier If necessary In the morning so as not to have o them hurried A As I these children go to bed early the evening meal should bo be the lI lightest of oC tho the da day The Tho following menus mints will show showy quantities of or children of or tho tiro ages given t Cereal cooked over night with dates ates third one cup t top tip p milk one half cup dr dry toast two small slices butter one- one Inch half cube milk one ono glass cocoa one cup api les for Cor school recess 5 soon Dinner When ben ro Possible Lamb broth with c vegetables vegetable one cup bread ono one slice butter one half Inch cube cube- apple tL ca pu pudding ono u o ohalf half hal C I C cup p. p Supper Scrambled c eggs gs in third ono cup of or milk dry toast two s butter ono one half Inch half inch cube apple sauce gauce ono one tablespoon tablespoon table table- spoon or prunes runes throe three cookies home baked two milk one glass glos Suggestions e for Cereal Cercal with dates date figs tI or seeded raisins r. and top lop milk mUle creamed codfish sauco made mode with milk apt P egg g yolk minced lamb Jamb on toast c eggs gs poached ponched or scrambled rambled In milk creamed potatoes cornmeal muffins bread and lu butter cream toast baked apple stemmed steamed prunes Suggestions for Dinner Chicken broth with rIco or barley broiled lamb chops pur puree o of peas pens or beans spinach lettuce use lemon no vinegar cornstarch puddings s gelatin gelatin gelatin gela gela- tin pu puddings ln fruit sauce with sponge ponSo caKo cake baked baled tapioca and rice pudding SUJ Suggestions for Supper Cream soups j bread repp ret 1 or pr rice and amI milk c toasted ci crackers crackers ackers or rolls stowed fruit milk mille or cocoa |