Show is AWFUL ME e I Which Jake lake Gookins oo Ins Went Go Got of Into Into Into-As 1 As s a Result Resul Jake Jae Is s Sos a y I Sickening ers Below Jake Gookins until recent one of ou our most respected citizens citizen went vent and nd go tot got hi df into a awful mess mess and come com within a ace of going to jail The toned high way nay Jake has bee been of late has been b en th the talk of the town About a week ag ago Jake went into Hen Weathersby's store stor and purchased a pr pro of boots and a whole lot of groceries and a buck saw sa and a dress dres for his hie wife and a few lbs Ibs of nails and a entire box of peppermint candy and four plugs of tobacco a anew a anew new clay pipe all aU amounting to 14 an ansome and some m Jake then told Hen that if i iwas it was vas all the same to him he would give him a check for what he bought Hen said he had allus anus found checks just a asgood as asgood good as al wheat heat in the bin and took Jakes Jake's check for the amount That same day Hiram driving driving driving ing into Bingville In a pung behind a year old c colt lt which Jake ake took a tur tur- fancy to Jake asked Hi how much mud he would take for the critter and H Hi said nid he reckoned about 75 5 would buy her Jake said th that price was as satisfactory satisfactory tory so he wrote out a check for the amt and give ghe it to Hi who blame neer veer fainted becu he would of took 35 35 for forthe forthe forthe the colt ruther than miss the chance A couple of days afterward Jake met Cy Hoskins in the P. P O. O and asked Cy Cr what he wanted spot pot cash for hi his lower farm Co c Cy said nid he wasn't r about selling sell sell- ing but he he would take uke about Q if it was vs Iho ed t h him m. m Jake he got bot a pen and ink and wrote out a f check for and handed d it to Cy Cr and Cy grabbed J Jake ke and took him o. o over r to Ame Hillyer's Hillyer office to have Ame make out tut a de deed rl to Jake for the farm arm before Jake changed his mind and Amr Ame made out ont the deed and Jake g give ge e Cv the check and C Cy was wu 50 so tickled that he be couldn't sleep any an that night being b ni as s he only onh paid for the farm in in the first place Jake also bought a cow from Plutarch Stone Ston paying him 25 25 by a check for her ier Jake had also made arran arrangements with Lem Bro Brown n our talented carpenter to build him a l house in n the spring which was to be the finest residence in in Bing Bing- yule ille On Tuesday last how however hower er Cy Hoskins Hos- Hos kim kins made a l trip to the county seat and presented d Jakes Jake's check for or at the First Fint National Bank which it was wa on When th the cashier saw o w it he hee gave ga e C Cy C the laff and told him him that no sUch a p person P as I Jake Jaks J k Gookins had an account at that hank bank and that the thc check W wasn't worth the paper it was writ on C Cy y he lie jumped into his pung and dd home lome split He Hr found Jake Jakc in in inthe the th hr P P. 0 O. writing a ch check ck for a thousand thousand thousand thou thou- sand dollars dollus as as a donash ori to the Bingville Bingville Bing Bing- ville itle church Jake didn't stein seem any surprised rd when Cy fronted him with ith the damning i evi deuce dence that the check was wu no Ro good od d. d Jake ke f admitted that ht h didn't have a copper cent to hi his name nim nor in the bank either ither but hut that he had hd often seen others buy things think with checks che and nd he lie would like to tr try it h s so 0 one da day daj when lie he was at the county scat seat h he managed ed to git sit a check ch ck book on nn the First Na- Na National at a- a t which w he has been using minI since j The news that Jake was n a impostor as you yon might say travelled tr like wild wild- fire that Ike had Everybody E Jake give gi checks check to wanted to linch Jake Jike but cooler judgment HI went to Jakes Jake's stable and got his bis colt and Plutarch Stone call called d and got his cow and led her home hom Hen Weathersby called d for the groceries and things which Jake had bought but most of em m was used up one wa way or another and Hen figures his loss at about 10 Cy Hoskins Hoskin who sold Jake the farm for fO got Jake up tip in the corner of the P. P 0 O. and he would kill him unless Jake Jak give him back a 2 deed for forthe forthe or orthe the farm and Jake reached into his pocket and handed it back to Cy r Jake b begin gin to git and said he h didn't realize the enormity of his crime or he wouldn't of did it About this time Seth Dewberry our town constable con constable con con- stable sauntered Into the P P. PO P.O. 0 ant an and when he learnt what Jake Jike had been u uto up to Seth placed Jake under und r arest charger charged rl with it breaking and entering b by m means mean of checks check Jake offered to divide u up what hat groceries he had left in the thc hous house e with th Seth and on second thought Set Seth h released ased Jake Jake but told him to be be beat a al almighty at- at mighty how he his hi- self in the future or he would get int into trouble Jae JaVe Is putty lon lonesome ome just at pr pres- pres ent M everybody he meets gives Ji him the cold shoulder and wont won't speak t to him This only goes oes to show v that a aman aman man ought to be he careful of hi his character character character char char- acter if he lie has any and not go and do some fool thing to damage c it so o it aint of cnn enny use me to him in after alter life tire Lethis Let Le this be a warning to others |