Show rf r rry' r w w vw ” e '“r - ' Tempers Flare USMoyes Millions jDai Vilentine s ' Armed Trucks Transfer Federal Reserve Fund t - ’ Nolliing Serious® DISTAFF STUFF Once eachi year I write a special column ’ a telling women how wonderful By Jim G Baldwin Tribune Staff Writer Millions of dollars went deep underground across the street from police headquarters Friday night in a move which temporarily isolated hundreds of motorists and pedestrians from a large segment of the downtown area they are t This helps me get the girls off my neck lor 'a lew days and helps temper the p r e d o m inant male tone ol L the year j IN ONE OF THE BIGGEST operations of its kind in this area money belonging to Uncle Sam was moved fiom an old stone building at the southwest corner of State and South Temple to the new Salt Lake City Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco The amount of money transferred was kept secret rifles peeped from beneath slightly raised Deadly windows along the route from the old bank building to the new one at 1st South and State i NOTHING SE RIOUS lor the other 364 days And iv 1 4 t' IV 30-0- Is here the 1959 special t “Women Are Valentine Getting Better Than Ever" column: A grdupol judges in Little Rock Ark recently stated that women make better members ol a jury than men V " ARMED GUARDS sat v 1 At better" one Judge said last ' count there were more than 8500 women ollicers ol banks in the United States and did you girls know that this year 1370 ol all ages are taking law courses in 127 of the nation’s law schools? I’ll have to admit it— the Officer Victor L Kennedy stood guard outside the new federal reserve bank Friday as guards drove from basement to go for a second payload women are taking over According to latest reports there are a million Second more women in the United States than men Section Salt Lake City Utah — Saturday Morning — May Clatter Harms Ears Expert T ells Medics By William C Patrick Tribune Medical Editor OGDEN— Human ears made to detect the soft sounds of primitive life are taking a beating from the clang and clatter of modern civilization Cases of permanent hearing due to impairment damage to nerve of the inner ear are on the increase the next 10 years) among city dwellers industrial The average woman stands workers and members of the live leet four when she is mar Armed Forces ried and during her lifetime she will spend three years and THIS CALLS for greater efforts to control the sources eight months talking on the of noise and to protect the ears telephone of those whose occupations AT THE PRESENT time more than 4 million women belong to labor unions and a recent survey back East re noise-cause- Weather Delays Bridge Debut veals that is gradually being taken over by the ladies g WOMEN VOTERS could Women buy clothes 9 6 Special to Ihe Tribun — There’s hardly an honorable male profession that hasn’t been invaded by at least one woman swing any political election (if they’d get together) Adverse VERNAL weather and road conditions have forced postponement of the Flaming Gorge Dam suspension bridge and road dedication scheduled Saturday to June 6 at 11 am ANNOUNCEMENT of'the delay followed a meeting of Vernal Chamber of Commerce and State Road Commission officials in Vernal Friday afternoon Heavy rains Thursday night left as much as five inches of water on unimproved roads leading to the more men’s than men do But there’s still one thing that the mighty male excels in suicides! site A leading authority recently reported that three times as many men kill themselves as women (Probably because of some Solon Group woman!) Yes It’s a woman's world —and the way it’s going they can have it! TODAY’S VALENTINE A great big collective Valen Moves for Penal Study Special to The Tribune stu- hard-workin- g e (R-Sa- all-da- y (D-Sa- ) (R-Sa- Wad-dingha- V i i 4 AAA A AAA A A A A A AAA AAA k d subject them to destructive decibels of sound according to Dr Howard House head of the Department of Otolaryngology University of Southern California Los Angeles He was a speaker at closing sessions Friday at the Ogden Surgical Society’s annual meeting in the Orpheujn Theater IF THE SOURCE of noise can’t be controlled properly fitted ear plugs will provide protection withput interfering with the user’s ability to communicate Dr House declared Routine hearing tests also should be given to those in noisy occupations He said examination of a group of Army men who had spent two weeks on a machine gun firing range showed that 27 per cent had suffered permanent hearing loss A A A A AjAAA 4 Radio-T- V Log Page 25 23 1959 19 darkened fire escape doorways on Orpheum Ave (125 $outh) alone walked A woman from the lobby of a theater onto the sidewalk She was Joined at once by a motorcycle policeman who rode by her side until she left the area ANOTHER COUPLE exit ing from a building found themselves accompanied by an officer to their automobile parked on the street The officer rode beside them as they drove their auto from the area Even at 3 a m on a Sunday State St seldom is as quiet as it was Friday from 9'50 p m until 11 p m from 2nd South to South Temp or on 1st South (100 South) from Mam to 2nd East V Dsath Logan River Claims 1 in Car Plunge NO HUMAN not known to be authorized to be in the area moved a step on street or sideSelf-Discipli- ne walk without armed company Some citizens whose autos were packed in lots within the security area became irate at Special to The Tribune being forced to walk as much man as four blocks to reach the lots LOGAN— A By A W Ferguson was drowned Friday when the body and a deep moral and from an open access route car in which he was riding Tribune Staff Writer spiritual consciousness are es SOME CITIZENS found po- plunged out of control into the sential for sound and happy “Efforts on behalf of youth youth today and for real citi lice insistent and harsh The Logan River and pinned jiira will be repaid many fold be- zenship tomorrow” officers had no other recourse beneath the icy waters cause they are not merely the Recalling recent national to he anger of citizens who THE VICTIM WAS Ray indicating physical de-- f could not be told what was Merle Hamilton Hotel hope of the world tomorrow surveys Logan officers were The l c i e n c y among American going on they are the woild of tounder orders of strict secrecy The mishap occurred shortly the added youth governor after'3 pm some 14 miles up morrow” Gov George D "Neither Although the police departpeacetime prosperity Clyde said Friday night at nor national Logan Canyon on US High of ment has been the part can plan be security 89 Newhouss Hotel way move the for several assured unless our people are for days Submerged for nearly an SPEAKING BEFORE more mentally and physically fit officers called into police head- hour in the icy turbulent wa9 about pm and Friday quarters able to than 200 attending a dinner of ready perform ter he became Cache County's See Page 28 Column 8 the eighth annual convention whatever (asks may be asfourth traffic fatality for 1959 of Utah Recreation and Parks signed them” and Utah’s 55th Assn the governor stressed 37 519 Douglas Harmer HE WENT ON to call attenthe "great objective’’ for tion to establishment Douglas St (1240 East) Salt in July Lae City driver of the 1951 youth 1957 of the Utah Council on sedan was treated at Ldgan “Give youth the fullest op- Child and Youth Fitness LDS Hospital for shock reportunity for self expression which in addition to activating Utah Highway Patrolported while at the same time devel- several programs to stimulate man Scott Lee who investioping A storm blanketed most of public interest in the situation he said has kept in touch with Presi- the Intermountain Region Fri- gated A THIRD occupant W H “A HEALTHY mind healthy dent Dwight D Eisenhower’s day with showers or thunders- Miller 58 Logan was uninCouncil on Youth Fitness "Under our concept we re- howers and snow in the higher jured Trooper Lee said Mr Harject the concept of a rigid im- elevations of some areas mer was en route down the posed discipline for our youth PRECIPITATION amounts such as is found under totali- varied from to moderate canyon from Kemmerer Wyo light tarian regimes” the governor in most localities but three— when he apparently lost control and ran off the left side said Cheyenne Reno and Denver of the road in excess of rainfall reported NOT DO “WE want columns MR MILLER and the driver of marching automatons pre- an inch Judicial District Mr Klemm cisely following a set pattern Cold moist air circulating found Mr Hamilton pinned belives in Moab We encourage and rejoice in over the state was expected to neath the cir They were unthe deexpression of individual ini- bring moderate to heavy rain- able to dislodge him MR BEATIE said his tiative but the individual free- fall over the weekend accordRay Merle Hamilton was fendant had been in the Monti- dom to be effective must be ing to the US Weather Bu- born Oct 22 1919 in Califorcello jail since May 12 for re- controlled by nia reau’s five-daforecast Friday’s precipitation was fusing to answer the question HE HAD worked tot Merlin THE CONVENTION dinner the first for Loa Wayne CounHe said the question — if an- also was highlighted by award ty since March and was gen- Yonk here and was employed swered— might tend to incrim- of a plaque to Mrs Floyd A eral over the by Jhn Mickeisoir and son county inate the youth Logan contractors as a (Fern) Taylor director of TWO HUNDREDTHS an at the time of his Gary L Theurer assistant Weber County Recreation De- inch were recorded at theof - death Salt and mother of the partment attorney general who repreLake Airport Weather Bureau He is survived by his parchildren four sented Mr Klemm contended H station but the fall was sub- ents Mr and Mrs Leroy H Judge Van Cott had no juris- B The award presented byUnistantially heavier on the city’s Hamilton Pasadena Calif and State Hunsaker Utah diction declared that juvenile east bench area — a brother of Norwork Calif instructor and presiproceedings are civil matters versity a judge can compel a juvenile dent of the association was to answer all questions in ju- for outstanding service to venile court and that no evi Weber County and the state dence in juvenile court can be in promoting public recreation used in criminal actions Youth by x Theme of Clyde Speech X Showers Spill Over Region " well-directe- Fern Taylor reation Weber recleader gets award DR HOUSE warned that antibiotics in the “mycin” group which have to be injected rather than given in pill form also may cause irreparable damage to nerves of the inner ear producing partial or total deafness For this reason he advised that Juveniles need ' not answer other drugs be given if pos- all questions put to them in sible for treatment of infecjuvenile court proceedings’ tion ruled Third District Judge Ray Occasionally inner ear deafness may be congenital which Van Cott Jr Friday Juvenile emphasizes the importance of court officials immediately exits detection early in the child’s pressed concern over the rullife so that proper rehabilita- ing tion measures can be taken while he is developing his JUDGE VAN COTT held that minors have the same prospeech pattern tection from AMONG OTHER causes of as do adults As a result inner ear hearing loss are Judge Van Cott ordered reMonti-celltoxic diseases injuries tumors leased an and poor circulation San Juan County youth Dr Hou£e sai'd the hearing being held in the Monticello impairment that often comes jail with age is more likely due The youth had refused to to many years of wear and answer Fifth district Juvenile tear on the hearing nerves Judge B L Dart of Price last week when asked if he had rather than to any of the committed an act degenerative- changes Law Shelters Minor Too District Judge Points Out o d - RICHFIELD— The Utah Leg dents at Wayne High School islative Council Friday apin Bicknell proved a proposal to appoint Wayne County a special advisory committee They’ve just to assist in a study ol criminal completed a won- - v? and penal administra Justice derful project tion at state and local levels They’ve turned I a rock strewn CREATION OF THE comeye-sorschool mittee was suggested by Sen campus into a place of beauty Sherman P Lloyd Lake For the past few weeks the City) council chairman who students School Wayne High was authorized to select the have been working In their members spare time clearing the The council which held an ground planting shrubs and session here decided lawn planting flowers and also to ask the Utah State Bar doing a line landscape job on to restudy a proposed new corthe school yartL code The students held special poration The code was introduced in bake sales and ball games and the 1959 Legislature but was parties to raise money lor the not considered JThe' council shrubs and seed also will ask the bar to To top it off the school 'uvenile courts district study attor' board got into the spirit ol ney offices and of the justices the thing and bought a sprin- peace kling system lor the yard The members voted to add Now thanks to the Wayne to the council agenda a students their school has one of special claims on the study state of the finest landscaped school to try and work out a more and a satisfactory system of hanyards in the state Valentine to each of you! dling them - SAM THE SADtYNIC SAYS REPORTS on ateas which The governor haa called a the standing committees plan - special session of the Utah to cover were made by ' State Legislature— and there Sheldon - R Brewster- -Speaker go all our downtown park- Lake City) chairman of State Services and Finance Sen ing spaces again Reed Bullen chairman of Taxation and HighSmash Glass Tile ways Rep Ralph A Sheffield Lake City) chairman - Light bulbs glass and tile valued at $1550 were de-- of Capital Improvements and stroyed by vandals at the Salt Parks and Sen Thorpe Lake Bar Tile Corp 440 W chairman 3rd North (400 North) of Education and Welfare tine to the Hundreds of cars and pedestrians were halted by police and secret service cordon leaving State St de&erted to protect huge money transfer fab Sfilmn tilt A dental association says women have better teeth than men More than 5 million women own stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange WOMEN LIVE longer than men Talk more sing and save money higher better (whose money?) The average wile lives live years longer than her husband buys 369 hats during her lifetime and 582 dresses The average woman marries when she is 24 years old spends lour years washing dishes and lights at least twice each month with her husband (winning both times) The average woman weighs 128 pounds when she Is married (and gains at least three pounds a year for There are girl wrestlers women steeplejacks women women tugboat captains women ballistic golf pros women mayors experts women cops Days Sines last Utah TrafRc ready for instant warfare in THE SEASON: "Women are more attentive than meal and are able to retain lacts lawn-mowin- w ANOTHER TYPE of hearing loss involves the middle ear and is due to interference in the conduction of sound A common one of these is an accumulation of wax that can easily be removed by a physician Conduction hearing losses also may be caused by injury See Page 20 Column 5 WHEN THE youth refused to answer Judge Dart ordered the youth held in contempt The action before Jlidge Van Cott resulted when Atty W D Beatie Salt Lake City filed a writ of habeus corpus seeking the youth’s release Named as defendant was Warner A Klemm juvenile probation office for the Fifth Election Posters Disappear As School Board Reverses Don’t call police if you see someone stripping election notices off utility poles and trees He’s acting under orders SPEED WAS the essence in getting out word of the June 2 school bond election approved last Saturday by Salt Lake City Board of Education r So Robert L Bridge of the board prodded printers to complete the announcement posters 'They were posted Tuesday evening or spec SJjol recti clerk-treasure- ta m AACiL crrsicrt t k MORE WERE placed Wednesday and Thursday Then Thursday night the board canceled the June 2 date for the election Removal --— started Friday The remaining posters will be down by Saturday evening Mr Bridge promised L No false alarm signs had been posted before School Board delayed bond ballot ' y Halt MB BEATIE contended there is no clear immunity from prosecution under Utah law for juveniles Judge Van Cott agreed He said that if a juvenile were asked in juvenile court where he had hidden a body in a murder case and the youth 'was compelled to answer Ihe state would need only to obtain jhe body and then prosecute on evidence obtained because of the youth’s own evidence “UNDER OUR LAW the answer couldn’t be used but the body could" stated Judge Van Cott “Isn’t that something of a nature?” He said the law should offer immunity from criminal prosecution and not merely prohibit use of evidence in juvenile court in pursuing criminal action THE MONTICELLO youth was charged when still His case went to Fifth District Court for a felony count but the district Judge sent it back to the juvenile Judge commenting he felt the State Industrial School would be the place for the youth While Inquiring into the case Judge Dart apparently asked the question the youth’s attorney felt was incriminating if answered Third District Juvenile Judge Rulon W Clark said later the extra difruling may present ficultiesfoi — judges-si- nce many juveniles now probably will refuse to answer questions - fab iributv Sots MRS TAYLOR joined the Weber County agency in 1949 and drama as a story-tellinspecialist She was appointed director of the department in g January 1958 The convention sessions will continue through Saturday Tax Increase For Sales Nears Action An ordinance providing for the levying of a one-hal- f cent sales tax in Salt Lake County will be presented the Salt Lake County Commission Monday OLLIE MeCULLOCH chief civil deputy in the epunty attorney’s office said Friday he has been instructed by the commission to draw up an ordinance providing for the sales tax The state Legislature authorized the special sales tax on a county basis as a means of aiding municipalities Llc A The Salt Lake Tribune Circulation Dept 143 South Main St Salt Lake City Utah Please send specially wrapped souvenir copies of The Salt Lake Tribune’s 1959 Scenic Edition to: Name Address State City Name -- Address State City hard-presse- SALT LAKE CITY is expected to obtain nearly 3 million dollars from such a tax A request that the tax be authorized was made Monday by the mayors of Salt Lake City South Salt Lake Midvale and Murray and the town presidents of Riverton and South Jordo" My name is Address Phone — State City Enclose 25c for each sions 40c for each copy copy to be mailed In US or posse outside of US or possessions Note: Postal refutations prohibit tender's name on souvenir edition Please advise your triendi that you are sending this edition Phone 1123 to order by phono Your carnet wUi collect CM ar- |