Show "TV S3 The Salt Lake' Tribune1' Saturday May 23 1933 49— Furniture for Sale SOTER'S LIQUIDATION Bw LOCATION 50— Sportln MART 13th end 17th South1 on 4th Wt which k block wwf of lia Grand I an OPEN n RR track Thl Diioount i SHOWROOA-N- O Cord no gimmick Our way of buy-Irg Is your way of saving No on to compel with our q can offord prices All NEW undamaged own chandis nationally- - known brands Beautiful building with an "otmosphere wht you will anfoy shopping To find out coma to 4M S 4TH WEST Salt Lake Furniture carpsting as low as $364 pr KL yd Dintt sets $79 95 for only $4995 reg Sotsr's wonts to tll you — DON'T buy until you so our price W hand! our own Contracts Opn Monday till 9 HU r 3 Rms: of New Furn TOP QUALITY SEALSKIN HUNT In your own bwuuful horn on wheel NEALE COACH LOT 3440 & Appl LIQUIDATORS J T pr women's shoes slippers size MiL2 cloth coats 4 dresses size 40 EM 45 br 36 E 1st South EM EXPENSIVE older dental ment rec furniture Cheap Call ACCESSORIES 4 95 up Flare Anchor 100 Bow Light 8 50 Storm Lite Fire Kxtlng $245 Paddle 1250 up DA Others Less Expensive EM R C ALLEN cond $95 AX add Perf mach $8 95 BIG SALE 07 S State equip- ling brand new $100 EL 97120 to nted Buy-M- CHEAP1ES ALL IN A-- l CONDITION IT'S 4681 South State Street $ $ SAVE $ $ 8' Vic Share $1095 57 Volks sedan Sun roof $1695 Commander 58 STUDS hdtp P St auto Iran r h ww tires 10000 miles r '58 RAMBLER YaSd1CAN 8000 actual miles 81495 - Milton Wagstaff Motor Co HU 41141 657 8 Main DA '53 Ford '56 MERC Ilka new conNew car trade-i- n dition 868 down $56 per month with OK Call Ben at EM credit black and red e 648 isc S MAIN CASH FOR ANYTHING EM BOAT SALES Phl’ 11 S W Tempi IlNdER SEWING MACHINE Completely reconditioned CASH FOR USED BOOKS SO TO as low as REDUCE STOCK Also $29 portables 1956 FORD $1299 ZION’S BOOK STORE EM a few Singe? floor models HU "SEE US LAST WE'LL DEAL" WILL tAY New tires Immaculate cond CASH FOR USED TV oidei dental aait Any eond 215 S 8th E DA Expensive ment Rec fumit cheap USED miniature golf equipment EM Write Box Z--4 this paper DA 910 8 Main r 49 A— Music Radio Tiltvision 53A-J- unk 5TH AT MAIN 1059 METROPOLITAN black and Whit Who Batterfei this doesn't apply to you ' EIRE EXTINGUISHERS $179 Anchors paddles flares lights but an awful lot of people who supplies are buying pianos don’t give marine MACD AND LONE STAR enough thought to the question TEXAS alum and fiberglass boats of a store's overhead There la no Gator trailers $129 up real excuse for paying between t de luxe fiberglass steer $200 and $300 more just for a when Astin-Weiglng windshield seats 40 hp mo store's location $1299 pianos have only a frac- - tor14-- controls trlr windalum steering Uon of the overhead of any piano store in Salt Lake City See for shield seats controls 40 hp motor trlr $1195 yourself at 60 W 1st South 16-40 h p motor trlr fHE largest stock of used grand controls alum seats windshield steerin Utah is being liquidated pianos $1325 to make way for new piano ing 35 h p Johnson $349 stock Choice of 20 Instruments h p Chrls-Cranew $149 every one must go as quickly as 6HOpen Sun eves Sat daily some new in condition possible HIGHLAND MOTOR & BOAT some need refinishing Make your own offers 50 W 1st South 3786 Behind theDrPizza alace CR Highland LIMITED QUANTITY TV SETS $69 95 UP GOODYEAR SERV STORE EM 180 E 3rd South New and REPOSSESSED JUNK CARS WANTED Scrip iron cast metal and bat tarlea Will pick up METAL SALVAGE CO EL 180 W 13th South CARS truck (crap metal Sunday any time Trada narta for acrap EM WE NEED up Junked '9a 11 trks EM wrecked car MORE CASH FOR JUNK CARS AM AND TRUCKS BENNION’S buy Junk cars '51 and up wrecks AM 978 WE PAY MORE for WRECKED JUNK CARS TRKS IN Cash CONDAS Bros wrecking for wrecka used cars IN Used Boats Motors WE BUY wrecked Junk cars trucks IN ’ LOWER ft rom Trade-i- '57 PLYM us style your CO $100 TO $3000 in recorders for rent r 200 NEW CARS To Choose From COURTESY bt Upright Car AUTO t MORQAN Gordo 2233-7t- hi-f- i Eat and radio WESTINGHOUSE consolette AM Sark e walnut reetvled piano gHohner accordion EL A VIOLIN good condition IN for camera 5x7 KODAK 65 AM projector Iene auto fomi enlarger 8444 6 1650 Eait Sandy CONTAX m A old $175 EM f 1 5 One Sells More Plymouths and Dodges Than Any Two Dealers Combined RAMBLER 580 South State '53 '55 '53 Main At 10th South JPS 5101 So State MG TC '49 A fine example of whet started ft ell in America One of the few remaining bone fide TC'e in the West Call EL '57 AND '56 CPE Must sell one DEVILLE both fully pow- ered end mechanically Beautiful CaU HU perfect ehape inside and out YELLOW and red ’52 Stude convert hardtop Auto trana $345 Just about perfect 649 Brixen Ct$ 921 E 7th S EM jdtp equipped Auto trans $1295 or 403 E 6270 beat offer AM South r BUICK Century 1955 hdtp Fully pow $950 First come first served 2540 Dearborn St r h 57 ENGLISH Ford Good cond 16000 miles or EL $1250 EM Good 1953 DODGE Coronet cond $350 1207 Major DA2- 1741 1952 BUICK AM 6 2578 ’56 SUPER Good cond $250 ‘88 OLDS Fully owner CR R h good ’47 DE SOTO cond CR ’49 Merc 3 $248— STA WGN seats Good cond CR ’53 FORD convert New top Good tires Good cond $695 Em R h good cond ’51 PLYM Equipped 8195 HU $449 $1449 $1249 MONTEREY WGN All leather Interior MERCURY $749 $399 Real nice $299 PONTIAC Across 6580 South Olson's From Slim ' US 91 Phone AX SAVE SAVE SEE MAKE OWN TERMS YOUR $ $500$ $ ON ANY DISCOUNT LARK And Secured Credit Will Buy Any of Thess '58 CHEV Imp Cvt $2395 in stork WHILE THEY LAST! automatic '57 Ford Club Coupe trans '57 Sedan $1298 '57 CHEV Hdtp Sed $2095 ’57 Ply Ford Del Rio Wagon 81495 56 Chev 210’ Sedan $1095 Bel Air Radio heater power YOU AIRWAYS SAVE AT MONEY automatic trans steering '56 FORD $995 Radio heater GOLIATH '56 CAD Sedan $2695 YOUR BORGWORD DEALER Full power air conditioning 1718 S State HU '54 FORD Sedan $795 Radio heater overdrive '53 OLDS Sedan $795 1956 FORD Fairlane 4-Radio heater automatic h motor auto pb '53 CHEV Sedan $695 w w tirei tintedps glass SHARP Bel Air Radio heater auto$1295 1954 FORD Skvliner coupe Auto matic power steering r h all naugahyde aeaU lowered and leaded $495 1953 OLDS 88' std trans $545 y h RIVERTON MOTOR MOTOR AM 3981 9 AM 11 SOUTH Radio DA heater One owner r Joe Johnston 33 MAIN '54 CHEV y '8' Blair Motor Co FORD sedan Light green H Only II 105 Custom white top 648 STAPLES CHEVROLET OPEN UNTIL $ PM 230 - Main Bountiful AX 2 cr U one Mut Hye black and yellow Merc Monterey RH leather upholstery new w-tirei auto trans lew mileage Qnlv 8U95 $300 below retail AXM748 or test drive' 150 E 6a0 No Bountiful - 198 BUICK Super hrdtp This auto has full power air sustension line atand only 1200 mi power 55795 seat PS P windows fac air cond PB R H 5'795 1959 CADILLAC COUPE blue-195power fac air cond R H prem tires Light 4995 CONVERTIBLE III CONTINENTAL MARK power R H auto Like new Fac air cond 1958 LINCOLN 4 DOOR 3595 Like new Fac air cond PS PB R H auto trans 1957 CADILLAC ELDORADO COUPE Fac lr cond power R H Hydra Blue Like new 3'394 1957 CADILLAC R H Hydra P S PB 1956 CADILLAC R H Hydra P S PB green ''995 1955 CADILLAC COUPE R H Hydra P S P B red nd Ivory 2'69i HARDTOP IMPERIAL 1957 power R H auto 2 tone $2995 COUPE CONVERTIBLE PARKLANE 1958 MERCURY power Cont Kit R H auto tran Ivory 23 COUPE 1958 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE R- V-- 8 H- - uto PS Ivory and green top 1956 JAGUAR tick dark blue H NOMAD STATION WAGON CHEVROLET Like new PS P B R H uto trana TOWN SEDAN FORD H R o'dr cond Air BUICK ROADMASTER uto Ivory Like new power R H HARDTOP BUICK CENTURY one owner Like new PS PB R- H uto HARDTOP SARATOGA CHRYSLER One owner uto H H B P PS HARDTOP COUPE MONTEREY MERCURY 1958 1957 1957 1957 1958 Air cond FS FB R 1956 PONTIAC Fac STAR H R H auto Real iharp HARDTOP COUPE RETRACTIBLE auto power Cont Kit ir cond '500' R H Hydra R PS 1955 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE HARDTOP COUPE One local owner PS ft H auto 1955 MERCURY MONTEREY R H auto PS 1954 FORD V-- 8 CUSTOM H suto One owner clean 1957 PLYMOUTH V-- 8 R H stick shift 1956 FORD V-- 8 CUSTOM B H etick shift 1952 CHEVROLET DE LUXE R H stick shift RANCH WAGON 1958 FORD V-R H (tick shift 1958 FORD R H wide box DRIVE 1953 JEEP On owner beater 1956 GMC V-axle 370 series 1953 FORD V--8 - - - ENGINE TRACTOR trans axle 30 ft flat bed trailer $2395 $2195 $1695 $1195 tU93 $795 $1295 $995 $395 $1895 9000 miles Do It Yourself Specials AM SOME MINOR WORK NFEDED 405 ’52 Chev 375 Chev NOT leaving town Not forced ’51 375 145 to sell Ford Not going on a mission Dodg 125 ’50 Pont 225 Stude Just want to buy a new car 125 ’47 Stud 1958 Gold De Soto Firedoma 49 Buick 75 ’47 Stude convert All power equip Radio 50 heater ww tires top book is RETFORD MOTOR $2 900 Will sell for $2500 HU £ 6324 1940 W 3300 South AM '50 HARDTOP H Llk at See $1495 H blue finish Real sharp HARDTOP PS R H auto red 1958 CHEVROLET IMPALA COUPE R H uto PS PB Ivory One owner 1957 MERCURY STATION WAGON Air cond PS PB R H uto Ivory HARDTOP 1956 CHEVROLET R H overdrive 1958 EDSEL 1 VERN'S CARS 1 Across From Slim Olson's OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY Bountiful AX $2195 $2495 $2195 $1195 East 4376 8 3035 Miller AM '54 CHEV CR At SAFE-BU- Headquarters Y 50 BARGAINS at 2 Locations 951 4244 21st S E S '58 Merc $2598 '57 Merc hardtop $2298 wagon Power Like new Like new Power '57 Merc $2198 '57 Merc $1798 wagon Extra sharp '57 Pont $1 wagon 8Und 56 Plym sedan Stand 54 n Olds '53 Cad 53 R j H $?98j'56 Merc I 098 equlpped- - $9 298 f air Lika new $1 ' 698 Montclair 4dr hdtp Power - equipped Coupe deVille Ixtr aharp '53 Ford Custom equipped $1 $598 '55j Line $14 Capri hdtp Extr iharp $1 298 '55i Hudson $998 sed Fullv 88 pym $998 56 ync trans Real Super 998 '55 tranr State Hollywood hdtp Loaded $598 '54 Ford--$- '6 sedan Fully Cnatora You CAN Rely On the V SAFE-BU- 2-- 798 Extra (harp - By Good 50— Sporting golltalre diamond and 500 will Me for wedding band CASH FOR USED GUNS CR 350 Main Bill Gunml thief by 250 S State WOLFE'S SOX-Clot- hlng Fur CASH FOR GUNS Vrcmtikis Bros 3Q4Q S State etz 14 ANT bar-beof dumb bell 17$ WEDDING dra whtt Call for PDt-- to ee EM LS 2nd Bari Kaysvlile 254 M $60 107 ino—good camp coach 021 12 FT plywood boat 783 E 33ra South HU Hougia 6L IN - — - jW a- S m a A-- i Gas Arriola nd Vacation Sale $895 $1495 4-- dr o’dr original paint Dav or AM 210 Std trans Looks and runs like a new one Dave MU-le- r 8145— 53 Stude or AM AM Landcruiser eed 845 like new throughout FORD $1899 pb down bank termi Fail Auto Co ’58 ’56 BUICK pi hdtp sed $1675 2634 S State IN ’55 NASH hdtp cpe $895 RETFORD MOTOR 2ND CAR 1940 W 3300 South New tires naint cover brakes AM Sharp 49 mod 1440 E 6400 So ’88 EDSEL RANGER 1795 r h auto Inuntc $19— 52 Hudson Hornet sed Rea! Hdtp sharp 620 down bank terms Fail SECURITY Auto Co 2634 S State IN Vic 845 S 1957 FORD Fairlane EM State Low mileage Fordo May PS NEED TRANSPORTATION? trade IN 1951 Buick Roadmarter Clean 1956 CAD r h Dynaflow iet cover Buns SACRIFICE— 82000 or best well Good buy at $150 EL Light blue Fullv equipped Excel cond EL '59 IMPALA MUST SELL THIS WEEK All axtras $2895 Muat ell 1 '57 Buick Super lmmed CRB-618hdtp owner low mi CR ’53 CHEV 8125 '55 CHEV BA SED $1045 R H Excel cond 2805 S State HU 4- - 2580 S State HU 5933 ’34 FORD! Copped ' channel ’41 FORD pickup T Near new race $350 or trade 442 E 7th So R and H tires Motor excel ’57 OLDS PB hdtp white cond $150 cash HU RH Excel tlre EL standard $1245— ’57 Chev sed DE SOTO $1525 27000nT trana $75 down bank terms Fail '57 Clean Must sacrifice HU Auto Co 2634 S State IN ’49 CHEV $150 Xlnt car Me’57 OLDS 88 Excel cond 2805 S State HU chanic owned 81895 HU ’50 FORD convert Good cond 1954 CHEV station wag Standard 8290 or offer IN trans r h IN ’51 FORD R V8 h o’dr $345 1653 CHEV convert ww tires No dn pymt 310 W 33rd South r h HU $199 ’51 V-6“ OD 1949 FORD $100 Good CleanFORD 1378 Lincoln St 2805 State HU cond HU $895 new 1957 VOLVO FORD Wgn '54 Std with new rubber FORD One owner Good clean car Easy to finance Eph Wall AM or HU 5 5915 FORD '57 '500' R R h Fordo new ww tirei $1795 American model H Like new 4 real nice ones to choose from Vies 2 drs 4 drs and wagons Std and Fordo Mlller AM or t?!1 ’S3 ’52 ’51 $1SM $995 have T 8101 So Stat $295 1957 VESPA VAN 1957 VOLKSWAGEN $2195 axle hoist 1950 GMC CAB OVER 1958 VOLKSWAGEN 2'295 $2195 $1695 auto trans '®95 Like new HARDTOP CHIEF 2'295 $2695 '55 FORDS JPS Fleetwood interior 4 1959 CADILLAC MAIN S IDEAL BUY 3- 1959 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE Ivory fac air cond R H Sta Wgn 4-- station wagon New car trade-i$48 down $39 per month with OK credit call Sen EM n 1959 H 56 BUICK Estate Century Wagon This auto Is blue end white has PS P B and is exnice $1895 ceptionallyMORE MANY WAGONS TO SELECT FROM AT $299 OK 1957 FORD EL $699 Murray Motor 1957 FORD MOTOR $989 sice $10 DOWN MANY CARS TO CHOOSE FROM UTAH'S NO 1 VOLUME' RAMBLER DEALER 1957 COURTESY $3694 year Diamond SCC-'ew- elry MOTOR '52 RANCHO Convert R 4lr Passive tv '54 '52 Premium tires SIMCA $1899 VICTORIAS Real sharp Extra nice CHEVROLET BEL AIR Top Buy STUDEBAKER Real nice DE LUXE PONTIAC Extra nice MERCURY MONTEREY HDTP R Black and white Real nice One owner AND '52 CHEVROLET PANELS Real sharp OLDSMOBILE SUPER '88' HARDTOP Real nice 4-- CO ' Real 2— '52 FORD Cost Less PLYMOUTH $1599 Loaded nice Real nice $1499 DODGE - $1899 $f899 - CHEVROLET WAGON Extra nice sew tires Fully equipped THUNDERBIRD Llk new low mile One owner MERCURY MONTEREY '55 New Cars oan Co Morgan Rel '58 COURTESY ‘iIId HAC Sed r Real harp One owner CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE Real iharp 19000 mile DODGE '57 From Allowance n '57 '57 '57 '51 PONTIAC STATION WAGON Radio heater automatic transmission white well tires '56 FORD Rch Wgn $1399 Custom Radio heater overdrive white well tires de luxe Interior '58 INT'L Sta Wan $2599 Travel-al- l drive Weren hubs radio heater Very low mileage '57 DODGE Roy 4-- d $ 1899 Hardtop Radio heater automatic transmission two-ton- e gold and white white wall tires origLow miles inal '57 CHEV V-- 8 2-'$1499 Radio heater automatic transmission two-ton- e paint '53 CHEV $699 Radio heater white wall tires two-ton- e cold end white '54 FORD $799 Radio heater overdrive two-ton- e paint white wall tires '57 FORD 4-Hdtp $1699 Fairlane Radio heater automatic one owner like new '53 DODGE Cor 4-$699 V-- 8 radio heater automatic white wall tires '51 FORD Victoria $399 Radio heater new seat covers like new '51 PLYM Hdtp $424 Radio heater white walls two-ton- e red and white Record ud new USED CAR BIGGER WILSON'S td HAC Llk '56 Finance Terms 1955 VW $1575 '58 CHEV $1795 ' $1729 $1849 '53 LONGER 1957 FORD RCH WGN r h Thundrebird ‘8’ P81750 terms arranged A'so BARGAINS—WHILE THEY LAST Std trans like new Dark $541-3Wanted $445 53C-Clot- hing hp Evinrude-dem- o good Don Brady blue ww tires 30-p Evinrude-ele- c $345 AM AM 35 h p Oliver elec good $325 MEN'S CLOTHING — RADIOS TV 16 Johnson Good cond $75 Hollywood ’57 CHEV 210 V-- 8 $1395 R S W 1st S EL hp TVf hp Johnson good cond $185 h auto Runs perf COMPLETELY CHECKED 5 h p Johnson good cond $85 Gold Wanted onds UP $4995 14 ft Fiberglassed wood with SECURITY $345 accessories pANCO FURNITURE 701 S State 14 all EM WE BUY diamonds ft Blue Star de luxe upgold watches 845 8 State Mam 271 So a G iff in' USED LESTER GRAND PIANO holstery 14’with accessories $445 ferns 1953 DE SOTO Firedome V-New $298 $389 plywood owner low sedan Ong Medium size mahogany excel- 10’ Aluminum $119 12' $239 mileage excel cond R H auto lent condition 14' New figerglass $289 iture Wanted see to appreciate trans Must DAYNES MUSIC $598 $895 15' Kedfish de luxe $450 4431 S 3200 W AM 15 East 1st South Dn Bank Terms Eos 10 WE TOP THEM ALL NEW model 32 H Leslie speaker '57 BUICK $1550 liv for Hammond organ Best and DUCE SPOT CASH for bedroom 3650 S STATE Dynaflow p steering 18800 latest model for about used price lng room chrome aets broadloom or new EL miles Like at DE LUXE SKI BOAT COMPLETE All Call Glenn Pratt EL furniture carpets rugs baby DA Choice of 15-f- t’ DAYNES MUSIC fibreglas or kinds of desks pianos chest of elec Yellow moulded drawers retrig dresser mahog PONT INSTRUMENTS 1956 for rent Zand acket boat plus new Johnson range Call EL 5 free lessons with each instruMust sell lmmed Oris owner motor steering and CAPITOL FURNITURE CO ment CALL now for best aelec 35 hp controls Low mi Excel cond Make offer Installed de and tion IN WE NEED FURNITURE trailer Life jackets skis Summerhays Music 3719 g State luxe rope and paddle Complete reedy Fairlane Fordo Furniture Ex- ’56 FORD Call American bo USED clarinets wanted In trade for use Now Bank terms $1095 R H 81185 Accept trade or EM 69 S West Temple change on world-famou- s 10 LeBlanc Symdown at once Top prices paid for help finance No dealers 1530 In demonCall for SO 3 free PREECE 4203 STATE JACK phony washers gas ranges htrs rugs W 13th South HU stration White-hous- e YELLOW Jacket Wizard pianos coil springs mattresses ’57 OLDS 88’ convert 20000 mis Buhimerhays Music 3719 S State and Alums Craft WOULD LIKE TO BUY RIGHT Pb ps w-Security Excellent copt RAND new 33 and 45 boats Tee Nee and American AWAY COMPLETE HOUSEFUL CR $2095 280 Valley records iazz popular and classiboat trailers of all sizes Com- of furniture dishes etc View Ave rugs cal Selling at fraction of cost our now at boat plete display 17-cash EM ’54 FORD Pay R 8 Customline 8764 2353 CR OlymNew show all fibreglas Moving body repair Overdrive pus Dr boat with uphol seats windshield HONEST JOHN pay more for fur H Minor or anything of $400 TU 230 Grantsville niture terms Bank appliance $995 and steering KNABE GRAND PlANO A E North fit value 802 W 2nd So EL 10 down Excellent eond 1954 $1200 CR 8- - Jack Preece Marine 4203 So State PAY MORE — Baby furn rug MERCURY sedan furn old 8133 hsehold chests books Sharp Must see to appreciate MARINE ACCESSORIES 1257 Crandall Ave odds ends antiques IN Phone IN 7 SATURDAY IS PIANO BARGAIN The West’f most complete stock CASH ON THE LINE! Most all 1780 Sat and Sun DAY at Summerhav’s Music 3719 5 State New spinet pianos as of boating water skiing equip kind of furn needed NOW Zion’ 1 OWNER— 53 Olds 98 H T Exment low as $10 down $10 per month cel cond See to appreciate Furniture 123 S State EL Pwr brakes windows seat IN tOLUMBIA stereo record player FURN appliances piece or house 6 mos old good cond $125 Call AM ful Hignest price TRANSPORT SUPPLY after 5 or all day EM ’50 Bulck Headmaster WANT USED FURN at once Any CONVERT EM 685 S State New top good cond Make offer Saturday and Sunday EL or all EM HIGGINS CY 4481 W 5055 So TVs new used players for EM CALL top price Kearns very little almost like new Service calls $3 Downs TV Sales used 185-hInterceptor motor Cost Pahl' Furniture 115 S W Temp and Service 680 E 3rd South '56 OLDS '88' $5300 sale price $399& Trlr and WANTED— USED FURNITURE EM other accessories See at AM Green and white sedan JitAGNATONB organ epeaker Will many 3253 South Washington Poultry Auto trans IN work on any make organ Good Washington Blvd Ogden Utah Loan 54— Money ’‘deal 57 Chev Hardtop Clean EX ' DAYNES MUSIC EL WS W Excellent cond R h mtrs Hydro Swift auto trans 175 E 45th So Apt JctMBALL PIANOS uv on an- - JOHNSON LOANS boats used 50 Johnson elect 1 AM models niversary $825 New '58 Johnson manual UP TO $J000 SUGAR HOUSE MUSIC CO $550 16’ Oasis boat Mark 75 '59 THUNDERBIRD IN 2136 S 11th East motor Tilt trailer $1750 ThompFOR ANY WORTHY PURPOSR son Marine 34 E 2nd North PIANOS bought solo exchanged Loaded HU $3800 18 24 12 COMPL Kaysvlile Phone 459 R anytime Cash you tuned and repairing pmts ’58 CHEV ata w’ag pints Receive pmtg Stick PIANO restyling Home Service CHRIS CRAFT enclosed ahift blue 18000 mile $1949 45 W 3rd South EM IQ !? cruiser New 235 hp Chrysler 32 2583 AM 4666 19S8 Motorola car radio Imperial Marine Hydraulic shift 8166 1953 CAD convert 6566 9300 13111 R H New $28 sleeps 4 Many extras Trailer 103I33 186 66 000 avail to move Priced $5500 41 top tnd tires $1345 1997 Im UTAH COMMUNICATIONS So 5th West Provo FR SO So Wot Temple OVER 30 YEARS FAIR DEAUNG IN perial IN ECHO RESERVOIR LOW MI ’53 Chev hardtop runs Conn organ Ktln-uLIGHTLY TO THE PUBLIC and looks like new Will sell for model Beaut walnut cata In gow OPEN PHONE EM fishing sandv beaches 837 S MAIN equity EM perfect condition EL and shade trees 4S minutes from PROVO 282 N UNIVER FR MUSIC ) DAYNES 59 RAMBLER Rebel sedan O'dr DA info Lake For fetlLBRANSEN mall piano finest Salt IF YOU NEED Many extras Make offer 732 EM tone beautiful etyle Bargain CR Pearl Harbor EM BOATS GLASSPAR - term 2233-7tFINANCES Eat 53 CHEV BA $595 R and Balboa fishing boat $398 t H excel USED electronic organ $495 cond 2558 Simpson 14-Lido ski boat $595 try our PERFECT PROTECTION HU 44625 HART BROS MUSIC GRANITE AUTO AND MARINE LOAN Plan We furnish finances new IN on 2130 S 11th East nd guarante completion AM 3817 S State MUST sell 59 T Bird convert Best construction Also money availoffer over $4000 Call days Let spinet Free Estimate 14' BIRCHCRAFT de luxNo runable for older homes DA eves EL OLD PIANO reaMark 55 Complete about 58 PONTIAC Sugar House Music IN sonable offer refused See at 829 SPROUL REALTY sta Safari wagon Zenith Ave or call HU '50 customized SPINET PIANO $425 Chev EL IN 6 0414 234 E 2nd South IN Sugar Hous Music Co IN Lone Star fishing and ski-in- g 9130 S 11th East 49 OLDS Clean slg Its R H PERSONAL LOANS boat and trailer Windshield elec organ CHILDS new true-ton- e excel running cond Best offer 25 to 1500 ’ $325 EM 3- - steering tsrp and oars EL and son book EL 2200 livestock for trade or Sell DIAL FINANCE CO 3600 ’53 PONTIAC hdtp R h new W 7100 S AM Tfl-F— tires Naugahyde interior EL 9- I by Phllco Phonorama $330 SALT LAKE CABIN BEAUTIFUL 2863 Phllco hi-f- i tape recorder $230 415 Walker Bank Bld-- EM CRUISER CR ’57 CHEV ‘210’ DA paint Marine inboard Trailer 121 E 3rd South Good rubber $1595 or best offer Used Sohmer console piano A Gray boat Asking family OGDEN perfect HU for Owner transferred Will gacr Make offer IN $1900 EX 44593 321 Eccles Bldg 5795 EM New covde luxe 1601 52 CHEV EX St 2nd floor boat 35 Johnson 15 FIBERGLAS ers battery brakes PowergUde liEW SPINET PIANO 495 910 Tilt trailer steering and controls IN 3 pm after dn 910 per mo Marine $1195 Thompson 1958 CHRYSLER Summerhays Music 3719 6 State Only New Yorker 34 E 2nd North Keysvllle Phone Like new Will consider trade FINANCING— —AUTO TERRIFIC BUY — Fender guitar 459-anytime IN 5 —FURNITURE LOANS— EM aft and amp Sat DUCK HUNTERS -—APPLIANCE LOANS— 1955 JEEP airboat 150-h- p ebout pm t engine Exceptional St 222 Concord 16000 miles AX cond — PHILCO TV set with si And Private fxcel party 10" screen Sea to apprec AM 6- - 5298 EM e 53 CHEV Bel Air sed Btrchcraft Fiberglassed 714 So Main RH $300 EL 35 Johnson electric motor custom PIANO CASH FOR YOU LOANS UP TO $2000 built pId trailer Call after 5 ’49 BUICK CaU Good cond $100 EL AX IN after 6 pm NATIONAL BOAT RESIN $5 95 GAL with '52 GMC Must '50CHEV 'TapeHART BROS MUSIC color cloth pigments sell Best offer EL Fibergla OF UTAH FINANCE Elastic Products etc Low prices 130 S 11th East IN ’49 ’62’ CAD ed R h Hydra 937 IF- -' “ 21 E 2ND SOUTH EL 393 No dn pymt 310 W 33rd S console radioMAJESTIC hi-f- i engine Good 17-i- n t 40 HP Mercury serviced consola TV Se ’87 BELV Plym phono led R h $275 cond LOAN Completely CASH 1507 S TO State good tire HU 7596 S 7th East AM - Office m Rooevlt 52 CHEV t O REPOSSESSED TV SETS 15 sedan $329 1208 outboard Mark MERCURY S 3324 State Serviced guar $30 up Easy motor Good cond Rea 1432 W Spanish Fork and E 1st South EM Salt Lake City terms 555 S State EL ’M OLDS 3350 outh HU extra All Very UINTA FINANCE CO tlKE new seldom used King alto 14’ FIBERGLASSED runabout and clean $295 offer CR -3340 Santa sex $195 HU Phone HU acoeisoriea All steel oioe trailer EXCEL Hurry! ’55 CHEV Del STy cpe Rosa Drive $390 or best offer DA 38000 mis Sacr $939 IN LOANS Custom-mad- e fuii-s- z accordion 300 or 1500 JOHNSON outbd $20 to ’53 HENRY J Good cond HU Pale blue mother of pearl Make host offer See to aopreciate 1171 Emerson FINANCE HOUSEHOLD ' Offer HU 4889 S 13th Eat CRT-394'56 BUICK 2-Riv $1000 665 EL Sait Lak Ts'EARLY new Lowry home organ 16 h P Good EX Kensington IN Ogden $800 or best offer Need money cond $85 57 W 5300 So AM FR Provo ’52 DODGE club Best offer 1053 to build AM View St HU5-551CASH for real estate contract VURLITZER pinet piano Like factory built glaased bot- N M Long & Co 749 S State 55 CHEV 528 r beat tom boat —new Coat $700 iac hdtp See to eppreci-at- e 2690 W 3500 South CR offer EM AM AM Wanted Automobiles 54X— o am-fradio pow 8 HP Champion hydro drive IN Excellent condition Ton— auip Hoffman —phono LJk new Make offer 824 Bryan DA Ave EL '58 VlDEO a accordion Uicd 8 SAIL BOAT — See at 1401 Mill- 175 Cot $729 840 Nl Red-woo-d ta ry Way EM moa Si OLDS convert Good cond Rd EM 4 1196 IN 1815 E Stratford PIPE BOAT TRAILERS ’49 models up to $200 'PRAC NEW EVtRETT PIANO NEW CUSTOM BUILT AX ’47 FORD 73 or sed ’50 $300 models to up HU 47783 $575 HU offer UPHOL $450 ’51 models TOPS to COVERS BOAT up iLOND 2 manual Thomas elec $o50 CONVERT 157 E 9th So ’52 models up to CUNNINGHAM Buick ’84 See to AM $725 All Makes AU Body Styles "gan Excel EM or HU COVERS— FOLDING TOPS' SPINET PIANO LIGHT WOOD BOAT 11659 S STATE CARTER’S M-A-l-- N 6-5- -0 1350 IN 380 CR 1983 PLYM O’dr CABIN cruiser motor trailer GRETCH rhvthm guitar 8 mol 19’1590 1374 W 3rd South 1949 PLYM club cpe R h with old IN S800 cond IN ww Inboard nice CASH Very good cond piano Wonderful 565 Kensington IN R h 600 1958 PLYM Plaza 3-AM or Equity For Your EM PfrE BOAT TRAILER 49 116 PIANO 10447 So 1300 W Rldgedaic Circle HU ’49 CADILLAC— 115 1180 CranSALES LELIS ELGIN IV glassed Fish ' dall (2878 So) SMALL piano ilka new Bargain 514 HP HU EL erman 2233-7t860 South Main ’63 FORD atatlon wagon term East VERY GOOD JOHNSON $600 CY 5 HP ®t Radio King siing-erlan- d Complete HIGHEST PRICES PAID CONDITION EM ’S3 FORD ta wagon Must drums HU FOR GOOD USED sell EM ISlBASS ACCORDION EXCEL SHR— Cameras Equipment CARS AND- - PICKUP 1955 NASH Ambassador Super 6 CONDITION IN "" BIG STOCK ued V 25 up DA 2 0784 T9C Semco 9 95 ’87 CHEV 216 S 5th E EM 4A733 4x5 Busch Pres earner 81499 EM HU 39 95 714 South Main 1990 S State 5 down XCCORDION — Titano Voigtlander Viteasa 35 mm 15 95 8 mm Revere magazine 57 CAD fully powered air cond $5 month EM TOP PRICES PAID 94 39 HU EL 7 Kodak tereo fRNDER gutUr and molifler model care— truckg for Kodak maga7lne Medallion 49 95 ’81 PONTIAC Catalina (d cond down $7 per month EM DICK’S AUTO SALES 9 95 “ Kodak Ponv 828 H EM R and IN B Main EL 93 1138 4 Hart's new PIANO ASH FOR YOUR Minolta Reflex like Baskon 8 mm projector Sugar House Music IN -(new) “DRUM get of drums Keystone KAO $ mm gfter 4 resnorigB EM 3998 projector ( new VfcANCE band drum get Comp SAANS PHOTOGRAPHY w tra pg $200 HU DA 115 8 Main V'URLITZER baby grand mahog Fine cond Must sell DA ZINIK’S 50 South Main TOP CASH PRICE GAMMON'D organ $700 terms ft Down Payments AM 2--dr tir Better Cars No waiting immediate delivery Not over powered so price is or right Don Brady AM Call CR SPTS AUTO UNION 1000 Hdtp All new car this year Only one in Utah Loaded Sells new $4200 Being furnished a car in business Will sacr See Chevron Service 3700 Highland Dr CR HARDTOP hatr whltwl $1899 57 SELECT COURTESY '59 59 Buys" '57 HARDTOP EDSEL Llk new low mile Full power On owner MERCURY HARDTOP Low mile Fully equipped Extra clean safe buy CHEVROLET BEL AIR Real iherp Red and whit BUICK HARDTOP Reel sharp Low miles MERCURY STATION WAGON '57 - FROM $2199 '58 Your Buy MAN Wasatch Motor tAIAYBE Radio i BOUNTIFUL MOTOR WISE Station Wagon "CEC" LANE DEALER CHECK THIS BUY DAVIS IMPORT CO NOW ALL HARDWARE-B- UY STOP! SIMCA BUICK RIVIERA 1942 GMC PICKUP 1950 FORD YOUR CHOICE $250 (NO DOWN PAYMENT) for Sale 155— Automobile Solo MERCURY-EDSE-L 1949 DODGE 1950 DE SOTO 1951 for 55— Automobiles COURTESY DODGE-PLYMOUf- H Blair Motor Co mi - 55 AutomobilM for Solo for Solo 51— Slort Cffic Equipment desk 1 Royal typewriter STATE WANTED— 1000 CARS Any Model— HU WESTERN ALTO WRECKING for Solo for Solo 5— AutomoblUi Wantsd 54X— Automobiles 6 REVOLVER 'and holiler cower telescop lor rifle photo-£ STEEL graphic enlarger 22 rifle W ill VOn' CR7?7282d t0t Mddl - J tat tnach Tuna imanc 2 W 3rd MATTRKSSFS for station wagon South or umiuti Mad to order ICE CREAM iTreesers Ice Makers Overman Mattress Co 740 Soda Fountains Refrigerators Pacific Av New and used Terms— Trades REMINGTON SALT LAKE CABINET model 740 de luxe uto loader $100 Rugar single 136 S West Temple EM i°- - ClU SiUST SACRIFICE-Ianadd' and d EM 30937“ “tl h0lri subtract machine cash register ‘Warrior BLACK HAWK bow counters glass fix typewriter hand guard arm guard quiwer tures metal filing cabinets desks 23 arrow used onca 2400 E 3080 chairs 23 W 3rd South f South brmt CASH REGISTER SALE Ctwi sSiS S Save up to $125 oa new CLARY Redwood Chris and blck’s Registers on our Sprint sale HAVE MONEY— want guns 2638 Also used equipment EM So 8tate IN WE BUY and cell adding me MORE CASH FOR GUNS chines cafe office equipment ZINIK'S — 50 South Main INTEftMOUNAIN MEBCH SUP 18 ASST E! flies size 12 or 14 $L 56 E 4th South post pd WaUL 5519 Elaine Ave CASH FOR FIXTURES Safes Desks Showcases etc SOA-B- oatf Motors EL Merchant' Salvage fix-turhlUST VACATE— For ule tables booths mirrors ate Kitchens Bedroom Living Room Easy Terms Furn S Fort cost make offen 5QX— Clothing BOATS $19850 State Ciodi LI NCOLNMERCURY ‘ OPEN 4244 S STATE 951 E 21ST SOUTH EVENINGS AM HU4-873- 1 |