Show -' x --r r -- The 3G 5—Automobile far for Sale 155— Automobile Sol USED CARS AUCTION PRICED $500 NOW '59 '59 '58 '58 '58 '58 OLDS 2-- CHEV OLDS OLDS dr Fairlane Sed $2298 MERC Mont Hdtp Sd $2598 FORD for 55— Automobile for Sal 55— Automobiles FORD STOKER MOTOR 44 ' TOOELE '53 CAD '62' Heater CAD '62' Sedan 8 A 4 dr Sed H Powerglide White wall tire 55 MERC Monterey Sed R R Mercomatia $1495 '57CHEV $1'795 r Stone $1295 new whitewall tires 210' 4-$1295 Sedan Heater overdrive '56 CHEV FORD Cntry Sed $2295 R H Fordomatic P S brown and White Car No 6100 '57 CHEW Woqon 6 Pass $1795 Extra nice '54 PLYM Sovoy Sedan $695 R H Tpwerflite $995 '55 FORD ' $895 Very R H Black '56 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE $4899 Air conditioning seats Autronic Eye YOUR CHOICE OF TWO-O- ne Has 8000 Miles '58 One Has 12000 '58 LINCOLN Special W CADILLAC Premiere V 8 Curtom itewall Ures 300 SARATOGA CHRYSLER '57 COUPE CADILLAC Buckskin now was '54 FORD NOW WAS $695 '53 $548 $695 '53 DODGE Sedan $695 $498 Convert $195 '50 PONT $195 $148 Sedan — you get the best deal all ways always at Ken Garff Co 610 NO DOWN PAYMENT -- o'drtve FORD 52 WILLYS 6 o'driv Fa£ka“c8 NASH 59 lke new '56 Utah's Oldest Car Dealer '58 BUICK Sup $2899 '57 BUICK 75R $2445 '55 '57 BUICK Est Wgn $2275 4-- 295 245 V-- '55 BROWNING'S $995 55 FORD wagon 55 BUICK Century Convert $1095 $445 54 PLYMOUTH Club $495 52 BUICK std trans hdtp $195 5J OLDS Club A-- l tirea 51 E 8 TILL 8 OPEN - '56 5th So Bet State and 2nd Main '59 '56 Ken Garff Co' So leg Loaded with everything inair conditioning cluding 4 700 actual local miles Original cost on this unit was over 88400 CADILLAC CPE $5495 6 wav seat autrmuO eve full power Beautiful desert tan Drive in miles only CADILLAC CPE $2395 Power steering and brakes radio heater Beautiful blue LINCOLN PREM $2395 coupe PS P B Hdtop power windows and seat Canary yellow with matching leather interior CAD CPE DVL $2395 P B power windows PS seat Sun glow gold with and lvorv top GOLDEN HAWK $1595 finest hdtop Studebaker’s PS coupe Radio heater p B w w tires Beautiful mocha and white finish with matching vinvl interior FORD V-- 8 Ct Sd $1395 o d heater Radio light finish Must be seen to e appreciated RAMBLER St Wg Custom Cross Country Radio heater automatic Real sharp $150 (aa ill BUICK 2-Air $1795 ALL ARE MECHANICAL- SOTO 67 JJE $2 195 AVERFireflyte ABOVE AND INSPECTED Or and AGE CONDITION Power steering J 6 way HU seat 2S80 S Mam '55 DODGE Sedan $1295 i'56CAD '62' Convt 52(545 Custom Royal 4 door Radio 5 brand terlrc"utomatic' BUICK '56 $1875 Wagon '56 BUICK Super Sed $1439 '56 FORD V-- 8 Sedan $1195 CHEVROLET Radio 1958 Cutomhne 4 door '56 BUICK No 213 $1399 heater automatic 8 CYLINDER BEL AIR $1095 '55 BUICK Rdm Cpe $1445 '55 CHEV '6' BA sedan Radio heater '55 PLYM Belv Hdtp $1195 o d Original throughout '54 FORD V-- 8 Cty Sd $895 Automatic heater good tires and runs fine pack AX 5 3498 54 HUDSON Hornet 290 S Mam Bountiful $495 $799 '53 PLYM Sedan ' Radio heater odi nearly A twin H powered cream puff '54 VOLKSWAGEN A real jewel Noi new tires '53 DE SOTO '6' Sed $595 down payment to qualified $995 buyer OLDS '52 Must rebuilt '88' $299 '52 FORD V-- 8 Sedan $395 Engine completely see to appreciate '51 BUICK No 165A $295 Radio heater motor recently No down pay overhauled '51 CHEV $295 ment to qualified buyer PLYMOUTH '50 $250 D THE BEST TOR LESS DA 2 1721 '49 BUICK 250 S Mam r Rdm $225 NEARLY NEW SELECT FROM A SELECT AT USED CAR PRICE SELECTION OF FINE CARS 1959 Bulck hdtp sedan 3000 EL 94360 1035 South Main ini beautiful powder blue and Free Lube Book With Each Car ’55 FORD V-Victoria r h Ivory PS P H Dynaflo See w w auto trans sharp HU thi one $3199 52 as vis ROBERTS BLAND 31 S '56 K BROWNING'S MOTORS State St FORD 370 S EL 4-- No miles fully SedT Full Wasatch Motor MAIN S EM 4 8S73 1956 BUICK Fully powered New top leather Interior Blair Motor Co 648 MAIN CONVERTIBLE Hdtp car $59 down Local and can arrange small monthly payments with good credit MZ: l5'495rSt clcaif bank terms Fail Auto Co S State IN 6 9832 2634 AM 2 2279 1230 S Main DA 8 9892 1950 ror(i 6 B h od $100 or $245— ’51 OLDS 88 sed like new best offer A 5 7780 743 N bank Ruflia Circle Woods Cross $25 down throughout terms Fail Auto Co 2634 S 1949 CHEV Exceptional 4 new State IN 6 9832 tires radio new battery Sacri-fic- e 1956 FORD Country Sedan R H $275 Phone AX Fordomatic power brakes T Bird BY OWNER ’38 Olde 98 eed engine Sac $1400 cash CY 8 Power steering brakes windows 3914 — -- antennas seat $1250 CR — — 1947 DE S0T0 coup Mak' 0fer Rea0c5a?‘'‘TmLr2Ld0'ter-j151 Portola Ave ibet 8th and — — ' 7th So on West Temple) V1 FORD Good cond New ’50 PONTIAC h t good cond tiresCashonly HU4-178Best offer HU 5 9305 R H New 56 DODGE 4 DR HDTP SHARP 33 FORD CONVERT ton HU 1990 S State HU 1957 FORD 9 passenger wagon ’50 MFRC $95 1207 Major AM 9 3931 DA 2 1741 FORD retractable hdtp trade 3675 S 7th East AM ’58 Spring Sale MORGAN'S USED CARS '52 '53 '54 '55 OR '56 MODEL CAR? LOOKING FOR A '51 BE SURE AND '50 '51 '51 '53 '52 '53 '53 '53 '53 '52 '54 CHEVROLET Club Coupe CHECK '57 CHEV H 2-- 4-- 4-- 4-- 2-- 4-- $299 $299 $399 '51 '51 r: PLYMOUTH BUICK Hardtop - '51 CHEV Convert '48 DODGE IU S MAIN $199 $299 $299 $99 JH NEW LIKE Choice Buys '55 R sedan Win W $1095 '55 MERC Montclair hdtp h w w 6 Passenger wagon R h auto w w V-- 8 o pet S 498 feet 398 1951 Chry Windsor 4 dr IT'S EASIER TO DEAL $25 1957 PLYMOUTH club sedan Red and beige power brake control radio $1295 heater whitewall tires DOWN And Your Secured Credit Will Deliver Any Car in Our Stock STAPLES CHEVROLET STAPLES CHEVROLET OPEN UNTTL 8 PM npiTM TtNTTT 8PM 290S MainBountiM AX LINCOLN-MERCUR- S Main EL r HU 5 5935 BUICK or convert Excel cond Make offer Call CR 4001 11th East today tom Extras CR S Care '53 648 el s state ‘55 PLYM 931 '57 Sedan 4-- month with $29 down $36 good credit Call Ben LM '56 MAIN '8' ext oo rora SLrWTVto too?nncond or good $125 ' '58 '57 '58 '59 '59 '58 '56 '57 '58 '57 '57 VICTORIA 2d 000 mi Fordomatic R H $1895 IN "SOO" '54 BUICK RIV $945 85 E Crystal Ave IN 7 1508 47 DODGE clb cpe R H good Ynotor $75 EM 516 Nava- jo St hard1955 BUICK Special top atExconcecond New tires Must ell 1250 AX 55 OLDS Super 88 Hoi sed 5 new tires Excel cond DA2-093- 8 L0 0JCH w w auto B 58 EDSEL sfa wagon pass 9 000 mis Pu r steering Make offer AM 54698 CHEV sta wagon Must sell v-8 R H AM PwrgJlde Y like new John 4421 or EL 5 3919 MAIN S Sedan $ WGN Power steering power brakes I owner real sharp 980 S State HU 1959 CADILLAC convert White and red leather interior air cond 3mq old Must sell Priv OLDS 2 ‘88’ HU CHEV r Bel Air R h ?Allde545 Ong paint or days OVER ‘40 TO h auto w w sedan V-- $1095 '57 PLYM $1495 h auto ww sedan $25 DOWN And Secured Credit Will Deliver Any Cor In Our Stock Blair Motor Co 64aJS MAIN LOOK The best offer takes this 55 Cad You can have It for below blue book wholesale Local one owner car Don AM 6 4421 or AM 5 7369 Brady '57 FORD Vic In MERC 51 NEW LIKE std sun visor w-tires Washington St EL '49 CHEV 1051 E 2970 South trans $210 R h 8634 EM-- 4 SAVE $245 6575 1950 STOP-SHOP-S- WAP BANK TERMS CADILLAC Real Sharp Up To 36 Months To Pay $4497 V-- 8 THUNDERBIRD CHEVROLET Radio Heater '57 '58 FORD Fairlane Factory Air Conditioning whitewall tirea r55ii?'heIfr Ic Powder blua finish be1tJhif!aaaa'1trorJ mUe"1 $1999 MERCURY $2199 '57 CROWN ’i1' AM IMPERIAL Convertible nowr Including white finW tires leather interior heater 'P All New “whitewall 19000 milea $3199 '56 BUICK Super yiKrt' 10250 Power steering power broke Radio heater brown and beige fjnYF a dash fetching interior 22000 miles Sold new for 4600 Our once Bef’Air OPEN UNTIL 9 PM PONTIAC-CADILLARAMBLER heaterv power near Package miles Car is Turnpike Hardtop LAURY MILLER STATE 18 t?00 $1699 Suburban FORD Country Sedan VOLVO Wagon SOUTH radio teering new tire like new FORD Fairlane '50C 7 LINCOLN Premiere OLDSMOBILE Air Cond CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH Belvedere SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION 4919 '57 CADILLAC PONTIAC No Money Down To Qualified Buyers Hardtop Radio heater tinted glass Power steering power brakes safety package Pink and white interior New 11 w h I te w matching tires oflkliil ‘one owner car 27367 miles '55 PACKARD CHOOSE FROM The Largest Selection - Jn The West R 325 RIVERTON UTAH 56 BUICK CENTURY STA” WAG $599 Pickup Trucks $495 '55 FORD LAKE IS?3 YC FORD De Soto $ 525 Chev $ 495 Olds ht pwd $1 4851 ’55 Olds Hoi cpe $1395 pwd ’56 Pont ht 1595 '46 Line $ 95 "CEC" LANE MOTOR SALES LINCOLN-MERCURY 5TH AT MAIN ’59 PLYM Fury sports sed $2993 EL 633 S Main 6000 mi r h T F trans p — steer p brakes p oack See to CHEV 4-Wnn 58 Sta EL9 2973eC' M 1913 Hubbard 12000 actual miles $99 down and we can arrangepayments to 1958 FAIRLANE ‘500’ Ford Fully loaded Will accept trade and suit you Call Ben EM help with financing BUTTERFIELD MOTOR CO Fully equip looks and runs Real niceSuper No dn $445 Thomas AM6-- I pymt 310 Wonly 33rd South Jn p0rC De Soto $1599 $599 $599 $499 $799 '53 6 cyl sedan J EL H 648 52 '53 53 '55 $599 $599 Spring Sale H Blair Motor Co LAKE R LEASE Good In the swim location hard surfaced double offices with complete rest room facili ties Large storage space with nice small shop $250 monthly EL 94300 Phon Sunday and evenings Call HU '55 CHRYSLER Windsor New car trade-i- n 59 down and can Arrange pavmenta to- uit you Call Ben EM sedan V-- BUY WARRANTY ON ALL CARS FORD FOR 7V Quality Cadillac Trades 4695 DEALER Htp $2799 Bet buy L(o) (o)K USED CARS 3469 S STATE AM 2 1122— CR trt R H Hydra OR1G owner 1953 Buick 4 dr sed H good cond R $550 2410 Blaine Ave IN 50 BUICK Super R h Dyna $250 No dn pymt 310 West 33rd South 1930 OLDSMOBILE sedan 1950 Ford Crestline antique Continental kit EL RAMBLER h R BUD'S IN 6 9365 De luxe model chev Good condition $250 IN '55 CAD ’56 OLDS Holladav Factory air Like new $1820 HU Best offer HU PLYMOUTH $85 or coupe I’M FORD station wagon Country 1948 best offer IN Squire 5Exc cond 1270 3rd Ave EL 5496 EL CUSTOMIZED ’53 Ford $560 V STUDE hardtop perfect 4894 S Redwood AM COnd R H 1851 PLYMOUTH i:9957 HUAIHT: Tiean? EL PS- A sedan zu Co°rn2634anski runs h auto $1295 '57 CHEV $1695 9 pass BROWNING'S (98 1150 $10 dn $8 50 mo £L South Mam 56 BUICK hardtop power steertires ing brakes R H w-Excel cond 1905 Imperial IN 6 FOREMOST 9 passenger wagon R WW owner 570 S Main or EL IN NASH Looks good and radio heater automatic 1 r h $895 Royal Lancer elec seat $1295 1956 Olds 88 Super Holiday y trans power brakes power steering r h St 395 1958 Chev ton nickup r h $1495 1953 Ford pickup heater Fordomatic $495 1952 Ford h r 4 speed front andpickup rear bumpei coupe ps p b hdtp r h USED CAR LOT 8 LINCOLN-MERCUR- SAVE PLENTY HU 1957 Prem '58 T-BI- '55 OLDS or LINC 2 dr Impala h Turbow Glide hdtp $2 695 r h Fordomatic $1695 1957 Merc Monterey hard top r h $1595 1957 Ford Country sed wagon V-r h Fordomatic $1 695 1957 Chev V-2 di r h Power R 1958 Ford Customline ps w $695 '55 FORD SHARP CARS Flawless conitlbn original Coral and white auto trans and power seat Guaranteed and per feet Priced to eil John Thomas AM p 13 3 Perfect original condition Beautiful gray 4 DR and white finish 1 OWNER $565 Fs auto trans low mi John Priced to sell low ml Local ’51CAP S State HU -- 1980 AM Dave Miller AM or EL -- Thomas AM 0 1770 ’61 or CAD Coup DeVille Mak ll70WHlmgtcn800HuS69t300-5HOME OF QUALITY CARS E 767 offer 8475 convert South CAD Powered sir ’57 Sandy 1155 S Main DA 2 2038 Bun ood CHR7V42-ricond $3350 or best offer Will Chev Inspection finance AM 6 2796 239 E 5600 S 345 Cons trade AM MORGAN 4 a 648 S ww auto sedan 4-- MAIN S inFully pwd State Radio heater overdrive V-- EM WHOLESALE 1959 Chev LINCOLN $39 down and $42 a month This' week only Call Ben EM 34566 633 S Mam MOTORS O n h R p b Sed 4-- After 6 $495 “srt8si Blair Motor Co '52 1950 MERCURY ' '56 Blair Motor Co $1395 823 SOUTH MAIN ijoM8Mm PLYM AIR HDTP COUPE Chev std o Veiified one owner A beauty in All original interior $1599 K 1056 ’56 ‘LI 95 SALT LAKE'S COMPARE DECK MOTOR BEL '57 MERC Hdtp Yellow and white all leather Interior trim Powered car Eph Wall AM And Secured Credit Will Deliver Any Car In Our Stock $1295 DA Main 910 S EM Sti $1 transmission V-Standard Real sharp LAKE Wasatch Motor '56 FORD hardtop ' 53438 290 S Mam Btfl OF PARKING IN-PL- ENTY 1956 Chev 4 dr V-1956 Dodge Custom SAFE 57 PLYMOUTH Savoy Reconditioned With Personalized '56 Chrvsler — Plymouth HU 4 7621 21st South 23 E No 20TB lghde$l195 DOWN NEW CUSTOM SED FULLY FQUIPPED $2460 3 '59 DEMOS Huge savings OUR LOW OVERHEAD WILL SAVE YOU MONEY 560 S 5th West Btfl AX CALDWELL'S $1995 633 $25 WEEK'S SPECIAL AT Standard transmission C&C Cab over engine Good clean truck Spring Sale P AT BOUNTIFUL 6 clean L(o) (o)K WOOlJ MOtOTS ‘“Your Rambler Dealer r vlpJ dr h $795 or Main At 5th South I't Q 1952 stud? 4-do- CHEVROLET ZIUN $1495 '57 FORD EXTRA SPECIAL DRIVE 582-- 88 6- V 8 1956 Olds Super h Holiday SI 698 '56 Dodge Sports Sierra ps 2 5 pass R H auto trans 1956 P!m Club Sedan 6 cvl ’58 Simca wagon exceptionally low $ 898 P F trans r h mileage special interior 1956 Chrys Windsor New- These cars are all exceptionally h nice and ready to go port R PS pb A A $1698 Original thioughout VV HT 1955 Chi vs Windsor Fully equipped air con ditioner $14981 Soto 1955 De Sportsman AMJM437 auto 1953 ChlnNY 4 dr qU1PPed' E“nt 898 1952 Chrvs Windsor 2d w '58 CHEV V-- 8 4-$2695 $2245 '58 MERC Hdtp Bel Air Radio heater Power-glid- e Turnpike Cruiser Full power Like new CHEV V-- 8 4-$1595 '58 ISETTA $695 '57 ‘210 Radio Power-glid- e heater Clean as new new whitewall tires '57 FORD V-- 8 Wag $1595 '57 PLYM 2-$1495 Radio heater Fordomatic Radio heater Cream puff Sharp 4-V-4-'54 FORD 8 $1095 $695 '55 PONT All extras New covers Customline Extra sharp V-4-FORD '56 8 $1395 '51 CHEV Hdtp $295 Fairlane Fordomatic Bel Air Radio heater ’2-To- STATION WAGON SPECIALS '55 Ford Country Sedan green stand tran ’55 Ford Custom Ranch Wagon Biack and white R H auto K 4 dr station wagon OR heater Powerglide V-- V-- 8 Extra TOOELE CALL AYS FORD auto h TILL 8 OR TU $1695 Radio heater Clean a new Pkp $1395 '57 WILLYS Pickup $1495 Awheel drive Sharp '56 FORD Sed Del $995 '48 FORD 1 n $395 on Some Models EVENINGS Savoy $699 STATION WAGONS— '55 TO '57 MODELS 10 TO CHOOSE FROM Transportation Specials R trana Ton Heater Vs MORE TO CHOOSE FROM with NO DOWN PAYMENT 203 Better Buys THESE! Std Trans Sharp FORD Club Coupe Radio Heater Std trans R H CHEVROLET Std Trans Sharp FORD Radio Heater Overdrive OLDSMOBILE '98' Holiday Full Power CHEVROLET '210' Radio Heater Powerglide CHEVROLET '21 O' 2-Radio Heater Std Trons CHEVROLET '21 O' Radio Heater Std Trans BUICK Special Hardtop Radio Heater Standard Transmission FORD CHEVROLET '210' R H Standard Trans R JUST $899 T xOWNER 33000 MILES $899 COUPE NEW COVERS DUAL CARBS $599 PLYMOUTH OPEN BOSSE'S r“i255?L QUALITY ALWAYS '51 CADILLAC CONVERT L(o) (o)K V O MOTOR OPEL auto Gas saver MANY $125 s'fX'psROirfi: PETTY $1475 '58 PLYM Sedan Extra sharp '55 CHEVROLET A real bby $345!Everything MUST GO 59 C0NL MARK IV $5'995 $248 Sedan $245 '53 BUICK CAU INSTRUCTION DRIVING Clearance SALE $298 $795 '52 DODGE FOR '55 '55 $445 $298 PLYM Sedan Custom Sedan FORD $598 Custom 2 Door $698 '53 OLDS S88‘ Sedan '51 STUDE $148 Sedan MERC $148 '50 Sedan '53 Remember PETTY SELLS MORE — YOU SAVE MORI $775 2-- dr V-- 8 Standard trana New covers Sharp 4-- dr Mare Nothing Down With Your Good Credit On These Cars Urge '56 PLYM Wagon $1295 '56 CHEV Coupe $1095 Radio heater whitewall tires Extra sharp Radio heater Gas saver 6 Sharp '55 CHEV V--8 $1195 '56 CHEV Spt Cp $1595 Bel Air Radio heater whitewall tireg Cream Radio whitewall tires $3899 DE VILLE seats Many extras and rose Full power HARDTOP '57 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF $2299 V Radio heater power steering and brakes 8 Belvedere '55 PLYM R H auto trans HARDTOP '56 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF $1699 sharp car Very well equipped Local '55 BU1CK Spec Riv Hdtp $1295 54rDE H?TAumd CADILLAC HARDTOP COUPE '62' $4199 trn feray89V Coupe R H ooc' Ivory and white 1 owner Just over 10000 miles ’55 FORD Fotrlane 8 $895 57 CHEV 2RdrHScdonL $1295 37 p0NTAC CHIEFTAIN HARDTOP $1799 Club sedan R H Fordo Radio heater whitewall tires Hydra-Mati- c CADILLAC '60' SEDAN POWDER BLUE USED COMMERCIAL UNITS 67 $3899 full power air conditioning 1 owner 24000 miles CADILLAC SEDAN LOADED SHARP! '60' $1899 T :ORD Pickup $795 '48 CHEV Vi- -l Panel $295 '54 WAGON 1 OWNER ' $1399 '53 SEDAN Delivery $695 '57 DODGE Pickup $1495 '56 FORD RANCH V-Automatic transmission A real buy Engine overhauled like new '58 FORD FAIRLANE '500' VICTORIA COUPE $2399 Fully equipped 9000 miles From Choose To WILLYS Many TON STAKE '55 $1445 x drive 13000 miles '53 PACKARD CONVERT NEW PAINT CLEAN $399 fr OPEN TILL 8 PM EVENINGS NASH RADIO HEATER OVERDRIVE '6' '53 $499 E IN 21ST SOUTH 909 601 S MAIN HU 0’ $2595 '55 FORD $2299 Power accessories A real value Gae new heater Radio Landau hardtop Original Full power ivory color lie puff 600 verified miles 64195 '58 CHEV V-- 8 Wag $2295 '57 LINCOLN PREMIERE HARDTOP $2999 Radio heater Powerglide 24000 guaranteed miles Completely equipped new tires whitewall tires No 715A '57 CADILLAC '60' SEDAN ROSE AND WHITE $3899 '58 FORD Wagon $2195 Powered completely 17500 actual miles Radio heater whitewall tires tHtlK THIS ONE! overdrive Very low miles '57 CADILLAC '60' SEDAN All WHITE $3899 ‘57 CHEV V-- 8 Wag $1795 Loaded with extras including air conditioning Radio heater whitewall tires '56 CADILLAC '60' SEDAN NEW CONDITION $2995 '56 FORD 4-$1195 Air conditioning and all other Fleetwood accessories New tires V-Radio heater overdrive '55 CADILLAC '62' SEDAN VERY SHARP! $2299 '56 CHEV V-- 8 4-- dr $1545 Power windows and seats air conditioning Bel Air Radio heater '55 PACKARD '400' SERIES HARDTOP $1399 Rose and white A car with low mileage in new car condition '57 Solo $1295 '55 CHEV Wagon $1095 Radio heater new gaver 4-- dr Radio heater automatic trana Whitewall tires Like new dr FORD Cnty Sedan $1795 H H Auto tram Extra clean HUDSON Hornet Sed $695 R H auto tram PONTIAC Sedan $495 FORD Custom Line Vic $1495 R H Fordomatlc Excep '51 MERC Sedan R H Mercomatic Like $1395 of (ai '58 FORD Custom Sed '300' $1695 for 55— Automobile Sot YOU CAN'T BEAT A STREATOR DEAL" PHONE 345 OR 648 Hydro Swift Boats and Mercury Motors '58 CHEV Imp V--8 Car Lots At: 44 East 1st North Powerglide Low mileg Like '57 FORD 4-Tooele Utah— 410 ' North Main '58 for 55— Automobile DOWNTOWN EXCLUSIVE CHEVROLET DEALER YOUR IN GENERAL MOTORS RAMBLER AUTOMOTIVES AND 57 MERC Conv $2195'57 R H full power Real aharp I'54 Top In excellent condition $795 55 FORD V 8 R H eland trane New cov- - 'J2 era Very clean '56 FORD V 8 $1295 '56 54 NORTH Sol STRE A DEALERS $3295 $3195 $2995 $3295 $2495 Heater stand trans clean Buckskin brown '58 VAUXHAU HeateK 30 mile to (at Like new 52 MERC Monterey 2 dr $495 57 CHFV Bel" Au y Jt°4 dr J179s R H Powerglide green Excep clean '57 FORD V 8 Custom '300 $1295 4-H std trana '57 CHFV Sta Wgn $W5 R H Powglde Extra clean '57 VOLKSWAGEN $1595 Green '56 MERC Montprey $1495 aut trans Hardtop R H power steering cower windows '57 FORD V 8 Convert $1995 R H Fordomatlc PS Sharp 1ST E for 55— Automobiles U$ED CARS No Down Payment to Qualified Buyers Top Quality Cars Sold At Our Cost Or Below Sal 1 23 1959 PETTY MORE CAR FOR LESS $ 1 1 QUALITY VALUE WAS $2 795 for J55— Automobile Sal ft DIVIDEND DAYS Just Look At These Values ONLY '88' $2898 Sedan $2898 Impala '88' Sedan $2598 '98' Sedan $2898 for Sal 55— Automobile Salt Lake Tribune Saturday May — T" "w yv '55 PONTIAC Storchief 4 Power steering RjJXIe Thl Pontiac's" finet tran1 $1399 '55 Patrician Original bhie Interior OLDSMOBILE blue finish '88' 2-whitewall tires Hdtp ter’over MOMaTta Slow powder0' brak7’ oower Peering room! driv thi ° 2nd Se°nca? ten “PjHRed Local one owner car ““ wftflA “ $1499 $1599 SALT LAKE'S CLEANEST CARS ballard:s J Cars You Can Trust Are A Must With Us " 1231 South MainEL iL Jk A M as JM 5-7- 57 " “ - EM OPEN EVENING i 1 1 h' |