Show temlftwomillInffililmiattt C' - -- ' I ' ' ' - — 7! 44qt 101NUOMIIMainMUN! '' ' ' ' "' " ' t ' E 3 ilEnJ:SPOAV:::' h : Q (!'-:::::'tOtooz::::- - - - A ri:' sob 0' p vk - r ' ' - - - — ' o - s ' 4 - iiel I i) i J - - I - - f 4 !"1 ' ""4 A RICERS: How many mare than t In 18901 clircurnw t41 cycles ) - ' Makers of Famous Fast-Dryin- I g in shopping profiteers! ' ' by at the krona tine? About 21000000 That's 10 times as many as there were in the nineties which was Called the and housewife EIAAcwAvroza By MUM Cream different books on fiskin are Hamad Unitersily's Wide- !eels' Library? 21800 They range from "Trea- What product -BEAMS ) is going on the' tneThet this month on Fishing With ati Angie" which Noy hon bock yards into lien in 1496 to advice on catchwail--able- - Safe kw Nome' Skin — Won't Sot Cletttioq liteteraypd by the Amwkao Institute of Lbundefisq rZill Eel ing hdicoPters Two-Pantfig- er What 11111113P possütk mad for Commencement sis STOPS Perspiration instantly Plitl for the shortest kisiorli this yea?' many — US$ come effective 'this thonth" and that was that — Elf Miami Bead Fla WARDROIES — Mrs - Minister of Home and FBS It's only a one-wa- Ore Sherwood How did as Army corporal recently take is 45 eery fast dollars? Family He took advantage of an old military tradition which calls for a sew post has Sweden added cabinet? Recently the House Foreign Affairs Committee toted to pay the passage for any U S resident's trip to Russia What's the catch? Which gets the What to her PER MAMA'S MIT 11111M17 NOTE: We will pay 12 Mr a question and answer used in this column Questions we based on current inns and clipping et WWII source must accompany answer Address: Ton Henry THIS WEEK 420 Lexington Avenue New York 17 N Y Unaccepted contributions cannot be acknowledged or returned ' IMILIti' - laws have ol y ticket --desires the to if good only person largest assignment of clothing on —stay over there — A13 Hoffose N C entering the Army — men or women? Each gets 31 different items but the Cost is $172 for men and $202 CONDUCT") SY brio 011 for women The University of Michigan Faced with a sudden icloudburat the president shouted as the commencement ceremonies and the rains began: "All degrees listed in' the commencement irogram be- 2 STOPS extra hours Germs that 3 K111b od 01 p What rare twosome mos born in Miheaukee's Waskirilff' ton Park Zoo recently? Twin moose They are the first to survive in captivity in a U S zoo 7- - LW COMO Valley Ore chalked staitersity Smoke-contr- Wis Monition - — ' N 1A) A 44 open-en- Berl d ' A c is cteon'err IT t cv -- — -- titer S gen-end leistqste come Ihrough brought sunshine to Pittsburgh and the old song no longer applies MS Washington D C afrialee will be put on the market at about the price of an expensive automobile — EMJC Floresolik Taos up action ) Why ore Unitersity -of Pittsburgh students smocking for substitute for their fight song "Smokeytosou"? hitt' drove5 fthely I WANTED tie eirports? bigulUnu open end IA Rows many Chicago O ICI ' By borrowing Pkturesolhathing beauties from the Atlanta newspapers and posting them along i with Am Iti the notices — protect her from Colo —AA Dotter -al bicycle age:- the At last a deodorant easy to use safe and with mot action for extra hours! The only spray deodorant that contains hexachlorophene Mum Mist dries fast cover entire "odor zone" with an invisible barrier against odor A delight to use—for men or women — 3-w- ay Maui—to guide the I 1 How does Georgie Tea get its students klletiwboard notices? " Hem waxy bi-am is use in This men- - - : (31133ZWILI - ' fnr ' havy 4- ' e Fragrant El4CVV New "Mist"— 1 - aeleamommommoidematimommoosatandeadki ' e ) 1114'''- lidiA - this ' With - 4 At '' 1 ' 4 WIty did the Coster in Norfolk Vs hem 135 Russian flogs for sale recently? i ' The laid it no longer needs its ships rarely visit Soviet ports — GLAL Springfield Mess YO 0 18 ' Noy Supply 4 I t 180 w nAts RED 1" ' ( to itv lieutenants malted out and then began rapidly saluting them — JH New York - --- 4' 4 '' 34 i- :' ) 1 ''- p Bosom 0 to the first enlisted man 4f A I f '' - cormnissioned officer salutes him The corporal parted himself outside a gymnasium when brand-neti group second 4 1' -- ( nevh — 61 il - '' ! ):' ''”" ' L t ''' ' i - 14 k - Ile 0 t fli 1 kA - - ' ' 4tilFiiff01J --- --- z 9 E rtg 11 1 ) 4 calorie and answers from current ne s ' 'qiider:i$-QiN- " ' — - - t here's the one filter cigarette that lets you fully taste what you're smoking 7 Encore Its filter mouthunique open-en- d piece gives effective filtering action without diminishing the rich flavor of Encore's superb tobaccos And its deeply receised filter element assures a cleaner neater smoke too Find out how really enjoyable a filter cigarette ciin be Try a pack of Encores today ' I I o'!7 N 11 w a ' tI 1 it !S wt 4 - a 1 Large size only ' : e 594 phes 14 :iw-i7r- :' - ba - - AleIV --- is - ' !' (ID LICJ 066 ?S E'10 ' -- --! Z" 6 :o f 0 '::'‘ : - i s I A"""-'- " ' ::::- - i' '--: ' Jr - 1 A 1 ' or - Li ez-- :i-1- v k r - olorz--04- rtl ''''''"'"r"°V)'' tI f )iklt '411 - 0 1 A I - I 1)1111ittilltbil hexachlorophene A PRODUCT Of BRISTOL-MEYER- - "This is just a a t I ' I 1 - dry run Em getting married next week" — ligti' r: IA0:-:- WITCO STAMM Meow TOMO I 1 ' ' aw— ii41171-- a Pletsuel 00 '110t - — 1 - tk'1 '404 grorr ' 0 1 ) iiti' glit- i CP61'11111" 42 the only spray deodoiont with 4" - E7jC4r311V t gatildp4010 4 '41floirar 114111144"i ' e4 witAm qs7 16:111 z V11 ?4 '- inorr-1-Li---: AN mti t- "I' If lAtipi ' - F - - Allor 4 t( 111is J- : - ' -- y )11s - - ' E CORE FILTERS THE SMOKE BUT NOT THE TASTE A i 5 I - Hi |