Show The Grantsville GAZETTE Wednesday July 24 1985 page 9 Instructors needed for Community School classes Instructors are needed for Grantsville Community Schools Classes may be one hour or may be 20 hours in length Classes may run one per week or they may run twice per week Some suggested subjects might be: If you are interested any of these classes or in Instructing other class please contact: Paul Hulet 884-62Clark Imlay 882-3007 70 We need to make up a schedule by August 1 1985 and classes begin the second week in September Lace net embroidery Potpouri decorate with pleasant scents Ribbon weaving Stencils and etching Beadery Financial planning Family budget Career education Ballroom dancing Creative writing Micro-wa-ve Music and how it affects us How to rev up your marriage Dress for success Floral arranging Interior arranging Preparing for a job interview Computer programming Sonia Heifer to display art Beginning type The first thing you notice is the colors — bright splashy sorbing Her name is Sonia Heifer and she will display some of her work at Commercial Security Bank in Grantsville the week of July during 29 - August' 9 her paintings are abstractions impres- ions catching the motion in the painting and bold cheery natural She paints flowers sea scenes and imaginary animals but non-representat- the color She is not so sionistic concerned with your seeing the flower as she is with your feeling the mood ab Mrs Heifer of Buenos Aires has exhibited a native Argentina her work in Calligraphy Stress management Spain 255 South 1st East Tooele Utah 84074 se Self-sufficie- ncy Accounting Brush-u- p on type Others New York and in many other cities She studied art in Germany She works with oils acrylics for and pen and strives striking color harmony and balance of color in her work Many of the artist's works Family Practice Group of Tooele Self-defen- Advanced type Speed reading Tailoring Word processing Germany cooking Boy Scout Merit Badges Cake decorating Income tax preparation for women Hunter safety How to adopt a child Red Cross emergency preparedness will be for sale at the week-lon- g you would like to meet Mrs Heifer in person she will be at Commercial Security Bank Monday July 29 from approx exhibit imately 11:00 early afternoon If am to the RICH’S 884-69- 52 i See us for your tire & Available To Meet Your Health Care Needs 24 hours a day f alignment needs On & off road tire service MULTI-MIL- E TIRES Office hours: 8:30 8:30 8:30 Monday and Friday Tuesday through Thursday Saturday am to am to am to 5:00 8:00 2:00 pm pm pm Herb Zimmermann MD Donald Lasselle MD Kaydon Lusty CNM General Surgery: ObstetricsGynecology: V ' Helen Danahey MD David Golembeski MD Peter Bauer MD Mark Millis MD Scott Smith MD Jay Spector MD Galen Jones PA Pediatrics: Family Practice: Call For appointments: For Emergencies or Oncall doctor 24 HOURS A 882-03- 93 y y y! y y y! EverythingTjnust g DISGOONiTi mclucfing cabinets y y! ' fy! y' DAY7 DAYS A WEEK Call y y 882-01- 62 ww v y v v vv yy y A5 |