Show 24 1985 page iff The Grantsville GAZK1TE Wednesday July 884-34- 37 LAWRENCE'S Distributors Distributer prices with (TEXACO SERVICE Tires Car Wash Repairs 6 E MAIN ST SAND Propane Firestone Tires Mini-Blin- ds 0ntaorDonna Auto Glees 236 E Main 884-55- 23 Join The 'Fun And Beet GRAVEL TenninflXIie CARLA WICKHAM’S Sun UTYSHOP Technique TOP SOIL Perms and Cuts --6021 Lawn & Garden Hall &Sons 8:30 am to 8:00 pm 884-67- 29 183 EAST Vtattthe Tanalizer MAIN tool 84 V? Main 884r0426 “ f — Gnantsville FARM BUREAU INSURANCE C000M4-65- X Gndau11t8t0a aammiVcrif Home eutot health HfeHV’s boats motorcycl se JOHN PENNEY 5 Chimney Sweep Service Also RV systems! Free Esti metes CALL LEONARD TAYON ISTARTELL 884-69- 09 884-50- 39 Bookkeeping IVBina 8843780 ffEtslOtrtjSL SOOT BUSTERS Secretarial Service and ice cream ra Solid fiberglass and mesh systems "JUST A SEC" HOUSE OF PIZZA Inside AA Laundry Vinyl" Carpet Lubs Leveling Tilling Custom Work ii eerrios professional 8821472 OfflCE 884—3495 HOME AOTOHOME motorcycle mobile home ROBIN’S recreation vehiclee DRIVE IN 884-34-42 884-63- 33 Granny’ $ Co-o- p Day Care and Wolff System Tanning Salon 884-63- 85 1 |