Show page 6 The Grantsville GAZETTE HOLD IT from p 5 July 24 1985 Wednesday fact you don't need one to be that careful) can notice rather frequent fin use of the restroom outside some the walls because poor little citizen - and maybe not that little had the urge but to their dismay found the door locked and was left with no choice but to do their thing outside the door To me it is almost unbelievable that a community as nice as Grantsvile would allow such a hideous tradition to continue ' May those with the keys and the authority to use those keys have the wisdom to use them as often as possible so that humanly those urges that we all have from time to time may be satisfied when we are in the area of the Grantsville City Park Richard C Mouritsen ELDER LANCE W GURNEY will soil well do in our flowers that do well Mari-Zinnias out here: Geraniums Straw golds Flowers Cosmos and Four alkali the and around town notice the things that are nice and green and are Drive O'CIocks - Just because doing well you see something growing well in other areas doesn't Need help with necessarily mean it's to do well out here scrapbook going If you'll take heed to this weeks tip you will have less work and more time to enjoy your garden Contestant to appear in pageant Dear Editor: Time and again the people of Grantsville have proven over and over that there They is no place like here I would have done it again like to thank the many called have who people to ask how they could help You are deeply appreciated All of Dale's scrapbooks and stats were burned in ' Lance W Gurney has called to serve in the Florida Tallahassee LDS Mission and will be the featured speaker at 6th the Grantsville been Ward Sacrament Meeting AM July 28th at 8:00 Lance is the - son of and Walden Marilyn He will enter Gurney the Mission Home August 1st Emily Rebecca Rupp age seven daughter of Joe and Tona Rupp of Grantsville has been selected as a contestant in the 1985 Utah Miss v r- - Any extra pictures the fire that could be spared would be a great help Thank you again on August 3 1985 The winner of the state title will go on to compete Mrs Charles Dale Mohler in RESTAURANT 884-6- 203 State "Little Star Pageant" to be held at the Salt Lake Hilton Salt Lake City Utah 24TH ONLY EMILY REBECCA RUPP DAILY HUEVOS RANCHEROS BREAKFAST HAM & EGGS $299 BISCUITS & GRAVY $199 $299 NELLIE'S SPECIAL SAUCE FREE DRINK WITH MEAL PURCHASE with a representative from every state for the title of "National Little Star" The National Little Star is affiliated with Pageant Teen-Ag- er the Miss National Pageant The winner of the pageant will receive a cash scholarship portrait crown banner and sponsorship paid to the national pageant Contestants will be judged on poise personality interview and appearance Contestants are from Tour to seven years of age and come from various sections of Utah trophy |