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Show TRAVEL. UTAH CENTRAL , ;iiij;ovi. : p10heer line of utah. On ! aftr Monday, July 17, 1 t)T 1 Liawa S.ilt r.-kfl City at S a m. and .1:13 p.m. c Arrivo i J.lin 7 . iu. an-i 4. l" ii. m. Lnuva 'lit ln j 1 . ui. .iii' I ' ' I'. Arrive At bait Lake City lu a, in. and 7: JCI p.m Id &.Uiti.u to the above MIXHX) TRAINS 1 Will run 1 DAILY, bU.NDAYS KXCEPTED hearing Salt I.uka City at 5.30 p.m.. and OifdaQ al 6 a.m. PutinRin will please Purchase their Tickets at the Ufllees. Fitly Cent additional will bo ihared what the faro ia collected on the train, Tot all Information concerning freight or pwaaife, aii)jr to O. O. CALUtlt, Uoaeral Vreuht and Ticket A n't JOHN SHARP, SUPEaiNTEMDENT Len Wlnaa. H. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, OP111K And Tintic Stage and Express UU.VM.1Q VAIL.Y FUO SALT LAKK CITY, via, LAKK TOWM, TOOKL.K CITY, STOCKTON AND OIMUlt TO TINTIC, The mute hm beon re-Monkcd with splen-clid splen-clid Onm.rd Coaches, fine Slock, cntoful and Mlrntivo IMverj. and every attontiuu is paid to the comfort nn 1 oon vonionoe of passenger. passen-ger. Good accommodations on the roati THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Ufllci at Walla, Fargo . Co.'a, Salt Lnkt Clly, WINKS & KIMBALL, 4 Proprietors. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On niul after January lst, 1S73 MIXED TRAINS WILL ir-ttunt daily. Leaving the Utah Central 11.11. Depot, ialt Lake City, at 7.10 a.m.; Draper bAo p.m., and Sandy Station, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 6, p.m. Au extra train will Kun on Sundays Leaving Draper at S.40 a.m., Sandy at 'J. lu a.m., Salt Lake City at 4.10 p.m. Salt Lako to Bis Cottonwood Station, NVts Littlo " " 50ou Sandy ' $1.00 Draper " 1.JS Twenty-five cents additional will bo charged whoa the tarn is collected on the train. 1. O. CALDKtt, Won. Freight and Ticket Agent. FKKA310KZ LITTL.Hi S U P EXIST KS P KA'T. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES I tali, South -vast Acvsuia & .Hon-tau;. .Hon-tau;. Ltnrlng Sll Lake tit Unit) , inn ul a itU h to Tiotie, Amoncan Fork. M ".i!:t Ncbo .Sevier. St. tl.vrc'. IVih ; a ad 1'i.vhe. Nw:t.:-i : Froi Sprincvilie. S::w:ih t Viy-son. Viy-son. Salt 'V.vs. Chi -rn Cr-eii, Hound Y.wv, V Y;',ii'rr.(Vra Crvok. iVavrr. Miaon-i'.K Miaon-i'.K au.i A!l thi- fri':n-'id t-j'c-is ,:rd m'ni'f. c-irff insvulsum L i iA nn,i s-ymsi-aisi Alio Uarr fortune, tiah, diUlj-rnnalnn diUlj-rnnalnn north to Vircioi Cit. lloleni. Fort Featon, Deer Lod Cc lir Crrek mines, and px-iDc through ail the principal town? and mining min-ing oamps in Moo-tana. Moo-tana. PRINCIPAL. OFF'CK, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building iua Salt Lai CiU SAM FRANCISCO TRADE. g Miciiail Ki.il. T. N. Wasd. V AND, KANE & CO.,i Hucccaaora to Hunter, aud A Co.) Iiciiurttrs and Whvliwalo Dealers la ' s VINES l.D LIQl'ORS.jr fruitrtafi. uf Hunter's Califurui ll A l:io AcrnM fir Joiet.h H. Kioch'l RYE WHISKEY UT and 60 'J Front St., near Jackaon, SAN FUANCISCO. iy 11 J. I- VKUOKAli cV CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 4H CIrSt., au Franclaco, JHAL.KK3 IN OIIKCOS PKODLX1C, vrw constantly in rici-i.t of Oreu m llama, BacOD, Lur-t, ulni'.n. o. lurch, ut our own anJ K.Ljtoro man ufac tort Llwayt UU Laud. LOCKE & 3I0MACLE, UIPOBTIR3 Orj STOVES AND METALS, MlSUFiCTUEEHS OP AND DIALIKS IS House Furnishing Hardware Tinner's Tools and Machines; AO ENT3 FOR Agricultural Steam Boilers, 114 ,..tl 114 Balterj. Street, iuT SAN FKANCISOt). CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO., Importers and Jobbers of FOUKIGM AND DOillKSTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, 311 Clay Street, San Franctaco. WIlWESDlNa L KELLDCS, Iraportora and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors. 214 & 210 1'HONT STM215T, SA.1 FRA.XC1SCU. LAZARD FRERES, Imi'orters nnd Jobbers of Foreign and Do-moitio Do-moitio 1'uney aud Staplo DRY G'OODS. D?iot of Goods Manufactured at the Mis3io?i and Pacific Mills, Cotisolidated. 5X5 Jfc 5H7 fllnrket St., San Fra uj 19 Paria : 23 Kuo Do L'Echiqu J. BAUM & CO., Imrortors and Manufacturers of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING X'AX SMtiome St., Sn Fmnclico 43 Murray St., New York. MURPHY.GRAHT&CO. Importers of American and European Single unci Funcy DRY GOODS, JSv Vi IT Xt IN C I c o, CAX.IFOHSIA, Call the attontion of the TraJo to thotr large and comploto stock of FALUAND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which thoy arc now recoiTins direct from Kuroi'eaa Manufacturers, com). rising in part-French part-French Merinoi, Wool Satlnea, Wool Plalils, French and Geruian, Irlah and French FopUni, Kmpreil Clotht, TamliCg black and colored, Velveteens, Alpacaa, block and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid. Buck, B or tin (Ladies', Misses'. GonU') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Iloslery.cpmr'ptoia all its bracclir White Gootla, Ilamlkerclilefi, Shirting L.liicns, Uutlta, wliitu and colored," Uniiliuks, bn'wulooni and Mc.ichcd, Towels, Iluot. Piajvr, Turkish. Anjiklm ami Doyllca, H Ktc, Klc, Ktc. JXO. G. HODGE & CO., IMPOUIEES Wholesale Stationers, Ep tie Urg.'ai stock of , Stationery, Blank Book, School Uooki, Plnylnfr Canla, Wrap, plug 1'Rycri, TxincSy Pocket Cutlery, drc, dec. On the rcifi: Covt, which thpyart prcpareil towl 1 i-iihvr fortJ-IJ ot Cthtcc;)- ftl pn,- thjl wiil o:Tt Lt:Juci':ui-aa vr bejors asywecre west r th' I Reeky UoubUieu. 327, 329 & 331 S-VNSOME 5TKHET Oltl Frsrci-co; . UIU.N AXD ST KKI, FLAT ASD HUVM), I Ferry klr i'o-VriaiiUm i pon cr. c.c I Micr.rrdojGy Size. ' Wire Uojie t- much chcaprr. tlKtitc I itmt 111 mc ilnralile lliau any othc I ktiiU ol Koit. I HaISitlieKiiilIe?H"irc UopcWaj I r.r the rt('i J rd -n ':: al :raa.'r.TMii. I oi'Orc 1 iV.'.vr :u i:c.-;ai- over iE'ur...i;i ; P':.ir i a:i":uit rviis. lcctired by U. : J I'ateat,. a.---. J I ratout Grip I'lille-, F'-:r.s:"i-c rAwf" r.1 which th . rcre u u.a.aja.r6i isi aas:: ' ! SKSD FO C1KCILAKS. ' -V;eCi- cf tie r ao i n c , Wire &, W. R. Manufacturing Cfl , lOF CALIFORNLV.) '. All kin h ai j-Tea Ot" Wire, ccsuzy e I A. S. HALLIDIE. I Front 5U tan Fraa'ico, IROCERIES & PROVISIONS. Patronize Heme Industry ! '' 3HACKER FACTORY IyUK uodcnirneJ are now prerarct to ( tar m n tin; trido iod the public with , tub Llierj DA1LV. iutter Tracker, Plcul. ., Huila Cracker, Ouaton Cricktri, Glugcr saapi. MORTON A CO.. Eul tide Muin I'rec1. near Itrd Sooth ' j-1 Wc hae JUST RECEIVED a lot or T B A S (juniiowtlcr Tea, Japan Tea, Black Tea, English Break fits t Tea, Which we will soil WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at Very Low Figures. TAYLOR & CUTLER, East Tcmxlc Hired. aug26 Grain, Flour & Feed DEPOT, BInin feslreet, L. City. A full eur ply of States Corn, States and Valley Oats, Ground Wheat, Ground Barley.Com ileal, (ycilow and white,) Cracked Corn, Middlings, Shorts, Bran, Graham, Buckwheat and Rye Flour, Utah Barley, Seed Wheat, Norway Oats, Beans, Potatoes, Etc. Agent for Allen's XX and XXX Family Flour and Hess' North Cottonwood XXX and XXXX. CEO. H. KNOWLDEN'S, West side Main street, S, L. City. P.S. Special inducements to wholesale buyers, or iu small lots. oc6 DANIEL GRENIG, At his old stand, East side East Temple St., Wishes to inform his numerous friends and patrons that he has a Full Assortment of MERCHANDISE Usually kept at his Store and Bakery, And sells them AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. PRODUCE Of all kinds, Bonjlit and Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Made to order- GLOBE BAKERY, East Temple Street, flrat door north of Co-operative Grocery Department, G0L1GHTLY& HARRIS Kcer constantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD linns, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, Etc. Fine variol; of CONFECTIONERY, Who Waal e and Retail. Groceries, rj Flour, , Feed, Vc J COLLEGE SCRIPI ".pREKMPiVKS will tave $16 or . X each qmrter section by buying ATicuituxal College ierip. t Airly to TI1K BAMi UK DESEBETi ( 15 Sa:coMor to Hoocer. El iredce k Cc i Cows for Dairying Wanted. "PARTIES pwnicc Cow? they wih to plact , I in a ;::;i.i::cn :" re.iln the very bes! realti i" B"j:;er and C'acie ihc conns? 4 03. or tor ! sneer period, would do well u .o.-e--: 'J; g;Wj,yuxS0N. St. Georce. t"tai. I P.S. The hcri stoue is he reprcaeatf in- ,-'.ude the rery bejt is tie Territory: Rreea I er iii tor summer a-d good open rause to: ,j w;er. JU Mme De MEUDON DANCOURT, Teacher of Music and Pianist Spcaka English, German and Fronoh. Addresa through P.O. Salt Lako City iltf GLORIOUS SEWS For the Ladies ! MRS. C0LEBE00K Is now SELLING OFF At her JVcto Store, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OP HATS AND BONNETS To make room for Spring fashions. .11s TRIUMPH Andes, Amazon, FIRE IXSURIXCE CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital nearly $3,000,000 Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. Wc ask Fair Rates and Promise to Pay . Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah II. II. MANN, Agent, SALT LAKE CITY. Office Taylor's Buildinir, Room No. 2, op- posito Salt Lako lloase. P.O. Box 651. fl SILVER AND PLATED WARE Wo have JUST RECEIVED An olceant assortment of Choice Silver and Fluted Ware, Combining the ami Aho the k-jIatKO of cur XMAS-NOVELTIES I All cf which wo ofTer at a Smnll Atlviuice on Cost. traf" .SVe ShAo Winduic, -Ba j RETAIL DRYGOODS DEP;T I z. c. I. S. B. Clawaon, Sapu MISCELLANEOUS. j 3ALDER m 1 Are in rvcoipt of the new editions ui tho Standard Authors I, Each ct'injil'-'te in one royal octavo vol., bound in the most approved style, and at the Unprficeflentei Lot Price ' OF Cloth extra -Library Sheep - -2.75 We have, to select from, the Illicit and largest slixk of SCHOOL REWARDS Ever brought into tho country, embracing em-bracing tho publications of h. l'rsing & Co., T. .Nolion & ton?, American Iraet Society, tie. OurStoek of j MUSICAL GOODS , Is complete, and consist., in part, of PIANOS 01 tho latest improved styles : OBGA1TS Of tho best makers; From Italy, Franco and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Concertinas, Harmonicans, Received and expected daily, a largo and splendid stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S CELEBRATED ORGANS Enthracing Ten Different Styles, winch ice oQ'er at Manufacturers' Trices Delivered in this city. FOE $125. Firo Octave, Double Koed, Five Stop?, (Viola, Dmpason, Aleloda, Fluto, Tremulant,) with two sets vibratore throughout, one of four feot pitch and ono of eight foot ; from prepared metal and riveted with iron, and not merely stamped out of brass. Tremulant and Knee Swell ; self-adjusting reed valves; improved bellows. Solid black walnut ' case throughout, paneled front and i sides, with carved mouldings and orna- 1 ments, carved antes. WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, and Only $125. Jigr We respectfully solicit the public pub-lic to call and examine our goods For the Holidays. LEGAL SUMMONS. In the District Court-of the Third Judicial District of the Territory of Utah. Salt Lako County, "1 September Toria, Wm. S. Ijodbo and Fred- A.D.1ST1. erick A. Mitchell, partners, part-ners, doing business under tho lirm name and style of Uodbo & Mitchell. Plaintiffs. YS. Thomas B. II. Stcnhousc, D of oc dan t. The People of the Territory of Utah send Greeting : To TU0MAS B. U. STENIIOUSE, : Dofosdant, Ton aro hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the abovo named PainulLs, in tho District Court of tho Third Judicial District of tho Territory of Utah, and .to answer tho complaint filed therein within ten days (exclusive of tho day of service) after the service on you of this summons if served within this county: or, if served out of this county, but in this district, dis-trict, w.thin twenty days; otherwise within forty days or judgment by default will bo taken aeainst you. according to tho prayer of said complaiiit. Tho said action is brought to recover tho sum of Sl-0.05, due- from defendant to plaintiffs for goods, wares and merchandise sold and delivered (said sum being duo and payable on the li'jth day of May, bb), together to-gether with lecal interest thereon aa set out in tho complaint on ulo herein and cost of saiL And you are hereby notified that if you fait to appear and answer tho said complaint com-plaint as abovo required, tho said plaintitfs will tnkc judement acainst you fur said sum of $!-U)5, with i;;urest aa aforesaid and Witness th0 Hon. Jas.B.McKcan, Judtfe, and the Seal of tbc Di-, Di-, 1 . trim Court of the Third Judicial ( 1 District, in ard fur the Territory j SEAL- 1 Leah, this JTth day of Novem-( Novem-( ) ber, in tbc year of our Lord. One , Thousand KiK-ht Hundred and Seventy Une. dl Wm. S. WALK Ell. Clerk. AND IIEMBEBIE, .Oppostt tho ontrince to the T.ibcrnaclu. JOH V. VOIWG, - CliLltUta, ui Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. .Xaitve ,1lntral. Petri fnctlon. Con. j crelloni and Cry.talliniloni. ' fioirns Frodtiefr. .Vitire and Torci-jn Cu- i Compound Electro-Magncuc Appa-j Appa-j ratui, &c j Prof. J.L. BARFOOT, nintgtr. I " Schools tzi Families by private ar-j ar-j rugesiu' ftdaitie-i a reduced ra.ei. CHICAGO TRADE. 3HASE, HANFGRD & CO., s 479 South Cual St., CHICAGO, BeaJnuirtoxs for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c.,' Manufacturer, of the ooJ(sQrtej WILSON Oil. TAN K j L. IW. SATES & CO., 45 1 . 453 Droinlwiy, U NEW YOUK, 1MFCB1KS AXD JOB 0113 13 Fancy Dry Goods, UOSIEKY, WHITE OOUDS, ( WOOLliS'S, SHAWLS, k YAXKEE XOTIOiVS, itt J. II. Dt'LCKIl. Jull M. D. WELLS &, CO., Manufacturers of and Wholwalo Dealers In 1 Boots and Shoes, ( CIS Wabash Ave, Chicago. 1 M. D. Wells, U. J. Macfarland, K. Benedict, ml S. P. Molnlyre, SLIGHTLY SCORCHED I VANSCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS (Late of 00, 92 and 91 Like street, Cor. Dearborn street.) HAVE REMOVED On account of the t7itense heal, To the Baptist Church Building, 847, 819 & 831 Wabwsh Ave., Where wo havo a largo stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass and Glassware, Drujtists Sundries, Sun-dries, Patent Humbugs, Etc., JiLc. CALL AND CHEER US. Wo only pay 100 conta on the Dollar.) j NEW YORK TRADE. FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Wrought, Cit Md Galvanized Ami every variety of fittings for the same, ml7 C. A. Longstroot. John Sedgwiok. LQKS3TREET & SED3WICK Manufacturers of and Wholesalo Deaiors in MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 400 . 4G8 U road way, Kew York, .12-1 HENDERSON, JUSTICE & Co Successors to GriSon, Henderson & Co., IUPOHTES3 AND JOBBEHB 07 FAXCY GOODS, KOTIOXS, FURNISHING GOODS, ETC.. US 5U0 ORUADWAV, Ol'rosite St. Kicholm note, Now York, BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale-Dealers Wholesale-Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES 13 and 130 Grand St., Kew York, Corner Crosby, ono block east of Broadwa; dll ROBERTS, READ & CO. Mannfacturera and Jobbers of K M. J&l. rJST Si 4 371 BROADWAY, NEW TORK. tnvlO Ayer's Cathartic Pills. As For the rcliei t- nnd euro of all jtfi" derangements fM '! Vv liver, and bow- fSslr-'VL e'p' They are 1 4? amild aperjent W-'1 7 J I'Sv"' nnl an cxccl--4t."v?V lent purgative, W v iJtinB purely i. " vcR'able, they i contain no mcr onryor mineral whatever. Much serious sickness and suffering suf-fering is proveiitcd by their timely use; and every family should havo them on hand foi their protection and rollef, when required. Long experionco has proved them to bo the safest, surest, and best of all tho J ma with wbioh the market abounds. By the-ir occasional occa-sional ue. tho blood is purified, the corruptions corrup-tions of tho system expelled, obstruction! removed, and tho whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity- Internal organs wbioh become cloaked and sluggish arc cleansed by JLi'-r's J'ill.f, and stimulated stimula-ted into action. Thus ineit-icnt disease is changed into health, tho value of which change, when reckoned on tho vast multitudes multi-tudes wko enjoy it. can hardly be computed. Their sucar-cualiiig makes them pleasant to take, and pre-crvej their virtue? unimpaired for any length of uh;c. so that they are evei fresh, nud perfectly reliable Although scar.'hitu,'. thoy are mild, and operate with' out disturbance to tho constitution, or diel, or occupation. Full directions aro given on the wrappci to each box. how to uto them as a Family Physic, and tor the following complaints, which these I'M rapidly cure: For Uyiptpsla or Indigestion, List-IcBHiieas, List-IcBHiieas, Lmiguor and Los of A )c-tin.-, they should bo taken moderately U stimulate i he stomach, and restore its health) Pur Liver Complaint and its various 1 f vim 'nm' 111 I Ion llrnilHClic, H-itl. : Ilrittlntltr, Jnnnillcc or t.rt-cii Sick-lit Sick-lit sr., lllllous Colic nnd Uilloua l-'e-1 verm, the? should be iutLi.Mnu ly taken I'm I cai-li o isc. to corrn-t the discard action oi t rCFl..rV i j rntrry !-V "oiitrrliu n, l,ut om i milj d-.-2 i; sencr.illy ri-iutri d. I , ,r Khr uiimtlsm, C.ul, Cruvil Palpiinltiiu of (lie lltail, I'iilnln lilt Milr, UacU. utd Lollih, ihcy UouK be continually take a. ;t.- r. -iiiircd, to tlian-i the di-cr;cl act ion of tho n?icm. itt ' 'V.'r iVrMl"ylaii" I'l'o'ii'-'u'nl llli,-;- t'nt-v o,. ikcn in l..r :e ar. l Ircii utr I J... it.pJu.-c tli.Tikct adrnslic purse I P..r Mi..r. Slon, a largo du-e -U -ul. 1 e "ak.-ii. it . red ace- tbe d.,ired clicct b) I '''i' iti'iiH.-r I'Uf. uko'.nc cr two -'"' ! i" prum.-tt, kiiKCiii-Ju. and r-licvo the t-Lui i adi. Anuf:;i.-i"Tial d" o linmUics tho Btom-j Btom-j a'-'n .mil b'jwcl.'". rt tores tha appetite, tnc : advimac "U - rtf.-e nt .-eriiu.-der.inneaicni Saif :hat j du i i ihp.-e J'lil' mak'e him 1 fet 1 dc -idt lly beirer. from their clcaniinn and renuvaiic? eutcl on the dice-live ap- parafd. i':lKPAK:D liY j Dr. J. C, AY Kit & Co., Practical ClirniUtH, J.OH11LL. MASS., V. S, A. i PORiAU;ilVALLDRL"C.'iI?TS EVEP.YWIIEnH For tak at Z. C. M. I, Drug Dept 3L O , O O O inffcr ScAvlnjr Machines wtre. Sold within the past year. Scientific American, Juno H'tli, lf71. r H E S "l N C E R 3Iami(hctuiin- Company, THE WOIXjID'S FAIR Constituted by the homes of the people Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales And havo left all rivals far behind them. FOll T1IKY told in 1870 127,833 Machines! Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "The magnitude to which the manuficturo ofsewlng machines has attained is shown'hy 10 worn" returns do which any one c in hao access) of tho mauutatururs lor io year 170 to tho owners of tho leading patents, on whi.-h. thoy pay a royalty. Ac-rding Ac-rding to thuso returns the number of maehiuus sold by oaoh manulaoturur iu ISTu is s follows: 'lie Singer - - II47.K33 Florerco .... 17,(V0 L' heeler i Wilson - S:t.JtiS Hold .Modal - s.'.-i; owe - - T.'.1. 'xi j-Ktnt S,.v-( irover Jt Baker - f'T.t;lJ Kmidro .... -ax Yeod - "'.( I'd Pinkie J: Lyon - 2,r2y Viloos & Oibb? - .l l'arham l,7u imericanLlullonhi'lc A Ovcn'oamlug ll..'7J ilson .... And several uihor comitanics who aold a ftw machines. It will bo seen by this table that the popularity of the Singer uinclitnn far ci. :eetU that of all others, their sale being one-half greater than even that of ho famous "Wb.oolor.fc Wilson" machine. This is owing to the fact that tho singrr oiiipnny have lately commenced making, besides their old and well-otal.li.-hed anufuoturing machine, what ia known as their "New Kamlly Iilai liliir," wlilcli b selling at the rate of nine to one better (hnn (heir old style. Their to-al to-al sales for ISj0 wore 8ti,781 machines against tho 127,S;'-3 of 1S70, iliowliig an increase if one-hnlf lu the latter year." "New York Sun." One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, KOW KKARI.Y THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION jMacliines Sold, A. 3t TV B" MS. A J rJO JL 4U JU 'ttT M Were made within the pat tliree years. But the Greatest In'remi of our Sales overall Oilier Machines, Ucl iifr YV It h I u Hie Pant Vcr. This Is Incontesllble Proof that Our Machines Are the Bent jo the World. THE NEW FAMILY SIiVGER SEWING MACHINE With attachments for all kinds of work, s fast winning u promo favor in tho household, as shown by the rapidly increasing sales, over all other machines. This ftcw family Alaulilne is now oapablfi of a rango and variety of w.irk puch al was only recently thought impossible to perform by machinery. We claim and can show that it is tho cheapest, most beautiful, delicately arranged, nicely adjusted, easily operated, spoody, and smoothly running of all the Family lowing .Machines. It is remarkable remark-able not only for tho rango and variety of its sowing, but also for tho vnrioty and different dif-ferent kinds of toxturo which it will sew with equal facility and pertccti'in, usinn silk twist, linen or cotton thread, lino or coarse, making tbo Intcrlocked-elaMilu-stltch, alike on both sides of tho fabric sewn; the only stitch which is universally approvod, or ifl at all adapted for flrat-claas work. Thus, beaver cloth, or Icalhor may be sown with great sironitth nnd uniformity of stitch, and, in a moment, th ia willing ond novor-wearying instrument may be adjusted for fine work on gauto or gossamer gossa-mer tissuo, or the tucking of tarlatan, or ruffling, or almost any olhor work evon by a child which delicate lingers have huon known to poriorin. Jfiven the careless and thoughtless have little or no trouble on tills machine. Said for Descriptive and Frice Circufars, Womanufacluroour own naedlcs, Bilk nnd twist: furnish linen and cotton thread and oil all of superior quality but which can bo roliod oa only whan obtainedi through our Principal or Branch Olhoos, or Agencies. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED FREE THROUGHOUT T111L CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. Wo extend a cordial invitation to all to como and eoe tho Machines, whether thoy wish to buy or not, See all others, but do not buy without yon examine the Singer. Visitors always politely attended by competent attendants. Instruction free. All Machines perfectly adjusted before delivery at t SINGER SEWING MACHINE BEP'T, Z, C, 1 1. GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south of Eagle Emporium, Wait I,alie City, XJtuli. II. B. CLAVS0X. Superintendent. NAY LOR 111 Have on hand the Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OP WAGON TIMBER IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which they offer a.t "V b Hi o xr friges. FIRST EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF THEATRE JAMES HAGUE. Jun. jTlE HAGUE, 0E0KGE HAGUJI 33ir Grixia Store ! HAGUE BROTHERS, f LATE JAMES HAGUE, m, PISTOLS, I AMMUNITION, ?B Wli I Etc. W W 0 Etc. Saddles, Slamoss AND WIUPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ; REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. East Temple Street. Salt Lake City. Z. C. L I. BOOT AND SHOE l-eim-t incut, nt tlic Kirn of '1 . Every style and quality of Boots and Shoes MADE TO ORDER, satisftc , tinn ynararitctd. 4.LWATS ON HAND A LARGE AND CDOICB STOCK OP UOM-MADE ,,paordtkdB00TS AND SHOES A FULL ASSORTMENT 0? Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds o Leather XX X X3 3 IB "WL "X1 3 X3 |