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Show EEDiCAL. J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON, Orr his pro fe;io:ial STviees to the reorle of"s!t Lake Cur, Ke-idonco at l''- I;.,i,Lr:a' brick hoiwe. opro.ilo cU Mark a Cq u rch. . "Q. C. OR WIS BY, H.D. rUYICIAy, SUP.GE031 AND DKUGG1ST, U HIGH An CITY, UTAH. j, M. At F. D. BENEDICT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Office Over CAlderBro 's Musio Emporium. al W.F.ANDtRSON.M.D, H.J. RICHARDS, M.D, Surgeons nud Physicians, Offi -c", for the pre'ent. at thoir respective residences in the Ut a and 17th Wards: T-? DR. GROVES, C2im$3 33ontist, Office nd South St., Salt Lnk City. 'i'lirofi doors West of Uevoro Ilouae, half a block .m. o: tho Elephant Store. ci.'Xi Ha una rauj y a.-, to oP.m. ml bathsTbathsi Warm Spring Baths ! Private and Pinnae. Th c-lebrnteU bat lis are open to the pur lie at oil io-iojus. T!iiir uiLilirimil proportlea n,ro ao widely k:.,--u that il ifl oc!l.-if to onniii-.-Tftlrt tbcru. Brwi Vg tlio rnvalu Bulks, tbo lurgo mid bdLsciine-Ij bdLsciine-Ij furainhrnl l'lui ; Bathe for Llioa and Orli.-e aro now open. II. All OLD. KEW MEDICAL .WORK ! "THE FHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE." For tlic Debilitated Nervom Syitcin. I R.. JORDAN, of tho Anntomicnl Museum. 1 ) HIS Aluatsomcry fircet (near Cililor-D Cililor-D j-i tiia inincico, California, has i'ub-li.-LuJ four of bis most important an I in-Ftructive in-Ftructive Lclurc- in iL neat volume lor thoo wlio cannot nttend tho Lectures at tho Mu-u-uin. Kvcry Unmurriod and Married man should read and study those important Lectures lor tho good of himself and oll- B'j:'yH"i'ljressin3 the Secretary of tho Anatomical Ana-tomical Miiicum, ENin Fraiicitco, and enclosing enclos-ing Twoniy-JMvo Cents in VosUro is tumps to iiy ostiise. the liouk will bo forwarded to any i:irt ut tho B tales or I'orrit orics. Dr. Jordan can bo consulted by letter. d; HOTELS, ETC. TQWNSSND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. T 11 E LEADING HOTEL OP UTAH. JAMES TOWNS E N D PROPRIETOR. This House Ib centrally and pleasantly lo-oatod, lo-oatod, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 15 fiuosta. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing- to build lame additions to Ma Uotol, whiah when finished, will render it tho Moat Complete Establishment in tho ROCKf MOUNTAIN RKCIOJi ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONB ULOCIt EAST Ol? THEATRE, SALT IjAKE CITY. Terms$3.00 tt r iliy. Hoard with out room- Sia.UO pur wceli. Until! free to gut(t. J. C.LITTLK, junlH Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, West Side EAST TEMPLE 8T11EET, ROOMS ltY THE SINGLE NIGHT, WEEKLY Oil MONTHLY, TAYL01. & (JUTLEU, Proprietors. Wo have rented our HKSTAU11AKT lo Messrs. GI-ADE . liOOUMAN. n-li Washington House Aliird Sontli Slrrrt, i4 a. Ij r l. ajc i : j i rr y ltimrd and JLodylug, ir AVcei. SO 50 l)..y Hoard " 0 00 KrtiieU Ucila " 0 IJctlt, pfr NlUt - 5 UM. - - - Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, ON tin- KitPMU'in P li n. in nw oren and i.. Mirilk'.l willi every dolkacy of the pc.i-i-ii. JU-aH at all luxus. Ov.'tcrs in cry ftU. isui'i'cr r.ulies jui'jdied on TrniiK to mill lite tlntcs. i;l,.ik ji liooHJiAS, jl' 1'roi'rictors. New CoiBMCiai Loiliiiii Rooms, i' m 111 mc r i-1 al Si ictl , t.intsiu; (.ionium liakory, bull Lako Cily C. V. TAl'l'AN, Proprietor. l K N A 1 . 1 . N lit UT. It(hr il-., nil c t . irr N t I(lit , and S I.jO to jo.UO per W ei-k. Mnttlr Itixuiiv, 7;c. yrr Mlit, mid J,5U tul.jU , ti- Week. or. UT.Y1I ILOTlL, .ll.iia Street, OUDKX. The onitf jinl-class House in the Ctiy. Oaiuibtn lo aud fntn all tmiin, EUDEY &, WILLIAMS, j' Pi.'priMo,-. CENTRAL HOUSE, LITTLE COTTONWOOD, T. F. Fuller, Proprietor. To tho PuMkThi.--house i" r.owreutlcd and m ca for tr.ivc!er at reduced rnt. U.iard and Lodsine. by week, SLLO?. Meals, Ms:, liQdi.Tc. Mcala at kil houn. i LEGAL - Ma1JJY ii GILCHRIST, ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW, And Solicitor! in Chancery, Office Main Street, Salt Lako City. U, T. I Lla I L). COOPER; ! ATTORNEY AND COUXSELLOIt, Onice Exeliange and Reading j XLoomd, tip-stairs. SALT LACK CITT. CASH FOR MINES! Enquire of SETH IM. BLAIR, Attorney-at-Laio and Mining Agent, OFFICE : Over 97 Kiml-all's Uluck, with C. M. How ley. P. 0. Box 1W. dlfi WU. Y. LOVELL; II. A. REED. LOVELX. & REED, ATTO R iVE YS- A T- LA W, Unit Lake City, Utnli, Will praclico in all the courts in tho Ter- "oiLVo. front room, Taylor's hotc'. JIT P. L. WILLIAMS. LK GRAND YOUSC WILLIAMS Sl YOUNG, ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City. j!2 GEORGE C. BATES, ATT 0 RN E Y-AT-LA W. C. MVRO.H IIAWLEV, Attorney -at-Law, Clerk of tho Supreme Court and Territorial Librarian. J. W. UASitlMS. Office in 'Kimball's block, near U.S. Mar-jll Mar-jll shal's ollioo. WM. P. APPLEBY, Altorney-at-Law, nAVING provided himself with suitable lilanks, is prepared to draw up Declaratory Statements of Anpli-cama Anpli-cama for Deeds to City Lot.. Office East Temple Street, first door north of Oominorco Building. dl'J JOHN 13. MILNER, ATTOKNK Y-AT-LAW , ' ProTO City, Utali. Collections made in tho 1st and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Liinc;s. . ... . 1 dpecial attciitun given to Minins caseii. UJlico at reii icnce, Cotro Si. 1'rovo City. Warner Earll. F- M. Smith. KA11LL & SMITH, ATTOliNKYS AT LAW, SALT LASS CITY. East Temple Street, one door south of ay Qodbo'a Store DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y-A T-L A W, Salt Lalce Cily, Utali. Office-west side of East Tcmplo Street. Especial attention given lo aimmfe 1111- Win. HAYDOX, (Luto Judge of Jlh District Coart, Novada,! I AT T 0 II N Ji Y-A T-L AW, Kooui No.l. Trowbridge BuildinE, East Tom-nlo Tom-nlo oireol, oiposito the dalt Lane House. nL - Jj. M. 13AKNUM, A T T 0 H K E Y - A T - h A W , Ollioo, Kimball's Block, S, L. City. Special attention mven to T:llcs. Nccotia-tions, Nccotia-tions, Sales or Liuyatious m Mining uiaiu.s and Keat lislato. Collodions ma-Jo or business dono in nny part oftlo United Slates by Assojiauon of reliable Attorneys 2. 11. Hempstead, M. Kirkpairiolt HEMPSTEAD & K1RKPATRICK, Attoruej'8-at-L.aw, Main Street, oppaaito Wolla, 1'argo & Co., SALT LAKH CITY, Z. SMOY. B- D. HOOE. SNOW S. UOGK, JAtturneys ond ConaBeloM at Law Salt Lake City, Utab. Ofilcoat Suow'h corntr, lt Eait Street. Ju6 JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTOKHKY-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Utali. Office-Over First National Bank. Residence Resi-dence on 3d East Street, between South and 1st South streets. tM NOTARIES PUBLIC. A. S. GOULD & SON, CONVEYANCERS, Minimi Deeds, Agreements and Bonds for Deeds. MortKUKos. Powers of Attorney, Louses, Contr.ict3 and other instruments ol writinn drawn wilh aocuxaey and dispatcn. 4-Mining Companies Incorporated Incorpora-ted under the Lawof Utali. A. 3. GOULD, KTOTAXtY 37TJ13IjIO and COMM186IONEH Otf PEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, Pcan?ylva-nia.Uliio, Pcan?ylva-nia.Uliio, lilinow, Iowa, Nebnwta, Wyouiinij, Mouiami, Nevada, California, and other States and Ter-ritoriss. Ter-ritoriss. East Temple 1st-, ir Wclby Fargo tL- Vo.i tiait Luke City-; City-; mil Wm. Clattov. 3. J. Josas!5.s, Notary Public, Conveyancer. CLAYTON & JONftSSON 11 AY strict attontinn to tho collection of money in l"1"' r worlJ-They worlJ-They a'so draw or noknowledtfo nil kinds 0fialruLU0iits in wriuiiiC- ; pro I ill alt cut ton -iven to the draw in of Wills and Teslaminioiy Uocu-kitcnlk. Uocu-kitcnlk. Loans nccotiatel. . Mine?. House.- and Kc.il lvslalo Ol all kinJs bought, sold or Incnrpnrnllnu and Pnrf nerslilp Iiiiicri ut ovitv do-.Tiptiiin drawn in i tilt I lucmiiiiiieo with tho laws ol Ltati- OKKH' Ii Krtiirtli door aoiilli of CIoiUic-m t wrnor. n'i 'jL'i i os. Li v l b. United Slates Mineral Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Oi!io No. 15 Tajlor'a Hotel. Salt Lake Cily j-" . . HOliACE POTTKH, REAL ESTATE AGENT. C-'iivovaiii-ca iMnrnlty dniw-n up f"r. tlm nlr an.I L- .Viu of ILmto and Lt, Sl-res, 001;ea Ati.l l,.iii lJ. L-n n,-oiiiU.. OVflCK-N-'. T)Kr"i B'.iiMui, t-pprit S.lt LaLo House, Salt Lkc City. ill Private Hospital, 1J(H Ward, Salt Lake Cily, W. F. ANDERSON, M.D. - Proprietor Term', invariably in advance, for Bard. Medicine and Medical attendance. jU jj) to Sj pet week BANKERS. Thos.R. Jones. A. W.White BANKING HOUSE OF A. W. WHITE CO., EAST TEMPLE STREET, a30 Salt Lake City. FlIIlTllLMIOnM, (Succciionto Husscy, Dabhr Co.) WAESES HC!9SY. C. L. Dahleb, Preiideiit. Vice Prcst. AsTiios'Y Godbi. Cashier. Suit Lake City, Utuli ; Also oonncctinur offices at Ogdon andCorinne, Utah, and Virginia and Ilcluna. Moniana. D ealcrs in Gold Dust, Coin and Currency Braw Exchanco on Now York, Chicago, Si. Louis, Omaha, Denver, San i-'rauebco. and all parts of Europe. Collection! promptly Attended To. mil Robert Anderson, Thos. P. Akera ROBERT ANDERSON &, CO,, ISJJSKEltSt 53, EAST T E ii P L E STREET, Salt Lako Cttr. jn Bank of Deseret, Successor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Corner East Tcmplo aud First South Stroets, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - 5100,000. nilTGHAM TOTTNG. President, "1 H. S. ELDUKhGE, Vice Pres. W M. H. HOOPElt, WM. JENNINGS. Directors. JOHN SHAKP, FEitAMOKZ LITTLE, L. S. LULLS, Cashier, J Deal in GOLD DUST, COIN, KXCHANUB, LAND W Ait.lt.ANT8, COLLEGE COL-LEGE SUKIP, c. ColJeotioas made and promptly remitted. re-mitted. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. WELLS, FARGO & GO,, Express Forwarders, Bankers, and DEALERS IM EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, and all the priiv-cipal priiv-cipal citks of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLlECTIO NS Promptly attended to. Eaat Temple St., Salt Lake City. THEO. F. TRACY. Agent, mil . SEWIN8 MACHINES. $25 SAVED ESy Buying' THE WILSON Lock Stitch Shuttle SEWING MACHINE AT J. Daynes & Co.'s Two doors east ofPoit OlUcc, SALT LAKE CITY. Warranted for Five Years ! CALL AND SEE TI1EM. THE WEED SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Embody all thu is new and novel In Scwinn Machines. They aro '.ho lalo.-t iiiirruvou an 1 lihlct runninfr ,-hutlle machines m luc world. Deautilul ana coinpncl in inodel nnd unexcelled in rnatcri.il nnd iini;h. They sew evcryih hue from laeo 10 beaver cloth in the most perlcct manner. Every variety of Hemming. Felling, q.,UlllnK, L'ordluft, KuIUlnR, PI ptS, Tnbliig, KrliiKlnK, lion St I tcli tug etc., eatlly pi formed. Straight Needle. No Cog-wheels, NO YIURATIXQ SPRINGS. Every Machine Yarranled as Represented. Salesroom on Flnt South Street S-lt I.nke City, opposite the Sew ' Bleat Markel. IRA PFOUTZ, juyl3 Agent C i ! i 5 is a I c g 3B S- 5 z ll i .- - i i s IS? ea B : :f "-3 2 I5 c U ' 5 T3 s S u j I a! o ! ii - a o o c E 16 ts I 2 S O ! fc fx3- i . -S C & fi J I 3 O t-s I S ) 5 12 CO I I S NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR STOVES ! NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOH STOVES Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles tc Select fromj Including the Old Favorite, Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., These as well as other varieties will be SOLD CHEAPER AT TUB Hardware Dep'nt or Z. C. HUE. I. THAN IK AXY OTHER HOUSE ' IN THIS TERRITORY. H.B.CLAWSOS, ,17 Saperiaundeat. HARDWARE. Furnacemen Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. ABE iGKSTS FOB Till COLDKS CITY FIRE BlltCli, Which ore equnl if not superior to the bsl Enplish. , , Sn-ial ruios civen br the cur lon.l. Octl2 C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STCIX All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron aud Sieel, Stoves and Tin Wars BL.ACKS-.ITI1 TOOLS, AErlcultur&l ImpUnwnii And Mining Tools, At Lovre-t Kates. OPPOSITE SALT LAKk) HOUSE nl6 LEGISLATIVE Proceedings! , WHEREAS Wo arc to bo deprived of our regu- - .lar allowance of Pcoknives ; there- j fore, ' RESOLVED That ScDsouoy & Uo. aro selling Stoves Cheaper than any other House iu tho oity, for tho reason they aro Closiog Out , o. 8 Crescent CoalSlovc,$32 50 " 8 Jiational do. 85 00 " 8 States do. 42 50 " 9 W ood Stoves of several kinds 35 00 Stove Pipe, per joint, 30 All kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE In Proportion. Now is your Chance for Bargains SEHSEHEY&CO Ojipontc W. F. dc Co't Office, SALT LAKE CITY It. A. KEYES, Agent SCOTTr DUMI.DI & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers IN IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IKON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, ; G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. t2S WINES AN 3 LIQ'JSnS. . nT&e. " bc uxof sky, Wholesale Deiikis is WINES, LIQUORS, CIGABS ASD TOBACCO, Second South Street, SALT LAlvlil CITY, Throe doors west of Walker Ero'. B.W. Allex & Co., -17 Hrouclwny, IS uw York. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L. City. Agents for tlie Celebrated COLD SEAL WHISKY ! . S. FOSTHB, Agf III, 0!TY LIQUOR STCRF, Koep ODDftflDtlj on band. Wholesale mid Retail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowaat Rtaa. QROKSDECK'g BTILDIMOS, til? ICuM T-mpI- Wirt. WATCHMAKERS, , A r !rl S CAUL C. AS3IUSSEX, IMPORTEBAND DEALER IN Jewelry, Watches, AND DIAMONDS. Elgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. Just received a. ktrxo. uddilionul stock of jrr goods la grout variety itud slj-Io- Thc public nro respectfully invited to cull and iuspcel Uicui ut CARL C. ASMUSSEN'S, East Temple Street, Hnlf a block, no rib or (he Knglc Emporium. tlM es tUEraTf! O. L. ELIASON, BKUtt to inform tho resident of Salt Luke City and vicinity, that be not only guarantees to ruporlr 11 pair, Clean .nd Atljuiit Waicltea and Cliruuamtteri, but be will make tliom or any part of them, to order, and warrant tbe work. A new fluri'i.Y of ELGIN and SWlftS WA.T(JJJ K.3 jtist rocoivml, which bo will jf'iiL.rni.) ha roliKblo timo-koupors. Price Uo defy corapaiition Itemoiolter tho addroffl. Two ilouri east of III Dnrrfl Itnl.b. TIME TABLE. BURLING TON ROUTE. 10 1H: IA.T. NORTH AND SJUIH-AST, no. l. STATIONS. 'JJ'-Vk'.' MAIL. Icavo OMAHA j l:i) p.in. Ma m. Arrive BLT.L1NUTON 5.Vn.m.. V:l-r. j..m. " Mend'iln - - 1 11-2. (urn. a.in. " ChicHKO'C.Ll AQ) o.'J'lp.iD. 7:r a.m. " I'cori - - It.-Vi a-m. j hu-io. " lHd".liF'l JJ.AW. f.pp.m. J";'j"a.m, ' Cincinnati - HJp.m. i.'Jip.m. " Logan''rl ! p.m if:2Ua.m. I.P'iff. " Colcrobui 2Virw. r.?)pin. irT"Thrnuirh Cnrn from Mionrl" River to Chicaxu. Iinh.inai'olu, Cincinu&li, Loiiiinf port and Colum hui .1 ConnPCtioiiE at tbue pnin'B with linos JradiiiKlo the Kaet, North and South. Tlji-ittie Bti. Shorle.i, Ulckeat and Clirupcst Rome, Io rf,t bn decfivr-j. kut obtain TifVeU via the Uarlington 4 ifluiouri Kiver Kaiiroad. A.B. TOT'ZALIN. 0. E. PKUKINS, Cien 1 IickeiAcent. Otn'l Kup't. JJJ j MISCELLANEOUS. Tiniorcii THE BLOCKADE! Teasdel & Co. Are dow receiving an imoier... Iguuitiu of Sl'LEN DID Winter Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Ribbons, Furs and Motions, I ALSO CHRISTMAS GROCERIES, STAPLE AND FANCY Confectionery, Fruits aid Nuts, THE CLEES SEl IAC MAC1ILXE SALESROOMS Aro now opon and rcplo'e wilh a full aortmcnt in all Kyle, n.-knowlcdced by all to bo oue ol tho boat iIoh.ues of the day.. Cidi and examine b-fore purch'ui'ng Teasdel & Co.'s GENTS' FURNISHING DEPT Is dow oiod ODO door Eouth of the Eail. Uous& Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths & Matting. Ladies will do well to examine our stock a SHOES, BOOTTEES, SLU'l'KRS, Sc., A i. Teasdel & Co., EAGLE HOUSE 65, 07 and 09 Knsl Tom pi o 8l,Vmi ide. Juyl RAILROAD SHOPS. HOPPEB Second South Street, Half Block ICast Haver House, SALT LAKE CITY. WAGON CARRIAGE WOKK. Of all Descriptions. BLACKS M !T H I N G In all its Branches. Agents for the Fish Bros., Wagons, of Racine, Wiscon. COACH PJLTlG AND CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY. 00ACE AUD CARRlAOf TttJMMINO. Horse Shoeing t I'd Sljlo to luit U. |