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Show UMU 22 tf " Coke Oven Project Set 500 Unit v ... $1,000,000 . ' " ' r ' J V ' ' v M W , r PA f - 'fryy y Project Scheduled At PROVO Immediate construction of 500 beehive coke ovens at the coal mines of the Colum t)la Steel Company at Columbia in Carbon County has been 'authorized at a reported cost of 1,000,000, it was disclosed here fi--I- , rm,i - r pfp'i ft t fur-rac- ' when completed, "7 plant. Approximately 1,500 will pro- men -- are - s &mK LOGAN Outstanding Reserve Officers Training Corps-studat Utah State Agricultural College were cited Tuesday In the annual awards parfde ol the , college regiment on the USAC quadrangle at 1 pm Cadet Lieutenant Colonel John A. Shaw, graduating senior from win-- Ogden, was announced as ner of the ROTC medal for character, scholarship, college In activity, leadership, interest and military science, physique The corresponding bearing award, made by the Coast Artillandlery Association to the outs went ing first advanced student, Aaron to Cadet Sergeant Major G. Amacher, junior from Logan. Cadet Battalion Sergeant Major Lane M. Palmer of Tremonton nd Russell D. Stoker of Clearfield were alternates for the Junior honor. L. Manents Cadet Captain Melvin of Garland was named winner of the American Legion Medal given annually to the athletic letterman in second advanced the military training showing scihighest Interest in military ence and scholastic merit Theof the American Revolution Medal for the student showinterest in miling the greatestwas aw aided to science, itary Cadet Lieutenant Rex H. Hampton of Morton Grove, 111. Second basic student with the aphighest military grades and was titude for military science Marion R Richards of Morgan, who received the ROTC Associ- - Finest Vocation For Girls. PROVO Tho meaning of reverence, the ability to keep a of labor, propuse, the sacredness of an obligation? the nobility and the value of a dollar. A knowledge of these things Is necessary to a successful and profitable life, J C Penney, noted American merchant, told of the college of commerce at Brigham Young University n Cadet Captain Ned Clde of Logan, retiring captain of Scab baid and Blade, honoiaiy miligave the tary science fiaternitv,Medal for Scabbard and Blade the first basic student with thehighest military giades and ap- titude to Cadet Willis L. Bontilk of Logan. Cadets Sidney Cardon and Jrving J. Dunn, also of Logan, weie altei nates. After an extia session of batby tery drill, Battery G, led Cadet Capt. Ray Hugie of was given the Scabbard and Blade plaque for the best Lo-ca- drilled battery. Announcement of the awards was made by Cadet Capt Harold Steed of Clearfield, who has been regional adjutant when you are Haymond Jr. heads Nephi Jaycees. George D. (Bud) Jaycees In Nephi Install ons of Logan Wednesday. "Make the most of your opportunities now', Mr Penney advised the students, It Is a great to study deal easier to learn Heads Jaycees r Installation of new' officeis of the Nephi Junior Chamber of Commerce was made ednesday ev enlng, w ith Geoige D. (Bud) Hajmond Jr, local druggist, being Installed as piesldent The installation was under the dll eel ion of Jack Swenson of Spanish Folk stale ptrsulciU. Pi of Meredith iNon of thh va3t Rngliam loung tnivei-il- y ' the guest spekei Other offiteis who weie lit stalled au Ned Ostlei, cue president Reid Stailev setre-tarv- , Max Oime, treasuier and Alec Cowan and Don F. Gadd, NEPHI The s dlfeetoi s The installation ceiemomes. In the fntm of a ladies night, were held at the Foriest Hotel, actoiding to Then West ring, who has been president of the club for the past year IS or ID than It Given Warning BRIGHVM CITY Polite officeis icport that secral valuable pet dogs hate been poispned in the northeastern pat t of the t it v riunntr the past few das bv an individual who apparently makes a piactiie of poisoning dogs rath tiling A speual effoi t will be made to appiehcnd the guilt v partv, Chief of Polite Howard Is .when you are 40 Giving a message of hope to those voting people who are having a sevete struggle, Mr Penney stated that manv of the great men of the countrv have tome from humble homos, manv fiom fat ms Get a good solid foundation in the earlv vears of life, then vou can build to anv height Mruggtes develop hardy qualities lie said Mr Tenney's message to girls was that in his opinion the finest vocation for them is to be good home makers In this crisis, however we do not know what we are up against, he said, and It mav be possible that voting women will be railed upon to render gieat spi vices to the nation. In Mi Pennevs opinion the gieatest development in merchandising smie ho has been ron nerted with the store business is tne tendency to discard tho tnaik up nrinnple and to sub stituto a svstem to insure a rapid and sure 4ournoer "Give the best sorvue for the is the rule he has followmonev er! throughout his life, he said BOUNTIFl L Nearing pletion in the Bountiful ic e Jane T. Bleak Services Set lane Mis l.EORGF ST , one of the Thompson Bleak oldest lesidents of southern I tall and wjio in her gntliood met and talked with. Abraham Lincoln, died at hot home hete Werinesaav at b V p 111 bhe had been ill onlv three davs Mis, Bleak came to St Geoige as a pioneer and for many vcais had been known hete for her baking She was an active member of the ChuicTi and for pas-ter- v vears had been a mote than wniker in the St Geoige Temple She was born in Birmingham, Fngland, Dec 1, lSia, daughter h lewis and Penelope of Thompson Thompson She came to Amenta with her paten's m 1S34 and .settled in JTovidence, Tt I While a child she witnessed the debate hetween Lincoln and atDouglas and after the talks tended a banquet in honor of Lincoln At the banquet a he was intioduicd to Lincoln and talked with lum She lame to I tali in October. SOI to visit Mi and Mis James I. Bleak and two ' eeks later GO PROVO One hundied giad tiates of the Provo Seminary will teceive diplomas at the 30th an- Jo-cp- nual commencement evetuses to he held in the Provo Tabernacle Sunday night at 6 30 oclock Tres c F Row ail of the Thovo Stake will awaid the diplomas to the graduates. Discussions on the heaiitudes. will he pipsented hv Donald C Kent Mackav, Clifton Nevvren, 1 olhoc, Ruth Wood, ovle I,a DevoC Maid, Elaine Bullock Walace, Atlene Pope, Elda Pope and pi aj cj s hv Buice Thurston ' and Gene End -- 1 jerlge of Mr Harman and Davii of Medill Okla Funeral aero'lLfs will lake, Mrs Mary r of 279 8 Walton Mehm Hvrum Wist 3300 South Street sop of Hvrum died yester-da- v Walton Cora Versliu in a salt Lake hospital 1933 He 5 was horn on Nov member of the Church and a student at the Blame School He i survived bv hi parent two four sisters. hrothei. Bob and Geraldine Helen Mane, Johnie and Car Kleanor Walton ol his grandmother Leo Versluis all ol and a grandfather Salt Lake County lie conducted will funeral service 3 p m Satwrdav at 30 Last beventh V els H Bmhon South Street with Hmsen of the Miller Waul officiating serv mav call the of at friend place iofv until Friday evening and at th family residence, Saturday from Sam nnul U0 pm and at the mortuarv Interment 45 mirule prior to service in the tlvstan Burial Garden and He wa - Elaine L. Shappart Ida Mr POCATFLLO is Shappart of MoLammon in a local dav afternoon pneumohia Flame Tw- - died Wedncs hospital, of she was Shappart .born the daughter of William and t pel at MrCammoo la ikmlhworth Lewis Darrel, M irvine ,burvivors include and Richard Ivnn Shippirt her chil Iewi and Willard dren two brothers. a halt ot Mammon MTP-rntsislci ittn'Orgur-Mavirne W Kinney two half brother of Poc .Hello am! frank Kinmy o( Me Wife a of Marvin i,.. of 317 84 Ida Johnson VacAdam Fust Avenue died at her home ye ter of semlitv dav bhe wa born in wetlen Oct 8 1857 John John a diughter of Mr 'and Mr son she came to the I mted 9t?tes, and halt Lake IQ year aro Ernest L MacAdam Her husband he is survived preceded her in death hy a daughter, Addie Weton of Pitt a ister one Calif grandchild burgh Anna J Beasley oL Sap JFrineDro and W Charles a brother Johnson, rsi denee ttnknown friend may call at 30 Eit Seventh South street at 10 30 am fndi, and grave dedication and service at the Mt Olivet Cemetery at 11 a ni Friday with friends mav Merrill offirulius C cal Thuredav evening in cl friday morn e , Surviving are h! widow Mrs Manne three danghterk, Mrr Williams Grace V rda Heimser of Garfieki, Mi Park of Riverton and Mr Bessie New ton of Hunter- - lour ons Harvey and of Murrai. Arehd Wil Glen William and Ralph Williams bams of Holladay a Lake bister Mrs George A of bait Jenkin of Murray a half sister Mr a half Marv Van Valkenberg of Union brother John MG iry of Shelley, Ida., arwl 10 grandchildren Funeral service will be held Spndav at it 4760 South State Street 5pm im fad Thursday Frmav and iturday .erKe kUiingy and Sunday prior Into The Mia Interment will take place vale teracterv H Melvin Hyrum Walton . heart ailment Mi Williams was born Feb 17 1878 son of William W and Sarah M Adams He Aas a barber in Mid William v ala tor many yeurs before mown? lo Murray be annodneed later from 36 Faeteventb South Street, where friends may all Gammon The body is at Hill Moituarv Aleck G. Baralos- and de burned bodj of Aleck George Bar who ler alo. 46 kaysville 27 sheepher while tending w April disappearedB B Harvev flock of 540 sheep for was found bv Mr Harvev Wednesday the evening a mile and a half from Kavsvillp police official hcep camp had been searching for the min since hi disappearance at one tune had operat Mr Barilo cd a pool hall m Bingham fLIE The KATS rompObed ing Alif 1871 Koll Child. . Smith Avenue, Sirvivmg an Jier husoand the fol- Joseph Willowing son ami daughters Em li m fmey Surge S amt Leland Mr and M Wilson Mr iude pry Auretta O Neill of Ogd'en seven and live greatgrandchildren and a number of brothers and sisters n Nellie V. M. Hull Mr Nellie Viola Medrum N Hull of wife of Owen t the View, died Wednesday home after ft three month 111- - PROVO Hull 60, Pleat-an- t i tnuly nes She was born Sov 7 1881 In 'Provo, daughter of James L and Hannah Haw she was educated m the Pro--a- o Mrldrurn t uy and wan, married to Mr. Hull in October 1905 in Idalip Falls Ihev lived in Idaho for 15 years fitter their marriage and then moved to Pleasreant lew, where they had since soled Mu was a number of the Hull Thur h, and an active worker in the Relief So letj three are her husband surviving son and two daughters, Hicron Hull Wallace Hull xii Canogu Park. ( alif Calif William Hull of Beverly Hill of Provo, M s Mary Merchant of Peoa and Mrs Leona tarter of Provoand 13 gnndchildren also I our brothers and three sister Flmer Meldium and Vernal survive Meldrum of Provo George Meldrum of N Y Calvin Meldrum of Hushing Mr Lillie Saekett of SterDale Ore Effie Collier of Pen-gil- h ling Idaho Mr Fleeta RUchis Minn - and Mr of Miner, British Columbia Perry Randall Cooper OGD1- N Futteiai ffemreirfor Perrv , and Hazel Cooper of fy'uis died from 2851 Quinry Aveniu i iting pills prescribed for the treatment of rheumatism will be hefd Friday at 1 pm id the Wellsville Second Ward Chapel bv Bishon Heber Murray. Interment will be in Wellsville The child died alter climbing OTJ To a kitchen upboard from ft chair and been obtaining the pills which had Soon reach believed to be above hi he became violently llL but responded well to treatment, dying sudfrom denly Wednesdiv at 12 30 am acute cardiac collapse find convulsion The child wa born March 23. 1940. in two I ogan surviving are the parent Cooper, sisters Delores and Gaylene ftnd Mr. hi and paternal grandparents, Mrs Joseph Cooper of Wellsville. R Dver who cotton com Postof-- f is a J1 by 10 foot addition, cotton's charm Sales for the first three months of 194J yvere $2,387, showing an mciease of $781 oyer the same period of 1941 Mr Rampton explained that annual stamp sales would have to reach approxi matclv cu 000 to give Boun'uul a second class irtiiig The Bounluul Junior Cham her of Coinmeit has unrleitaki n a campaign to push the sale m stamps at the local office, with the hope of vvitning a secoid-clas- s rating in the ceiy near fu- cool, crisp, colorful town tea goes to would usually be 12.75 ture wherRed Cross, USO Benefit . ever your busy day takes you you'll wear these colorful, charm-ful- l . Famous Irish Operetta To Be Sung In Provo cottons! A crisp, d Reid is in charge of costuming, and dancing is under the supet vision of Mis Mine Coleman bmitli suit linen-lik- e two-piec- seventh and eighth giades of Bugharn oung Junioi High More than 50 students will take pait in the tnoductiondi-iectehv Prof WWtiam F HanMiss Dorotha . with edgings of real Irish lace, . . . or this rose-bu- d print with sharkskin dickie will pairyv your prettiest summer accessories. Cool dark colors "grand for office wear, too. Blacprown, navy, kelly greermrhaize, red. Sizes 10 to Kathleen famous hv Ltlv Stuck-land- , will be presented Thuisdav afternoon and evening in live high school auditorium by the PRO O lush opeietta son 10.98 and They're real dress-u- p fashions! Defense class, As- 20. So sisting student traineis are Louise Russel Wakefield of Giand Junction, Colo, Hat is Bunk-eihof- f Mr and M,s Bleak vveie called of Piovo. Don Heminghv the Cluuch to help settle the way of Elv, Nev , and Maijorie I n tab s mis-iom Dixie Robbins of Bugharn Citv. cotton atstrw'ill act She went vTfh Mi Bleat?" aSTtlS tc roach plural wife and after aiming a out fashion Gloria Snell and laDengAn-doisohete helped dugout vvheie she made her fust home aie cast m theflait of Sut vicing are tlnce daughters, Kathleen, with Bdl Niehojs as B Ramsev of St. Mis Rose Iauv, Jovce Oajxd. Budget, Mcrilvn Morlewfind Mel Jaivis, Geoige, Mrs William A Nelson and-M- is Biddv . ot Huntington Paik, Calif, CuitwColvin, Herald, s Don- - Hatchru) Toolic, Paul Willis, W. ). roetzee of Eos three sens Samuel T an4 Paddy yFied Bane, Old Man. lewis Bleak of St Geoige and Caiulilie Nixon, Maiv, Katheryn Mm r, solo dancei .James Baird Wilfoul T Bleak.of Long Beach duid otheis, special song, George Calif. 5J gtantkhildi en, ')( gieat Ballif and Kail Joltnson, stage gramlvhlldien and ll gieatgie hands Guy Ivins, piopeities giandcluliiien. - Manly n Motley and Merlene ' Mincial set vices will hr Con charge- of ducted Friday at 5 TO mm at the' Ctavtotvgre-and advertising, with Bob St t.eoige Stake Tatpdnacle with Colleen Hannon as gan-a- nd liaiold 5. -snow, student-manager- sofficiating- 1 excitingly ZCMI little-price- DRESS HANGER er d. SECOND FLOOR n Cache County Nutrition For Defense Course Nears J-- Wed-ncbda- ol ol $6,-85- Mrs. Jane Thompson Bleak, 5)6, dies in St. George. Provo Prepares M of A1 'ikland Calif Mr Jslher Kid costing mote than SSOO James If Rampton, postmaster, tepoit-ethat the addition will provide foi 150 mote mail boxes and 100 floor space iquaie feet ofto extia Mi Rampton, the Actoiding Bountiful Postoffiee is expected to attain a second class rating within the next year. Stamp sales for the past fiscal vear, end0 1941, totaled ing June-J- O, Dies Seminary In s Haneen MLRKY CbarPe Alfred William. Lake nos 03 of Murray died at a pital Wedneaday aJ 11 45 a nt. of a 10, d OGDEN People who indulge In negative criticism of the conCall said Thuisdav duct of the war aie lgnoiatu,. 1 lie latest vutim of the poison onesided and liavo no icsponsi-bilitieser was a small pujv belonging to Coach Dick ltomney bf the rhildien of Distiul Judce 'the Utah State Agnndtural Coland Mis M M Mori ison, and lege told members of the Rouiy Vocal solos will he hv I u Dean tho death of the pet came as a ub-- V ednisibcy a nxI Dt mne-ec aw, pre-lu- de Butler to blow the voimgs-ter"heavy send Coach Romney advised in hv a Mi ing quaitet and few to lose does the Otheis past vice lng bojs into the armed set (hoi us hv the graduates Mima davs ate the ttnldren of Mr and of the country, that they be enSwain Is chaiiman of the exerMr Mis Mortis C.lover and and atcouraged in a proper mental Mis Nolan Jensen, f cises titude. He suggested that rather than refer to the horrible, side, of war, opportunities and chances for an education and advance ment be shown to them Personality will play a gieat part in winning the war, he said, he recalled the sterling character" of Jack Dcmpsct, LOG X Recognizing the linpoitdnce of Amcucan nutntion Babe Ruth, and Brigadier Genneeds duiing wartime-- , th Cache County Civilian Defense eral James (Jimmie) Doolittle, wholecP American volunteers in Council beaded hv Supt. V, Kn kbt ide, Thursday announced a raid over the Japanese empire a coui-- c in nutrition will be presented slioit tjiat members of - Mav at 2 pm m Nibley llalL the Rotary Pojs Club, who were Tlie course will he taught bv special' guests evinced interest in the spirited talk of the popof our people must he seriousJulia I,ee lglTtr noted home ular coach. Their leader, John ly considcied as a pait of nadirector of economist, Safeway Flet, said the bovs would never tional defense. Approximately Stores Homemakers Bureau, of all men called to forget they had dinner with service under the selective serv-ic- e .and prominent writer on nutn-DnTTion oC oneMa vdut ation, act are- - disqualified because of physical defects he addj it will be fice to the general iVisit With Parents Mi's Wiiglit has natipjTwlde public and PLEAS NT Mr MT NiMcv'Hdll is located on the acceptance .s an authpntv in" Mrs. C. H Jacobsen s five daugh- the field of lionu'cconomics campus The ters and thri-- r families are visil- - login High .School Siie Is the auUiorxr thc Kitch'-cprogiam is under the duect ing their parents here for a few Comse lnmitritlon,'' home spoiisoislup of the Cache Coundays Piesent are Mr. and Mis tv Nuti incut Council. of which economics ecMtoi of the Familv Worth Story, Chevenne, W50; Cncle Mpgazine Mr. and Mrs M J Jacobsen, Josephine S Heinnch is chairassoAll Cyclic Countv housewives man and Amv Kearslej, Sait Lake; Mr and Mrs Hugh residents interested Jn ciate and Downard, Spring Citv: Mr. and In announcing comse. familv nutrition are Invited to the Mr. T. T. Tate, Tooele, and Mr. the short course next Wednesfind Mrs. Elliott Johnson, EphSuperintendent Kiikbride pointt ed out that the nutrition need3 raim. day afternoon. d lifforl ilt Lake and Hanen ert Charles A. Williams Mr. OGDEN at 10 30 a in. at her died Wednesday .. . . home born July 10 101 Mrs Empey wa in Brigham daughter of bamuel City bha Smith and barah Jane lugram m Brigham spent her childhood Dec 1888. she 35, on and Connne, and the was married to William Empey in couThe House Salt Lake Endowment ple then moved to Ogden, where Cbey had resided since she was a member of Ogden Third where Ward she was active in the Relief Society lor 40 years She was memalso a Religion Class teacher, ber of the Genealogical. Society, S tern pie worker a former member of the ward chair and ft former eaptain of Camp B Daughters of Utah Pioneers Bountiful P. 0. Grows For Gaduation Dog Poisoner An Dean Harman of I on Angeles and (our brother wn itere John and ( Arthur ,j stitutional right-- ot constructive criticism while the world is aflame with brute might and njilitaiy force He declared Republicans must give allegiance to tbo government in the all important task of winning the war. stu-den- ning ation Medal for this distinction. Alternates were Cyril D Garr of Millville and Geoige H. Bui-le- y(udk.gucsis in ...attendance weie. David J Wilson ot Ogden, state chan man, Mrs Lail Davis, vice chaiiman, Geoige T. Han national committeemen, sen, national Holman, Mis T L commiueew omarr. D. K. Mottattr-statsecietary, Mrs. G. A. Marr, state organizer for the Federation of Womens Republican Clubs, all of Salt Lake. Judge Joseph E Nelson of Spanish Folk delivered the keyHe stressed the note address vital r.ced of reserving the con- Vff -- Declared To Be Home-Makin- g Dora liuxtaj) V? g C. alea M a man lor Glrnn C. Atilo Trailer at tho (company ime of hit death He it turvived vcntion. The convention pledged itself in the . lesolunons adopted to suppoit apaity pledged to eliminate all selfish mteicsts in the war, preservation of basic humanltbei ties, and maintenance of the American system A Sherman of government Liu istenson of Piovo, chairman of the lesolutions committee, presented the lesolutions. Other committee repot ts were Tuttle ot presented by Ed onR. ctCdcntials American Pork and Ea M Rowe of Piovo on piogtam and oidei of business. Penney Tells Students Of Success . Leading ROTC Cadets Cited m v V DriverEound Guilty -c- ostume, Obituaries Roy Fi eshw atci , 36, was found guilt v of dt tv IM . Wednesday hv jitunken M B Pope, pudge pio temof for Mr ice MURR 4 uwral il t 63. mlio the city coultNJuUovving a tnal. Thrr1 rmm 0423 tate t 'outh home. a her fine He vvas sentenced to pay 8t 8 45 P m . IueMli Street of LOt) or spive 40 dav in thp J uiU he nmliKted Saturday at 1 p m 100 East was"ar 7t i760. South 'tali; Miret, citv jail vWifikat Uua.uns tlu Ret tested on May 2 by TiOVO pbhee vnn 7 that flowpra ba TOVO one-thir- d nlr - lda;, This lathe plowed aignsthat greets rrulse in the sky over the Andy Little Sheep Ranch near here. Bob Kajlor, of tbf late, Andy Little, sheep king of Idaho, decided to &, iy.it with furious to the airmen. So. he ordered a sheepherder and a pair of trusty mules to the task. Ietters.-(Ph- oto by Wide World, courtesy The result Is this sign in Standard-Xewi Servhe). U. 8. Army and , Coach Romney Airs Vieivs On Youth And War f: . , "U son-in-la- now being emploved on the of the Geneva Works. 136,000,000 steel plant to be operated by the Columbia Steel tipon its expected completion In 1944. VJ skAartw Boise Near Fliers Field Flowed Sign Greets Gowen when they Gowen Field fliers near Boise, duce 1,100 tons ot pig iron dally, doubling the present capacity of the " Mrs tydia K Wight Bateman 05 reaident of West Jordan died yesterday Alm a at home ol a daughter Mr cerebral hem Parker houth Jordan, of orrhage and Mary A daughter ol Joseph- M Hurren Wight she was born at Brig ham City bopt 28 1870 Mrt In addition to. her daughter. Bateman is surveved by three son Bate-nn-O.n G J Lake Salt ol H Bateman of Union Ore and R M Bateman Lewie two brothers of Wet Jordan and James H M Wight of Salt Lake Bister Mrs two of Draper Wight Hiti Jfppeon of Willard anti Mr Mini 18 nt Lake grandchildren. Baird 'alt Frank Hyrum Hannan Harman of Eaai Vventh South Sired, died at v.terW at hia homy on March pm wan born In Salt Lake Ha m of Han and Marjr John 7 l&M X ton Hainan 13 41 Ho - Fmpey Lydia R. W Bateman ' (Frank H. H. Harman PROVO Republicans of Utah County, meeting,, in their biennial county convention WednesRulon J. day night, county Morgan of Provo as chaiiman for uiother two year term. He was unopjiosed ahd elected by acclamation knudsen ot Mrs Finest. E Spanish Folk wa named vice chairnpin of the county oigam-zatiowith Mayor O. Devere of American Wootton toik, The chaiiman will troasuiei a 'Change appoint the secretary, id procedure authonzed in the resolutions adopted by the con Columbia Alice R. S. Empey The Deseret News makes no chaige for obituary pictures. It is a service furnished without cost to our readers. Federal Allegiance .Urged To Help Win War W - "J State And Local Obituary Notices Utah County GOP Retains J. R. Morgan f-- 'L,. today, The coke ovens will supplye coke for the additional blast which is now in course of erection at the Ironton plant of the Columbia Steel by Batescon-&Rogers Company, Chicago tractors. Tne battery of coke ovctis will have a capacity of six tons of coal, to.be converted into, - three tons of coke per cnargc. Jron-ton- , The new blast furnace at - Thursday, May 21, 1942 THE' DESERET NEWS Salt Lake City, Utah t Thresba EePremo Fte-hwat- er n officeis R. D W ightman of Pavson w ho pleaded gutltv to a dt unken dm ing chaige was sentenced to pay a fine of $100 or serye JO days in the county tail. He was also at rested by Froyo police officers. l he family requpts omitted PreYnot Mr wa born in of John R Promo Dorihrtor "is Jun 15 daiiahlrr nf Mr and Nfr Ion Lake anl ''tabh she had resided In t minty 20 year Nflirrav 'Urvinng arp her huhand of and Mia iter Mr Id Feenc 1o ( Ura btihh and a brother John Staab. all ol Wiscnsm. 1879 i I Attend the British War Relief Forty next Sunday, 1133 Harvard Avenue,' Ticket 50c. |